170 research outputs found

    La integración del arteterapia en los equipos interdisciplinares en el ámbito clínico: experiencias desde la intervención con niños adolescentes en salud mental infanto juvenil

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    La presente tesis supone la continuidad del que fuera el trabajo para la obtención de la Suficiencia Investigadora en 2010. El punto de partida era la motivación para la investigación desde la identidad profesional como arteterapeuta, posición que aúna aspectos relacionados con la observación, la reflexión, el análisis, la experimentación y la integración de los hallazgos conclusivos en el ejercicio de la propia práctica profesional. Dando por sentada la validez de las aportaciones de la intervención desde el arteterapia en los diferentes contextos, y teniendo en cuenta las experiencias profesionales y de investigación desarrolladas en España, es importante señalar que como disciplina aún no está oficialmente reconocida lo que hace que los arteterapeutas sean responsables de constituir su propio cuerpo teóricometodológico, con el fin último de que su trabajo sea reconocido. La práctica sistematizada del arteterapia en España se inicia hace aproximadamente una década, una práctica basada en un código ético compartido por las distintas asociaciones profesionales como integrantes de la Federación Española de Asociaciones Profesionales de Arteterapia (FEAPA). Sin embargo, por la inestabilidad de la profesión, pocos son los arteterapeutas que cuentan con un contrato de trabajo, situación que provoca una sensación de precariedad personal y profesional. Al mismo tiempo, la situación puede ser entendida como un síntoma del desconocimiento de la naturaleza del arteterapia tanto en su concepción académica como profesional, así como sobre las posibilidades y alcance de las intervenciones arteterapéuticas en los diferentes contextos, especialmente en el clínico, en el que el arte ha jugado tradicionalmente un papel mediador u ocupacional..

    Validación de instrumentos para la valoración de las relaciones abuelos-nietos en Educación Primaria

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    This study presents the results of the validation process of two data collection instruments on the inclusion of grandparent-grandchild relationships in Primary Education. Two ad hoc questionnaires were designed for the families of the students and the teachers (CUABU-F and CUMEABU-D) with the aim of assessing their conceptions of the roles and profiles of grandparenting and their influence on the development of school children’s identity. From a quantitative approach and with an analytical design, the content validity was estimated through expert judgment, the internal consistency (Cronbach's Alpha model) and the construct validity (Principal Component analysis) of both instruments. An instrumental research design that consisted of two phases was used. In the first one, seven experts participated, who judged the questionnaires based on a scale developed for this purpose. The second phase consisted of a pilot study where information was collected from 110 teachers and 72 parents of Year 5 students in the Region of Murcia. The results showed that the instruments had content validity in terms of their pertinence, coherence, sufficiency, adequacy, relevance and clarity. Furthermore, both instruments revealed fairly high reliability and adequate construct validity. These questionnaires allowed for the diagnostic evaluation of a project that promotes grandparent-grandchild relationships in Primary Education classrooms. En esta investigación se presentan los resultados del proceso de validación de dos instrumentos de recogida de información sobre la inclusión de las relaciones abuelos-nietos en Educación Primaria. Se diseñaron dos cuestionarios ad hoc dirigidos a las familias del alumnado y a los docentes (CUABU-F y CUMEABU-D), con el objetivo de valorar sus concepciones sobre los roles y perfiles de abuelidad y la influencia de estos en el desarrollo de la identidad de los escolares. Desde un enfoque cuantitativo y con un diseño analítico se han estimado la validez de contenido mediante el juicio de expertos, la consistencia interna (modelo Alfa de Cronbach) y la validez de constructo (análisis de Componentes Principales) de ambos instrumentos. Se trata de una investigación instrumental que constó de dos fases. En la primera participaron siete expertos que juzgaron los cuestionarios a partir de una escala elaborada para tal fin. La segunda fase consistió en un estudio piloto donde se recogió información de 110 docentes de Educación Primaria y 72 padres y madres del alumnado del 5.º curso de dicha etapa educativa de la Región de Murcia.  Los resultados evidenciaron que los instrumentos poseían validez de contenido en cuanto a su pertinencia, coherencia, suficiencia, adecuación, relevancia y claridad. Además, ambos revelaron una confiabilidad bastante alta y una adecuada validez de constructo. Estos cuestionarios permitirán la evaluación diagnóstica de un proyecto que fomente las relaciones abuelos-nietos en las aulas de Educación Primaria

