74 research outputs found

    Amparo Moreno, en Qui té por de Virgina Woolf?

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    Crítica de la representació teatral al Teatreneu de Qui té por de Virgina Woolf? d'Edward Albee, traduïda per Jordi Arbonès, centrada en la figura d'Amparo Moreno que n'és l'actiu principal, publicada a La Vanguardia

    Mollusca and Microvertebrata from the Pleistocene terraces of the Tagus River of Toledo and Fuentidueña de Tajo (Central Spain)

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    The study of the terraces and its associated faunas from the areas of Toledo and Fuentidueña de Tajo in the Valley of the Tagus River, mainly from a palaeoenvironmental point of view, has been made in this work. Six new sites of fossil microvertebrates and fossil molluscs were found when this work was undertaked. Many of the sites with remains of microvertebrates and all the sites with fossil mollucs that were found in that prospecting are presented for the first time in this work. As regards to the last, it can be remarked that all the shells of the molluscs find out are of a very small size. That could be the consequence of the alloctone origin as it happens in the seasonal river side flooding. This suggestion is supported by the presence of freshwater and terrestrial species mixed in the same sample, as, for example, Succinea putris (characteristic biotope of humid areas near the river side), together with Helicella madritensis with a terrestrial habitat. The conditions of life of the twelve species of mollucs here analyzed suggest a temperate climate in the Middle Pleistocene at the time of the sites deposition, similar to the present day in the area. Besides, the presence of Helicella madritensis, a xerophillus species that lives today in the arid areas of the central plateau of the Iberian Peninsula, suggests a climate with large dry periods not very different from now. The habitat of Truncatellina cylindrica (very dry calcareous grassy or rocky places) and that of Vallonia costata (dry open calcareous places) supports the sames suggestions.Peer reviewe

    Una propuesta de mentoría académica entre iguales para el Grado en Ingeniería Informática

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    En este trabajo presentamos la organización y desarrollo de un programa de mentoría académica entre iguales, Aula Lliure, y algunos de sus resultados, por el momento todavía escasos pero prometedores. Inspirado en el programa del mismo nombre de la Escuela de Ingenieros Industriales de nuestra universidad, el proyecto forma parte de un programa integral de acción tutorial dirigido, fundamentalmente, a los estudiantes de primero del Grado en Ingeniería Informática. En la puesta en marcha del proyecto han intervenido estudiantes voluntarios de cursos superiores, el equipo directivo y los servicios informáticos del centro, así como los profesores coordinadores de las distintas asignaturas impartidas. Como hemos constatado en los resultados de las encuestas realizadas, la experiencia está resultando positiva para los estudiantes que ejercen por primera vez de docentes frente a sus iguales y para los que son mentorizados. Finalmente, presentamos el análisis de los resultados obtenidos en seis asignaturas impartidas durante los cursos académicos 17/18 y 18/19.In this paper, we summarize the organization and development of an academic mentoring program among equals, Aula Lliure, and some of its results, at the moment still scarce but promising. Inspired by its namesake, still running at the Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering of our university, the project is part of a comprehensive program of tutorial action aimed, fundamentally, at first year students at the Barcelona School of Informatics. Second-year and beyond volunteer students, the management team and the computer services of the center, as well as the coordinating professors of the taught subjects, have participated in the project. As confirmed by the surveys that have been carried out, the experience is proving positive both for the students who practice for the first time as teachers in front of their peers, and for those who are mentored. Finally, we analyze the results obtained for six subjects mentored during the academic years 17/18 and 18/19.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Bioestratigrafía y biogeografía de la fauna de Mamíferos de Los Valles de Fuentidueña (Segovia)

