675 research outputs found

    Supergravity Inspired Warped Compactifications and Effective Cosmological Constants

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    We propose a supergravity inspired derivation of a Randall-Sundrum's type action as an effective description of the dynamics of a brane coupled to the bulk through gravity only. The cosmological constants in the bulk and on the brane appear at the classical level when solving the equations of motion describing the bosonic sector of supergravities in ten and eleven dimensions coupled to the brane. They are related to physical quantities like the brane electric charge and thus inherit some of their physical properties. The most appealing property is their quantization: in d_\perp extra dimensions, Lambda_brane goes like N and Lambda_bulk like N^{2/(2-d_perp)}. This dynamical origin also explains the apparent fine-tuning required in the Randall-Sundrum scenario. In our approach, the cosmological constants are derived parameters and cannot be chosen arbitrarily; instead they are determined by the underlying Lagrangian. Some of the branes we construct that support cosmological constant in the bulk have supersymmetric properties: D3-branes of type IIB superstring theory provide an explicit example.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure. v2: references added and a comment about D-8 brane of massive IIA sugra included v3: improved argument on the effective cosmological constants quantization and clarified discussion on the supersymmetric issue of the solutions constructed. Final version to appear in NP

    Inflating Intersecting Branes and Remarks on the Hierarchy Problem

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    We generalize solutions of Einstein's equations for intersecting branes in higher dimensional spacetimes to the nonstatic case, modeling an expanding universe. The relation between the Hubble rate, the brane tensions, and the bulk cosmological constant is similar to the case of a single 3-brane in a 5-dimensional spacetime. However, because the bulk inflates as well as the branes, this class of solutions suffers from Newton's constant tending toward zero on the TeV brane, where the Randall-Sundrum mechanism should solve the weak scale hierarchy problem. The strength of gravity remains constant on the Planck brane, however.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX. v2:Misprint in eq. (23) corrected; citations fixed and clarified relationship of our work to hep-th/9909053 and hep-th/9909076 v3: final version to appear in PLB. Corrected discussion of the time dependance of the 4-D Planck mass on the TeV brane. Some references added to earlier works on warped Kaluza-Klein compactification

    Probing top-Higgs non-standard interactions at the LHC

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    Effective interactions involving both the top quark and the Higgs field are among the least constrained of all possible (gauge invariant) dimension-six operators in the Standard Model. Such a handful of operators, in particular the top quark chromomagnetic dipole moment, might encapsulate signs of the new physics responsible for electroweak symmetry breaking. In this work, we compute the contributions of these operators to inclusive Higgs and t tbar h production. We argue that: i) rather strong constraints on the overall size of these operators can already be obtained from the current limits/evidence on Higgs production at the LHC; ii) t tbar h production will provide further key information that is complementary to t tbar measurements, and the possibility of discriminating among different contributions by performing accurate measurements of total and differential rates.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures. v2: Logarithmic contribution of the top quark chromomagnetic operator to Higgs production by gluon fusion correcte

    Elastic Scattering and Direct Detection of Kaluza-Klein Dark Matter

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    Recently a new dark matter candidate has been proposed as a consequence of universal compact extra dimensions. It was found that to account for cosmological observations, the masses of the first Kaluza-Klein modes (and thus the approximate size of the extra dimension) should be in the range 600-1200 GeV when the lightest Kaluza-Klein particle (LKP) corresponds to the hypercharge boson and in the range 1 - 1.8 TeV when it corresponds to a neutrino. In this article, we compute the elastic scattering cross sections between Kaluza-Klein dark matter and nuclei both when the lightest Kaluza-Klein particle is a KK mode of a weak gauge boson, and when it is a neutrino. We include nuclear form factor effects which are important to take into account due to the large LKP masses favored by estimates of the relic density. We present both differential and integrated rates for present and proposed Germanium, NaI and Xenon detectors. Observable rates at current detectors are typically less than one event per year, but the next generation of detectors can probe a significant fraction of the relevant parameter space.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures; v2,v3: Ref. added, discussion improved, conclusions unchanged. v4: Introduction was expanded to be more appropriate for non experts. Various clarifications added in the text. Version to be published in New Journal of Physic

    Dirac Neutrino Dark Matter

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    We investigate the possibility that dark matter is made of heavy Dirac neutrinos with mass in the range [O(1) GeV- a few TeV] and with suppressed but non-zero coupling to the Standard Model Z as well as a coupling to an additional Z' gauge boson. The first part of this paper provides a model-independent analysis for the relic density and direct detection in terms of four main parameters: the mass, the couplings to the Z, to the Z' and to the Higgs. These WIMP candidates arise naturally as Kaluza-Klein states in extra-dimensional models with extended electroweak gauge group SU(2)_L* SU(2)_R * U(1). They can be stable because of Kaluza-Klein parity or of other discrete symmetries related to baryon number for instance, or even, in the low mass and low coupling limits, just because of a phase-space-suppressed decay width. An interesting aspect of warped models is that the extra Z' typically couples only to the third generation, thus avoiding the usual experimental constraints. In the second part of the paper, we illustrate the situation in details in a warped GUT model.Comment: 35 pages, 25 figures; v2: JCAP version; presentation and plots improved, results unchange

