303 research outputs found

    Uso del Suelo y caracterización productiva al 2019. Departamentos General San Martín, Rìo Segundo, Tercero Arriba y Unión. Cuenca Lechera central de la Provincia de Córdoba

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    La superficie agrícola y ganadera fue variando significativamente durante los últimos años, produciendo cambios relevantes en los sistemas productivos predominantes y en la conformación de la red agroalimentaria en general. Actualizar y ampliar el alcance de dicha información es fundamental para atender las numerosas consultas y necesidades que se plantean en la región, especialmente la vinculada a la cuenca lechera central de la Provincia de Córdoba. Este fin motiva el presente trabajo de análisis y actualización agro-productiva de los departamentos General San Martín, Río Segundo, Tercero Arriba y Unión de la Provincia de Córdoba.EEA Manfredi. AER Villa María.Fil: Dequino, Sergio Osvaldo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Manfredi. Agencia de Extensión Rural Villa María; ArgentinaFil: Ferreiro, Ana. Ministerio de Agricultura Ganadería y Pesca; Argentin

    Substitution models of protein evolution with selection on enzymatic activity

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    Substitution models of evolution are necessary for diverse evolutionary analyses including phylogenetic tree and ancestral sequence reconstructions. At the protein level, empirical substitution models are traditionally used due to their simplicity, but they ignore the variability of substitution patterns among protein sites. Next, in order to improve the realism of the modeling of protein evolution, a series of structurally constrained substitution models were presented, but still they usually ignore constraints on the protein activity. Here, we present a substitution model of protein evolution with selection on both protein structure and enzymatic activity, and that can be applied to phylogenetics. In particular, the model considers the binding affinity of the enzyme–substrate complex as well as structural constraints that include the flexibility of structural flaps, hydrogen bonds, amino acids backbone radius of gyration, and solvent-accessible surface area that are quantified through molecular dynamics simulations. We applied the model to the HIV-1 protease and evaluated it by phylogenetic likelihood in comparison with the best-fitting empirical substitution model and a structurally constrained substitution model that ignores the enzymatic activity. We found that accounting for selection on the protein activity improves the fitting of the modeled functional regions with the real observations, especially in data with high molecular identity, which recommends considering constraints on the protein activity in the development of substitution models of evolution.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2019-107931GA-I00Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481A-2020/192Fundação para a Ciência e a TecnologiaUniversidade de Vigo/CISU

    Matching SDN and legacy networking hardware for energy efficiency and bounded delay

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    Both economic and environmental costs are driving much research in the area of the energy efficiency of networking equipment. This research has produced a great amount of proposals. However, the majority of them remain unimplemented due to the lack of flexibility of current hardware devices and a certain lack of enthusiasm from commercial vendors. At the same time, Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has allowed customers to control switching decisions with a flexibility and precision previously unheard of. This paper explores the potential convergence between the two aforementioned trends and presents a promising power saving algorithm that can be implemented using standard SDN capabilities of current switches, reducing operation costs on both data centers and wired access networks. In particular, we focus on minimizing the energy consumption in bundles of energy-efficient Ethernet links leveraging SDN. For this, we build on an existing theoretical algorithm and adapt it for implementing with an SDN solution. We study several approaches and compare the resulting algorithms not only according to their energy efficiency, but also taking into account additional QoS metrics. The results show that the resulting algorithm is able to closely match the theoretical results, even when taking into account the requirements of delay-sensitive traffic.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. TEC2017-85587-

    Un ensayo de coordinación unificada para la enseñanza de la Geología en el Curso de Orientación Universitaria

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    La obligada unificación del distrito universitario de Madrid a los exclusivos efectos de incorporación de nuevos alumnos a la Universidad en esta Comunidad ha propiciado una experiencia de coordinación "colegiada" de la Geología en el C.O.U., cuya gestación, desarrollo y resultados se presentan en esta comunicación. La situación de partida contemplaba muy diversos planteamientos en cuanto a criterios de coordinación del programa oficial se refiere, motivados en gran medida por la diferente problemática que afecta a cada una de las cuatro Universidades implicadas. Tras una incertidumbre inicial provocada en parte por la intervención del M.E.C. en la primera propuesta de los coordinadores se ha logrado elaborar un programa común para los centros docentes adscritos a las cuatro Universidades, sustentado en un amplio acuerdo con los profesores de la asignatura afectados. En la confección de dicho programa se ha buscado, de una parte, un equilibrio de contenidos -tanto en extensión como en profundiadad- y, de otra, un planteamiento activo. Finalmente, se ha propuesto asimismo un modelo de examen para las pruebas de acceso a la Universidad, acorde con el planteamiento del programa y basado en unos criterios de racionalidad y aplicación práctica por encima de la clásica concepción memorística. El programa, así como un caso-tipo de prueba y los criterios para su evaluación, se presentan como apéndice a la comunicación.The compulsory unification of the Madrid's University district has provided a coordinated experience of Geology in C.O.U. course which a born, development and results have showed in this paper. The starting point deelth with very different schemes related to the official program due to problems affecting to each of the four implicated Universities. After a problematic beginning that in part have been originated by the intervention of the M.E.C. at the first purpose of the coordinators, it have been elaborated a commun program to the teaching centers related to the four Universities which were supported by the agreement with the teachers of each subject. To elaborate this program an equilibrium of the contents and an active setting up have been searched. Finally, it has been developped a model of an exam to come into the University according to the elaborated program and based on some rational criteria and practical application. The program and an example the exam and the evaluation criteria are given as an appendix

