24 research outputs found

    lme4GS: An R-Package for Genomic Selection

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    Genomic selection (GS) is a technology used for genetic improvement, and it has many advantages over phenotype-based selection. There are several statistical models that adequately approach the statistical challenges in GS, such as in linear mixed models (LMMs). An active area of research is the development of software for fitting LMMs mainly used to make genome-based predictions. The lme4 is the standard package for fitting linear and generalized LMMs in the R-package, but its use for genetic analysis is limited because it does not allow the correlation between individuals or groups of individuals to be defined. This article describes the new lme4GS package for R, which is focused on fitting LMMs with covariance structures defined by the user, bandwidth selection, and genomic prediction. The new package is focused on genomic prediction of the models used in GS and can fit LMMs using different variance–covariance matrices. Several examples of GS models are presented using this package as well as the analysis using real data

    Identificación de cambios en la ciclogénesis del Atlántico Norte mediante un modelo de mezclas Gaussianas

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    Buendía-Espinoza, J. C., Pérez-Rodríguez, P., González- Camacho, J. M., Pérez-Elizalde, S., Exebio-García, A., Rosengaus-Moshinsky, M., & Peña, M. (julio-agosto, 2017). Identificación de cambios en la ciclogénesis del Atlántico Norte mediante un modelo de mezclas Gaussianas. Tecnología y Ciencias del Agua, 8(4), 5-18. Varios modelos climáticos sugieren que la frecuencia e intensidad de los ciclones tropicales ambiarán a finales del siglo XXI, como consecuencia del calentamiento global. Existen diferentes reportes científicos sobre el calentamiento global y su relación con la intensidad de los ciclones tropicales. Sin embargo, poco se ha investigado sobre el impacto del calentamiento global sobre la ciclogénesis en las diferentes cuencas oceánicas. En este trabajo se estima el número de regiones ciclogénicas y sus centroides en la cuenca oceánica del Atlántico Norte entre los periodos 1951- 1975 versus 1976-2013 y 1951-1989 versus 1990-2013 mediante un modelo estadístico de mezclas finitas Gaussianas, para identificar si existen cambios significativos debidos al cambio climático. En el presente estudio, los cambios de un intervalo a otro se le atribuirán al cambio climático. La estimación de los parámetros de la función de densidad de probabilidades (fdp) de los componentes de las mezclas se hizo a través del algoritmo esperanza-maximización (EM). Las fdp se compararon mediante la distancia de Bhattacharyya y se estimó el percentil 95 a través de la técnica de remuestreo paramétrico. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que solamente hay dos regiones ciclogénicas en los dos intervalos de estudio, es decir, no hubo cambio en el número de regiones de un periodo a otro. Un segundo resultado es que existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la ubicación de los centroides de las regiones de génesis estimadas, sugiriendo un impacto debido al cambio climático de acuerdo con los datos analizados

    Pronóstico de la fluctuación poblacional del minador de la hoja de crisantemo liriomyza huidobrensis blanchard (diptera: agromyzidae) mediante modelos de series de tiempo

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    The present study had the objective of modelling population fluctuation of chrysanthemum leaf miner (Liriomyza huidobrensis Blanchard), using the Box & Jenkins method, in order to find prediction models, which could represent and adequately predict population density of the insect at its larval stage. The work was carried out in two four-month crop cycles. The number of insects was recorded periodically every two days, resulting in 61 observations for each crop cycle. The number of live larvae was registered by reading date, obtaining two time series. The first 55 observations of each series were analyzed to set the model according to the Box & Jenkins’ method, and the six final observations helped to validate the prediction capacity of the model found. In the process of identifying the model for the representation of each of the observed series, their transformation was tested, finding for series 1 that the transformation with square root had the most adequate fit, and for series 2, the transformation of Box-Cox with power (0.387455) was the most adequate. In both series, the autocorrelations (FAC) showed stationarity, and partial autocorrelations (FACP) were interrupted in autocorrelation 1. The estimated model for series 1 was Yt=0.246842 + 0.978041 Yt-1 , and for series 2, it was Yt= 0.283874 + 0.985939 Yt-1. The testing of the model fitted the data well, obtaining white noise in the residuals of FAC and FACP of the estimated models. Two stationary models of autoregressive time series of the AR (1) type were generated, representing the observed series of L. huidobrensis, well fitting the true behaviour of their populations and achieving to satisfactorily forecast future values of the insect population fluctuation.El presente trabajo se realizó con el propósito de modelar la fluctuación poblacional del minador de la hoja de crisantemo Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) a fin de encontrar modelos de predicción con el método de Box & Jenkins que pudieran representar y predecir la densidad de población del insecto en su estado de larva. Se trabajó en dos ciclos de cultivo con duración de cuatro meses cada uno obteniéndose dos poblaciones de insectos. El número de insectos se registró periódicamente cada dos días obteniendo 61 observaciones para cada ciclo de cultivo; por fecha de lectura se anotó el número de larvas vivas; teniendo así dos series de tiempo. Las primeras 55 observaciones de cada serie se analizaron para la obtención del modelo de acuerdo a la metodología de Box & Jenkins y las seis observaciones finales ayudaron a validar la capacidad de predicción del modelo encontrado. En el proceso de identificación del modelo para la representación de cada una de las series observadas se probaron transformaciones de éstas, siendo los ajustes más adecuados para la serie 1 la transformación con raíz cuadrada, y para la serie 2 la transformación de Box-Cox con potencia (0.387455). En ambas series las autocorrelaciones (FAC) denotaron estacionaridad y las autocorrelaciones parciales (FACP) se interrumpieron en la autocorrelación 1. El modelo estimado para la serie 1 fue Yt = 0.246842 + 0.978041 Yt-1 y para la serie 2 fue Yt = 0.283874 + 0.985939 Yt-1. La verificación del modelo ajustó bien los datos al obtener ruido blanco en los residuales de la FAC y FACP de los modelos estimados. Se generaron dos modelos estacionarios de series de tiempo autorregresivos del tipo AR (1) que representaron a las series observadas de L. huidobrensis, ajustandose bien al comportamiento real de sus poblaciones y logrando predecir satisfactoriamente valores de la fluctuación poblacional del insecto

