17 research outputs found


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    This article is devoted to the ethnotoponymy of Karakalpakstan. Ethnotoponyms of Karakalpakstan, as their special research has shown, could first of all be devided into the following two groups: 1) toponyms formed from the names of the Karakalpak tribes and kins; 2) toponyms formed from the names of Kazakh, Uzbek, Turkmen tribes and kins. Toponyms of the first group are mainly found here.&nbsp

    Application of the principles of international standards to ensure quality and safety in the development of technology of bakery products of increased nutritional value

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    In order to manage quality and safety in the development of technology for new types of bakery products of increased nutritional value, the HACCP system was used. Marketing research has shown that consumers would like to see more nutritious breads with natural additives on store shelves. Juniper (Juniperucommunis L) is one of the traditional crops growing in Kazakhstan and characterized by a high content of biologically active substances. In this regard, 3 % of crushed juniper fruits were added to the bread recipe. In the course of research, a HACCP plan was developed for a new type of bread with increased nutritional value with the inclusion of juniper. As a result of the analysis of the bread production process, hazardous factors were identified and safety management measures were determined. Three critical control points were identified – during preparation (cleaning and grinding) of juniper fruits, during dough fermentation, and during storage of finished products. Once risk factors were identified, critical limits were identified, a monitoring procedure was established, and corrective actions were developed. The developed HACCP plan was tested at an enterprise for the production of bakery products, which led to an increase in the safety of products, and, accordingly, to an increase in its competitiveness in the consumer market of Kazakhstan

    Comparative characterization of strains of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Kazakhstan mare's milk and koumiss to create probiotic preparation

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    The most widely used probiotics that benefit human and animal health are lactic acid bacteria (LAB) derived from milk and dairy products. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the probiotic properties of LAB strains isolated from Kazakhstan mare's milk and koumiss (fermented mare’s milk) samples. A total of 24 LAB strains were isolated to test their probiotic properties. Based on analysis of probiotic properties, the strains 3K, 7K, 9K, 10K and 11K were identified by 16S rDNA sequence analysis. According to PCR analysis, three strains (3K, 7K, 9K) were assigned to the species Limosilactobacillus fermentum and the remaining two strains (10K and 11K) were assigned to the species Lacticaseibacillus paracasei. In summary, the high biological potential of the strain Lacticaseibacillus paracasei 10K was identified as having probiotic property, which suggests its possible use as a promising candidate

    Безопасность новых режимов профилактического лечения туберкулеза и приверженность к их соблюдению по данным Республики Казахстан

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    The objective: to assess the safety and compliance with new regimens for preventive treatment of drug susceptible and drug resistant tuberculosis.Subjects and Methods. The study was carried out in Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan; 182 patients from the groups facing the high risk of developing active tuberculosis received preventive tuberculosis treatment with new regimens: 71 patients were treated with isoniazid and rifampicin for 3 months (3 HR), 55 - with isoniazid and rifapentine for 1 month (1 HR), 56 - with levofloxacin for 6 months (6 Lfx).Results. During treatment with regimens 3 HR, 1 HP, 6 Lfx, no adverse events of severity degree 3-4 developed , while adverse events of severity degree 1-2 were rare and relieved. The patient-oriented approach to the organization of preventive chemotherapy made it possible to achieve high treatment completion rates: in the group receiving 3 HR, it was 97.2% of cases, in the group receiving 1 HP - 96.4%, and in the group receiving 6 Lfx - 82.2%.Цель исследования: оценка безопасности и приверженности к соблюдению новых режимов профилактического лечения лекарственно чувствительного и лекарственно устойчивого туберкулеза.Материалы и методы. Исследование выполнено в г. Алматы Республики Казахстан; новые режимы профилактического лечения туберкулеза получили 182 пациента из групп высокого риска развития активного туберкулеза: 71 – изониазид и рифампицин в течение 3 месяцев (3 HR), 55 – изониазид и рифапентин 1 месяц (1 НР), 56 – левофлоксацин 6 месяцев (6 Lfx).Результаты. При приеме режимов 3 HR, 1 HP, 6 Lfx нежелательных явлений 3-4 степени тяжести не наблюдалось, нежелательные явления 1-2 степени токсичности встречались редко и были купированы. Пациентоориентированный подход организации превентивной химиотерапии позволил достигнуть высоких показателей завершения лечения: в группе, получавшей 3 HR, в 97,2% случаев, 1 HP – в 96,4% и 6 Lfx – в 82,2%