    Un ensayo de coordinación unificada para la enseñanza de la Geología en el Curso de Orientación Universitaria

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    La obligada unificación del distrito universitario de Madrid a los exclusivos efectos de incorporación de nuevos alumnos a la Universidad en esta Comunidad ha propiciado una experiencia de coordinación "colegiada" de la Geología en el C.O.U., cuya gestación, desarrollo y resultados se presentan en esta comunicación. La situación de partida contemplaba muy diversos planteamientos en cuanto a criterios de coordinación del programa oficial se refiere, motivados en gran medida por la diferente problemática que afecta a cada una de las cuatro Universidades implicadas. Tras una incertidumbre inicial provocada en parte por la intervención del M.E.C. en la primera propuesta de los coordinadores se ha logrado elaborar un programa común para los centros docentes adscritos a las cuatro Universidades, sustentado en un amplio acuerdo con los profesores de la asignatura afectados. En la confección de dicho programa se ha buscado, de una parte, un equilibrio de contenidos -tanto en extensión como en profundiadad- y, de otra, un planteamiento activo. Finalmente, se ha propuesto asimismo un modelo de examen para las pruebas de acceso a la Universidad, acorde con el planteamiento del programa y basado en unos criterios de racionalidad y aplicación práctica por encima de la clásica concepción memorística. El programa, así como un caso-tipo de prueba y los criterios para su evaluación, se presentan como apéndice a la comunicación.The compulsory unification of the Madrid's University district has provided a coordinated experience of Geology in C.O.U. course which a born, development and results have showed in this paper. The starting point deelth with very different schemes related to the official program due to problems affecting to each of the four implicated Universities. After a problematic beginning that in part have been originated by the intervention of the M.E.C. at the first purpose of the coordinators, it have been elaborated a commun program to the teaching centers related to the four Universities which were supported by the agreement with the teachers of each subject. To elaborate this program an equilibrium of the contents and an active setting up have been searched. Finally, it has been developped a model of an exam to come into the University according to the elaborated program and based on some rational criteria and practical application. The program and an example the exam and the evaluation criteria are given as an appendix

    Durability testing of low clinker blends - chloride ingress in similar strength mortar exposed to seawater

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    Resistance to chloride ingress of ten different binders was investigated. Most of the binders were prepared with 35% substitution of a new clinker by limestone filler, calcined clay, burnt shale and/or siliceous fly ash. Mortar samples with similar design compressive strength after 90 days were exposed to artificial sea-water for 270 days. The results indicate that the use of alternative binders may lead to up to around 15% reduction in CO2 emission without compromising 90 days compressive strength and resistance to chloride ingress in marine exposure

    Women on YouTube: Representation and participation through the Web Scraping technique

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    YouTube is the favourite entertainment platform for teens and pre-teens. It is configured as a space for interaction and collaboration that coordinates collective creativity as a generator of meaning. Because of this, nowadays the platform constitutes an enabling environment for subjectivation. Women and men participate by sharing or consuming videos, although the visibility and experiences are different for each gender. The aim of this study is to analyse the presence of women in the new spaces of participation, both from the perspective of producers and consumers of content. An analysis based on Web Scraping of the Instagram profiles of the 50 most successful Youtubers in Spain was carried out. The data obtained was analysed with the statistical software R. The results show a low representation of women among the channels with the highest number of views and subscribers. In addition, there is a lower presence of a female audience. Both roles, women as content creators and as consumers, are mostly associated with stereotypically feminine content such as beauty, drawmylife and fitness sports. The study shows that YouTube, the platform representing the new online participation spaces, reproduces the gender power structures of traditional media. An analytical approach to media education is needed to fight against sexist representations, stereotypes and under-representation of women in public spaces

