242 research outputs found

    Doing translation history and writing a history of translation: the main issues and some examples concerning Portuguese culture

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    Within Translation Studies, much research has been conducted under "the specific viewpoint [history] applied to the variety of material objects that share the label 'translation'". Moreover, the historical viewpoint responds to readers' expectations: be it a case study or a theoretical discussion, some historical background is demanded by accepted academic standards. It is part of a required context. However, a different issue emerges when the project of a history of translation in a particular country is to be reflected upon. My concern will be meta-historiographical in nature. Indeed, one of the main hurdles to be cleared is the use of some recurrent concepts in traditional historiography, such as "fact"and "event,""change,""progress"or "period."To what extent are they appropriate in translation history? Additionally, the narrative form implicit in history writing has to be tackled, as it implies a great deal of selection and exclusion, and above all questions of sequence and causation which are at the core of historical thought. The discussion of the above mentioned concepts will be illustrated with examples from Portuguese translation history.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fabricación de tintas y tinturas en forma artesanal

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    Fil: Delhez, Cristian. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Artes y DiseñoFil: Fernández Seruya, Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Artes y Diseñ

    Occupational Therapists’ Perspectives on Family-Centered Practices in Early Intervention

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    Background: Early intervention (EI) requires service provision in natural settings while incorporating interventions based on family-centered practice (FCP). This study sought to understand (a) how occupational therapists define and implement FCP in their daily interventions and (b) therapists’ perspectives on using this model of practice in EI. Method: This study used a qualitative, phenomenological approach. Nine licensed occupational therapists from six states with a minimum of 3 years of working experience in the area of EI participated. Semi-structured interviews were recorded, transcribed, and subsequently coded and analyzed for emergent themes. Results: The therapists had an average of 12.6 years of experience in EI. Four themes were identified: (a) confusion on meaning and implementation of FCP, (b) FCP creates feelings of insecurity, (c) FCP requires therapists to assume roles and engage in activities or practices for which they are not prepared, and (d) systemic issues affect the ability to implement FCP in EI. Conclusion: The participants reported limited evidence-based practice guidelines on FCP models and emphasized the need for training to have a commonality in defining and implementing FCP. Findings indicate a need to address systemic issues affecting how services are approved, delivered, and funded


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    Tradução e revolução: encontros e desencontros. O caso das colecções de literatura (1974-1980)

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    O objetivo do presente estudo preliminar é interrogar o panorama da tradução em Portugal logo depois da Revolução do 25 de Abril, à procura de eventuais mudanças que esta possa ter causado. Tratando-se do nível da cultura, torna-se necessário discutir primeiro o conceito de revolução com o qual se pode operar a este nível. O corpus escolhido para tratar o assunto são antologias e coleções de literatu ra, recolhidas do projeto bibliográfico Intercultural Literature in Portugal 1930- 2000: a Critical Bibliography, uma parceria entre o CECC (Universidade Católi ca Portuguesa) e o CEAUL (Universidade de Lisboa). As razões desta seleção prendem-se com os resultados de estudos já feitos que apontam para estas formas de organização da oferta literária como sendo muito representativas das décadas 1940 a 1970. Revelam-se, portanto, particularmente adequadas à observação de eventuais mudanças. Em última análise, pretende-se averiguar até que ponto 1974 e a Revolução de Abril poderão também constituir um novo período da história da tradução em Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Misérias e esplendores da tradução no Portugal do Estado Novo

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    Com esta coletânea de iniciação a uma história da tradução em Portugal pretende-se, por um lado, chamar a atenção para a inexistência dessa história, uma lacuna notória na nossa cultura, por outro, refletir sobre as suas condições de possibilidade. O Estado Novo, regime ditatorial bem delimitado no tempo, e próximo de investigadores e leitores ainda hoje, revelou-se um laboratório adequado à definição e análise de corpora de traduções, de políticas editoriais, de públicos, bem como à experimentação de metodologias de investigação específicas do objetivo a atingir.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Stefan Zweig em Portugal. História de um sucesso

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    In this contribution I intend to reconstruct a brief history of the reception of the worldly famous Austrian writer Stefan Zweig (1881-1942) in Portugal. His first translation datesfrom 1934, but it was between 1937 and 1950 that most of his novellas, essays and biographies (30 titles) were published by Civilização, a publisher from Oporto. His works were mostly translated from French and enjoyed great popularity among the reading public, considering that some have reached 19 editions. When Zweig came to Portugal on a short private holiday in 1938 his presence was largelyannounced and commented (and praised) by the press. The same happened after his tragic death in Brazil in 1942.A Zweig revival takes place in the early 21stcentury, which shows a renewed interest in this author, now directly translated from German. I will examine this phenomenon, with a considerable number of retranslations and I will tackle the question of what books have been chosen for new translations. I will also look at the impact of Zweig’s life and work on film-makers such as Wes Anderson and Maria Schrader, whose successful works were largely noticed in the press, thus reinforcing Zweig’s visibility in the Portuguese cultural life. It has to be mentioned that literary critics and intellectuals are now paying a particular attention to his autobiography The World of Yesterday.Memoriesof an European, which provides enough food for thought in a time of deep crisis in the European ideals.Neste contributo pretendo fazer uma história abreviada da recepção do autor austríaco Stefan Zweig (1881-1942) em Portugal, desde a sua primeira tradução em 1934 até ao presente, em que se verificam várias novas traduções (retraduções) e reedições da sua obra novelística, biográfica e ensaísta, assim como adaptações ao cinema da sua vida e obra. Trata-se, na verdade, de uma história de sucesso. Entre 1937 e 1983 Zweig, através da editora portuense Civilização, foi traduzido e reeditado inúmeras vezes. Títulos como Vinte e Quatro Horas na Vida de Uma Mulher, Carta de uma Desconhecida, Amokou das biografias Maria Antonieta e Maria Stuart ficaram no ouvido e nas estantes das gerações dos anos 30 e 40. E quando Zweig passou por Portugal em 1938 a imprensa não se cansou de o noticiar (e elogiar), o que voltou a acontecer por ocasião da sua trágica morte no Brasil. Presto depois atenção ao regresso de Zweig à vida literária e cultural portuguesa no século XXI. Analiso o fenómeno das retraduções e seu significado e comento o eco da autobiografia O Mundo de Ontem em críticos literários, intelectuais e cineastas, não esquecendo os contributos da investigação universitári

