39 research outputs found

    Aprovechamiento de residuos sólidos orgánicos en doce (12) instituciones educativas en el casco urbano de Santa rosa de Cabal, Risaralda, que prestan el servicio de restaurante escolar

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    En Risaralda se producen cerca de 15.000 toneladas de basuras al mes, de las cuales en teoría, el 100% se dispone en el relleno sanitario, sin embargo se ha evidenciado en algunas investigaciones y trabajos de campo, que el 2% de este total (300 ton.) se vierten a ríos y quebradas (Ramírez F., 2015). Pereira, Dosquebradas, Santa Rosa de Cabal y la Virginia generan casi el 95% de residuos domésticos producidos en Risaralda. Desde este panorama es posible comprender que deben generarse otras alternativas para el manejo de los residuos y las basuras en el departamento, con la finalidad de propiciar espacios sanos, al mismo tiempo que se genera una cultura de la reutilización, el reciclaje y el reconocimiento del costo-beneficio de procesos ecológicos como el compostaje. El presente documento tiene como objetivo principal evaluar el potencial de aprovechamiento por procesos de compostaje de los residuos sólidos orgánicos de los restaurantes escolares de doce (12) instituciones educativas del casco urbano del municipio de Santa Rosa de Cabal, para lograrlo se hizo uso del enfoque ambientalista. A través de los resultados de esta intervención fue posible la reproducción metodológica en otros escenarios, proyectándose como una bola de nieve que aumente e impacte el contacto social directo hacia el reconocimiento de los residuos sólidos como insumos para la construcción de un medio ambiente renovado y auto-sostenible

    Sabana nativa

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    Evaluación de la producción de etanol utilizando cepas recombinantes de saccharomyces cerevisiae a partir de melaza de caña de azúcar

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    Se evaluó la producción de etanol, el crecimiento celular y el consumo de sustrato de tres cepas de Saccharomyces cerevisiae: CBS8066 (control) y dos recombinantes desarrolladas en la Unidad de Biotecnología Vegetal de CIB, GG570-CIBI y GG570-CIBII. Dichas cepas estuvieron bajo el efecto de dos concentraciones de sacarosa (170 y 250g/L) y dos sustratos (industrial con melaza caña azúcar y sintético con sacarosa). Durante la fermentación en sustrato industrial se obtuvo mayor producción de etanol a concentración de 250g sacarosa/L. Bajo estas condiciones, la cepa GG570-CIBII produjo en promedio 2,34g etanol/L mas con respecto a la cepa control y en adición, a las 10h, produjo 8,02g/L por encima de la cepa control. Por otro lado, la cepa GG570-CIBI produjo 3,46g etanol/L menos que la cepa control. De esta forma, se encontró que la cepa GG570-CIBII es tolerante a alta concentración de sacarosa, y además, es capaz de producir una concentración mayor de etanol con respecto a la cepa control en melaza caña azúcar con 250g/L sacarosa

    Netlang: A software for the linguistic analysis of corpora by means of complex networks

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    To date there is no software that directly connects the linguistic analysis of a conversation to a network program. Networks programs are able to extract statistical information from data basis with information about systems of interacting elements. Language has also been conceived and studied as a complex system. However, most proposals do not analyze language according to linguistic theory, but use instead computational systems that should save time at the price of leaving aside many crucial aspects for linguistic theory. Some approaches to network studies on language do apply precise linguistic analyses, made by a linguist. The problem until now has been the lack of interface between the analysis of a sentence and its integration into the network that could be managed by a linguist and that could save the analysis of any language. Previous works have used old software that was not created for these purposes and that often produced problems with some idiosyncrasies of the target language. The desired interface should be able to deal with the syntactic peculiarities of a particular language, the options of linguistic theory preferred by the user and the preservation of morpho-syntactic information (lexical categories and syntactic relations between items). Netlang is the first program able to do that. Recently, a new kind of linguistic analysis has been developed, which is able to extract a complexity pattern from the speaker’s linguistic production which is depicted as a network where words are inside nodes, and these nodes connect each other by means of edges or links (the information inside the edge can be syntactic, semantic, etc.). The Netlang software has become the bridge between rough linguistic data and the network program. Netlang has integrated and improved the functions of programs used in the past, namely the DGA annotator and two scripts (ToXML.pl and Xml2Pairs.py) used for transforming and pruning data. Netlang allows the researcher to make accurate linguistic analysis by means of syntactic dependency relations between words, while tracking record of the nature of such syntactic relationships (subject, object, etc). The Netlang software is presented as a new tool that solve many problems detected in the past. The most important improvement is that Netlang integrates three past applications into one program, and is able to produce a series of file formats that can be read by a network program. Through the Netlang software, the linguistic network analysis based on syntactic analyses, characterized for its low cost and the completely non-invasive procedure aims to evolve into a sufficiently fine grained tool for clinical diagnosis in potential cases of language disorders


