855 research outputs found

    A Review of Shared Control for Automated Vehicles: Theory and Applications

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    The last decade has shown an increasing interest on advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) based on shared control, where automation is continuously supporting the driver at the control level with an adaptive authority. A first look at the literature offers two main research directions: 1) an ongoing effort to advance the theoretical comprehension of shared control, and 2) a diversity of automotive system applications with an increasing number of works in recent years. Yet, a global synthesis on these efforts is not available. To this end, this article covers the complete field of shared control in automated vehicles with an emphasis on these aspects: 1) concept, 2) categories, 3) algorithms, and 4) status of technology. Articles from the literature are classified in theory- and application-oriented contributions. From these, a clear distinction is found between coupled and uncoupled shared control. Also, model-based and model-free algorithms from these two categories are evaluated separately with a focus on systems using the steering wheel as the control interface. Model-based controllers tested by at least one real driver are tabulated to evaluate the performance of such systems. Results show that the inclusion of a driver model helps to reduce the conflicts at the steering. Also, variables such as driver state, driver effort, and safety indicators have a high impact on the calculation of the authority. Concerning the evaluation, driver-in-the-loop simulators are the most common platforms, with few works performed in real vehicles. Implementation in experimental vehicles is expected in the upcoming years

    Lateral Evasive Maneuver with Shared Control Algorithm: A Simulator Study

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    Shared control algorithms have emerged as a promising approach for enabling real-time driver automated system cooperation in automated vehicles. These algorithms allow human drivers to actively participate in the driving process while receiving continuous assistance from the automated system in specific scenarios. However, despite the theoretical benefits being analyzed in various works, further demonstrations of the effectiveness and user acceptance of these approaches in real-world scenarios are required due to the involvement of the human driver in the control loop. Given this perspective, this paper presents and analyzes the results of a simulator-based study conducted to evaluate a shared control algorithm for a critical lateral maneuver. The maneuver involves the automated system helping to avoid an oncoming motorcycle that enters the vehicle’s lane. The study’s goal is to assess the algorithm’s performance, safety, and user acceptance within this specific scenario. For this purpose, objective measures, such as collision avoidance and lane departure prevention, as well as subjective measures related to the driver’s sense of safety and comfort are studied. In addition, three levels of assistance (gentle, intermediate, and aggressive) are tested in two driver state conditions (focused and distracted). The findings have important implications for the development and execution of shared control algorithms, paving the way for their incorporation into actual vehicles.This research is supported by the EU Commission HADRIAN project. HADRIAN has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 875597. The publication is supported by the EU Commission Aware2All project, under grant agreement No 97878

    Impact of Solar Radiation on Luminaires and Energy Efficiency in Isolated Residential Photovoltaic Systems

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    [EN] This research centers on the implementation of photovoltaic systems in residential applications, coupled with battery-based energy storage, and evaluates their efficiency in generating energy, specifically for lighting in buildings. The methodology hinges on detecting interharmonic signals to characterize potentially disruptive frequencies and identify the origins of various failures. Multiple case studies are presented to validate the method's efficacy, including one involving fluorescent lamp circuits and another examining variations in solar radiation during the summer season. Real-world experiments are conducted in a residential setting, and the results are thoroughly analyzed. Various types of interharmonic generation behaviors are demonstrated, which are influenced by fluctuations in solar radiation and the appropriate installation of solar panels. The findings reveal that the absence of solar radiation below 300 W/m2 in a photovoltaic system relying on energy storage adversely affects interharmonics in luminaires installed within a residential space.This research was funded by UPV (Ministry of Universities, Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan Funded by the European Union Next Generation EU) and Postdoctoral Research (PAIDPD-22).Jalomo-Cuevas, J.; Colmenero-Fonseca, F.; Cárcel-Carrasco, J.; Sandoval Pérez, S.; Gudiño-Ochoa, A. (2023). Impact of Solar Radiation on Luminaires and Energy Efficiency in Isolated Residential Photovoltaic Systems. Buildings. 13(10). https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13102655131


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    Resumen     En este artículo se muestra un problema clásico en la teoría de control, el cual es el diseño de una ley de retroalimentación, teniendo el propósito de que la salida de cualquier sistema siga asintóticamente una señal de referencia. En este trabajo, se pretende que la velocidad lateral siga a una maniobra del conductor o sensor del volante, pero en sentido contrario. Se propone que el vehículo se encuentra realizando pruebas de manejo conocidas por la norma internacional ISO 7401, por ende el problema de la teoría de regulación lineal vía retroalimentación de estados por medio de una función de Lyapunov es la solución idónea a nuestro problema ya que se supone la medición de la velocidad angular de viraje. Los actuadores que integraremos en este artículo serán los frenos () y el sistema frontal activo (AFS, por sus siglas en inglés), por medio de la simulación del software Scilab.Palabra(s) clave: Retroalimentación de estados, Scilab, velocidad lateral, velocidad angular de viraje. Abstract    This article shows a classic problem of control theory, which is the design of a feedback law, it has the purpose that the output of any system follows a reference signal asymptotically. In this paper we aim that the lateral velocity follows a drivers´s maneuver or steering wheel sensor, but in the opposite direction. It is proposed that the vehicle performs driving test knowed by the ISO 7401 international standard, thus, to solve this problem we are going to use the feedback-state lineal theory by means of a Lyapunov function, because it is supposed to measure the yaw velocity. The actuators that we will be integrating in this paper, will be the brakes () and Front Active System (AFS), through simulations in the software Scilab.Keywords: Feedback state, lateral velocity, Scilab, yaw velocity