    Young Nursing Student’s Knowledge and Attitudes about Contraceptive Methods

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    We would like to thank all the nursing students who voluntarily participated in this studyPurpose: Adolescence is considered a period in which individuals are particularly at risk of negative consequences related to sexual health. Increased knowledge levels have traditionally been used as an indicator of the effectiveness of educational programs, but attitudes are not addressed and are a key element for the success of such programs. The aim of this study is to determine the level of knowledge and attitudes toward the use of contraceptive methods among nursing students. A multicenter cross-sectional study was carried out. In total, 2914 university students (aged 18–25 years) enrolled in the study. Participants completed two validated scales to measure knowledge level and attitudes toward contraceptive use. Nursing degree students who received training about contraceptives obtained a success rate of over 70%, compared to 15.3% among students who had not received such training (p < 0.001). The mean attitude score was 43.45 points (10–50), but there were no significant differences in terms of student training (p = 0.435), although they were significantly higher among students who used contraceptives at first or last sexual intercourse (p < 0.001). There was a significant weak correlation between the level of knowledge and attitudes toward the use of contraceptives. An adequate level of knowledge about sexuality and contraceptive methods does not correspond to positive attitudes toward their use, although having an excellent attitude toward contraceptive use is related to their use during youth and adolescence

    Aula de memoria. Recursos didácticos para recuperar la historia de los olvidados.

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    Depto. de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales , Sociales y MatemáticasFac. de EducaciónFALSEVicerrectorado de Calidad, UCMsubmitte

    Young Nursing Student’s Knowledge and Attitudes about Contraceptive Methods

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    Purpose: Adolescence is considered a period in which individuals are particularly at risk of negative consequences related to sexual health. Increased knowledge levels have traditionally been used as an indicator of the effectiveness of educational programs, but attitudes are not addressed and are a key element for the success of such programs. The aim of this study is to determine the level of knowledge and attitudes toward the use of contraceptive methods among nursing students. A multicenter cross-sectional study was carried out. In total, 2914 university students (aged 18–25 years) enrolled in the study. Participants completed two validated scales to measure knowledge level and attitudes toward contraceptive use. Nursing degree students who received training about contraceptives obtained a success rate of over 70%, compared to 15.3% among students who had not received such training (p < 0.001). The mean attitude score was 43.45 points (10–50), but there were no significant differences in terms of student training (p = 0.435), although they were significantly higher among students who used contraceptives at first or last sexual intercourse (p < 0.001). There was a significant weak correlation between the level of knowledge and attitudes toward the use of contraceptives. An adequate level of knowledge about sexuality and contraceptive methods does not correspond to positive attitudes toward their use, although having an excellent attitude toward contraceptive use is related to their use during youth and adolescence

    Evaluación del estado nutricional en pacientes trasplantados renales durante 5 años de seguimiento

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    Introducción: El aumento de peso y la malnutrición después del trasplante renal es frecuente, y el sobrepeso y la obesidad resultante se asocia con complicaciones graves de salud. Por el contrario, la prevalencia de la desnutrición en pacientes con trasplante renal y sus efectos en el resultado del trasplante de riñón se subestima. Objetivos: El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el estado nutricional de pacientes trasplantados renales y determinar si en el periodo de cinco años de seguimiento, estos pacientes sufren alteraciones que sugieran deterioro nutricional. Métodos: La muestras estuvo formada por 119 pacientes trasplantados renales, que asistieron durante cinco años a la consulta postrasplante. A todos los pacientes se realizaron determinaciones de colesterol total, lipoproteínas de baja densidad (LDL), lipoproteínas de alta densidad (HDL), concentraciones de triglicéridos y ferritina (Ft), y se les efectuaron mediciones antropométricas de peso, altura e IMC. Los pacientes fueron divididos en tres grupos según la tasa de filtración glomerular : Grupo 1: < 60 mL/min, Grupo 2: 89–60 mL/min Grupo 3: ≥ 90 mL/min. Resultados: El peso e IMC tiende a disminuir en el grupo 3 mientras aumenta en el resto de grupos. Se produce una disminución de Colesterol total, HDL, LDL, Trigliceridos y Ferritina menos acusado en el grupo 3. Conclusiones: Tras cinco años se puede observar una reducción significativa de los parametros bioquímicos nutricionales en general, así mismo el estado nutricional esta estrechamente relacionado y es directamente proporcional a la función del injerto.Introduction: Weight gain and malnutrition after kidney transplantation is common and the resulting overweight and obesity is associated with serious health complications. By contrast, the prevalence of malnutrition in patients with renal transplantation and its impact on the outcome of kidney transplantation is underestimated. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status of renal transplant patients and determine if the five-year follow-up, these patients undergo alterations that suggest nutritional deterioration. Methods: The sample consisted of 119 renal transplant patients who attended for five years post-transplant consultation. All patients measurements of total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL), high density lipoprotein (HDL), triglycerides and ferritin (Ft) were performed. and anthropometric measurements were made of weight, height and BMI. Patients were divided into three groups according to GFR Group 1: <60 mL / min, Group 2: 89-60 mL / min Group 3: ≥ 90 mL / min. Results: The weight and BMI tended to decrease in group 3 while increasing in the other groups. A decrease in total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglycerides and Ferritin less pronounced in group 3 occurs. Conclusions: After five years you can see a significant reduction in nutritional biochemical parameters in general, likewise the nutritional status is closely related, and is directly proportional to the function of the graft

