93 research outputs found

    Cooperación en I+D entre empresas y Universidades = R&D cooperation between companies and universities

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    Es ampliamente aceptado que la cooperación en I+D+i es un factor clave para el desarrollo económico. Las empresas no innovan solas y recurren a la cooperación para obtener conocimiento y recursos que mejoren su ventaja competitiva. Este Trabajo Fin de Grado analiza la cooperación universidad-empresa para el desarrollo de actividades de I+D+i. El objetivo del trabajo ha sido determinar el perfil de empresas que más recurren a este tipo de cooperación. Para este propósito se analizaron 992 empresas que cooperaron con universidades y participaron del Panel de Innovación Tecnológica (PITEC) en el año 2013. Este perfil se obtuvo teniendo en cuenta: el tamaño de las empresas, el sector de actividad, los tipos de innovación, los factores que dificultan la actividad innovadora, la financiación pública y las patentes. Los resultados evidencian la importancia de la cooperación entre empresas y universidades y permite obtener un perfil claro de las empresas que más necesitan de la universidad para el desarrollo de sus actividades de innovación

    Populismo, marketing político y estrategias de comunicación = Populism, political marketing and communication strategie

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    El concepto de «populismo» ha sido utilizado de forma extensa a lo largo de los años a la hora de dar nombre a diferentes movimientos políticos y sociales, como una revolución, hasta convertirse en un término peyorativo para referirse a otros partidos, independientemente de su ideología. Este tipo de fenómenos políticos tienden a aparecer en momentos de crisis económica y social o en sociedades debilitadas y está definido por apelar a la protección del pueblo y a la lucha contra las élites. Actualmente, el populismo también relaciona con la llegada de internet y, en especial, con las redes sociales, que también han supuesto un antes y un después en la manera de hacer política. Es por esta misma razón por la que los líderes políticos han tomado ventaja del uso de las redes sociales con el fin de influenciar al electorado a través de varias estrategias de comunicación -imposición, persuasión e influencia espontánea-. Estas estrategias comprenden un rol muy importante dentro del campo de la promoción que es clave en el marketing político y, a su vez, muy relevante dentro del marketing comercial. Es aquí donde ambos tipos de marketing se encuentran estrechamente relacionados entre sí puesto que su finalidad es diferenciar y posicionar a un producto, servicio o partido político

    Estudio de la función de la desaminasa inducida por activación en la diversificación de anticuerpos y en la generación de lesiones linfomagénicas

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    La Desaminasa Inducida por Activación inicia las reacciones de Hipermutación Somática (SHM) y Cambio de Isotipo (CSR), responsables de la diversificación secundaria de anticuerpos. Además, AID promueve la generación de translocaciones cromosómicas con potencial linfomagénico. Por ello, el estudio de la regulación de esta enzima es de vital importancia. En primer lugar, realizamos un análisis exhaustivo de las consecuencias de una reducción en los niveles de AID in vivo e in vitro utilizando animales AID+/-, en los que la expresión de AID está reducida a la mitad. Nuestros datos indican que esta reducción tiene consecuencias funcionales, tanto para la actividad fisiológica de AID (SHM y CSR), como para su actividad linfomagénica (generación de translocaciones). Estos resultados demuestran por primera vez que AID es haploinsuficiente. Estrechamente relacionado con este mecanismo de regulación, demostramos, en colaboración con el laboratorio del Dr. Petersen-Mahrt (Cancer Research, UK), que el estrógeno puede regular los niveles de expresión de AID y afectar a la frecuencia de translocaciones cromosómicas. Estos estudios enfatizan que la regulación de los niveles de AID es crítica para determinar su función, tanto en la respuesta inmune como en la generación de lesiones oncogénicas. Por ello posteriormente generamos un modelo inducible de sobre-expresión de AID in vivo. Este modelo se basa en el empleo del locus Rosa26 para introducir una copia de AID que se activa mediante la expresión de la recombinasa Cre. Hemos generado dos líneas de ratones en las que AID se expresa en distintos estadios de la diferenciación B. Este abordaje nos permite abordar los requerimientos para la actividad de esta enzima de una manera dependiente del contexto celular. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la actividad de AID es contexto celular dependiente, lo que presumiblemente está asociado a proliferación celular

    Anti-anisakis igE seroprevalence in the healthy Croatian coastal population and associated risk factors

