2,986 research outputs found

    Experimental constraints on amphibole stability in primitive alkaline and calc-alkaline magmas

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    Equilibrium crystallization experiments were carried out on two primitive basaltic rocks (APR16: Na2O+K2O=4.40 wt%; CM42: Na2O+K2O=2.59 wt%) with the aim to investigate the amphibole stability in the differentiation processes at deep crustal level, of primitive alkaline (APR16) and calc-alkaline (CM42) magmas. The experiments were performed with different initial H2O contents (0-5 wt%), at pressure of 800 MPa, in the temperature range of 975-1225 °C. For the explored conditions, amphibole crystallization occurs in both compositions at H2O in the melt >7wt% while the temperature of their occurrence is lower in the alkaline composition (<1050 °C in APR16 and ≥1050 °C in CM42). Moreover, amphibole crystallization seems to be influenced by the Na2O/K2O ratio rather than the absolute Na2O content in the melt. This is evident when experimental results on the APR16 and CM42 are compared with experimental data obtained from a primitive ultrapotassic composition (leucite-basanite: Na2O+K2O=4.58 wt%) and with thermodynamic modelling by the Rhyolite-MELTS algorithm. The comparison shows that amphibole never saturates the leucite-basanite at any of the investigated/modelled conditions, even when an extended crystallization increases the Na2O of melts up to contents like those of calc-alkaline experimental glasses. We conclude that, at pressure of 800 MPa and hydrous conditions, only primitive liquids with Na2O/K2O ratio ≥0.9 are more prone to crystallize amphibole

    Cooperative Binding of Heat Shock Factor to the Yeast \u3ci\u3eHSP82\u3c/i\u3e Promoter In Vivo and In Vitro

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    revious work has shown that heat shock factor (HSF) plays a central role in remodeling the chromatin structure of the yeastHSP82 promoter via constitutive interactions with its high-affinity binding site, heat shock element 1 (HSE1). The HSF-HSE1 interaction is also critical for stimulating both basal (noninduced) and induced transcription. By contrast, the function of the adjacent, inducibly occupied HSE2 and -3 is unknown. In this study, we examined the consequences of mutations in HSE1, HSE2, and HSE3 on HSF binding and transactivation. We provide evidence that in vivo, HSF binds to these three sites cooperatively. This cooperativity is seen both before and after heat shock, is required for full inducibility, and can be recapitulated in vitro on both linear and supercoiled templates. Quantitative in vitro footprinting reveals that occupancy of HSE2 and -3 by Saccharomyces cerevisiae HSF (ScHSF) is enhanced ∼100-fold through cooperative interactions with the HSF-HSE1 complex. HSE1 point mutants, whose basal transcription is virtually abolished, are functionally compensated by cooperative interactions with HSE2 and -3 following heat shock, resulting in robust inducibility. Using a competition binding assay, we show that the affinity of recombinant HSF for the full-length HSP82promoter is reduced nearly an order of magnitude by a single-point mutation within HSE1, paralleling the effect of these mutations on noninduced transcript levels. We propose that the remodeled chromatin phenotype previously shown for HSE1 point mutants (and lost in HSE1 deletion mutants) stems from the retention of productive, cooperative interactions between HSF and its target binding sites

    Theoretical investigation of transgastric and intraductal approaches for ultrasound-based thermal therapy of the pancreas.

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    BackgroundThe goal of this study was to theoretically investigate the feasibility of intraductal and transgastric approaches to ultrasound-based thermal therapy of pancreatic tumors, and to evaluate possible treatment strategies.MethodsThis study considered ultrasound applicators with 1.2 mm outer diameter tubular transducers, which are inserted into the tissue to be treated by an endoscopic approach, either via insertion through the gastric wall (transgastric) or within the pancreatic duct lumen (intraductal). 8 patient-specific, 3D, transient, biothermal and acoustic finite element models were generated to model hyperthermia (n = 2) and ablation (n = 6), using sectored (210°-270°, n = 4) and 360° (n = 4) transducers for treatment of 3.3-17.0 cm3 tumors in the head (n = 5), body (n = 2), and tail (n = 1) of the pancreas. A parametric study was performed to determine appropriate treatment parameters as a function of tissue attenuation, blood perfusion rates, and distance to sensitive anatomy.ResultsParametric studies indicated that pancreatic tumors up to 2.5 or 2.7 cm diameter can be ablated within 10 min with the transgastric and intraductal approaches, respectively. Patient-specific simulations demonstrated that 67.1-83.3% of the volumes of four sample 3.3-11.4 cm3 tumors could be ablated within 3-10 min using transgastric or intraductal approaches. 55.3-60.0% of the volume of a large 17.0 cm3 tumor could be ablated using multiple applicator positions within 20-30 min with either transgastric or intraductal approaches. 89.9-94.7% of the volume of two 4.4-11.4 cm3 tumors could be treated with intraductal hyperthermia. Sectored applicators are effective in directing acoustic output away from and preserving sensitive structures. When acoustic energy is directed towards sensitive structures, applicators should be placed at least 13.9-14.8 mm from major vessels like the aorta, 9.4-12.0 mm from other vessels, depending on the vessel size and flow rate, and 14 mm from the duodenum.ConclusionsThis study demonstrated the feasibility of generating shaped or conformal ablative or hyperthermic temperature distributions within pancreatic tumors using transgastric or intraductal ultrasound