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    En este artículo se muestra un problema clásico en la teoría de control, el cual es el diseño de una ley de retroalimentación, teniendo el propósito de que la salida de cualquier sistema siga asintóticamente una señal de referencia. En este trabajo, se pretende que la velocidad lateral siga a una maniobra del conductor, pero en sentido contrario. Se propone que el vehículo se encuentra realizando pruebas de manejo conocidas por norma internacional ISO 7401, por ende el problema de la teoría de regulación lineal vía retroalimentación de estados por medio de una función de Lyapunov es la solución idónea a nuestro problema ya que se supone la medición de la velocidad angular de viraje. Los actuadores que integraremos en este artículo serán los frenos () y el sistema frontal activo (AFS, por sus siglas en inglés), por medio de la simulación de Matlab-Simulink-CarSim y una plataforma propia.Palabra(s) clave: Retroalimentación de estados, velocidad lateral, velocidad angular de viraje, CarSim. AbstractThis article shows a classic problem of control theory, which is the design of a feedback law, it has the purpose that the output of any system follows a reference signal asymptotically. In this paper we aim that the lateral velocity follows a drivers´s maneuver, but in the opposite direction. It is proposed that the vehicle performs driving test knowed by the ISO 7401 international standard, thus, to solve this problem we are going to use the feedback-state lineal theory by means of a Lyapunov function, because it is supposed to measure the yaw velocity. The actuators that we will be integrating in this paper, will be the brakes () and Front Active System (AFS), through simulations in Matlab- Simulink-CarSim and own platform.Keywords: Feedback state, lateral velocity, yaw velocity, CarSim


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    ResumenUn problema clásico en la teoría de control es el diseño de una ley de retroalimentación, teniendo el propósito de que la salida de cualquier sistema siga asintóticamente una señal de referencia. En este trabajo, se pretende estimar el flujo de calor ( ) por radiación para un sólido. Se utiliza una figura geométrica con la intención de aproximar las dimensiones a un invernadero, donde bajo el principio de los elementos finitos se calculan algunos  coeficientes de la variable a controlar (temperatura). El control es diseñado por un PID y el flujo de calor mediante la teoría de regulación lineal vía retroalimentación de estados como una solución idónea a nuestro problema ya que se supone la medición de la temperatura (T) con un sensor Termostato Digital XH-W1209 (Sensor tipo NTC 10K). Los actuadores que integraremos en este artículo serán un ventilador y nebulizadores. En esta  investigación se realiza la formalización matemática de esta  teoría y se observa por medio de la simulación de Matlab-Simulink al flujo de calor y la temperatura.Palabra(s) Clave: Elementos finitos, Flujo de calor, Retroalimentación de Estado. LINEAR OBSERVER FOR HEAT FLOW USING FINITE ELEMENTS IN A GREENHOUSEAbstractA Classic problem of the control theory, is the design of a feedback law, it has the purpose of the output of any system follows asymptotically to a reference signal.  In this paper we aim to estimate the flow of heat ( ) by radiation to a solid. A geometric figure is used with the intention of approximated the dimensions to a greenhouse, where some coefficients of the controlled variable (T) are calculated under the principle of finite elements. The control is designed for a PID and the heat flow using the feedback- state lineal theory as an ideal solution to our problem, because we assumed that the temperature is measurement with a sensor Termostato Digital XH-W1209 (Sensor tipo NTC 10K). The actuators that we will integrate in this paper will be a fan and nebulizers. In this investigation we do the mathematical model of this theory and also we see through of simulations in Matlab-Simulink to the heat flow and temperature.      Keyboards: Finite element, Feedback state, Heat flow


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    Resumen Se presenta una investigación de tipo comparativa, relativa a la eficiencia energética de los aires acondicionados denominados “minisplit”, mediante simulaciones en el software Solidworks, específicamente, la interfaz Flow Simulation, tomando en cuenta dos escenarios para la simulación. El primero, la zona de Mazamitla, Jalisco, México y el segundo escenario Manzanillo, Colima, México. Se usarán sus parámetros climatológicos característicos de cada zona; presión atmosférica, temperatura y humedad. Finalizando, se hace una comparativa, en los resultados de la simulación, y los parámetros iniciales, logrando demostrar, el rendimiento que tienen los dispositivos bajo los parámetros establecidos y concluyendo en que zona son más eficientes y consecuentemente disminuye su coste energético. Palabras Clave: Costo, eficiencia, parámetros, simulación, Solidworks. Abstract A comparative research is presented, related to the energy efficiency of air conditioners called “minisplit”, through simulations in Solidworks software, specifically, the Flow Simulation interface, taking into account two different places for the simulation. The first, the Mazamitla area, Jalisco, Mexico and the second stage, Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico. Its characteristic climatological parameters of each zone will be used; atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity. Finally, a comparison is made, in the simulation results, and the initial parameters, managing to demonstrate the performance of the devices under the established parameters and concluding in which area they are more efficient and consequently reduces their energy cost. Keywords: Cost, Efficiency, Parameters, Simulation, Solidworks


