148 research outputs found

    Assessment of general bullying and bullying due to appearance of teeth in a sample of 11-16 year-old Peruvian schoolchildren.

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    Objective: To assess the incidence of general bullying and bullying due to the appearance of teeth in a sample of 11-16 year-old Peruvian schoolchildren. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional study with a sample of 218 students aged 11 to 16 years old (13.41±1.44), 109 males, and 153 from a public school. A survey on general bullying and the appearance of teeth was applied using a validated questionnaire. Results: The frequency of general bullying was 32.57%, and bullying due to dental appearance was 18.81%. General bullying (p=0.005) and dental appearance (p=0.024) were more frequent in the public school, but there were no statistically significant differences according to sex. The highest frequency of general bullying was related to name-calling, which accounted for 47.71%. Victimization by appearance of teeth in one or two occasions in the last two months accounted for 12.39%, according to participating subjects

    Comparación de bullying general y por la apariencia de dientes entre una institución educativa publica y privada en escolares de 11 a 16 años de edad

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    El presente estudio tuvo como propósito comparar bullying general y por la apariencia de dientes entre una institución educativa pública y privada en escolares de 11 a 16 años de edad. Se diseñó un estudio prospectivo, transversal, comparativo y observacional; con una muestra conformada por 218 estudiantes de 11 a 16 años de edad (promedio: 13.41, DE: +/- 1.44), 109 mujeres y 109 varones, 153 fueron de una institución educativa pública y 65 de una institución educativa privada, a quienes se les encuestó para determinar el bullying general y por la apariencia de dientes empleando un cuestionario validado. Para comparar la frecuencia de bullying entre ambas instituciones educativas se empleó la prueba Z. Los resultados mostraron que el bullying general y por la apariencia de dientes fue más frecuente en la institución educativa pública que en la privada (p<0.05). Según sexo, no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas de bullying entre mujeres y hombres en la institución pública; en la institución privada, tanto el bullying general como por la apariencia de dientes fue más frecuente en hombres que en mujeres (p<0.05). Se concluye que el bullying general y por la apariencia de dientes fue más frecuente en la institución educativa pública que en la privada en escolares de 11 a 16 años de edad.The purpose of this study was to compare general bullying and teeth-appearance bullying between a public and private educational institution in between 11 to 16-year-old schoolchildren. A prospective, transversal, comparative and observational study was designed; with a sample of 218 students aged 11 to 16 years (average: 13.41, DE: +/- 1.44), 109 females and 109 males, 153 were from a public educational institution and 65 from a private educational institution. To determine general bullying and teeth-appearance bullying it was used a validated questionnaire. To compare the frequency of bullying between both educational institutions the Z test was used. The results showed that general bullying and teeth-appearance bullying were more frequent at the public educational institution than at the private school (p<0.05). According to sex, there were no statistically significant differences in bullying between women and men at the public institution; at the private institution, both general bullying and teeth-appearance bullying were more frequent in men than in women (p<0.05). It is concluded that general and by teeth-appearance bullying were more frequent in at public educational institution than at private school in 11 to 16 years-old students

    Increasing Latino Participation in Cancer Research: Feasibility of the Promotora Model

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    The recruitment of ethnic minorities, particularly Latinos, into clinical trials and cancer research is a formidable challenge. However, Latinos generally do not reach their proportional representation in current clinical trials, with Latinos making up only 1-5% of clinical trial participants, and fewer than 3% of cancer clinical trial participants. To date, programs promoting clinical trial participation that are culturally and linguistically tailored to the Latino community are scarce. The promotora model has been successful in implementing cancer prevention and early detection program in Latino populations. However, the promotora model has never been evaluated as a recruitment method to increase Latino participation in therapeutic cancer clinical trials.This study seeks to examine the feasibility of implementing the promotora model as a recruitment method to increase Latino participation in clinical trials at a comprehensive cancer center, and to understand the facilitators and barriers to clinical trial participation. A sequential explanatory mixed-methods design combined quantitative and qualitative approaches to evaluate factors that would facilitate recruitment of Latinos into research using promotora model. Promotoras recruited Latino patients into 2 therapeutic cancer clinical trials. The number of participants who were approached and recruited to the studies was tracked. The qualitative component assessed the feasibility and acceptability of the promotora model via semi-structured key informant interviews (KII). KII were conducted with a total of 15 key informants across the 4 different groups: 1) patients who agreed to participate (n=4); 2) promotoras (n=3); 3) clinicians/principal investigators (n=3) and 4) study staff (n=5). Key informants were asked to discuss their experiences with the promotora recruitment method, evaluate the acceptability and feasibility, as well as barriers and facilitators of the implementation of these methods. This study has shown that the promotora model is a feasible and acceptable recruitment method, and revealed the model’s preliminary efficacy to increase Latino participation in therapeutic cancer clinical trials. Hence, this study can inform future efforts to increase Latino participation in clinical trials in a culturally responsive and effective manner. Taken together, this study, the recommended strategies, and plan for change have the potential to facilitate greater Latino participation in therapeutic cancer clinical trials.Doctor of Public Healt