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    The main objective of the study was to determine the degree of sensitization to Anisakis spp. antigens in healthy coastal population of Dalmatia given the high thermally unprocessed fish intake rate present in this area, suggested as a significant risk factor for anisakiasis. We performed a monocenter, cross-sectional pilot study stratified by geographic area of residence, conducted at the County secondary healthcare provider Medicine-biochemical Laboratory in Split (Croatia), from November 2010 till December 2011, on 500 unpaid volunteer subjects undergoing routine blood analysis and belonging to the south coast of the Adriatic SeaThe study has been funded by basic grants of Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, grant number 001-0000000-3633, granted to IMS

    Haploinsufficiency of Activation-Induced Deaminase for Antibody Diversification and Chromosome Translocations both In Vitro and In Vivo

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    The humoral immune response critically relies on the secondary diversification of antibodies. This diversification takes places through somatic remodelling of the antibody genes by two molecular mechanisms, Class Switch Recombination (CSR) and Somatic Hypermutation (SHM). The enzyme Activation Induced Cytidine Deaminase (AID) initiates both SHM and CSR by deaminating cytosine residues on the DNA of immunoglobulin genes. While crucial for immunity, AID-catalysed deamination is also the triggering event for the generation of lymphomagenic chromosome translocations. To address whether restricting the levels of AID expression in vivo contributes to the regulation of its function, we analysed mice harbouring a single copy of the AID gene (AID+/−). AID+/− mice express roughly 50% of normal AID levels, and display a mild hyperplasia, reminiscent of AID deficient mice and humans. Moreover, we found that AID+/− cells have an impaired competence for CSR and SHM, which indicates that AID gene dose is limiting for its physiologic function. We next evaluated the impact of AID reduction in AID+/− mice on the generation of chromosome translocations. Our results show that the frequency of AID-promoted c-myc/IgH translocations is reduced in AID+/− mice, both in vivo and in vitro. Therefore, AID is haploinsufficient for antibody diversification and chromosome translocations. These findings suggest that limiting the physiologic levels of AID expression can be a regulatory mechanism that ensures an optimal balance between immune proficiency and genome integrity

    Field evaluation of the enhanced MM3-COPRO ELISA test for the diagnosis of Fasciola hepatica infection in sheep

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    Fasciolosis is a severe zoonosis responsible for major economic losses in livestock. The enhanced MM3-COPRO test (eMM3-COPRO) and the commercial version BIO K 201 (Bio-X Diagnostics, Rochefort, Belgium) are widely used as immunodiagnostic tools for the specific detection of coproantigens released by Fasciola during the late prepatent and patent stages of infection. However, performance of the eMM3-COPRO has never been evaluated under field conditions. To address this gap, a large number of ovine faecal samples, collected in a region where fasciolosis is endemic (Galicia, NW Spain), were analyzed. Two groups of sheep flocks were selected according to the Fasciola infection status: ‘Fasciola-free’ and ‘Fasciola-infected’ flocks. ‘Fasciola-free’ flocks were seronegative flocks with no history of fasciolosis detected by either coproscopy or necropsy in the last 5 years. Faecal samples from these sheep were used to calculate a cut-off value for infection (OD = 0.021). The cut-off was calculated using a bootstrap resampling method that enables estimation of the sampling distribution of the statistical parameters without making assumptions about the underlying data distribution. ‘Fasciola-infected’ flocks were characterized by high seroprevalence, a history of fasciolosis and periodical treatment with flukicides. Samples from these flocks were used to estimate the diagnostic accuracy of the eMM3-COPRO relative to coproscopy, which although limited by poor sensitivity is the only reference test available for diagnosing fasciolosis in vivo. To overcome this limitation, all animals classified positive by eMM3-COPRO were treated with triclabendazole and then retested. The eMM3-COPRO displayed higher sensitivity than coproscopy, as it detected coproantigens in all samples with positive coproscopy and in 12% of samples with negative coproscopy. The test also proved highly specific as coproantigens disappeared after the treatment. The eMM3-COPRO was less time consuming than coproscopy, particularly when the procedure involved numerous samples, and showed promise as a tool for monitoring flukicide efficacyS