    Role of the first WHO mutation catalogue in the diagnosis of antibiotic resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the Valencia Region, Spain: a retrospective genomic analysis

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    9 páginas, 2 figuras, 1 tablaBackground: In June, 2021, WHO published the most complete catalogue to date of resistance-conferring mutations in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Here, we aimed to assess the performance of genome-based antimicrobial resistance prediction using the catalogue and its potential for improving diagnostics in a real low-burden setting. Methods: In this retrospective population-based genomic study M tuberculosis isolates were collected from 25 clinical laboratories in the low-burden setting of the Valencia Region, Spain. Culture-positive tuberculosis cases reported by regional public health authorities between Jan 1, 2014, and Dec 31, 2016, were included. The drug resistance profiles of these isolates were predicted by the genomic identification, via whole-genome sequencing (WGS), of the high-confidence resistance-causing variants included in the catalogue and compared with the phenotype. We determined the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the isolates with discordant resistance profiles using the resazurin microtitre assay. Findings: WGS was performed on 785 M tuberculosis complex culture-positive isolates, and the WGS resistance prediction sensitivities were: 85·4% (95% CI 70·8–94·4) for isoniazid, 73·3% (44·9–92·2) for rifampicin, 50·0% (21·1–78·9) for ethambutol, and 57·1% (34·0–78·2) for pyrazinamide; all specificities were more than 99·6%. Sensitivity values were lower than previously reported, but the overall pan-susceptibility accuracy was 96·4%. Genotypic analysis revealed that four phenotypically susceptible isolates carried mutations (rpoB Leu430Pro and rpoB Ile491Phe for rifampicin and fabG1 Leu203Leu for isoniazid) known to give borderline resistance in standard phenotypic tests. Additionally, we identified three putative resistance-associated mutations (inhA Ser94Ala, katG Leu48Pro, and katG Gly273Arg for isoniazid) in samples with substantially higher MICs than those of susceptible isolates. Combining both genomic and phenotypic data, in accordance with the WHO diagnostic guidelines, we could detect two new multidrug-resistant cases. Additionally, we detected 11 (1·6%) of 706 isolates to be monoresistant to fluoroquinolone, which had been previously undetected. Interpretation: We showed that the WHO catalogue enables the detection of resistant cases missed in phenotypic testing in a low-burden region, thus allowing for better patient-tailored treatment. We also identified mutations not included in the catalogue, relevant at the local level. Evidence from this study, together with future updates of the catalogue, will probably lead in the future to the partial replacement of culture testing with WGS-based drug susceptibility testing in our setting. Funding: European Research Council and the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia.This project received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program Grant 101001038 (TB-RECONNECT; awarded to IC), from Ministerio de Ciencia (Spanish Government) Project PID2019-104477RB-I00 (awarded to IC), and from Generalitat Valenciana Project AICO/2018/113 (awarded to IC). AMG-M is funded by a Formación deProfesorado Universitario grant programme (FPU19/04562) from Ministerio de Universidades (Spanish Government). IC is also supported by the European Commission–NextGenerationEU, through Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Global Health Platform (PTI Salud Global). We thank all the members of the Valencia RegionTuberculosis Working Group

    Pulsed light for a cleaner dyeing industry: azo dye degradation by an advanced oxidation process driven by pulsed light

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    Water pollution by wastewater containing dyes is an environmental issue that can be mitigated by the use of advanced oxidation processes (AOP). Pulsed light (PL) is an emerging food processing technology that uses eco-friendly lamps and can potentially be adapted as light source of an UV-based AOP. In the present work, a PL/H2O2 process was tested for the decolourization of two azo dyes, and a pulsed light/H2O2/ferrioxalate process was tested for the decolourization of one azo dye. The efficiency of the PL/H2O2 process in a batch reactor under different parametric values: dye concentration, pH, H2O2 and salt doses was followed by spectrophotometry and fitted to first-order kinetics; and several degradation products were detected. In the PL/H2O2 process, decolourization rates increased at low dye concentrations and high H2O2 doses, were pH-dependent and were inhibited by the addition of NaCl, Na2SO3 or Na2CO3. More than 50 % decolouration was achieved with the PL/H2O2 process for both dyes after applying 54 J/cm2 (25 light pulses). The PL/H2O2/ferrioxalate process achieved > 95 % decolouration for Methyl orange when applying 21 J/cm2 (10 pulses); that level of energy can be supplied by PL commercial systems in nine and four seconds respectively. No known toxic degradation products were detected. Results show that a PL/H2O2 process has potential to be used for the efficient degradation of dyes from wastewater. Furthermore, the efficacy of this process can be improved by the use of ferrioxalate. PL technology could become an alternative light source to contribute to decrease the environmental impact of wastewater produced by the dyeing industry.Ciencias de la Alimentació