893 research outputs found

    Infrared interferometry to spatially and spectrally resolve jets in X-ray binaries

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    Infrared interferometry is a new frontier for precision ground based observing, with new instrumentation achieving milliarcsecond (mas) spatial resolutions for faint sources, along with astrometry on the order of 10 microarcseconds. This technique has already led to breakthroughs in the observations of the supermassive black hole at the Galactic centre and its orbiting stars, AGN, and exo-planets, and can be employed for studying X-ray binaries (XRBs), microquasars in particular. Beyond constraining the orbital parameters of the system using the centroid wobble and spatially resolving jet discrete ejections on mas scales, we also propose a novel method to discern between the various components contributing to the infrared bands: accretion disk, jets and companion star. We demonstrate that the GRAVITY instrument on the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) should be able to detect a centroid shift in a number of sources, opening a new avenue of exploration for the myriad of transients expected to be discovered in the coming decade of radio all-sky surveys. We also present the first proof-of-concept GRAVITY observation of a low-mass X-ray binary transient, MAXI J1820+070, to search for extended jets on mas scales. We place the tightest constraints yet via direct imaging on the size of the infrared emitting region of the compact jet in a hard state XRB.Comment: 12 Pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Deiksis Waktu dalam Drama Cleopatra Na Onnatachi Karya Ooishi Shizuka

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    Sera, Deassa Chintia. 2014. Deiksis Waktu Dalam Drama Cleopatra na Onnatachi Karya Ooishi Shizuka. Program Studi Sastra Jepang, Universitas Brawijaya. Pembimbing: (I) Dra. Ismi Prihandari, M.Hum. (II) Sri Aju Indrowaty, M.Pd. Kata Kunci: Deiksis Waktu, Referen, Referensi, Drama Bahasa digunakan sebagai alat untuk saling berkomunikasi antar individu atau kelompok. Ilmu yang mempelajari bahasa disebut linguistik, salah satu cabang linguistik adalah pragmatik. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis mengambil obyek kajian pragmatik yaitu, deiksis waktu dan menjawab dua rumusan masalah yaitu (1) Apa saja bentuk deiksis waktu dalam drama Cleopatra na Onnatachi? (2) Bagaimanakah jenis referensi pada deiksis waktu dalam drama Cleopatra na Onnatachi? Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah deiksis waktu yang terdapat dalam drama Cleopatra na Onnatachi Karya Ooishi Shizuka. Analisis yang digunakan adalah dengan melakukan klasifikasi terhadap keterangan waktu, tabulasi dan analisis data. Dari kasil analisis pada penelitian ini ditemukan 64 kata deiksis waktu yang terdiri dari 47 kata deiksis waktu bentuk Perubahan ruang, seperti今日 (きょう/kyou/hari ini) dan 昔 (むかし/mukashi/dahulu). 17 kata deiksis waktu bentuk Perubahan waktu, seperti 日 (にち/nichi/hari), 今 (いま/ima/sekarang). Kata deiksis waktu yang telah terkumpul tersebut mengandung 19 kata referensi eksofora, yaitu今日 (きょう/kyou/hari ini), 昔 (むかし/mukashi/dahulu), 頃 (ころ/koro/ketika) dan今 (いま/ima/sekarang). 19 kata referensi katafora, seperti今晩 (こんばん/konban/malam hari) dan 将来 (しょうらい/shourai/masa depan). 26 kata referensi anafora, seperti日 (にち/nichi/hari), 時 (とき/toki/saat) dan後 (あと/ato/setelah). Penelitan serupa dapat dilakukan menggunakan jenis deiksis yang sama atau menggunakan jenis deiksis yang lain, misalnya jenis deiksis persona, deiksis ruang, dll. Selain itu, menggunakan obyek penelitian yang belum pernah digunakan agar hasilnya dapat lebih variatif, misalnya komik, novel, siaran berita dalam bahasa Jepang

    Identificação de polimorfismos em genótipos de Coffea arabica de uma coleção da Etiópia.

