37 research outputs found

    Important and Critical Issues of Complying Presentation Based Upon Letter of Credit (L/C) Payment

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    In this study, there is suggested proposals and determined about such a way must be followed in complying presentation in accordance with letter of credit payment and the faults of exporting companies specific to Turkey in this issue. Beneficiary needs to provide complying presentation after preparing the papers appropriately at first letter of credit terms, rules of UCP 600 and ISBP 745 for applicant bank and if available confirming bank’s pay obligation could continue against beneficiary company in letter of credit payment. Since provided complying presentation ability requires a certain level of experience and expertness; it is observed about exporter companies in Turkey localized, receive export prices late and pay extra charges/commissions, could not benefit from pay obligation guarantee of applicant bank and if available confirming bank because of their generally discrepant document, facing contradiction in terms on this complying document preparing. Moreover, a various letter of credit condition which are disadvantages of exporters and could be caused financial losses are discussed and includes advices in this study. Based upon the findings, there is determined about most important reason of the companies could not provide complying presentation is preparing certain documents within letter of credit conditions incorrect, and it is shown how to prepare the subjected documents appropriately to letter of credit payment as considering their main and critical properties

    Evaluatıon of awareness and attıtudes about organ donatıon of the relatıves of the patıents dıagnosed cronıc kıdney dısease

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    Bu çalışma; Edirne’de faaliyet gösteren Trakya Üniversitesi Uygulama ve Araştırma Hastanesinde, hastanede yatan kronik böbrek yetmezliği olan hastaların yakınlarının organ nakli konusundaki bilinç düzeyleri ve bunun belirleyicilerini saptamak üzere gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmaya gönüllü olarak 102 kişi katılmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak daha önce literatürde geçerlilik ve güvenilirliği test edilmiş olan ölçek kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda, katılımcıların organ bağışına yönelik bilgi düzeyinin düşük olduğu, organ bağışı yapma noktasında çekincelerinin olduğu ve bilgi eksikliğinin çekincenin sebeplerinden biri olduğu, aile ve yakın akrabaların kronik hastalık taşıması ve organ nakline ihtiyaç duymasının önemli etkenler olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu noktada ivedilik arz eden hususlar, toplumsal farkındalığın arttırılması, bilgi kaynaklarının çoğaltılması, yanlış ve gereksiz bilgilerin bertaraf edilmesi, toplumsal katılımın sağlanması noktalarıdır. Toplumsal farkındalığın arttırılması yolu ile organ bağışına olan ilginin yükselmesi, kronik hastalık tedavi yükünü azaltacak, kazanılan yaşam yılları ve kalitesini arttıracaktır.This study has been conducted in Trakya University Hospital for the purpose of determining the level of consciousness of the chronic renal failure patients’ relatives on organ donation. The sample of study consists of 102 voluteer participants. A scale which has been developed before has been used to collect data from participants. As results of the study, it has been found that the participants had low level of information about donation, had hesitations to donate and the lack of information was the prominent factor for hesatation. It has been found that also having the family members and close relatives with chronic diseases or need transplation was significant factors on intend to donation. At this point, increasing the social awareness, multiplication of information sources and elimination of wrong unnecessary information, ensuring social participation are urgent issues to increase the interst in organ donation. Increasing the social awareness will led to increase donation and reduce the burden of treatment and the more quality of life will be gained