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    RESUMEN El yacimiento de Los Valles de Fuentidueña ha proporcionado una fauna de gran interés para la caracterización del Vallesiense inferior de la cuenca del Duero al agrupar gran diversidad de especies de macro y micromamíferos, permitiendo correlacionarla con faunas de la misma edad en otras cuencas. El análisis de este conjunto faunístico permite afirmar que durante el Aragoniense superior y Vallesiense inferior la fauna de la cuenca del Duero es netamente semejante a la de la cuenca de Calatayud-Teruel, pudiendo ser ambas incluidas en una misma unidad biogeográfica, distinta de la del Vallés-Penedés, cuya fauna presenta mayores afinidades con las de Francia y Alemania de esta edad. Por último, la caracterización del límite Aragoniense-Vallesiense posee un significado diferente para las faunas de roedores que para las de macromamíferos; para las primeras no existe corte faunístico, mientras que para las segundas la entrada del género Hipparion supone una alteración importante y brusca en su composición.ABSTRACT The site Los Valles de Fuentidueña (Segovia, Spain), having provided remains of a diversified fauna of both micro- and macromammals, becomes highly relevant for the characterization of the Lower Vallesian from the Duero basin, allowing correlations with faunal assemblages of the same age in other basins. The analysis of this fauna indicates that during the Upper Aragonian and Lower Vallesian the Duero basin fauna is clearly similar to the Calatayud-Teruel basin one, being possible in fact to include both in a single biogeographical unit. This unit shows clear differences with respect to the Vallés-Penedés faunal composition, that presents more similarities with the German and French ones of the same age. Finally, it is shown that the delimitation of the Aragonian-Vallesian boundary has a different character for micro- and macromammals. The former present no noticeable faunistic "coupure", while in the latter the sudden appearance of the genus Hipparion causes an important alteration on its compositions.Peer reviewe

    Control de la dinámica de vórtices en nano-películas superconductoras con espesor modulado

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    Resumen del póster presentado a la 6ª Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores en Física y Química de Aragón celebrada en Zaragoza el 20 de noviembre de 2014.Peer reviewe

    Una propuesta de mentoría académica entre iguales para el Grado en Ingeniería Informática

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    En este trabajo presentamos la organización y desarrollo de un programa de mentoría académica entre iguales, Aula Lliure, y algunos de sus resultados, por el momento todavía escasos pero prometedores. Inspirado en el programa del mismo nombre de la Escuela de Ingenieros Industriales de nuestra universidad, el proyecto forma parte de un programa integral de acción tutorial dirigido, fundamentalmente, a los estudiantes de primero del Grado en Ingeniería Informática. En la puesta en marcha del proyecto han intervenido estudiantes voluntarios de cursos superiores, el equipo directivo y los servicios informáticos del centro, así como los profesores coordinadores de las distintas asignaturas impartidas. Como hemos constatado en los resultados de las encuestas realizadas, la experiencia está resultando positiva para los estudiantes que ejercen por primera vez de docentes frente a sus iguales y para los que son mentorizados. Finalmente, presentamos el análisis de los resultados obtenidos en seis asignaturas impartidas durante los cursos académicos 17/18 y 18/19.In this paper, we summarize the organization and development of an academic mentoring program among equals, Aula Lliure, and some of its results, at the moment still scarce but promising. Inspired by its namesake, still running at the Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering of our university, the project is part of a comprehensive program of tutorial action aimed, fundamentally, at first year students at the Barcelona School of Informatics. Second-year and beyond volunteer students, the management team and the computer services of the center, as well as the coordinating professors of the taught subjects, have participated in the project. As confirmed by the surveys that have been carried out, the experience is proving positive both for the students who practice for the first time as teachers in front of their peers, and for those who are mentored. Finally, we analyze the results obtained for six subjects mentored during the academic years 17/18 and 18/19

    Estudio paleoambiental de nuevos yacimientos de plantas y vertebrados de la “Unidad Intermedia” del Mioceno Medio de la cuenca de Madrid.