    The Indirect Search for Dark Matter with IceCube

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    We revisit the prospects for IceCube and similar kilometer-scale telescopes to detect neutrinos produced by the annihilation of weakly interacting massive dark matter particles (WIMPs) in the Sun. We emphasize that the astrophysics of the problem is understood; models can be observed or, alternatively, ruled out. In searching for a WIMP with spin-independent interactions with ordinary matter, IceCube is only competitive with direct detection experiments if the WIMP mass is sufficiently large. For spin-dependent interactions IceCube already has improved the best limits on spin-dependent WIMP cross sections by two orders of magnitude. This is largely due to the fact that models with significant spin-dependent couplings to protons are the least constrained and, at the same time, the most promising because of the efficient capture of WIMPs in the Sun. We identify models where dark matter particles are beyond the reach of any planned direct detection experiments while being within reach of neutrino telescopes. In summary, we find that, even when contemplating recent direct detection results, neutrino telescopes have the opportunity to play an important as well as complementary role in the search for particle dark matter.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, published in the New Journal of Physics 11 105019 http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/1367-2630/11/10/105019, new version submitted to correct Abstract in origina

    An Introduction to Extra Dimensions

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    Models that involve extra dimensions have introduced completely new ways of looking up on old problems in theoretical physics. The aim of the present notes is to provide a brief introduction to the many uses that extra dimensions have found over the last few years, mainly following an effective field theory point of view. Most parts of the discussion are devoted to models with flat extra dimensions, covering both theoretical and phenomenological aspects. We also discuss some of the new ideas for model building where extra dimensions may play a role, including symmetry breaking by diverse new and old mechanisms. Some interesting applications of these ideas are discussed over the notes, including models for neutrino masses and proton stability. The last part of this review addresses some aspects of warped extra dimensions, and graviton localization.Comment: 39 pages. Two figures. Comments and references added. Lectures given at the XI Mexican School of Particles and Fields. Xalapa, Mexico, August 1-13, 200

    Gamma Ray Lines from a Universal Extra Dimension

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    Indirect Dark Matter searches are based on the observation of secondary particles produced by the annihilation or decay of Dark Matter. Among them, gamma-rays are perhaps the most promising messengers, as they do not suffer deflection or absorption on Galactic scales, so their observation would directly reveal the position and the energy spectrum of the emitting source. Here, we study the detailed gamma-ray energy spectrum of Kaluza--Klein Dark Matter in a theory with 5 Universal Extra Dimensions. We focus in particular on the two body annihilation of Dark Matter particles into a photon and another particle, which produces monochromatic photons, resulting in a line in the energy spectrum of gamma rays. Previous calculations in the context of the five dimensional UED model have computed the line signal from annihilations into \gamma \gamma, but we extend these results to include \gamma Z and \gamma H final states. We find that these spectral lines are subdominant compared to the predicted \gamma \gamma signal, but they would be important as follow-up signals in the event of the observation of the \gamma \gamma line, in order to distinguish the 5d UED model from other theoretical scenarios.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Cosmological Consequences of Nearly Conformal Dynamics at the TeV scale

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    Nearly conformal dynamics at the TeV scale as motivated by the hierarchy problem can be characterized by a stage of significant supercooling at the electroweak epoch. This has important cosmological consequences. In particular, a common assumption about the history of the universe is that the reheating temperature is high, at least high enough to assume that TeV-mass particles were once in thermal equilibrium. However, as we discuss in this paper, this assumption is not well justified in some models of strong dynamics at the TeV scale. We then need to reexamine how to achieve baryogenesis in these theories as well as reconsider how the dark matter abundance is inherited. We argue that baryonic and dark matter abundances can be explained naturally in these setups where reheating takes place by bubble collisions at the end of the strongly first-order phase transition characterizing conformal symmetry breaking, even if the reheating temperature is below the electroweak scale 100\sim 100 GeV. We also discuss inflation as well as gravity wave smoking gun signatures of this class of models.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Indirect Detection of Kaluza-Klein Dark Matter from Latticized Universal Dimensions

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    We consider Kaluza-Klein dark matter from latticized universal dimensions. We motivate and investigate two different lattice models, where the models differ in the choice of boundary conditions. The models reproduce relevant features of the continuum model for Kaluza-Klein dark matter. For the model with simple boundary conditions, this is the case even for a model with only a few lattice sites. We study the effects of the latticization on the differential flux of positrons from Kaluza-Klein dark matter annihilation in the galactic halo. We find that for different choices of the compactification radius, the differential positron flux rapidly converges to the continuum model results as a function of the number of lattice sites. In addition, we consider the prospects for upcoming space-based experiments such as PAMELA and AMS-02 to probe the latticization effect.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures, LaTeX. Final version published in JCA