1,753 research outputs found

    Search for New Physics in SHiP and at future colliders

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    SHiP is a newly proposed fixed-target experiment at the CERN SPS with the aim of searching for hidden particles that interact very weakly with SM particles. The work presented in this document investigates SHiP's physics reach in the parameter space of the Neutrino Minimal Standard Model (ν\nuMSM), which is a theory that could solve most problems left open by the Standard Model with sterile neutrinos. A model introducing an extra U(1)U(1) symmetry in the hidden sector, providing a natural candidate for dark matter, is also explored. This work shows that the SHiP experiment can improve by several orders of magnitude the sensitivity to Heavy Neutral Leptons below 2 GeV, scanning a large part of the parameter space below the BB meson mass. The remainder of the ν\nuMSM parameter space, dominated by right-handed neutrinos with masses above 2 GeV, can be explored at a future e+e−e^+e^- collider. Similarly, SHiP can greatly improve present constraints on U(1)U(1) dark photons.Comment: Proceedings for the INFIERI 2014 schoo

    Short-term effects of capture on movement of free-ranging Scandinavian brown bears

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    Research of free-ranging wildlife often involves capture and chemical immobilization of animals. Such an invasive and stressful procedure may cause alterations in the animals’ physiology and behavior. Thus, evaluating the effects of capture and handling can improve our understanding on the impact that these cause on both the welfare of wildlife and the quality of collected data. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of capture on movement of Scandinavian brown bears (Ursus arctos). I used generalized additive mixed effect models to examine movement rates of 55 GPS-collared individuals during 91 capture events immediately after the capture and during the following 10 days. Most apparent effects were short-term, with individuals experiencing low movement rates the hours after the capture and returning to a stable movement rate 4 days after the capture. Moreover, the movement patterns of the 24 family groups differed from solitary bears. Family members showed higher movement rates immediately after capture followed by two periods of depression on the movement rates around 48 and 120 hours after capture. Additionally, higher movement rates were observed when ambient temperature was between 0 – 10 ºC and dropped as ambient temperatures increased. Bears travelled longer distances per hour during light and twilight conditions than during the night. Further research is warranted to investigate the effect of additional variables on the post-capture movement patterns of the brown bear. However, based on the results of my study I suggest that data from at least the 4 following days after a capture event should be excluded when analyzing data from brown bears

    Paleo-glacier history and geomorphic evolution in the Western European Alps since the Last Glacial Maximum

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    Alpine regions are active environments constantly transformed by the interplay of a variety of glacial, periglacial and postglacial geomorphic processes, operating over different time scales and largely regulated by Quaternary climatic oscillations between glacial and interglacial conditions. In the European Alps, significant research efforts have focused especially on the glacial and postglacial history since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; 26-19 ka). However, due to the low preservation of glacial landforms and deposits along Alpine valleys, most paleoglacial and postglacial investigations have focused on isolated climatic periods and/or confined Alpine sectors. The present PhD thesis provides new quantitative data tracing post-LGM paleo-glacier and landscape evolution in the western Swiss and Italian Alps (Dora Baltea catchment and Sanetsch high-elevation Pass). I adopted a multi-method approach combining (1) geomorphological mapping, (2) state of the art geochronology techniques, and (3) GIS and numerical ice-flow modelling reconstruction of 2D-3D paleo-ice configurations. My PhD results indicate that the main Dora Baltea glacier and its tributaries fluctuated in response to Lateglacial (19.0-11.7 ka) climatic variations, with significant ice retreat from the foreland to the High Alps interrupted by multiple stages of stillstand or re-advance during periods of climatic deterioration. For the last Lateglacial cold events (Oldest and Younger Dryas), I propose similar-to-today precipitation pattern over the Dora Baltea catchment associated to 3-4°C temperature decrease compared to present-day. In addition, my results reveal significant hillslope and sediment transfer activity closely following Lateglacial local ice retreat, suggesting a major role of paraglacial slope relaxation and glacial/periglacial sediment remobilization in triggering the postglacial geomorphic response. Finally, millennial-scale erosion dynamics appear influenced by the glacial overprint on Alpine landscapes, with steep slopes and high reliefs modulated by bedrock erosional resistance, promoting intense glacial, postglacial and periglacial erosion processes with well-persisting effects during interglacial periods

