14,942 research outputs found

    Rich-club vs rich-multipolarization phenomena in weighted networks

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    Large scale hierarchies characterize complex networks in different domains. Elements at their top, usually the most central or influential, may show multipolarization or tend to club forming tightly interconnected communities. The rich-club phenomenon quantified this tendency based on unweighted network representations. Here, we define this metric for weighted networks and discuss the appropriate normalization which preserves nodes' strengths and discounts structural strength-strength correlations if present. We find that in some real networks the results given by the weighted rich-club coefficient can be in sharp contrast to the ones in the unweighted approach. We also discuss that the scanning of the weighted subgraphs formed by the high-strength hubs is able to unveil features contrary to the average: the formation of local alliances in rich-multipolarized environments, or a lack of cohesion even in the presence of rich-club ordering. Beyond structure, this analysis matters for understanding correctly functionalities and dynamical processes relying on hub interconnectedness.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Transition matrices for symmetric and quasisymmetric Hall-Littlewood polynomials

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    We introduce explicit combinatorial interpretations for the coefficients in some of the transition matrices relating to skew Hall-Littlewood polynomials P_lambda/mu(x;t) and Hivert's quasisymmetric Hall-Littlewood polynomials G_gamma(x;t). More specifically, we provide: 1) the G-expansions of the Hall-Littlewood polynomials P_lambda, the monomial quasisymmetric polynomials M_alpha, the quasisymmetric Schur polynomials S_alpha, and the peak quasisymmetric functions K_alpha; 2) an expansion of P_lambda/mu in terms of the F_alpha's. The F-expansion of P_lambda/mu is facilitated by introducing starred tableaux.Comment: 28 pages; added brief discussion of the Hall-Littlewood Q', typos corrected, added references in response to referee suggestion

    Vacuum decay in an interacting multiverse

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    We examine a new multiverse scenario in which the component universes interact. We focus our attention to the process of "true" vacuum nucleation in the false vacuum within one single element of the multiverse. It is shown that the interactions lead to a collective behaviour that might lead, under specific conditions, to a pre-inflationary phase and ensued distinguishable imprints in the comic microwave background radiation.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    High fidelity readout scheme for rare-earth solid state quantum computing

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    We propose and analyze a high fidelity readout scheme for a single instance approach to quantum computing in rare-earth-ion-doped crystals. The scheme is based on using different species of qubit and readout ions, and it is shown that by allowing the closest qubit ion to act as a readout buffer, the readout error can be reduced by more than an order of magnitude. The scheme is shown to be robust against certain experimental variations, such as varying detection efficiencies, and we use the scheme to predict the expected quantum fidelity of a CNOT gate in these solid state systems. In addition, we discuss the potential scalability of the protocol to larger qubit systems. The results are based on parameters which we believed are experimentally feasible with current technology, and which can be simultaneously realized.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Correlated enhancement of Hc2 and Jc in carbon nanotube-doped MgB2

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    The use of MgB2 in superconducting applications still awaits for the development of a MgB2-based material where both current-carrying performance and critical magnetic field are optimized simultaneously. We achieved this by doping MgB2 with double-wall carbon nanotubes (DWCNT) as a source of carbon in polycrystalline samples. The optimum nominal DWCNT content for increasing the critical current density, Jc is in the range 2.5-10%at depending on field and temperature. Record values of the upper critical field, Hc2(4K) = 41.9 T (with extrapolated Hc2(0) ~ 44.4 T) are reached in a bulk sample with 10%at DWCNT content. The measured Hc2 vs T in all samples are successfully described using a theoretical model for a two-gap superconductor in the dirty limit first proposed by Gurevich et al.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Determinants of profitability in Spanish financial institutions. Comparing aided and non-aided entities

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    The last financial crisis has led to the greatest contribution of public funds ever made to Spanish banks. This paper studies why the need for support has been asymmetric, with not all of the institutions requiring aid. Based on profitability of assets (ROA), we determine using panel data econometric and logit response models the components of profit and loss accounts that generated profitability as well as the factors leading to some entities to ask for aid. The analyses show that before the beginning of the crisis there were significant differences between entities that needed aid and those that did not. The most profitable banks grounded their success in the traditional revenue components of financial institutions (such as margin on interest rates and commissions), as well as in revenues obtained from participated companies and extraordinary results. The model offers a tool to detect entities in difficulties in advance, reducing the financial and social costs of public interventions. The factors more impacting on profitability of Spanish institutions are also identifie

    Calculation of the orientation relationships of directionally solidified eutectic ceramics by a modified Coincidence of Reciprocal Lattice Points model (CRLP)

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    The Coincidence of Reciprocal Lattice Points (CRLP) method was used to predict, according to geometric considerations, the most favorable orientation relationships (ORs) between the component phases in a family of directionally solidified eutectic ceramics (DSEC) (NiO-YSZ, CoO-YSZ, NiO-CeO2, NiO-GDC, CoO-CeO2, and CoO-GDC) grown by the laser floating zone method. The ORs predicted by the CRLP model are consistent with those experimentally found in a previous work by means of Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD). In this article, we also present a modification to the model with the aim of taking into account that the most stable ceramic-ceramic interfaces are usually formed between atomic planes with low Miller indices, due to their higher atomic density and bigger interplanar spacing. Thus, we introduce in the calculation of the overall coincidence volume a weighting factor which is a function of the interplanar spacing. This modified CRLP method has been applied to the aforementioned eutectic ceramics, and the results are presented and discussed in comparison with the traditional CRLP results and the experimental findings.This study was funded by the MAT2012-30763 project, which is ïŹnanced by the Spanish Government (Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad) and the Feder program of the European Union.Peer Reviewe