    Selection of the Bandwidth Parameter in a Bayesian Kernel Regression Model for Genomic-Enabled Prediction

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    One of the most widely used kernel functions in genomic-enabled prediction is the Gaussian kernel. Usually selection of the bandwidth parameter for kernel regression is based on cross-validation. In this study, we propose a Bayesian method for selecting the bandwidth parameter h of a Gaussian kernel as the mode of its posterior distribution. We present a theory for the Bayesian selection of h in a Transformed Gaussian Kernel (TGK) model and its application in two genomic plant breeding data sets (maize and wheat) that were already predicted using the kernel averaging (KA) method within the context of the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces’ (RKHS KA). We also compared the prediction accuracy of the proposed method (TGK) with a model that uses a Gaussian kernel (GK) and estimates the bandwidth parameter using restricted maximum likelihood method (GK REML). Results for the wheat data set show that the predictive ability of TGK was on average 3% higher than the predictive ability of model RKHS KA, with TGK showing a smaller Predictive Mean Squared Error (PMSE) than the other two approaches. The advantages of the TGK model over GK REML in terms of PMSE were clear for one trait in nine environments. For the maize data set, the TGK model had slightly better prediction accuracy than methods RKHA KA and GK REML

    A Bayesian Genomic Regression Model with Skew Normal Random Errors

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    Genomic selection (GS) has become a tool for selecting candidates in plant and animal breeding programs. In the case of quantitative traits, it is common to assume that the distribution of the response variable can be approximated by a normal distribution. However, it is known that the selection process leads to skewed distributions. There is vast statistical literature on skewed distributions, but the skew normal distribution is of particular interest in this research. This distribution includes a third parameter that drives the skewness, so that it generalizes the normal distribution. We propose an extension of the Bayesian whole-genome regression to skew normal distribution data in the context of GS applications, where usually the number of predictors vastly exceeds the sample size. However, it can also be applied when the number of predictors is smaller than the sample size. We used a stochastic representation of a skew normal random variable, which allows the implementation of standard Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques to efficiently fit the proposed model. The predictive ability and goodness of fit of the proposed model were evaluated using simulated and real data, and the results were compared to those obtained by the Bayesian Ridge Regression model. Results indicate that the proposed model has a better fit and is as good as the conventional Bayesian Ridge Regression model for prediction, based on the DIC criterion and cross-validation, respectively. A computing program coded in the R statistical package and C programming language to fit the proposed model is available as supplementary material

    Rendimiento y calidad nutritiva del forraje en un sistema silvopastoril intensivo con Leucaena leucocephala y Megathyrsus maximus cv. Tanzania

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    Se determinó el rendimiento y calidad del forraje en un sistema silvopastoril con Leucaena leucocephala cv. Cunningham (5000 árboles ha-1) asociado con Megathyrsus maximus cv. Tanzania, en cuatro intervalos de descanso (20, 30, 40 y 50 d), en dos épocas (lluvias y seca) en clima cálido Subhúmedo. Los tratamientos se distribuyeron aleatoriamente a las unidades experimentales (12 parcelas, 24 m2 c/u) y se evaluó el rendimiento y calidad nutritiva del forraje en la época húmeda (agosto-octubre, 2014) y seca (marzo-abril, 2015). La gramínea aportó la mayor proporción de forraje a la biomasa disponible (80 vs. 20%) y se produjo más biomasa total a 50 días en lluvias (5300 kg MS ha-1) y seca (1620 kg MS ha-1); en lluvias, la proteína cruda (PC) de los arboles aumentó gradualmente a 22% (P0.05); fibra detergente neutro (FDN) se mantuvo (44%) (P>0.05) y fibra detergente ácido (FDA) aumentó (25%) (P<0.05) a 50 días, mientras digestibilidad in vitro de la materia seca (DIVMS) disminuyó (49%) (P<0.05). En la gramínea, la PC (10%) (P<0.001) y DIVMS (58 %) se mantuvieron hasta 40 días y después declinaron (P<0.03), aunque FDN y FDA aumentaron significativamente a 50 días, en ambas épocas. la asociación L. leucocephala y M. maximus, alcanza su mayor producción entre 40-50 días, con mejor calidad nutritiva de la gramínea a 40 días, que se puede compensar con el valor nutritivo del follaje de los árboles hasta los 50 días de descanso, independientemente de la época