    Women on YouTube: Representation and participation through the Web Scraping technique

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    YouTube is the favourite entertainment platform for teens and pre-teens. It is configured as a space for interaction and collaboration that coordinates collective creativity as a generator of meaning. Because of this, nowadays the platform constitutes an enabling environment for subjectivation. Women and men participate by sharing or consuming videos, although the visibility and experiences are different for each gender. The aim of this study is to analyse the presence of women in the new spaces of participation, both from the perspective of producers and consumers of content. An analysis based on Web Scraping of the Instagram profiles of the 50 most successful Youtubers in Spain was carried out. The data obtained was analysed with the statistical software R. The results show a low representation of women among the channels with the highest number of views and subscribers. In addition, there is a lower presence of a female audience. Both roles, women as content creators and as consumers, are mostly associated with stereotypically feminine content such as beauty, drawmylife and fitness sports. The study shows that YouTube, the platform representing the new online participation spaces, reproduces the gender power structures of traditional media. An analytical approach to media education is needed to fight against sexist representations, stereotypes and under-representation of women in public spaces

    Women on YouTube: Representation and participation through the Web Scraping technique

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    YouTube is the favourite entertainment platform for teens and pre-teens. It is configured as a space for interaction and collaboration that coordinates collective creativity as a generator of meaning. Because of this, nowadays the platform constitutes an enabling environment for subjectivation. Women and men participate by sharing or consuming videos, although the visibility and experiences are different for each gender. The aim of this study is to analyse the presence of women in the new spaces of participation, both from the perspective of producers and consumers of content. An analysis based on Web Scraping of the Instagram profiles of the 50 most successful Youtubers in Spain was carried out. The data obtained was analysed with the statistical software R. The results show a low representation of women among the channels with the highest number of views and subscribers. In addition, there is a lower presence of a female audience. Both roles, women as content creators and as consumers, are mostly associated with stereotypically feminine content such as beauty, drawmylife and fitness sports. The study shows that YouTube, the platform representing the new online participation spaces, reproduces the gender power structures of traditional media. An analytical approach to media education is needed to fight against sexist representations, stereotypes and under-representation of women in public spaces

    Women on YouTube: Representation and participation through the Web Scraping technique

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    YouTube es la plataforma favorita de entretenimiento de adolescentes y pre-adolescentes. Se presenta en esta etapa como un entorno propicio para la subjetivación, al configurarse como un espacio de interacción y colaboración, que coordina la creatividad colectiva como generadora de significado. Mujeres y hombres participan compartiendo o consumiendo vídeos, aunque la visibilidad y las experiencias son diferentes para unas y otros. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la presencia de la mujer en los nuevos espacios de participación, tanto desde una perspectiva de productora como de consumidora de contenidos. Se ha realizado un análisis basado en Web Scraping de las 50 cuentas de youtubers de mayor éxito en España, a través de sus perfiles de Instagram. Los datos obtenidos se han analizado con el software estadístico R. Los resultados evidencian la escasa representación femenina entre los canales con mayor número de visualizaciones y suscriptores. Además, existe una menor presencia de público femenino. Ambos roles aparecen asociados mayoritariamente a contenidos estereotipadamente femeninos como belleza, drawmylife y deportes fitness. El estudio pone de manifiesto que YouTube, plataforma representativa de los nuevos espacios de participación online, reproduce las estructuras de poder de género de los medios tradicionales. Es necesaria una educación mediática crítica para luchar contra las representaciones sexistas, los estereotipos y la insuficiente representación femenina en espacios públicosYouTube is the favourite entertainment platform for teens and pre-teens. It is configured as a space for interaction and collaboration that coordinates collective creativity as a generator of meaning. Because of this, nowadays the platform constitutes an enabling environment for subjectivation. Women and men participate by sharing or consuming videos, although the visibility and experiences are different for each gender. The aim of this study is to analyse the presence of women in the new spaces of participation, both from the perspective of producers and consumers of content. An analysis based on Web Scraping of the Instagram profiles of the 50 most successful Youtubers in Spain was carried out. The data obtained was analysed with the statistical software R. The results show a low representation of women among the channels with the highest number of views and subscribers. In addition, there is a lower presence of a female audience. Both roles, women as content creators and as consumers, are mostly associated with stereotypically feminine content such as beauty, drawmylife and fitness sports. The study shows that YouTube, the platform representing the new online participation spaces, reproduces the gender power structures of traditional media. An analytical approach to media education is needed to fight against sexist representations, stereotypes and under-representation of women in public space