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    Bu makale 7-9.11.2019 tarihinde Niğde’de düzenlenen Uluslararası Kapadokya Sosyal Bilimler Öğrenci Kongresinde sunulmuş bildirinin genişletilmiş şeklidir.Kutadgu Bilig, Yusuf Has Hacib tarafından 1069 yılında yazılmıştır. Mesnevi türüne örnek teşkil eden bir eserdir. Kelime olarak, mesut olma bilgisi, terim olarak siyaset bilgisi anlamına gelmektedir. Altı bin altı yüz kırk beş beyitten oluşan alegorik ve sembolik bir eserdir. Akıl (ögdilmiş), adalet (Kün Togdı), devlet (Ay Toldı), kanaat (Odgurmuş) adı verilen dört sembolik şahıs konuşturularak bilginin önemi ve ideal insan tipi ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. İslami Türk edebiyatının bilinen ilk büyük eseridir. Eserin, Mısır, Herat ve Fergana olmak üzere üç nüshası bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Kutadgu Bilig’deki mental fiillerden duygu fiilleri incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, fiilleri yüklendikleri anlamlara göre değerlendirmeye çalışmaktır. Mental fiiller, anlambilim temeline dayalı olarak incelenmektedir. Anlambilim, dilde kodlanmış anlamlarla ilgilenmektedir. Anlam, bir kelimeden, bir davranış veya olgudan anlaşılan şey, mânâ demektir. Düşüncelerin dille aktarılmasında ve dili kullananların çevreyi anlamlandırmasında kelimeler, gramatik yapılar ve edimsöz aletleri vardır. Bu yapılardan biri de fiillerdir. Bir fiil, fiziksel veya mental bir hareketle ilgiliyse, hareket fiili; özneyi tanımaya veya tanımlamaya yardım eden bir fiilse durum fiili olarak ifade edilir. Bu çalışmada, mental fiillerden duygu fiilleri, yapı ve tema bakımından incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Tespit edilen duygu fiilleri; tema bakımından ızdırap-acı ifade eden fiiller, kaygı- endişe-telaş ifade eden fiiller, kibirlenme ve övünme ifade eden fiiller, korkma- ürkme-çekinme ifade eden fiiller olmak üzere dört başlık altında incelenmiştir. Yapı bakımından, kök, gövde ve birleşik fiiller olmak üzere üç başlıkta tasnif edilmiştir. Fiillerin eserde yer aldığı beyitler ve beyit anlamları fiilin hemen yanında verilmiştir. Toplamda yirmi dört fiil değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca fiillerin Divanu Lugati’t-Türk’te tanıklanıp tanıklanmadığı da incelenmiştir. Izdırap ve acı ifade eden fiiller: kök hâlinde: emge-, esirke- ; gövde hâlinde: emget-, ınçıkla-, katıglan-, özel-; birleşik fiiller: isim + yardımcı eylemle oluşanlar: emgek kör-, firak bol-; kurallı birleşik fiiller: özelü bar-; Kaygı-endişe, telaş ifade eden fiiller: Gövde hâlinde: kadgur-, mungad-, munguk-; birleşik fiiller: isim + yardımcı eylemle oluşan fiiller: kadgu bol- ; kibirlenme ve övünme ifade eden fiiller: kök hâlinde: ög-, küwen-; gövde hâlinde: küwezlen-, ögdil-, ulugla-; Korkma, ürkme, çekinme ifade eden fiiller: kök hâlinde: kaç-, kork-; gövde hâlinde: belingle-, korkıt-; birleşik fiiller: isim + yardımcı eylemle oluşan fiiller: korklık bol-, tezig bol-.Kutadgu Bilig, written by Yusuf Has Hacib in thousand sıxty nınts. Mesnevi is a work that exemplifies the type. As a word, the knowledge of being happy means the knowledge of politics as a term. It is an allegorical and symbolic work of six thousand six hundred forty-five couplets. Four symbolic individuals called mind (ögdilmiş), justice (Kün Togdı), state (Ay Toldı), persuasion(Odgurmuş) were introduced and the importance of knowledge and ideal human type were tried to be revealed. It is the first known work of Islamic Turkish literature. The work has three copies, Egypt, Herat and Fergana. In this study, emotion verbs from mental verbs in Kutadgu Bilig are tried to be examined. The aim of the study is to try to evaluate the verbs according to their meanings. Mental verbs are examined on the basis of semantics. Semantics deals with language-coded meanings. Meaning means meaning from a word, a behavior or a fact, meaning. There are words, grammatical structures and illocution instruments in the transfer of thoughts to the language and the use of language to make sense of the environment. One of these structures is verbs. If a verb is related to a physical or mental movement, the action verb; a verb that helps to recognize or identify the subject is expressed as a state verb. In this study, emotion verbs from mental verbs were examined in terms of structure and theme. Affected verbs; in terms of theme, verbs expressing affliction-pain, verbs expressing anxiety-concerndisturbance verbs expressing arrogance and boasting, verbs expressing fear-frightening-shy are examined under four headings. In terms of structure, root, stem and combined verbs are classified into three titles. The couplets in which the verbs take place in the work and the meanings of the couplets are given next to the verb. Twenty-four verbs were evaluated in total. It was also examined whether the verbs were witnessed in Divanu Lugati’t-Türk. Verbs expressing pain and suffering: base verbs: emge-, esirke-; stem verbs: emget-, ınçıkla-, katıglan-, özel-; combined verbs: Name + auxiliary action consists of: emgek kör-, firak bol-;regular compound verbs: özelü bar-;Verbs expressing anxiety-concern-disturbance: stem verbs: kadgur-, mungad-, munguk; combined verbs: Name + auxiliary action consists of: kadgu bol-; verbs that express arrogance and boast: base verbs: ög-, küwen-; stem verbs: küwezlen-, ögdil-, ulugla-; verbs expressing fear, fright, shyness: base verbs: kaç-, kork-; gövde hâlinde: belingle-, korkıt-; combined verbs: Name + auxiliary action consists of: korklık bol-, tezig bol-