    El El uso del riego como indicador de la rentabilidad en empresas agrícolas familiares en México

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    Family agricultural businesses play an important role in the long-term maintenance of the agricultural economy in rural areas, this implies a close relationship between capacities, potentials, and objectives related to sustainable development from a socio-economic perspective. Family farming, like any business, seeks to optimize the use of resources in the production of their crops, however, when it comes to natural resources, their use is not always rational. The study area includes the Irrigation District 03 on the right side of the Santiago River, in the state of Nayarit; whose water concession entitles it to the use, exploitation, and exploitation of national waters for an annual volume of 32,996,000 m3 and, on the other hand, the municipality of Huejotzingo in the state of Puebla, an area that produces rainfed corn. The objective of this research was to analyze agricultural production to determine if there is an efficient use of irrigation water that impacts the profitability of its crops through the marginal revenue product of water. For this, were applied 91 and 81 surveys respectively through a probabilistic sample to business owners to determine their costs, income, types of crops, irrigation technologies, as well as the socio-economic characteristics of the production unit. The most important crops are beans and tobacco, which represent 67% and 25% in the case of the use of sprinkler irrigation systems, and the corn with 100% in the case of rainfed crops. The use of water in crops implies increases in income per hectare of up to 40.4% more with the rainfed system, however, rainfed agriculture implies socio-economic relationships of great importance for the regions where it is developed.Las empresas agrícolas familiares tienen un importante papel sobre el mantenimiento a largo plazo de la economía agrícola en las zonas rurales, esto implica una estrecha relación entre capacidades, potencialidades y objetivos relativos al desarrollo sostenible desde el punto de vista socioeconómico. Como toda empresa, buscan la optimización del uso de los recursos en la producción de sus cultivos, no obstante, cuando se trata de recursos naturales, su uso no siempre es racional. La zona de estudio comprende el Distrito de Riego Margen Derecho del Rio Santiago, en el estado de Nayarit; cuya concesión de agua le faculta la utilización, explotación y aprovechamiento de aguas nacionales por un volumen anual de 32,996,000 m3 y por otro lado, el municipio de Huejotzingo en el estado de Puebla, zona productora de maíz de temporal. &nbsp;El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la producción agrícola, para determinar como un uso eficiente del agua de riego impacta en la rentabilidad de los cultivos. Para ello se aplicaron 91 y 81 encuestas respectivamente a propietarios de empresas mediante una muestra probabilística, para determinar sus costos, ingresos, tipos de cultivo, tecnologías de riego, así como las características socioeconómicas de la unidad de producción. Los cultivos más importantes son frijol y tabaco, que representan 67% y 25% respectivamente, en el caso de la utilización de riego, y el 100% para el caso de&nbsp; sistemas de producción de maíz de temporal. El uso del agua en los cultivos representa 40.4% &nbsp;mayores ingresos por hectárea con respecto al sistema de temporal, no obstante la agricultura de temporal implica relaciones socieconomicas de gran importancia para las regiones donde se desarrolla

    A Bayesian Decision Theory Approach for Genomic Selection

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    Plant and animal breeders are interested in selecting the best individuals from a candidate set for the next breeding cycle. In this paper, we propose a formal method under the Bayesian decision theory framework to tackle the selection problem based on genomic selection (GS) in single- and multi-trait settings. We proposed and tested three univariate loss functions (Kullback-Leibler, KL; Continuous Ranked Probability Score, CRPS; Linear-Linear loss, LinLin) and their corresponding multivariate generalizations (Kullback-Leibler, KL; Energy Score, EnergyS; and the Multivariate Asymmetric Loss Function, MALF). We derived and expressed all the loss functions in terms of heritability and tested them on a real wheat dataset for one cycle of selection and in a simulated selection program. The performance of each univariate loss function was compared with the standard method of selection (Std) that does not use loss functions. We compared the performance in terms of the selection response and the decrease in the population’s genetic variance during recurrent breeding cycles. Results suggest that it is possible to obtain better performance in a long-term breeding program using the single-trait scheme by selecting 30% of the best individuals in each cycle but not by selecting 10% of the best individuals. For the multi-trait approach, results show that the population mean for all traits under consideration had positive gains, even though two of the traits were negatively correlated. The corresponding population variances were not statistically different from the different loss function during the 10th selection cycle. Using the loss function should be a useful criterion when selecting the candidates for selection for the next breeding cycle