    Showcasing de boas práticas de valorização das pessoas: porquê identificar e partilhar boas práticas

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    Comunicação apresentada no Ciclo de Debates "Pensar a Administração Pública", 13.ª Sessão - Valorização das pessoas: liderança, comunicação, motivação, satisfação, organizada pelo INA, em Lisboa a 9 de abril de 201

    Connected Rhythm: A Scoping Review of Therapeutic Drumming as an Intervention for Autistic Individuals

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    Background: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurologically-based developmental disorder representing a subdomain of neurodivergence. Occupational therapy intervention for ASD typically incorporates sensory modalities, addressing a multitude of challenges, including mental health outcomes. This scoping review analyzes available evidence of the sensory-based intervention of therapeutic drumming (TD) to improve mental health in autistic clients. Method: Following the Johanna Briggs methodological framework, Proquest, Ebsco, Scopus and OTseeker databases were searched with the key and related words of “autism,” “therapeutic drumming,” and “mental health,” yielding 448 articles. After removal of duplicates and application of inclusion criteria, seventeen articles were included in the final analysis. Results: Analysis revealed strong consistency in delivery and implementation of TD intervention. Instrumentation of outcome measures, in contrast, was not well-synchronized; therefore, efficacy of the intervention was difficult to assess. Conclusion: Limitations included a general lack of research, limited research of TD with autistic people in occupational therapy literature, and a dearth of strongly instrumented research. This review revealed valuable contributions of TD interventions as a neurodiversity-affirming practice to support mental health and inform future studies of implementation of TD for people with ASD across the lifespan within the scope of occupational therapy

    Analisis Faktor Dan Pengelompokkan Kabupaten/Kota Berdasarkan Indikator Kemiskinan Di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) adalah salah satu Provinsi yang masih memiliki banyak persoalan kemiskinan yang harus di lakukan penanggulangan. Nusa Tenggara Timur menduduki peringkat ketiga persentase penduduk miskin. Masalah kemiskinan yang terus di alami disebabkan oleh indikator pendidikan, kesehatan, dan infrastruktur. Oleh karena itu, akan dilihat penyebaran kemiskinan tersebut di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur berdasarkan indikator pendidikan, kesehatan, dan infrastruktur maka perlu dilihat bagaimana kedekatan dari kabupaten/kota yang ada di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur berdasarkan variabel-variabel yang berhubungan dengan indikator yang dimaksud dengan melihat kedekatan antar setiap kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur dengan analisis faktor dan klaster. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang berasal dari beberapa badan negara yaitu Badan Pusat Statistika dan Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur 2013 yang terdiri dari 21 kabupaten/kota. Hasil yang didapat adalah terbentuk 7 faktor berdasarkan indikator pendidikan, kesehatan, dan infrastruktur yaitu faktor pencapaian kesejahteraan pendidikan, faktor pendidikan dasar, faktor pencapaian kesejahteraan manusia, faktor pencapaian keselamatan ibu dan bayi, faktor pencapaian harapan hidup, faktor infrastruktur dasar, dan faktor infrastruktur pendukung. Pada analisis klaster untuk indikator pendidikan, indikator kesehatan, dan indikator kemiskinan terbentuk 4 kelompok. Sedangkan untuk analisis klaster pada indikator infrastruktur terbentuk 3 kelompok. ================================================================================================= East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is a province that still has many problems of poverty that should be done. For percentage of poor city in Indonesia, East Nusa Tenggara was ranked third. The problem of poverty is caused by some indicators such as education, health, and infrastructure. Therefore, it will be seen the spread of poverty in East Nusa Tenggara, based on three indicators that is education, health, and infrastructure to know the spread of poverty in the region of these indicators it is necessary to know how the proximity of districts in East Nusa Tenggara Province based on some variables from that indicators with methods factor analysis and cluster analysis used to know this spread of poverty in East Nusa Tenggara. The data used in this research is secondary data from several state such as the Central Bureau of Statistics and the Healty Service of East Nusa Tenggara province in 2013 that consists of 21 districts/cities. The results of this research are formed seven factors based on indicators of education, health, and infrastructure. That factors are achievement of educational, basic education, achievement of human well-being, maternal and infant life achievement, achievement of a life expectancy, basic infrastructure, and supporting infrastructure factor. In the cluster analysis for education indicator, health indicator, and proverty is formed four groups. Than in the cluster analysis from infrastructure indicators is formed three groups