    Hyperglycemia Promotes Mitophagy and Thereby Mitigates Hyperglycemia-Induced Damage

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    Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus (DM). The majority of patients with DM eventually develop some degree of DR. The observation that DR typically takes decades to develop suggests the existence of an endogenous system that protects from diabetes-induced damage. We posit that failure of this system is a prerequisite for DR, and its persistence underlies the extended delay (>50 years) of DR in medalists, which is unrelated to glycemic control. To investigate if such a system exists in primary human retinal endothelial cells (HRECs), we cultured them in either normal (5 mM, NG), or high (30 mM, HG) glucose. We observed that prolonged exposure to HG was beneficial instead of detrimental. While TNFα -induced expression of VCAM1 and ICAM1 was unaffected after 1 day of HG, it waned as the exposure to HG was extended. Similarly, oxidative stress-induced death decreased as exposure to HG was prolonged. Furthermore, mitochondrial functionality, which was compromised by 1 day of HG, was improved by 10 days of HG, and this change required increased clearance of damaged mitochondria (mitophagy). Finally, antagonizing mitochondrial dynamics compromised the cells’ ability to endure HG: susceptibility to cell death increased, basal barrier function and responsiveness to VEGF deteriorated. These observations indicate the existence of an endogenous system that protects HRECs from the deleterious effects of HG. Hyperglycemia-induced mitochondrial adaptation (HIMA) is a plausible contributor to the mechanism responsible for the delayed onset of DR; loss of HIMA may set the stage for the development of DR. Recent studies with Medalists, patients with DM who are resistant to complications for 50 years or more, investigated endogenous protective systems. Resistance to diabetic nephropathy (DN) in these patients was associated with increased glycolysis. Like the retina, the functionality of the kidney is jeopardized by the development of diabetes, and DN develops only after many years of diabetes. We found that a metabolic switch was associated with the acquisition of HIMA. HG elevated glycolysis, and metabolite analysis revealed elevated amounts of PPP metabolites - G6P/F6P/G1P and D-ribose-1/5-phosphate/D-ribulose 5-phosphate. Reducing both glycolysis and pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) in HG cells (to the NG level) with 2-DG initially eliminated a key feature of HIMA - enhanced mitochondrial redox capacity. Further treatment resulted in increased mitochondrial oxidative stress and basal cell death in response to HG. However, the effect of 2-DG on mitophagy was inconclusive. These observations indicate that elevated glycolysis and PPP are partially required for HIMA and, therefore, potentially protect the retinal vasculature from the development of DR


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    29 cm; 288 ha


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    <p>The article discusses the use of multi-level tasks as a means of evaluation. The criteria for evaluating level tasks according to the point system and their justification are given. The specific features of the tasks of the first, second and third levels of complexity of tasks in inorganic chemistry are highlighted. In the tasks of the first level, the reproductive nature of the students' activities prevails. They are aimed at the formation of practical skills and skills for the compilation of didactic materials. Tasks of the second level of complexity are partially exploratory in nature of students' cognitive activity and develop practical skills in developing methodological materials. The tasks of the third level of complexity are dominated by search activity, creative and author's approach to creating didactic materials taking into account modern requirements for school education. Various approaches to evaluation have been analyzed, general and specific criteria have been developed for evaluating multi-level tasks in inorganic chemistry. The results of the approbation of the developed criteria are presented and the significance of the criterion approach for the use of evaluation of multi-level tasks in inorganic chemistry is shown.</p&gt

    Забезпечення якості та безпеки при розробці смакових приправ на основі пророщених злаків з використанням принципів НАССР