    Paradiplomacia en tiempos de desastre en el Caribe: Un análisis de las islas no-soberanas

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    In the Caribbean region multiple political configurations of non-sovereign territories coexist which link to the metropolises of France, the United States, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. In 2017, several of these territories were devastated by the Hurricanes María and Irma. These events put their relations with the metropolises to the test and showed that paradiplomacy has a fundamental role in responding to natural disasters. Using the critical incident method this research analyzes primary documents published months after the hurricanes to analyze the variations in the use of paradiplomacy. It shows that while the American territories did not use paradiplomatic networks, the British territories, such as the Virgin Islands, achieved greater international participation. This allowed them to secure funds and technical assistance from various regional and international organizations. These differences between paradiplomatic experiences require further theorizing, in which the impact of structures versus the agency of the leaders of each territory is analyzed as a possible explanation. This work then discovers the need for a historical-institutional analysis of the evolution of Caribbean paradiplomacy in particular and paradiplomacy in general.En el Caribe coexisten múltiples configuraciones políticas de territorios no-soberanos ligados a las metrópolis de Francia, Estados Unidos, Países Bajos y el Reino Unido. En el 2017, varios de estos territorios fueron devastados por los huracanes María e Irma. Estos eventos pusieron a prueba sus relaciones con las metrópolis y mostraron que la paradiplomacia tiene un rol fundamental en responder a desastres naturales. Mediante el empleo de la técnica del incidente crítico, esta investigación analiza documentos primarios publicados meses posteriores a los huracanes para analizar la variación en el empleo de la paradiplomacia. Muestra que mientras los territorios americanos no utilizaron redes paradiplomáticas, los territorios británicos, como las Islas Vírgenes, agenciaron una mayor participación internacional. Esto les permitióasegurar fondos y ayuda técnica de distintas organizaciones regionales e internacionales. Estas diferencias entre las experiencias paradiplomáticas, requieren una mayor teorización, en la cual se analice el impacto de las estructuras versus la agencia de los líderes de cada territorio como posible explicación. Este trabajo descubre entonces la necesidad de un análisis histórico-institucional de la evolución de la paradiplomacia caribeña y la paradiplomacia en general

    A Long History of Wall Street Bailouts and How Puerto Rico Will Not Be Different

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    Even though in 2012, publications such as Morningstar were advising investors to “Watch Out for Puerto Rico,” and pundits were commenting about a very likely default, by 2013 and 2014, Wall Street was frenetically buying up Puerto Rican bonds. Wall Street incurred in a risky behavior that is comparable with what happened during the 1980s Latin America crisis, the 1997 Asian crisis, the 1998 Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM) crisis, and the 2008 mortgage subprime crisis. By giving a brief overview of a series of economic crises around the world caused by speculation and risky lending, this article shows that the case of Puerto Rico, a nonincorporated territory of the United States of America, mirrors the same patterns of financialization of the economy and risky lending. It suggests that Wall Street bought these speculative-level bonds since this type of behavior has always been compensated by a bailout either through the US Treasury or an International Financial Institution (IFI), thus posing a moral hazard problem. The main argument of this article is that Wall Street and other bondholders will try to get their risky loans paid by the Government of Puerto Rico by forcing austerity measures, and when this inevitably fails, they will turn to the Treasury of United States to recover their money. It concludes with the question on how long the Island will have to suffer through the wave of higher taxes and cuts on social services before Washington bails them out

