31 research outputs found

    Phonetic inventories in Italian children aged 18–27 months: a longitudinal study

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    Abstract The phonetic inventories of 13 Italian children at 18, 21, 24 and 27 months of age are presented. The children were taperecorded during a play interaction with the mother, and their vocalizations were phonetically transcribed. The individual phonetic inventories were calculated by applying the criteria put forward by Stoel-Gammon [1]: a consonantal singleton or cluster was attested only if word-initially or word-medially present in two different words at least, in a individual vocabulary of 10 to 50 different word types. Variable forms of the same word type were considered only twice. The collective phonetic inventories were calculated for each month on the bases of the number of subjects producing every phone. Further, the consonants at the onset or coda of the syllables constituting the selected words were classified for place and manner of articulations and their frequencies were calculated. Results for the consonantal structures in words and syllables produced by children have been compared to results for consonantal structures of adult words and syllables attempted by the children of 27 months

    Managing chronic myeloid leukemia for treatment-free remission: a proposal from the GIMEMA CML WP

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    Several papers authored by international experts have proposed recommendations on the management of BCR-ABL1+ chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Following these recommendations, survival of CML patients has become very close to normal. The next, ambitious, step is to bring as many patients as possible into a condition of treatment-free remission (TFR). The Gruppo Italiano Malattie EMatologiche dell'Adulto (GIMEMA; Italian Group for Hematologic Diseases of the Adult) CML Working Party (WP) has developed a project aimed at selecting the treatment policies that may increase the probability of TFR, taking into account 4 variables: the need for TFR, the tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), the characteristics of leukemia, and the patient. A Delphi-like method was used to reach a consensus among the representatives of 50 centers of the CML WP. A consensus was reached on the assessment of disease risk (EUTOS Long Term Survival [ELTS] score), on the definition of the most appropriate age boundaries for the choice of first-line treatment, on the choice of the TKI for first-line treatment, and on the definition of the responses that do not require a change of the TKI (BCR-ABL1 6410% at 3 months, 641% at 6 months, 640.1% at 12 months, 640.01% at 24 months), and of the responses that require a change of the TKI, when the goal is TFR (BCR-ABL1 >10% at 3 and 6 months, >1% at 12 months, and >0.1% at 24 months). These suggestions may help optimize the treatment strategy for TFR

    Sviluppo del vocabolario in bambini parlatori tardivi: l\u2019intervento precoce INTERACT

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    Two groups of male late talkers, aging 24 - 30 months (LT1) and 33 \u2013 38 months (LT2) at intervention beginning, participated with their mothers for six months to the early intervention INTERACT program. Results indicated that after 6 months, the vocabulary of LT1 group shows a gain significantly higher than the average vocabulary increase of LT2 group, emphasising the importance of an earlier intervention

    Slišati, poslušati, sporazumevati se in … govoriti: rojstvo odnosa: kako spodbujati jezikovni razvoj z glasom, petjem in glasbo

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    Jezik je ena izmed najpomembnejših sredstev sporazumevanja, ki jih otrok razvije v prvih letih življenja. Njegov razvoj je vezan na razvoj kognitivnih in čustvenih sposobnosti. Govorjenje služi vzdrževanju odnosov z drugimi, pomnjenju tistega, kar se je otrok naučil/spoznal o realnosti, za organiziranje in uravnavanje svojega vedenja, za izražanje čustev (frustracije, jeze, strahu), pa tudi pri učenju kontrole le-teh (npr. ko se otrok počuti sam, se lahko potolaži s samogovorom in si reče: »Mama se vrne kmalu.«). Jezik je pomemben kazalnik splošnega otrokovega razvoja in zato je opazovanje jezika pomemben dejavnik pri sistematskih pregledih zdravnikov in drugih strokovnjakov za vse predšolske otroke. Znano je, da je ob zaostanku jezikovnega razvoja zgodnja obravnava, ki je usmerjena na starše, učinkovito sredstvo za odpravljanje trajne jezikovne motnje, pa tudi drugih motenj, ki pogosto spremljajo jezikovne motnje (npr. težave z vedenjem in čustvovanjem, v šolskem obdobju pa težave na področju opismenjevanja). Zato je za učinkovito preventivo na področju komunikacije pomembno slediti otroku, opazovati otroka in njegov jezikovni razvoj vse od prvih mesecev življenja; ob tem je pomembno informirati in vključiti starše, ki najbolje poznajo svoje otroke, in s tem spodbuditi to, kar že spontano počnejo. Knjižica, ki je pred Vami, skuša na jasen in neposreden – znanstveno in strokovno ustrezen – način staršem opisati tako razvojne mejnike jezikovnega razvoja otrok kot tudi najbolj ustrezne načine za podkrepitev in spodbujanje le-tega. Želimo si, da bi se zavedanje o pomenu sodelovanja med starši in zdravniki pediatri vedno bolj razvijalo in vplivalo na večje poznavanje pomena, ki ga ima spodbudno okolje za harmoničen razvoj vrojenih sposobnosti oz. zmožnosti vsakega otroka