    Important and Critical Issues of Complying Presentation Based Upon Letter of Credit (L/C) Payment

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    In this study, there is suggested proposals and determined about such a way must be followed in complying presentation in accordance with letter of credit payment and the faults of exporting companies specific to Turkey in this issue. Beneficiary needs to provide complying presentation after preparing the papers appropriately at first letter of credit terms, rules of UCP 600 and ISBP 745 for applicant bank and if available confirming bank’s pay obligation could continue against beneficiary company in letter of credit payment. Since provided complying presentation ability requires a certain level of experience and expertness; it is observed about exporter companies in Turkey localized, receive export prices late and pay extra charges/commissions, could not benefit from pay obligation guarantee of applicant bank and if available confirming bank because of their generally discrepant document, facing contradiction in terms on this complying document preparing. Moreover, a various letter of credit condition which are disadvantages of exporters and could be caused financial losses are discussed and includes advices in this study. Based upon the findings, there is determined about most important reason of the companies could not provide complying presentation is preparing certain documents within letter of credit conditions incorrect, and it is shown how to prepare the subjected documents appropriately to letter of credit payment as considering their main and critical properties

    Effectiveness of Using Computer Assisted Supplementary Instruction for Teaching the Mole Concept

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    his study examined the effect of computer-assisted instruction (CAI), used as a problem-solving supplement to classroom instruction, on students' understanding of chemical formulas and mole concept, their attitudes toward chemistry subjects, and CAI. The objective was to assess the effectiveness of CAI over recitation hours when both teaching methods were used as a supplement to the traditional chemistry instruction. We randomly selected two classes in a secondary school. Each teaching strategy was randomly assigned to one class. The experimental group received supplementary instruction delivered via CAI, while the control group received similar instruction through recitation hours. The data were analyzed using two-way analysis of variance and t-test. It was found that the students who used the CAI accompanied with lectures scored significantly higher than those who attended recitation hours, in terms of school subject achievement in chemistry and attitudes toward chemistry subjects. In addition, there was a significant improvement in the attitudes of students in the experimental group toward the use of computers in a chemistry course. There was no significant difference between the performances of females versus males in each treatment group

    The ethnobotanical uses of Hyacinthaceae species growing in Turkey and a review of pharmacological activities

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    243-250The Hyacinthaceae families have long been used in traditional medicine for a wide range of medicinal applications. This, together with some significant toxicity to livestock has led to the chemical composition of many of the species being investigated. The Hyacinthaceae family has represented 9 genera and 140 taxa of which 77 are endemic to Turkey. Especially species of Hyacinthaceae family have been mostly used as medicinal, for the treatment of rheumatism, cardiac, urinary infection, dermatological, stomach, hemorrhoid and prostate disease. An overview of the accessible 59 ethnobotany articles and 27 phytochemistry articles published since 1979 up to 2015 has been carried out. The most important databases have been consulted. All related works have been examined. This study is a review having traditional uses belonging to Turkish species and pharmacological activities of the Hyacinthaceae family in the world