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    The object of research is the production of a new flavor seasoning of increased nutritional value based on sprouted green buckwheat using the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) principles. Research is aimed at drawing up a HACCP plan in order to control the safety of flavoring condiments of increased nutritional value. The new flavor seasoning is developed on the basis of sprouted green buckwheat of the «Bogatyr» variety, dried vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, garlic), dried herbs (celery, basil, oregano, dill), spices (ginger, turmeric, curry, paprika, coriander).For a flavoring seasoning with the addition of 30 % sprouted green buckwheat, technical conditions have been developed, where the requirements for organoleptic, physico-chemical and microbiological quality indicators are normalized.The paper describes the method of germination of green buckwheat grain, as well as the standards used for drawing up the HACCP plan at the enterprise.As a result of the analysis of the production process of flavoring seasoning, dangerous factors and management measures were identified. Three critical control points have been identified: in the process sprouted, in the process disinfection  under grain germination, and in the process packaging of the finished product. Biological, chemical and physical hazards that can occur at each stage of seasoning production are identified. Once the risk factor was identified, critical limits were identified and monitoring procedures were established, as well as corrective actions were developed. During the research, a HACCP plan was developed for a new type of flavor seasoning with increased nutritional value in order to improve the safety and quality of products. The application of the HACCP plan will allow to effectively manage processes, use preventive measures, and accurately identify critical processes.Объектом исследования является производствоновой вкусовой приправы повышенной пищевой ценностина основе пророщенной зеленой гречки с применением принципов НАССР (HazardAnalysisandCriticalControlPoints). Исследование направлено на составление плана НАССР с целью контроля безопасности вкусовых приправ повышенной пищевой ценности.Новая вкусовая приправа разработана на основе пророщенной зеленой гречки сорта «Богатырь», сушеных овощей (морковь, тыква, чеснок), сушеной зелени (селдерей, базилик, орегано, укроп), пряностей (имбирь, куркума, карри, паприка, кориандр). На вкусовую приправу с добавлением 30 % пророщенной зеленой гречки разработаны технические условия, где нормированы требования по органолептическим, физико-химическим и микробиологическим показателям качества.В работе описан метод проращивания зерна зеленой гречки, а также стандарты,используемые для составления плана НАССР на предприятии.В результате анализа процесса производства вкусовой приправы были установлены опасные факторы и мероприятия по управлению. Определены три критические контрольные точки: в процессе проращивания зерна, в процессе дезинфекции при проращивании зерна и вовремя упаковки готового продукта. Выявлены биологические, химические и физические опасности, которые могут возникнуть на каждом этапе производства приправы.После выявления фактора риска были определены критические пределы и установлены процедуры мониторинга, а также разработаны корректирующие действия. В ходе исследований был разработан план НАССР для нового вида вкусовой приправы повышенной пищевой ценностью с целью повышения безопасности и качества продукции. Применение плана НАССР позволит эффективно управлять процессами, использовать предупреждающие меры, безошибочно выявлять критические процессы.Об'єктом дослідження є виробництво нової смакової приправи підвищеної харчової цінності на основі пророщеної зеленої гречки із застосуванням принципів НАССР (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points). Дослідження спрямовано на складання плану НАССР з метою контролю безпеки смакових приправ з підвищеною харчовою цінністю. Нова смакова приправа розроблена на основі пророщеної зеленої гречки сорту «Богатир», сушених овочів (морква, гарбуз, часник), сушеної зелені (селдерей, базилік, орегано, кріп), прянощів (імбир, куркума, карі, паприка, коріандр). На смакову приправу з додаванням 30 % пророщеної зеленої гречки розроблені технічні умови, де нормовані вимоги за органолептичними, фізико-хімічними та мікробіологічними показниками якості.У роботі описаний метод пророщування зерна зеленої гречки, а також стандарти, які використовуються для складання плану НАССР на підприємстві.В результаті аналізу процесу виробництва смакової приправи були встановлені небезпечні чинники та заходи з управління. Визначено три критичні контрольні точки: в процесі пророщування зерна, в процесі дезінфекції при пророщуванні зерна та під час упаковки готового продукту. Виявлено біологічні, хімічні та фізичні небезпеки, які можуть виникнути на кожному етапі виробництва приправи. Після виявлення фактору ризику були визначені критичні межі та встановлено процедури моніторингу, а також розроблені коригувальні дії. В ході досліджень був розроблений план НАССР для нового виду смакової приправи з підвищеною харчовою цінністю з метою підвищення безпеки та якості продукції. Застосування плану НАССР дозволить ефективно управляти процесами, використовувати запобіжні заходи, безпомилково виявляти критичні процеси


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    The article defines the operation scheme for Cport-health clusters. Positive dynamics of growth in the number of organizations involved in the segment of sports and leisure activities in Uzbekistan and abroad. The organization, goals and objectives of the training are described in detail, since the activities of sports and health clusters in the regions of Uzbekistan are very effective, but it is also a matter of improving the quality of life of young people and the population