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    Se dan a conocer los vegetales fósiles (macrorrestos foliares, frutos y palinomorfos) y una asociación de microvertebrados encontrados en yacimientos descubiertos en la “Unidad Intermedia” del Mioceno de Madrid. Los restos paleobotánicos y palinológicos se encuentran en cinco yacimientos, mientras que los de microvertebrados aparecen en otro distinto, cercano a los anteriores y estratigráficamente por encima de éstos. En general la palinoflora identificada es bastante uniforme en todos los yacimientos; no así la macroflora que presenta peculiaridades en alguno de ellos. Los datos paleobotánicos ponen de manifiesto una vegetación muy diversa con géneros y especies característicos de medios montanos, abanicos aluviales, márgenes lacustre-palustres y lagunares. Los resultados del estudio de la macroflora y de los palinomorfos se representan y ubican en un perfil sintético y en un bloque diagrama esquemático. [ABSTRACT] Some palaeobotanical assemblages (spores, pollen, leaves, seeds and fruits) and microvertebrates found in the “Unidad intermedia” from middle Miocene deposits of the Madrid basin are studied. The fossil plants appear in five sites, and the vertebrate fossils in other site, near the formers, but stratigraphically above these. The palynological assemblages are quite similar in all the sites, but the macroremains associations present taphonomic peculiarities in some of them.The fossil plants identified show some elements of acuatic, flooded, riparian and of river banks environments with some deciduous and evergreen forest taxa. The palaeobotanical data are symbolized and ecologically located in a syntetic section and in a diagram. The different environments which had been delimited are represented. The vertebrate fossil assemblage is made of two taxa of Reptilia (one Lacertidae and one Anguidae), and, among the mammals, the Sciuridae Heteroxerus cf. rubricati, the Gliridae cf. Armantomys sp., the Cricetidae Megacricetodon collongensis - crusafonti, one Insectivora and some remains of Lagomorpha. From a biostratigraphical point of view, this faunal assemblage may corresponds to the Middle Miocene, to the Upper Aragonian, but not to latest among the Zones F, G1 and G2 (sensu Daams and Freudenthal, 1988a) that can be correlated with the NM 6 Unit (sensu Mein, 1975). This fauna suggests a mainly open environment and a relatively dry climate

    Superconducting density of states at the border of an amorphous thin film grown by focused-ion-beam

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    We present very low temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy (STM/S) measurements of a W based amorphous thin film grown with focused-ion-beam. In particular, we address the superconducting properties close to the border, where the thickness of the superconducting film decreases, and the Au substrate emerges. When approaching the Au substrate, the superconducting tunneling conductance strongly increases around the Fermi level, and the quasiparticle peaks do not significantly change its position. Under magnetic fields, the vortex lattice is observed, with vortices positioned very close to the Au substrate.Comment: To appear in Journal of Physics: Conference serie

    Enhancement of long-range correlations in a 2D vortex lattice by an incommensurate 1D disorder potential

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    arXiv:1410.7782v1Long-range correlations in two-dimensional (2D) systems are significantly altered by disorder potentials. Theory has predicted the existence of disorder-induced phenomena, such as Anderson localization or the emergence of a Bose glass. More recently, it has been shown that when disorder breaks 2D continuous symmetry, long-range correlations can be enhanced. Experimentally, developments in quantum gases have allowed the observation of the effects of competition between interaction and disorder. However, experiments exploring the effect of symmetry-breaking disorder are lacking. Here, we create a 2D vortex lattice at 0.1 K in a superconducting thin film with a well-defined 1D thickness modulation - the symmetry-breaking disorder - and track the field-induced modification using scanning tunnelling microscopy. We find that the 1D modulation becomes incommensurate with the vortex lattice and drives an order-disorder transition, behaving as a scale-invariant disorder potential. We show that the transition occurs in two steps and is mediated by the proliferation of topological defects. The resulting critical exponents determining the loss of positional and orientational order are far above theoretical expectations for scale-invariant disorder and follow instead the critical behaviour describing dislocation unbinding melting. Our data show that randomness disorders a 2D crystal, with enhanced long-range correlations due to the presence of a 1D modulation.This work was supported by the Spanish MINECO (FIS2011-23488, MAT2011-27553-C02, MAT 2012-38318-C03, Consolider Ingenio Molecular Nanoscience CSD2007-00010), the Comunidad de Madrid through program Nanobiomagnet (S2009/MAT-1726) and by the Marie Curie Actions under the project FP7-PEOPLE-2013-CIG-618321 and contract no. FP7-PEOPLE-2010-IEF-273105.Peer Reviewe

    Direct observation of stress accumulation and relaxation in small bundles of superconducting vortices in tungsten thin-films

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    We study the behavior of bundles of superconducting vortices when increasing the magnetic field using scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM/S) at 100 mK. Pinning centers are given by features on the surface corrugation. We find strong net vortex motion in a bundle towards a well defined direction. We observe continuos changes of the vortex arrangements, and identify small displacements, which stress and deform the vortex bundle, separated by larger re-arrangements or avalanches, which release accumulated stress.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, and 2 EPAPS figure