    The regulatory and Health Technology processes in Europe and drug market access. The case of cystic fibrosis

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    In order to reach the European market, a new drug needs to receive a positive evaluation regarding its quality, safety and efficacy by regulatory health authorities and also obtain a positive HTA appraisal regarding its cost-effectiveness by HTA bodies. Regulators and HTA bodies are collaborating in several projects at European level in order to harmonize the scientific requirements of both evaluations to the maximum extent possible. The comparison of the regulatory evaluation performed by EMA for Kalydeco and the HTA appraisals issued by several EU bodies exemplifies the dilemma between scientific evidence and local economic considerations and the difficulties in the achievement of harmonization and therefore equity in the access to drugs

    Técnica Shadowing para enseñar comprensión oral a estudiantes de EFL de nivel A1

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    Shadowing is a listening technique that develops the bottom-up process (the understanding of the smallest units of the audio input such as individual sounds) of the listening skill by training the learners’ ears to recognize phonemes, words, and thus phrases. It is said this is a useful technique for the development of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners’ listening skills. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the effect of the shadowing technique on the listening skill of A1-level EFL learners from Luisa de Jesús Cordero High School. An explanatory sequential mixed method design will be carried out by using the listening part of the A2 Key for Schools from Cambridge Language Assessment exam and a close-ended survey to assess the impact of shadowing on the students’ listening performance and their perception of shadowing. For this purpose, experimental and control groups were carried out. The study outcomes provide information about how shadowing, as a technique to teach listening, has influenced English learners’ listening skill and their perspectives in an Ecuadorian high school setting.Shadowing es una técnica de escucha que desarrolla la comprensión de las unidades más pequeñas de significado de un audio, como los sonidos individuales (bottom-up skills) al entrenar el oído de los estudiantes para reconocer fonemas, palabras y, por lo tanto, frases. Se considera que esta técnica es útil para el desarrollo de las habilidades auditivas de los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera. Por lo tanto, este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el efecto de la técnica de shadowing en la habilidad auditiva de los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera de nivel A1 de la Unidad Educativa Luisa de Jesús Cordero. Se llevará a cabo un diseño de método mixto secuencial explicativo utilizando la parte de comprensión auditiva del examen A2 Key for Schools de Cambridge Language Assessment, una encuesta y un grupo focal para evaluar el impacto de la técnica de shadowing en el rendimiento auditivo de los estudiantes y la percepción de este. Para ello, un grupo experimental y otro de control fueron llevados a cabo. Los resultados del estudio pretenden proporcionar información sobre cómo shadowing como una técnica para enseñar a escuchar ha influenciado en la competencia auditiva de los aprendices del idioma inglés, así como sus perspectivas en el contexto de un colegio ecuatoriano

    La norma ISO 21001:2018 en el sistema de gestión de calidad de las instituciones educativas particulares

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    En Ecuador, la calidad es un componente agregador de valor en la educación, el mismo que se encuentra legalmente constituido en el corpus de la normativa educativa vigente; para ello, el estado ha promulgado un conjunto de políticas que orientan, instruyen y controlan el logro de las metas de calidad en los distintos servicios educativos. El objetivo del presente trabajo investigativo es identificar el alcance y los beneficios que aporta la norma ISO 21001:2018 en el Sistema de Gestión de Calidad de las instituciones educativas particulares en Ecuador. La ruta metodológica se diseña desde el plano cualitativo, no experimental, que se complementa con el análisis de las proposiciones de autores y documentos especializados reconocidos por la comunidad científica. En el orden teórico, este trabajo de investigación aporta significativamente puesto que constituye un referente para el desarrollo de otras investigaciones y como fuente de consulta para futuros trabajos académicos relacionados con la gestión de la calidad y la estandarización en los sistemas educativos. Los resultados muestran que el sistema educativo ecuatoriano cuenta con estándares específicos de gestión educativa, de desempeño profesional, de aprendizaje y de infraestructura, similares a los existentes dentro de la norma ISO 21001:2018. No obstante, desde el dinamismo de mejora continua estos estándares no están totalmente articulados como un sistema de gestión; dejando abierta la posibilidad de adoptar e implementar la norma técnica ISO 21001:2018 como el modelo de gestión de la calidad para las instituciones educativas de derecho privado