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    Os marcadores moleculares são ferramentas importantes para acelerar os programas de melhoramento. Para o cafeeiro, uma espécie perene, o uso de marcadores é particularmente desejável devido ao tempo e recursos gastos para o lançamento de uma nova cultivar. Duas espécies do gênero Coffea são responsáveis por quase toda a produção de café: Coffea arabica e C. canephora. Contudo, para C. arabica, o número de marcadores polimórficos é relativamente baixo comparado a C. canephora e outras culturas, uma vez que a espécie apresenta baixa diversidade genética. Muitos estudos com marcadores genéticos foram feitos para analisar a diversidade da C. arabica, mas os resultados não foram eficientes para a discriminação genotípica detalhada e mapeamento genético. O Instituto Agronômico do Paraná (IAPAR) possui uma coleção de 132 acessos de C. arabica originários da Etiópia, que apresentam variabilidade fenotípica com potencial para serem utilizados para exploração da diversidade. Neste sentido, este estudo buscou analisar a diversidade nucleotídica pela identificação de polimorfismos, SNPs e INDELs, de uma população do centro de origem de C. arabica, associado com o sequenciamento de nova geração. O RNA-seq de dois tecidos, frutos e folhas, de quatro genótipos de C. arabica de uma população da Etiópia, C. arabica cv. Mundo Novo e de um dos seus ancestrais de C. arabica ? C. eugenioides, foram sequenciados pela metodologia Illumina HiSeq2000. Os reads obtidos foram processados e posteriormente as sequências foram mapeadas em uma referência de C. canephora para identificação dos polimorfismos. Foram feitas duas estratégias: i) na primeira estratégia, foi utilizado uma ferramenta chamada SNiPloid com critérios de cobertura para o polimorfismo identificado e ii) uma segunda estratégia que considera os polimorfismos encontrados diretamente dos arquivos de detecção dos polimorfismos. Os resultados identificaram um número grande de polimorfismos. Na primeira estratégia, foram encontrados pelo menos 5.500 SNPs potenciais para a genotipagem e na segunda, 103.791 SNPs potenciais. Para essa última, ainda é necessário estabelecer critérios e filtros para escolher os polimorfismos que serão inicialmente genotipados. Os dados também mostraram a importância de utilizar um grupo mais diverso de genótipos associado com o sequenciamento de nova geração para detecção de SNPs. Este trabalho será importante para direcionar futuros trabalhos na caracterização da diversidade genética em C. arabica, além de estudos de mapeamento genético por associação

    Magnetodielectric detection of magnetic quadrupole order in Ba(TiO)Cu4_4(PO4_4)4_4 with Cu4_4O12_{12} square cupolas

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    In vortex-like spin arrangements, multiple spins can combine into emergent multipole moments. Such multipole moments have broken space-inversion and time-reversal symmetries, and can therefore exhibit linear magnetoelectric (ME) activity. Three types of such multipole moments are known: toroidal, monopole, and quadrupole moments. So far, however, the ME-activity of these multipole moments has only been established experimentally for the toroidal moment. Here, we propose a magnetic square cupola cluster, in which four corner-sharing square-coordinated metal-ligand fragments form a noncoplanar buckled structure, as a promising structural unit that carries an ME-active multipole moment. We substantiate this idea by observing clear magnetodielectric signals associated with an antiferroic ME-active magnetic quadrupole order in the real material Ba(TiO)Cu4_4(PO4_4)4_4. The present result serves as a useful guide for exploring and designing new ME-active materials based on vortex-like spin arrangements.Comment: 4 figure

    Magnetic Phase Diagrams with Possible Field-induced Antiferroquadrupolar Order in TbB2_2C2_2

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    Magnetic phase diagrams of a tetragonal antiferromagnet TbB2_2C2_2 were clarified by temperature and field dependence of magnetization. It is noticeable that the N{\'e}el temperature in TbB2_2C2_2 is anomalously enhanced with magnetic fields, in particular the enhancement reaches 13.5 K for the {} direction at 10 T. The magnetization processes as well as the phase diagrams are well interpreted assuming that there appear field-induced antiferroquadrupolar ordered phases in TbB2_2C2_2. The phase diagrams of the AFQ compounds in RB2_2C2_2 are systematically understood in terms of the competition with AFQ and AFM interactions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, RevTeX

    Dispatchable High-Power Wind Turbine Based on a Multilevel Converter with Modular Structure and Hybrid Energy Storage Integration

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    This paper presents a new multilevel converter solution with modular structure and hybrid energy-storage integration suitable to drive modern/future high-power medium-voltage wind turbines. The hybrid energy-storage integration means that part of the converter submodules are built with batteries and part of them with conventional capacitors. Since traditional wind turbines are non-dispatchable generators, the integration of an energy storage system could be beneficial in multiple ways as the wind power plant could provide stability support to the grid, improvement of the unit commitment and economic dispatch, and the power plant owner could increase his revenues in the electricity market. The capacitors of the proposed converter are responsible to transfer the power produced by the wind turbine to the grid, and the batteries are only charged/discharged with the mismatch between the power produced by the turbine and the power to be injected into the grid, considering a dispatchable operation where the power injected into the grid is different from the power generated by the turbine. The medium-voltage structure could be an interesting option to overcome problems related to high currents in modern/future high-power wind turbines resulting in more efficient, more compact and lighter solutions. Modular multilevel converters are suitable to handle medium-voltage levels and they allow for a straightforward integration of energy storage systems in a decentralized manner

    Thermodynamical Study on the Heavy-Fermion Superconductor PrOs4Sb12: Evidence for Field-Induced Phase Transition

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    We report measurements of low-temperature specific heat on the 4f^2-based heavy-fermion superconductor PrOs4Sb12. In magnetic fields above 4.5 T in the normal state, distinct anomalies are found which demonstrate the existence of a field-induced ordered phase (FIOP). The Pr nuclear specific heat indicates an enhancement of the 4f magnetic moment in the FIOP. Utilizing a Maxwell relation, we conclude that anomalous entropy, which is expected for a single-site quadrupole Kondo model, is not concealed below 0.16 K in zero field. We also discuss two possible interpretations of the Schottky-like anomaly at ~3 K, i.e., a crystalline-field excitation or a hybridization gap formation.Comment: 5 pages with 5 figures, a note with two references added in proo