    Rapid enhanced MM3-COPRO ELISA for detection of fasciola coproantigens

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    ELISA-based methods of detecting Fasciola cathepsins in feces are powerful techniques for diagnosing infections by F. hepatica and F. gigantica. In the last decade, the in-house MM3-COPRO ELISA and its commercial version BIO K 201 (BIO X Diagnostics, Belgium) have been recognized as useful tools for detecting early infections by such trematodes and for monitoring the efficacy of anthelmintic treatments in human and animal species, as they provide some advantages over classic fecal egg counts. However, the sensitivity of MM3- COPRO ELISA can sometimes be compromised by the high variability in the concentration of cathepsins in fecal samples throughout the biological cycle of Fasciola (mainly in cattle) and by differences in the between-batch performance of peroxidase-labeled anti-mouse IgG polyclonal antibodies. To prevent such problems, we investigated whether the incorporation of a commercial streptavidin-polymerized horseradish peroxidase conjugate, in order to reveal bound biotinylated monoclonal antibody MM3, can improve the sensitivity of the MM3-COPRO ELISA. We observed that inclusion of this reagent shifted the previous detection limit of the assay from 0.6 ng/mL to 150 pg/mL and that the modified test is able to identify infection in cows harboring only one fluke. Moreover, we demonstrated that maximal OD values can be achieved with short incubations (30 min each step) at RT with shaking, rather than standard incubations, which significantly accelerates the diagnostic procedure. Finally, we did not find a significant correlation between coproantigen concentration and parasite burden in cattle, which may be due to the low parasite burden (1–10 adult flukes) of the animals used in the present study. As the usefulness of the classic MM3-COPRO test for detecting animal and human infections has already been demonstrated, it is expected that the improvements reported in this study will add new insights into the diagnosis and control of fasciolosisWe have previously reported how the combined use of mAb MM3 with polyclonal antibodies obtained from rabbit immunized with Fasciola hepatica excretory-antigens led to the development of the in-house MM3-COPRO ELISA and its commercial version BIO K 201 (BIO X Diagnostics, Belgium), which are widely used to detect human and animal infections caused by F. hepatica. After more than a decade in use, both tests have proven to be useful tools for specifically detecting Fasciola infections, although it has also been found that: i) the conditions of use of the commercial test in some field studies did not enable the sensitivity obtained with the in-house test to be reached, and ii) the batches of the secondary reagent (peroxidase-labeled anti-mouse antibodies) currently available for use in the in-house test do not perform the same as previous batches. To solve these problems, we provide data showing that the incorporation of an enhancement system consisting of streptavidin-polymerized horseradish peroxidase conjugate greatly improved the sensitivity of the MM3-COPRO ELISA and enabled reduction of the incubation time. These modifications enabled the detectability of the assay to be 150 pg/mL, thus enabling detection of infection in animals harboring only one flukeThis work was funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain, Grants AGL2011- 30563-C02/C03; Xunta de Galicia, Spain, Grant GPC2014/058; and the European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER). VMS holds a predoctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (Programa de Formación del Profesorado Universitario, AP2010-5808) and RAOM is recipient of a fellowship from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Programa de Formación de Personal Investigador, BES-2012- 060270)S

    Fasciola spp: Mapping of the MF6 epitope and antigenic analysis of the MF6p/HDM family of heme-binding proteins

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    MF6p/FhHDM-1 is a small cationic heme-binding protein which is recognized by the monoclonal antibody (mAb) MF6, and abundantly present in parenchymal cells and secreted antigens of Fasciola hepatica. Orthologs of this protein (MF6p/HDMs) also exist in other causal agents of important foodborne trematodiasis, such as Clonorchis sinensis, Opisthorchis viverrini and Paragonimus westermani. Considering that MF6p/FhHDM-1 is relevant for heme homeostasis in Fasciola and was reported to have immunomodulatory properties, this protein is expected to be a useful target for vaccination. Thus, in this study we mapped the epitope recognized by mAb MF6 and evaluated its antigenicity in sheep. The sequence of the MF6p/FhHDM-1 ortholog from F. gigantica (MF6p/FgHDM-1) was also reported. By means of ELISA inhibitions with overlapping synthetic peptides, we determined that the epitope recognized by mAb MF6 is located within the C-terminal moiety of MF6p/FhHDM-1, which is the most conserved region of MF6p/HDMs. By immunoblotting analysis of parasite extracts and ELISA inhibitions with synthetic peptides we also determined that mAb MF6 reacted with the same intensity with F. hepatica and F. gigantica, and in decreasing order of intensity with C. sinensis, O.viverrini and P. westermani orthologs. On the contrary, mAb MF6 showed no reactivity against Dicrocoelium dendriticum and Schistosoma mansoni. The study of the recognition of peptides covering different regions of MF6p/FhHDM-1 by sera from immunized sheep revealed that the C-terminal moiety is the most antigenic, thus being of potential interest for vaccination. We also demonstrated that the production of antibodies to MF6p/FhHDM-1 in sheep infected by F. hepatica occurs relatively early and follows the same pattern as those produced against L-cathepsins.This work was funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain (Grants AGL2011-30563-C03-01, AGL2011-30563-C03-02 and AGL2011-30563-C03-03); Xunta de Galicia, Spain (Grants GPC 2014/058 and ED431B 2017/18); Network of Biomedical Research on Tropical Diseases (RICET), Spain (Grant RD12/0018/0013) and the European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER). VMS holds a predoctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (Programa de Formación del Profesorado Universitario). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.S

