200 research outputs found

    Reduction of optical crosstalk in SiPMs due to coupled light guides and investigation of other properties demonstrated with the SensL MicroFJ-60035-TSV

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    The optical coupling of light guides to Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) influences the probability for optical crosstalk. Measurements of the crosstalk probability and the relative gain of 122 SiPMs of type SensL MicroFJ-60035-TSV are presented. Semi-conductor photo sensors have replaced photo multiplier tubes in numerous applications featuring single-photon resolution, insensitivity to magnetic fields, higher robustness and enhanced photo detection efficiency at lower operation voltage and lower costs. Light guides are used to increase the comparably small photo sensitive area of SiPMs. Their optical coupling changes the surface conditions of the sensor and influences the probability for crosstalk photons to leave the sensor without inducing secondary breakdowns. This study compares properties of sensors that are optically coupled to light guides with bare sensors, operated at nominal bias voltage. It demonstrates, that the optical coupling to a light guide significantly reduces the crosstalk probability of the measured sensors

    Transcriptome and proteome mapping in the sheep atria reveal molecular featurets of atrial fibrillation progression.

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a progressive cardiac arrhythmia that increases the risk of hospitalization and adverse cardiovascular events. There is a clear demand for more inclusive and large-scale approaches to understand the molecular drivers responsible for AF, as well as the fundamental mechanisms governing the transition from paroxysmal to persistent and permanent forms. In this study, we aimed to create a molecular map of AF and find the distinct molecular programmes underlying cell type-specific atrial remodelling and AF progression. We used a sheep model of long-standing, tachypacing-induced AF, sampled right and left atrial tissue, and isolated cardiomyocytes (CMs) from control, intermediate (transition), and late time points during AF progression, and performed transcriptomic and proteome profiling. We have merged all these layers of information into a meaningful three-component space in which we explored the genes and proteins detected and their common patterns of expression. Our data-driven analysis points at extracellular matrix remodelling, inflammation, ion channel, myofibril structure, mitochondrial complexes, chromatin remodelling, and genes related to neural function, as well as critical regulators of cell proliferation as hallmarks of AF progression. Most important, we prove that these changes occur at early transitional stages of the disease, but not at later stages, and that the left atrium undergoes significantly more profound changes than the right atrium in its expression programme. The pattern of dynamic changes in gene and protein expression replicate the electrical and structural remodelling demonstrated previously in the sheep and in humans, and uncover novel mechanisms potentially relevant for disease treatment. Transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of AF progression in a large animal model shows that significant changes occur at early stages, and that among others involve previously undescribed increase in mitochondria, changes to the chromatin of atrial CMs, and genes related to neural function and cell proliferation.This work was supported by the Spanish government (BFU2017-84914-P to M.M.; FPI Fellowship to A.A.-F.; FPU Fellowship to R.R.), and in part by grants to J.J. from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (R01 grant HL122352 NIH/NHLBI), the Leducq Foundation (Transatlantic Network of Excellence Program on Structural Alterations in the Myocardium and the Substrate for Cardiac Fibrillation), and the University of Michigan Health System–Peking University Health Science Center Joint Institute for Translational and Clinical Research (UMHS-PUHSC; project: Molecular Mechanisms of Fibrosis and the Progression from Paroxysmal to Persistent Atrial Fibrillation). The CNIC is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and the Pro CNIC Foundation and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505).S

    Software architecture for the measurement of operational risk in financial sector entities

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    La medición de los riesgos financieros tales como operacional, liquidez y crédito, entre otros, es una de las preocupaciones más frecuentes en el sector financiero; en este sentido, la materialización del riesgo operacional da lugar a enormes pérdidas monetarias derivadas de fallos en las personas, en los procesos y en los procedimientos que inciden en la operación de la entidad. Con el fin de sistematizar la medición del riesgo operacional se ha desarrollado el Sistema de Información Operational Risk Management, el cual facilita la medición del riesgo operacional, a partir de la obtención de la matriz de pérdidas esperadas e inesperadas y la estimación de Valor en Riesgo Operacional (Op-VaR) para los diferentes fallos que se puedan presentar en cada una de las líneas de negocio con las que cuenta la entidad. En este trabajo se muestra cómo el uso de la arquitectura basada en filtros facilita y agiliza cálculos que requieren grandes volúmenes de datos con información financiera. Actualmente el Sistema de Información es utilizado por entidades del sector financiero colombiano quienes a partir de su uso han optimizado tanto sus utilidades como la productividad del talento humano, toda vez que el sistema ha permitido generar planes de contingencia para atender una crisis por riesgo operacionalThe measurement of financial risks, such as operational, liquidity and credit, among others, is one of the most frequent concern in the bank and corporative sector, in this sense, the operational risk materialization causes large losses due to fails on the procedures that affect the functioning of the organization. With the goal of systematize the risk measurement, we has implement the Information System Financial Risk Management which facilitates the measurement of operational risk starting on the expected and unexpected loss matrix and the estimation of Value at Operational Risk (Op-VaR) for different failures that may occur in each of the business lines that the entity has. The paper shows how the use of filters based on easier and faster calculations that require large volumes of data from financial information architecture. Currently the Information System is used by Colombian financial sector entities who from their use have optimized both their profits and the productivity of human talent, since the system has allowed the generation of contingency plans to deal with a crisis due to operational ris