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    Resumen Las Redes Neuronales Convolucionales (RNC) han demostrado ser una herramienta muy potente al momento de analizar imágenes, por lo cual es preciso conocer y experimentar a detalle las bondades que nos ofrece y poder así generar nuevos métodos o aplicaciones con su uso. En el presente se propone una comparativa entre dos clasificaciones de imágenes electrocardiográficas (ECG) en las que se utilizan imágenes sintéticas diseñadas a partir de ecuaciones diferenciales e imágenes reales, además de que al momento de los entrenamientos se hará uso de dos optimizadores diferentes, el optimizador ADAM y el SGD con el objetivo de dar a conocer las eficiencias de cada uno durante el entrenamiento. Este estudio cuantitativo pretende demostrar la eficiencia de las RNC aplicadas a la clasificación de imágenes de este tipo, la cual resulto ser satisfactoria ya que se puede observar que ambas clasificaciones tuvieron una precisión del 100% al utilizar el optimizador SGD. Palabras Clave: Red Neuronal Convolucional, Optimizadores ADAM y SGD, ECG. Abstract Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have proven to be a very powerful tool when analyzing images, so it is necessary to know and experience a detail of the benefits that it offers us and thus be able to generate new methods or applications with its use. In this paper, we propose a comparison between two classifications of electrocardiographic images (ECG) in which synthetic images designed from differential equations and real images are use, in addition to the fact that at the time of training two different optimizers will be used, the optimizer ADAM and SGD with the aim of making known the efficiencies of each one during training. This quantitative study aims to demonstrate the efficiency of the CNN applied to image classification of this type, which turns out to be satisfactory since it can be seen that both classifications were 100% accurate when using the SGD optimizer. Keywords: Convolutional Neural Network, ADAM and SGD optimizers, ECG

    FICARAM-15 Cruise Report 20th March – 22nd May 2013 on board BIO Hespérides by the Group FICARAM

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    54 páginas, 19 figuras, 3 anexosThe FICARAM-15 is the fifteenth repetition of a section conducted in 1994. This section is part of the international program GOSHIP (http://www.go-ship.org/CruisePlans.html) to develop a globally coordinated network of sustained hydrographic sections as part of the global ocean/climate observing system. The objective of the FICARAM-15 cruise is to investigate the temporal evolution of the anthropogenic carbon and evaluate the CO2 absorption capacity of the South Atlantic region, the Equatorial zone, and the subtropical region of Azores-Gibraltar in the North Atlantic. This cruise is supported by the CATARINA project funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CTM2010-17141) and is part of the European Union FP7 project CARBOCHANGE (http://carbochange.b.uib.no/). The objective of FICARAM-15 cruise is framed in the CATARINA project conducted by the tasks I.2.1 (air-sea CO2 exchange) I.3 (ventilation of water masses), I.4.1 (zonal variability of N2O and CH4), I.4.2 (anthropogenic carbon storage), I.4.4 (saturation horizon of calcium carbonate along the section) and I.5.4 (evolution of the acidification rates). Another component of the FICARAM-15 cruise aims to examine the biological and biogeochemical mechanisms that hinder total dissolved organic carbon (DOC) remineralisation in marine systems, taking a multidisciplinary perspective and applying many different approaches. This is the global objective of the Spanish project DOREMI (CTM2012-34294) that joins this FICARAM-15 cruise.During the FICARAM cruise the physical oceanography group was responsible for collecting the following data sets: CTD and XBT data; vessel-mounted ADCP and lowered ADCP; continuous thermosalinograph. Physical oceanographers participated in the cruise financed through Project “Tipping Corners in the Meridional Overturning Circulation” (TIC-MOC), CTM2011-28867. The FICARAM-15 cruise was organized in two phases with a common sampling. LEG 1: From Punta Arenas (Chile) to Recife (Brazil): 62 stations. Chief Scientist: Aida F. Ríos, PI of CATARINA project LEG 2: From Recife (Brazil) to Cartagena (Spain): 46 stations Chief Scientist: Celia Marrasé, PI of DOREMI project This report contains the sampling of all the variables at each station along the FICARAM section, as well as the analysis of the biogeochemical variables and the preliminary results. The principal investigator of the DOREMI project produced another report with the common sampling section, showing the analysis and results of the experiments on dissolved organic matter carried out on board.This cruise is supported by the CATARINA project funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CTM2010-17141) and is part of the European Union FP7 project CARBOCHANGE (http://carbochange.b.uib.no/)Peer reviewe