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    El deporte se ha posicionado como un protagonista en las comunidades vulnerables, por ello se planteó como objeto el fortalecimiento de valores sociales mediante la práctica del fútbol por medio de las medicaciones educativas en el grupo Brújula de educación flexible de la Institución Educativa Santa Rosa. Metodología: enfoque metodológico mixto, tipo descriptivo con un estudio prospectivo. Se aplicaron diarios en el grupo Brújula, que permitieron conocer las características de los 27 niños y niñas y las situaciones presentadas entre ellos --agresiones físicas y verbales, el irrespeto y la ausencia del manejo de emociones; con los datos obtenidos se generaron estrategias didácticas y pedagógicas para el fortalecimiento de valores sociales (respeto, cooperación), mediante el diseño de un programa deportivo que permite la sana convivencia, el reconocimiento hacia el compañero y, lo más importante, el mantener el respeto y la cooperación entre sí; además se involucraron las capacidades físicas y habilidades motrices propias del fútbol. Conclusión: es necesario impulsar el deporte en las comunidades vulnerables acompañado de valores que les permita mantener relaciones armónicas y una construcción ciudadana en edades tempranas

    Sonochemical degradation of antibiotics from representative classes-Considerations on structural effects, initial transformation products, antimicrobial activity and matrix

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    In this work, the sonochemical treatment (at 354 kHz and 88 W L-120 ) of six relevant antibiotics belonging to fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin), penicillins (oxacillin and cloxacillin) and cephalosporins (cephalexin and cephadroxyl) classes was evaluated. Firstly, the ability of the process to eliminate them was tested, showing that sonodegradation of these antibiotics is strongly chemical structure25 dependent. Thus, correlations among initial degradation rate of pollutants (Rd), solubility in water (Sw), water-octanol partition coefficient (Log P) and topological polar surface area (TPSA) were tested. Rd exhibited a good correlation with Log P (i.e., the hydrophobicity degree of antibiotics). The considered penicillins had the fastest elimination and from the constitutional analysis using Lemke method was clear that the functional groups arrangement on these antibiotics made them highly hydrophobics. The penicillins were degraded closer at cavitation bubble than the fluoroquinolones or cephalosporins. The investigation of degradation products showed that sonogenerated hydroxyl radical primary attacked the β-lactam ring of cloxacillin and cephalexin, whereas on norfloxacin induced a decarboxylation. On the other hand, the evolution of antimicrobial activity was also followed. It was evidenced the process capacity to remove antimicrobial activity from treated solutions, which was associated to the transformations of functional groups on antibiotics with important role for interaction with bacteria. Additionally, degradation of antibiotics having the highest (the most hydrophobic, i.e., cloxacillin) and lowest (the most hydrophilic, i.e., cephadroxyl) Rd, was performed in synthetic matrices (hospital wastewater and seawater). Ultrasound degraded both antibiotics; for cloxacillin in such waters higher eliminations than in distilled water were observed (probably due to a salting-out effect exerted by matrix components). Meanwhile, for cephadroxyl a moderate inhibition of degradation in hospital wastewater and seawater respect to distilled water was found, this was related to competition by hydroxyl radical of the other substances in the matrices. These results show the quite selectivity of high frequency ultrasound to eliminate antibiotics form different classes even in complex matrices

    Clinical and etiological characterization of a sam-ple of children and adults with dysphagia treated in two healthcare centers in Medellín/Colombia: a retrospective study

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    Introduction: Dysphagia is a frequent disorder throughout the life cycle, which has different etiolo-gies in relation to its clinical type in oropharyngeal or esophageal.Objective: Clinical and etiological characterization of a sample with dysphagia attended in two health care centers in the city of Medellín (Colombia), showing the etiology and clinical type of dysphagia according to age groups. Methods: Observational, descriptive, and retrospective study, through the review and analysis of and clinical records of patients with a diagnosis of dysphagia, treated between 2012 and 2018 in a university hospital and a speech therapy center in swallowing. Results: Sample of 527 patients. Distributed in tho-se under 18 years 45.4% (239/527); 18 to 59: 20.1% (106/527) and over 60: 34.5% (182/527). Clinical type, etiology, and most frequent health condition in the entire sample: oropharyngeal dysphagia, functional etiology, and neurological diseases. The most frequent conditions causing dysphagia in children under 18 years of age were childhood development disorders; group 18 to 59 years, cancer and, in those over 60 years of age, neurodegenerative processes. Conclusion: Oropharyngeal dysphagia due to functional etiology is common throughout the life cycle, and neurological diseases seem to largely explain its pathophysiology. In older adults it is associated with neurodegenerative disorders, and in those under 60 years of age (including children) the etiology is diverse. Its causes and clinical characteristics must be considered for promotion, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation processes

    Teledetección para la cartografía de la vegetación de sabana

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    Algunos elementos conceptuales y metodológos para abordar los estudios multitemporales del ambiente

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    Algunos elementos conceptuales y metodológicos para abordar los estudios multitemporales del ambiente

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    Aporta elementos pertinentes para abordar los estudios multitemporales de la transformación ambiental desde perspectivas holísticas, que implican lecturas polisémicas de aspectos biofísicos, sociales, históricos y culturales aportados por disciplinas diversas. Los “hechos” espaciales,conceptualizados como cargados de historicidad y connotaciones ordenadoras, son caracterizados por múltiples formas discursivas y condicionamientos ideológicos desde los paradigmas dominantes, y son implementados mediante prácticas homogeneizantes de adoctrinamiento,apropiación, aculturación, educación y desarrollo, que implican desconocimiento de formas tradicionales de adaptación/adecuación socioambientales y generan nuevas espacialidades. Se propone el paisaje como categoría integradora que expresa las herencias de las relaciones dialécticas cultura-naturaleza