    "Validity of a scale of Latin American perception of fear and concern transmitted by the media during the pandemic (MED-LAT-COVID-19)"

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    "Introduction: The pandemic has caused fear, especially due to the daily disseminated news; however, there is not an instrument to measure this fear in multiple realities. Objective: To validate a scale for Latin American perception of fear and concern transmitted by the media during the pandemic. Methodology: This is an instrumental study. The survey was based on an instrument which was pre-validated in Peru and submitted to 15 experts in almost 10 countries. Subsequently, thousands of people were surveyed in 13 Latin American countries, whose answers were used for descriptive statistics for validation. Results: Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) generated two re-specifications, where four items were eliminated from the original scale. With these changes, the global goodness of fit (absolute and incremental) were satisfactory (CFI ¼ 0.978; TLI ¼ 0.964; GFI ¼ 0.976; AGFI ¼ 0.949; RMSEA ¼ 0.075 and RMR ¼ 0.029). The first factor measures the media exaggeration (three questions); the second, the fear transmitted by the media (three questions); and the third, the fear transmitted by others different from the media (two questions). The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was higher than 0.70 for the scale and its factors. Conclusion: The MED-LAT-COVID-19 scale reported a good adjustment. It has eight items in three factors, which could be measured in an isolated way, or along with other tests that assess mental health in the current pandemic context.

    Study of the Very High Energy emission of M87 through its broadband spectral energy distribution

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    The radio galaxy M87 is the central dominant galaxy of the Virgo Cluster.Very High Energy (VHE,0.1\gtrsim 0.1 TeV) emission, from M87 has been detectedby Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs ). Recently, marginal evidence forVHE long-term emission has also been observed by the High Altitude WaterCherenkov (HAWC) Observatory, a gamma ray and cosmic-ray detector array locatedin Puebla, Mexico. The mechanism that produces VHE emission in M87 remainsunclear. This emission is originated in its prominent jet, which has beenspatially resolved from radio to X-rays. In this paper, we constructed aspectral energy distribution from radio to gamma rays that is representative ofthe non-flaring activity of the source, and in order to explain the observedemission, we fit it with a lepto-hadronic emission model. We found that thismodel is able to explain non-flaring VHE emission of M87 as well as an orphanflare reported in 2005.<br

    Validation of standardized data formats and tools for ground-level particle-based gamma-ray observatories

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    Ground-based gamma-ray astronomy is still a rather young field of research,with strong historical connections to particle physics. This is why mostobservations are conducted by experiments with proprietary data and analysissoftware, as it is usual in the particle physics field. However in recentyears, this paradigm has been slowly shifting towards the development and useof open-source data formats and tools, driven by upcoming observatories such asthe Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). In this context, a community-driven,shared data format (the gamma-astro-data-format or GADF) and analysis toolssuch as Gammapy and ctools have been developed. So far these efforts have beenled by the IACT community, leaving out other types of ground-based gamma-rayinstruments.We aim to show that the data from ground particle arrays, such asthe High-Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory, is also compatible withthe GADF and can thus be fully analysed using the related tools, in this caseGammapy. We reproduce several published HAWC results using Gammapy and dataproducts compliant with GADF standard. We also illustrate the capabilities ofthe shared format and tools by producing a joint fit of the Crab spectrumincluding data from six different gamma-ray experiments. We find excellentagreement with the reference results, a powerful check of both the publishedresults and the tools involved. The data from particle detector arrays such asthe HAWC observatory can be adapted to the GADF and thus analysed with Gammapy.A common data format and shared analysis tools allow multi-instrument jointanalysis and effective data sharing. Given the complementary nature of pointingand wide-field instruments, this synergy will be distinctly beneficial for thejoint scientific exploitation of future observatories such as the SouthernWide-field Gamma-ray Observatory and CTA.<br