    Improvement of the esca index for the evaluation of ecological quality of coralligenous habitat under the european framework directives

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    The ESCA (Ecological Status of Coralligenous Assemblages) index was recently developed to evaluate the ecological quality of coralligenous habitat. The study aims to improve the first index proposal through testing response to different sources of anthropogenic pressures and optimizing the sampling effort. ESCA was calculated on 14 sites and tested against a gradient of human pressures. Moreover, the main scales of spatial variability of assemblages were evaluated and values of index obtained with different sampling designs were compared. Results showed that studied sites resulted in high, good or moderate ecological status, according to an increasing gradient of the anthropization level. Values of ESCA index obtained with different methods have been compared and photographic method provides EQR values lower than destructive method. Spatial variability of assemblages was higher at large and small scales than at intermediate ones. Two locations for each study site and 20 replicated samples for each location may be consider the best sampling combination providing reliable values of ESCA index for the evaluation of ecological quality of coralligenous assemblages

    Why Do Benguela Niños Lead Atlantic Niños?

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    We investigate the lag between warm interannual Sea Surface Temperature (SST) events in the eastern-equatorial Atlantic, the Atlantic Niños, and the occurrence of Benguela Niños along the southwestern Angolan coast. While it is commonly agreed that both events are associated with equatorial and subsequent coastal-trapped wave propagations driven remotely by a relaxation of the trade-winds, it is surprising that SST anomalies off Angola tend to precede the ones in the eastern-equatorial sector by ~1 month. To explain this counterintuitive behavior, our methodology is based on the experimentation with a Tropical Atlantic Ocean model. Using idealized wind-stress perturbations from a composite analysis, we trigger warm equatorial and coastal events over a stationary and then, seasonally varying ocean mean-state. In agreement with the linear dynamics, our results show that when the interannual wind-stress forcing is restricted to the western-central equatorial Atlantic, the model yields equatorial events leading the coastal ones. This implies that neither the differences in the ocean stratification between the two regions (thermocline depths or modal wave contributions) nor the seasonal phasing of the events explains the observed temporal sequence. Only if wind-stress anomalies are also prescribed in the coastal fringe, the coastal warming precedes the eastern-equatorial SST anomaly peak, emphasizing the role of the local forcing in the phenology of Benguela Niños. A weaker South-Atlantic Anticyclone initiates the coastal warming before the development of eastern-equatorial SST anomalies. Then, equatorward coastal wind anomalies, driven by a convergent anomalous circulation located on the warm Atlantic Niño, stop the remotely forced coastal warming prematurely

    Gut microbiota related to Giardia duodenalis, Entamoeba spp. and Blastocystis hominis infections in humans from Côte d'Ivoire.

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    INTRODUCTION: Literature data provide little information about protozoa infections and gut microbiota compositional shifts in humans. This preliminary study aimed to describe the fecal bacterial community composition of people from Côte d'Ivoire harboring Giardia duodenalis, Entamoeba spp., and Blastocystis hominis, in trying to discover possible alterations in their fecal microbiota structure related to the presence of such parasites. METHODOLOGY: Twenty fecal samples were collected from people inhabiting three different localities of Côte d'Ivoire for copromicroscopic analysis and molecular identification of G. duodenalis, Entamoeba spp., and B. hominis. Temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TTGE) was used to obtain a fingerprint of the overall bacterial community; quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) was used to define the relative abundances of selected bacterial species/group, and multivariate statistical analyses were employed to correlate all data. RESULTS: Cluster analysis revealed a significant separation of TTGE profiles into four clusters (p < 0.0001), with a marked difference for G. duodenalis-positive samples in relation to the others (p = 5.4×10-6). Interestingly, qPCR data showed how G. duodenalis-positive samples were related to a dysbiotic condition that favors potentially harmful species (such as Escherichia coli), while Entamoeba spp./B. hominis-positive subjects were linked to a eubiotic condition, as shown by a significantly higher Faecalibacterium prausnitzii-Escherichia coli ratio. CONCLUSIONS: This preliminary investigation demonstrates a differential fecal microbiota structure in subjects infected with G. duodenalis or Entamoeba spp./B. hominis, paving the way for using further next-generation DNA technologies to better understand host-parasite-bacteria interactions, aimed at identifying potential indicators of microbiota changes

    Analysis of demersal assemblages off the Tuscany and Latium coasts (north-western Mediterranean)

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    A four-year time series (1994-1997) of groundfish trawl surveys performed within the European Union Project "MEDITS" (Mediterranean International Trawl Surveys), was analysed to identify and describe the fish assemblages along the continental shelf and slope of Tuscany and Latium (Italy), in the north-western Mediterranean. Cluster analysis was used to group samples with similar species composition in terms of abundance, biomass and frequency of occurrence. Results allowed the identification of four to five broad assemblages along the depth gradient: a strictly coastal group (< 50 m depth), two groups in the upper and lower part of the continental shelf (essentially 50-200 m), an epibathyal group (200450 m) and a group derived from hauls made at depths greater than 450 in. Each assemblage corresponded to a faunistic association with relatively homogeneous and persistent species composition, biomass and density indices