2,756 research outputs found


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    Environmental pollution has actualized the search for effective technologies for environmental protection, which requires ecologists with an updated professional component to be implemented, accelerated the dynamics of the educational process, and led to a constant search for methods and means of forming distinct competencies – the components of the training of future environmentalists. According to the Bologna Declaration, the formation of research competence as an important component of professional competence is the deciding feature of the educational process for the preparation of future ecologists. An important task is to develop an appropriate diagnostic toolkit to determine the level of development of research competence through a specific indicator. The article establishes the essence of the definition of "integral indicator", presents pilot studies to determine the list of components of the integral indicator of research competence of future environmentalists. The diagnostics of the level of formation of the research competence of students-ecologists for the given integral indicator in separate educational institutions of the ecological direction has been carried out. The directions of further work on specification of the list and experimental verification of the components and integral indicators, presented in this article for estimation of the level of formation of research competence in the process of professional training of environmental specialists are determined

    The Becoming of the Complex Socium: New Causes of Deviance and Crime

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    Abstract: This article focuses on the factors that influence the becoming of the complex socium. The author considers, in his opinion, the most characteristic parameters of the complex socium that is developing in the context of the 'arrow of time'. He asserts that the becoming of the complex socium brings unintended consequences producing new causes of deviance and crime. Under these conditions he argues for the humanistic turn in sociology, based on non-linear and humanistic sociological imagination, and humanistic praxis

    Recent developments in the field of the metal-insulator transition in two dimensions

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    We review the latest developments in the field of the metal-insulator transition in strongly-correlated two-dimensional electron systems. Particular attention is given to recent discoveries of a sliding quantum electron solid and interaction-induced spectrum flattening at the Fermi level in high-quality silicon-based structures.Comment: As publishe


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    The article deals with the implementation of one of the most promising technologies of the 21st century – the permeable sensor networks of the USN. The features, architecture, organization and routing algorithms of sensory networks are described. It is determined that further improvement of the work of such networks requires standardization of the development process and implementation process. USN's Vertical Sensor Networks is one of the most promising technologies of the 21st century. Cheap and "smart" sensors, in large quantities combined into a wireless network connected to the public communications network, today provide an unprecedentedly wide range of control and management services for buildings, businesses, cars, and so forth. USN networks, depending on the type of sensors, can be deployed on the ground, in the air, under and over water, in buildings and, finally, on the skin and inside living organisms, including humans. They are also widely used in such important areas as military affairs, crisis and emergency management, and the fight against terrorism.Artykuł dotyczy implementacji jednej z najbardziej obiecujących technologii XXI wieku – wszechobecnej sieci sensorowej USN. Opisano funkcje, architekturę, organizację i algorytmy routingu sieci sensorowych. Ustalono, że dalsza poprawa takich sieci wymaga standaryzacji procesu rozwoju i procesu wdrażania. Pionowe sieci sensorowe USN to jedna z najbardziej obiecujących technologii XXI wieku. Tanie i "inteligentne" czujniki w dużych ilościach w połączeniu z siecią bezprzewodową podłączoną do publicznej sieci komunikacyjnej zapewniają obecnie niespotykany dotąd szeroki zakres usług zarządzania budynkami, przedsiębiorstwami, samochodami i tak dalej. Sieci USN, w zależności od rodzaju czujników, mogą być rozmieszczone na ziemi, w powietrzu, pod wodą i nad wodą, w budynkach, a wreszcie na skórze i wewnątrz organizmów żywych, w tym ludzi. Są również szeroko stosowane w tak ważnych obszarach, jak sprawy wojskowe, w sytuacjach kryzysowych i zarządzania kryzysowego oraz w walce z terroryzmem

    The Becoming of Non-Linear Knowledge: New Risks, Vulnerabilities, and Hopes

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    Дослідження робочого тиску поршневого розчинонасоса РН-3,8

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    The research of working pressure of one-piston pump with a combined compensator of pressure pulsations during the operating cycle is carried out. One of the basic gas law in an isothermal process, namely the law of Boyle-Marriott is employed. The law of piston motion which is driven from the crank-connecting rod mechanism (the axis of the crank shaft is made offset downwards relative to the axis of the piston to reduce the magnitude of lateral forces) is used. The piston drive crank rotation angle, the primary pressure in the compensator are taken into account.The research is needed to ensure a stable high-pressure feed of medium (solution) pumped by the pump, with a reduced level of pulsation.The quantitative dependences of the solution volume in the compensator on the piston movement, the solution feed pressure relative to the crank shaft rotation angle, the minimum required amount of total given volume of combined compensator air (it is 0.02m3) are defined.Practical significance of the obtained results of the research is to develop a piston pump design. It provides a stable feed pressure, moderate pulsation level of the solution, which is pumped.Исследовано влияние угла поворота кривошипа и величины начального давления в комбинированном компенсаторе на величину давления подачи растворной смеси и пульсации ее подачи на протяжении рабочего цикла однопоршневого растворонасоса. Разработана конструкция поршневого растворонасоса, который обеспечит стабильное давление подачи, умеренный уровень пульсации при перекачивании. Приведены рекомендации относительно его настроек для высокоэффективной эксплуатации в разных отраслях промышленностиДосліджено вплив кута повороту кривошипа та рівня початкового тиску в комбінованому компенсаторі на величину тиску подачі розчинної суміші та пульсації її подачі протягом робочого циклу однопоршневого розчинонасоса. Розроблено конструкцію поршневого розчинонасоса, який забезпечить стабільний тиск подачі, помірний рівень пульсації під час перекачування. Подано рекомендації стосовно його налаштувань для високоефективної експлуатації у різних галузях промисловост

    Transparent Dielectric Metasurfaces for Spatial Mode Multiplexing

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    Expanding the use of physical degrees of freedom to employ spatial multiplexing of data in optical communication is considered to be the most disruptive and effective solution for meeting the capacity demand of the growing information traffic. Development of space division–multiplexing methods stimulated research on spatial encoding, detection, and processing of data, attracting interest from various fields of science. Here a passive all-dielectric metasurface with near-unity transmission is demonstrated that engineers spatial mode profiles, potentially of an arbitrary complexity. The broadband response of the metasurface covers all S, C, and L bands of fiber communications. Unlike conventional phase plates, the metasurface allows for both phase and polarization conversion, providing full flexibility for the mode engineering. The dielectric metasurface is employed for mode multiplexing in a free-space optical communication system with an extinction ratio in excess of 20 dB over the whole C-band with negligible penalty even for 100 Gb s−1 data transmission. These results merge two seemingly different fields, optical communication and metamaterials, and they suggest a novel approach for an ultimate miniaturization of mode multiplexers and advanced LiFi technologies