    Gamma/Hadron Separation with the HAWC Observatory

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    The High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) gamma-ray observatory observesatmospheric showers produced by incident gamma rays and cosmic rays with energyfrom 300 GeV to more than 100 TeV. A crucial phase in analyzing gamma-raysources using ground-based gamma-ray detectors like HAWC is to identify theshowers produced by gamma rays or hadrons. The HAWC observatory records roughly25,000 events per second, with hadrons representing the vast majority(>99.9%>99.9\%) of these events. The standard gamma/hadron separation technique inHAWC uses a simple rectangular cut involving only two parameters. This workdescribes the implementation of more sophisticated gamma/hadron separationtechniques, via machine learning methods (boosted decision trees and neuralnetworks), and summarizes the resulting improvements in gamma/hadron separationobtained in HAWC.<br

    HAWC Study of Very-High-Energy γ\gamma-ray Spectrum of HAWC J1844-034

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    Recently, the region surrounding eHWC J1842-035 has been studied extensively by gamma-ray observatories due to its extended emission reaching up to a few hundred TeV and potential as a hadronic accelerator. In this work, we use 1,910 days of cumulative data from the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory to carry out a dedicated systematic source search of the eHWC J1842-035 region. During the search we have found three sources in the region, namely, HAWC J1844-034, HAWC J1843-032, and HAWC J1846-025. We have identified HAWC J1844-034 as the extended source that emits photons with energies up to 175 TeV. We compute the spectrum for HAWC J1844-034 and by comparing with the observational results from other experiments, we have identified HESS J1843-033, LHAASO J1843-0338, and TASG J1844-038 as very-high-energy gamma-ray sources with a matching origin. Also, we present and use the multi-wavelength data to fit the hadronic and leptonic particle spectra. We have identified four pulsar candidates in the nearby region from which PSR J1844-0346 is found to be the most likely candidate due to its proximity to HAWC J1844-034 and the computed energy budget. We have also found SNR G28.6-0.1 as a potential counterpart source of HAWC J1844-034 for which both leptonic and hadronic scenarios are feasible.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, published in Ap

    Searching for TeV Dark Matter in Irregular dwarf galaxies with HAWC Observatory

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    We present the results of dark matter (DM) searches in a sample of 31 dwarf irregular (dIrr) galaxies within the field of view of the HAWC Observatory. dIrr galaxies are DM dominated objects, which astrophysical gamma-ray emission is estimated to be negligible with respect to the secondary gamma-ray flux expected by annihilation or decay of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). While we do not see any statistically significant DM signal in dIrr galaxies, we present the exclusion limits (95% C.L.95\%~\text{C.L.}) for annihilation cross-section and decay lifetime for WIMP candidates with masses between 11 and 100 TeV100~\text{TeV}. Exclusion limits from dIrr galaxies are relevant and complementary to benchmark dwarf Spheroidal (dSph) galaxies. In fact, dIrr galaxies are targets kinematically different from benchmark dSph, preserving the footprints of different evolution histories. We compare the limits from dIrr galaxies to those from ultrafaint and classical dSph galaxies previously observed with HAWC. We find that the contraints are comparable to the limits from classical dSph galaxies and 2\thicksim2 orders of magnitude weaker than the ultrafaint dSph limits.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures, 3 table

    Constraints on the very high energy gamma-ray emission from short GRBs with HAWC

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    Many gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have been observed from radio wavelengths, and afew at very-high energies (VHEs, > 100GeV). The HAWC gamma-ray observatory iswell suited to study transient phenomena at VHEs due to its large field of viewand duty cycle. These features allow for searches of VHE emission and can probedifferent model assumptions of duration and spectra. In this paper, we use datacollected by HAWC between December 2014 and May 2020 to search for emission inthe energy range from 80 to 800 GeV coming from a sample 47 short GRBs thattriggered the Fermi, Swift and Konus satellites during this period. Thisanalysis is optimized to search for delayed and extended VHE emission withinthe first 20 s of each burst. We find no evidence of VHE emission, eithersimultaneous or delayed, with respect to the prompt emission. Upper limits (90%confidence level) derived on the GRB fluence are used to constrain thesynchrotron self-Compton forward-shock model. Constraints for the interstellardensity as low as 10210^{-2} cm3^{-3} are obtained when assuming z=0.3 forbursts with the highest keV-fluences such as GRB 170206A and GRB 181222841.Such a low density makes observing VHE emission mainly from the fast coolingregime challenging.<br