    Usefulness of ELISA Methods for Assessing LPS Interactions with Proteins and Peptides

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    Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the major constituent of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, can trigger severe inflammatory responses during bacterial infections, possibly leading to septic shock. One approach to combatting endotoxic shock is to neutralize the most conserved part and major mediator of LPS activity (lipid A) with LPS-binding proteins or peptides. Although several available assays evaluate the biological activity of these molecules on LPS (e.g. inhibition of LPS-induced TNF-α production in macrophages), the development of simple and cost-effective methods that would enable preliminary screening of large numbers of potential candidate molecules is of great interest. Moreover, it would be also desirable that such methods could provide information about the possible biological relevance of the interactions between proteins and LPS, which may enhance or neutralize LPS-induced inflammatory responses. In this study, we designed and evaluated different types of ELISA that could be used to study possible interactions between LPS and any protein or peptide. We also analysed the usefulness and limitations of the different ELISAs. Specifically, we tested the capacity of several proteins and peptides to bind FITC-labeled LPSs from Escherichia coli serotypes O111:B4 and O55:B5 in an indirect ELISA and in two competitive ELISAs including casein hydrolysate (hCAS) and biotinylated polymyxin B (captured by deglycosylated avidin; PMX) as LPS-binding agents in the solid phase. We also examined the influence of pH, detergents and different blocking agents on LPS binding. Our results showed that the competitive hCAS-ELISA performed under mildly acidic conditions can be used as a general method for studying LPS interactions, while the more restrictive PMX-ELISA may help to identify proteins/peptides that are likely to have neutralizing properties in vitro or in vivoThis work was funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain, Grant AGL2011-30563-C03; Xunta de Galicia, Spain, Grant GPC2014/058; and the European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER). VMS holds a predoctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (Programa de Formación del Profesorado Universitario) and RAOM is recipient of a fellowship from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Programa de Formación de Personal Investigador). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscriptS

    Analysis of Ani s 7 and Ani s 1 allergens as biomarkers of sensitization and allergy severity in human anisakiasis

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    The high frequency of infection by Anisakis simplex (A. simplex) has led to an increase in IgE sensitization, turning allergy to this parasite a relevant contemporary health problem. Improving the lack of conventional diagnosis test specificity is crucial to better understand these clinical scenarios. Specific IgE (sIgE) to A. simplex extract by ImmunoCAP (Anisakis-sIgE) was determined in sera from 403 blood donors (BD) from Cantabria (North of Spain) of which 51 subjects resulted sensitized. Among these latter, 47 were asymptomatic (sABD). The values of total IgE, prick-test, Anisakis-sIgE, and sIgE to Ani s 1 (anti-rAni s 1) and Ani s 7 (anti-rAni s 7) were compared between 46 sABD and 49 A. simplex allergic patients. The IgE seroprevalence by ImmunoCAP among BD was 12.65%. Allergic patients and sABD showed significant differences in all serum biomarkers evaluated. The area under the curve was assessed for Anisakis-sIgE (0.892), sIgE-rAni s 1 (0.672) and sIgE-rAni s 7 (0.668). After a severe reaction, significantly higher levels of Anisakis-sIgE and sIgE anti-rAni s 1 were detected. Determinations of sIgE by ImmunoCAP, Ani s 1 and Ani s 7 presented different sensitization patterns between allergic and asymptomatic individuals. The Ani s 1 allergen arises as a possible biomarker to detect patients at risk of suffering severe allergic reactions