    A transmit power control proposal for IEEE 802.11 cellular networks

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    Actually, the idea of designing an outdoor cellular network based on WLAN IEEE 802.11 results very attractive, due to the several advantages that this technology presents. It offers the equipment at a lower cost, operates in unlicensed spectrum and allows higher data rates.If we realize a comparison of the system performance between a cellular environment and an isolated single cell scenario we observe that the first situation exhibits a considerable decrease, due to co-channel interference, that rises with the growth of the transmission data rate employed. In this paper, we propose a power control mechanism, as a method to reduce the interference influence on network performance, and to homogenize the behavior of the different stations in the system. We present its performance under different load conditions and compare this behavior with the original case, without the employment of any power control mechanism.Peer Reviewe

    Physical Limnology in Lake Banyoles

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    The main physical long-scale processes occurring in Lake Banyoles are reviewed as a tribute to Prof. Margalef. These processes include the water fluxes below the surface of the lake, the behavior of the sediment in suspension in the basins, the heat fluxes at the surface and at the bottom layers, the internal seiching, the formation of a baroclinic current due to differences in cooling between the two lobes, the mixing dynamics, the meromictic behavior of some of the basins and the formation and dynamics of hydrothermal plumesLos principales procesos físicos de gran escala que tienen lugar en le Lago de Banyotes son revisados como tributo al Profesor Margalef. Estos procesos incluyen los flujos de agua bajo la superficie del lago, el comportamiento del sedimento en suspensión en las cubetas, los flujos de calor en la superficie y en el fondo, las secas internas y la formación de corrientes baroclínicas debido a la diferencia de enfriamiento entre los dos lóbulos, la dinámica de mezcla, el comportamiento meromíctico de algunas de las cubetas y la formación y dinámica de las plumas hidrotérmicas

    Apunts sobre sistemes migratoris i llengua als territoris de parla catalana

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    L'objectiu central d'aquest article és, des d'una perspectiva demogràfica, aportar alguns elements per a la reflexió sobre la relació entre llengua i migracions als territoris de parla catalana, partint del reconeixement de la complexitat i de l'heterogeneïtat migratòria en els diferents espais analitzats. A partir de les principals fonts estadístiques per a l'estudi dels fluxos i dels estocs de la població estrangera resident als territoris de parla catalana, il·lustrem en primer lloc la seva evolució i el seu perfil sociodemogràfic i mostrem, a continuació, una panoràmica de la distribució territorial dels estrangers, que veurem com està lligada al mercat laboral i a l'oferta turística i immobiliària. Per a concloure es presenten unes reflexions sobre les implicacions que la diversitat de situacions migratòries pot tenir per a la llengua, que s'haurien de tenir en compte en futurs estudis o enquestes que es dediquin a aquest temaEl objetivo central del artículo es, desde una perspectiva demográfica, aportar algunos elementos para la reflexión sobre la relación entre lengua y migraciones en los territorios de lengua catalana, partiendo del reconocimiento de la complejidad y de la heterogeneidad migratoria en los diversos territorios analizados. A través de las principales fuentes estadísticas para el estudio de los flujos y de los stocks de la población extranjera residiendo en los territorios de habla catalana, ilustramos, en primer lugar, su evolución y su perfil sociodemográfico, mostrando, a continuación, una panorámica de la distribución territorial de la misma, que veremos está muy relacionada con el mercado de trabajo y con la oferta turística e inmobiliaria. Para concluir, se presentan unas reflexiones sobre las implicaciones que la diversidad de situaciones migratorias puede tener para la lengua, que se tendrían que considerar en futuros estudios o encuestas dedicados a este tema.From a demographic perspective, this paper provides some notes on the relation between language and migration in the Catalan territories, from the acknowledgment of the complexity and heterogeneity of migratory experiences in the diverse regions. Using the main statistical data sources for the analysis of flows and stocks in foreign-born population, we illustrate the evolution and the socio-demographic profile of immigrant population and detail the territorial distribution of this population, which is closely linked to the labour, tourist and residential characteristics of the territory. To conclude we consider the possible implications of this diversity of migratory realities on Catalan language, pointing to the importance of considering the new immigrant reality in forthcoming surveys and investigations.Dès un approche démographique, l'objectif principal de cet article est de fournir quelques éléments de réflexion sur le rapport entre la langue et les migrations aux territoires catalans, à partir de la reconnaissance de la complexité et l'hétérogénéité migratoire dans les différents espaces analysés. À partir des principales sources statistiques pour l'étude des fluxs et des stocks de la population étrangère qui réside sur les territoires catalans, nous illustrons, en premier lieu, son évolution et leur caractéristiques sociodémographiques et, en second lieu, nous montrons par la suite, un aperçu de la distribution territoriale de la population étrangère qui, nous le verrons, est liée au marché du travail et à l'offre touristique et immobilière. Pour conclure, nous présentons des réflexions sur les implications que la diversité des situations migratoires peut avoir sur la langue catalane. Celles-ci devraient être prises en compte lors de futures études ou enquêtes sur se sujet