    A fatal case of a paint thinner ingestion: Comparison between toxicological and histological findings

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    Toluene and xylene are aromatic hydrocarbons commonly used as an industrial solvent for the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, paints, and chemicals. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has determined that toluene levels of 2000 parts per million (ppm) are considered dangerous to life and health. Several studies have examined the absorption of toluene and xylene following inhalation and oral ingestion in humans. Volatile organic compounds that are absorbed into the blood are distributed throughout the body; in particular, distribution of absorbed toluene and xylene in humans and rodents is characterized by preferential uptake in well-perfused and lipophil tissues such as the brain, liver, lungs, and body fat and also in central nervous system. The available studies indicate that xylenes are rapidly absorbed independently from the kind of exposition. We illustrate a fatal case of self-poisoning by ingestion of varnishes diluting solvents, reporting the identification and quantification of volatile organic compounds (toluene, o-m-p xylene) from human biologic liquids and viscera samples using the Solid-Phase Microextraction- Headspace-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry to toxicological analysis, and the histopathological findings evaluated in liver, kidney, and lungs. Copyright © 2010 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

    Prognostic role of TOPS in ambulance-transferred neonates in a low-resource setting: a retrospective observational study

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    Background Assessing the severity of transferred neonates at admission can improve resource allocation. This study evaluated the role of TOPS (illness severity score including temperature, oxygen saturation, skin perfusion and blood sugar) in predicting mortality in neonates transferred by ambulance in a low-resource setting. Methods The study was conducted at Beira Central Hospital (Mozambique). Infants who were transferred by ambulance to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit between 16th June and 16th October 2021 were included. The association between TOPS and mortality was investigated with a logistic regression model. Receiver-operating characteristics (ROC) curve was derived for TOPS; area under the ROC curve, sensitivity and specificity were calculated. Results In-transport mortality was 2/198 (1.0%) and in-hospital mortality was 75/196 (38.3%). Median gestational age and birthweight were 38 weeks and 2600 g. Main causes of admission were asphyxia (29.3%), prematurity (25.3%) and sepsis (22.7%). Hypothermia and oxygen desaturation at admission were 75.8% and 32.3%. TOPS >= 1 was associated with increased mortality risk (odds ratio 7.06. 95% confidence interval 1.90 to 45.82), with 0.97 sensitivity and 0.26 specificity. Conclusions The high mortality rate calls for interventions and quality initiative studies to improve the transfer process and the conditions at admission. TOPS can be used to identify neonates at risk of mortality and concentrate efforts of health care providers. Interventions preventing hypothermia and oxygen desaturation should be implemented in pre-transport stabilization and care during transport

    Missione archeologica internazionale “Storia e archeologia del Monte Altesina (Nicosia, Sicilia)”. Report della attività di ricerca 2022 e considerazioni preliminari

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    The article presents the results and preliminary considerations of multidisciplinary research conducted at the Monte Altesina site (Nicosia) from 2020. In the first two years of research, the international archaeological mission carried out preliminary studies on archaeological material from previous excavations and preliminary documentation. However, it was from 2022 onwards that the archaeological mission intensified its research activities. The preliminary results are significant and include the identification of frequentation in the higher part of the site during the prehistoric period. Additionally, the extent of the site during the Greek period has been understood, covering an area of at least eleven hectares and adapting to the geological configuration of the mountain. Furthermore, a late Byzantine/early Islamic settlement phase has been identified, and occupation in the monastery area has been confirmed, at least in the late Middle Ages. Geophysical prospections have revealed anomalies within three metres of the current ground level. Ethnographic investigations have provided valuable data for studying oral traditions related to the mountain’s antiquities. The research activities have enabled significant progress in the historical and cultural understanding of the site throughout the different millennia. This confirms the importance of the historical-archaeological heritage of Altesina in the context of central Sicily over time