    Role play as a group pedagogical strategy in the development of critical thinking habits in fifth grade students at the Colegio de Leones de San José de Cúcuta Educational Institution

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    El siguiente trabajo investigativo presenta una estrategia pedagógica grupal basada en el concepto de juego de Roles, con la cual se pretende promover hábitos de pensamiento crítico en el aula, siguiendo dos modelos: el dialógico-crítico y el modelo cooperativo, contribuyendo al mejoramiento académico y comportamental de los estudiantes del grado quinto de primaria de la Institución Educativa Colegio Club de Leones de San José de Cúcuta. Este proyecto, con un enfoque de investigación cualitativa- acción, permitió que el maestro fuese un investigador- mediador en cada taller, propiciara espacios significativos donde el rol del estudiante tuviese mayor protagonismo en su proceso de aprendizaje, de tal manera que interactuara permanentemente con el conocimiento y el de los demás a través del trabajo en equipo. Los resultados de esta investigación demostraron que los hábitos de pensamiento crítico iniciados a temprana edad pueden mejorar notablemente la disposición frente al estudio, al trabajo y a su accionar en la sociedad. De igual forma, confirma que las aplicaciones de nuevas estrategias pedagógicas en el aula influyen notablemente para que el estudiante logre un desarrollo cognitivo, emocional y actitudinal más significativo y progresivo en su vidaIntroducción ........................................................................................................................... 1 Capítulo I. Problema de Investigación .................................................................................. 1 Contextualización de la Investigación ............................................................................................ 1 Situación problémica .................................................................................................................. 6 Pregunta de investigación ...................................................................................................... 6 Objetivos ................................................................................................................................. 6 Objetivo General ................................................................................................................. 6 Objetivos específicos .......................................................................................................... 7 Justificación................................................................................................................................. 7 Contextualización de la institución ........................................................................................... 10 Capítulo II. Marco Referencial ............................................................................................ 12 Antecedentes de la Investigación ................................................................................................. 12 Antecedentes internacionales .................................................................................................. 12 Antecedentes nacionales .......................................................................................................... 15 Antecedentes regionales .......................................................................................................... 18 Marco Teórico ............................................................................................................................... 19 Qué es un hábito ....................................................................................................................... 20 Hábitos de pensamiento crítico ................................................................................................ 21 Qué es el pensamiento ............................................................................................................. 22 El pensamiento crítico .............................................................................................................. 23 El Juego de Roles....................................................................................................................... 25 El Modelo Pedagógico .............................................................................................................. 27 El Modelo Dialógico – Crítico .................................................................................................... 28 El Modelo de Aprendizaje Colaborativo ................................................................................... 31 Marco Legal .................................................................................................................................. 32 Capítulo III. Marco Metodológico ...................................................................................... 37 Tipo de Investigación .................................................................................................................... 37 Proceso de la Investigación .......................................................................................................... 39 Contexto del proceso investigativo .............................................................................................. 50 Población y muestra ..................................................................................................................... 51 Instrumentos para la Recolección de Información ....................................................................... 52 Validación y confiabilidad de los instrumentos ............................................................................ 57 Principios Éticos ............................................................................................................................ 58 Resultado y Discusión ................................................................................................................... 59 Capítulo IV. Propuesta Pedagógica ..................................................................................... 72 Conclusiones........................................................................................................................ 99 Recomendaciones .............................................................................................................. 104 Referencias Bibliográficas ................................................................................................. 110 Apéndices .......................................................................................................................... 117MaestríaThe following research Work presents a group pedagogical strategy based on the Role playing concept, with which it is intented to promote critical thinking habits in the classroom, following two models: the dialogical –critical and cooperative model, contributing to the academic improvement and behavior of the students of the fifth grade of elementary school of the Educational Institution Colegio Club de Leones in Cúcuta. This Project, with a qualitative-action research approach, allowed the teacher to be a researcher-mediator in each workshop, promote significant spaces where the role of the student had a greater role in their learning process, in such a way that it interacts permanently with the knowledge and that of others through teamwork. The results of this research showed that critical thinking habits initiated at an early age can significantly improve the disposition towards studying working and acting in society. Similarly, it confirms that the applications of new pedagogical strategies in the classroom significantly influence the student to achieve cognitive, emotional and attitudinal development more significant and progressive in their lives.Modalidad Presencia