    Wake-up radio systems for cooperative-intelligent transport systems architecture

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Cooperative-Intelligent Transport systems are new applications developed on top of communications between vehicles and between vehicles and fixed infrastructure. Their architecture envisages devices deployed along the routes and streets, transmitting and receiving different kind of messages belonging to different services. Quite often, these devices will be located in isolated places with very low number of vehicles passing nearby. Being in isolated places, these devices will require to be feed with rechargeable batteries and alternative power sources, the usage of which need to be very efficient. The fact of continuously transmitting messages whenever there is no vehicle to receive them demands a solution. In this paper, we propose to use a well-known saving power strategy already used in Internet of Things, the Wake-up Radio systems. As vehicular communications are based on IEEE 802.11 standard, we propose to use a Wake-up Radio system based on this standard as well, being thus no additional hardware needed for the wake-up transmitter. The paper analyses the feasibility of using this solution on several vehicular applications.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The refurbishing of the brotherhood rooms at Santa Lucia's Hermitage

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    [ES] El presente Trabajo Final de Grado tiene por objetivo realizar la restauración y conservación de las partes dañadas de la Casa de la Cofradía de la Ermita de Santa Lucía. Para ello se han llevado a cabo los siguientes apartados. En primer lugar, se ha realizado un estudio histórico de la época en que fue construido el edificio. Un segundo apartado se centra en la realización del estudio fotográfico de los alrededores y la propia Ermita. A continuación, se han levantado los planos para conocer todos los detalles y medidas. Se han estudiado las diversas zonas del edificio, los materiales y técnicas de construcción tanto en el análisis compositivo y arquitectónico, como en el análisis constructivo. Finalmente, tras haber realizado toda esta documentación, se da lugar al estudio de las patologías presentes en las estancias de la cofradía, identificadas las patologías y sus causas, se procede a hacer la propuesta de intervención, siguiendo un criterio conservador.[EN] This Bachelor's Thesis is about the refurbishing and conservation works of damaged elements at the Santa Lucia's Hermitage Brotherhood Rooms. The complete work is developed throughout the following sections; first part introduces the historical background regarding the period when the building was raised; secondly, it has been made a photographic report of the surroundings and the Hermitage itself in order to have an entire perspective of the building; thirdly, a complete collection of plans shows every detail and measurement. Afterwards, in the Composition and Architectonic Analysis and Constructive Analysis Chapters different areas of the building are studied as well as the materials and constructive techniques. Finally, after having analyzed all these documentation, the pathological analysis of the Brotherhood is made. Once all the pathologies and their cause have been identified, an intervention proposal is made, following a conservative judgement as far as possible.Serra García, E. (2013). The refurbishing of the brotherhood rooms at Santa Lucia's Hermitage. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/34441.Archivo delegad
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