14 research outputs found

    Ethnobotanical remarks on Central and Southern Italy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The present paper is a brief survey on the ethnobotanical works published by the Authors since 1981, concerning the research carried out in some southern and central Italian regions. Before Roman domination these territories were first inhabited by local people, while the southern areas were colonized by the Greeks. These different cultural contributions left certain traces, both in the toponyms and in the vernacular names of the plants and, more generally, in the culture as a whole.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Field data were collected through open interviews, mainly of farmers, shepherds and elderly people, born or living in these areas for a long time. Voucher specimens of collected plants are preserved in the respective herbaria of the Authors and in the herbarium of "Roma Tre" University. Important contributions have been made by several students native to the areas under consideration. A comparative analysis with local specific ethnobotanical literature was carried out.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The paper reports several examples concerning human and veterinary popular medicine and in addition some anti-parasitic, nutraceutic, dye and miscellaneous uses are also described. Moreover vernacular names and toponyms are cited. Eight regions of central and southern Italy (particularly Latium, Abruzzo, Marche and Basilicata) were investigated and the data obtained are presented in 32 papers. Most of the species of ethnobotanical interest have been listed in Latium (368 species), Marche (274) and Abruzzo (203). The paper also highlights particularly interesting aspects or uses not previously described in the specific ethnobotanical literature.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Phyto-therapy in central and southern Italy is nowadays practised by a few elderly people who resort to medicinal plants only for mild complaints (on the contrary food uses are still commonly practised). Nowadays therapeutic uses, unlike in the past, are less closely or not at all linked to ritual aspects. Several plants deserve to be taken into consideration not only from the anthropological or cultural point of view, but also for further phyto-chemical investigation. Our studies, as well as those of other authors, try to provide an original picture of the local ethno-biodiversity.</p

    Discursos de médicos de família brasileiros e italianos sobre autonomia na perspectiva bioética

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    Este artigo analisa discursos de médicos de família brasileiros e italianos sobre o potencial de impulsão à autonomia de sujeitos-usuários competentes cognitivamente nas decisões do cuidado, em ações de atenção primária à saúde, na perspectiva bioética. Pesquisa qualitativa de caráter exploratório, realizada em 2007, em Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil, e na província de Roma, região Lazio, Itália, com 15 médicos de família brasileiros, 15 médicos de família italianos e um diretor sanitário do Serviço Sanitário Nacional (SSN), Itália. Foram utilizados como instrumentos de coleta entrevistas semiestruturadas e diário de campo. O tratamento e a sistematização do conteúdo das mensagens geraram duas categorias analíticas: "racionalidade biomédica versus racionalidade emancipatória" e "da condição histórica de menoridade ao desejo de ser autônomo". Em ambos os países, depoimentos revelaram: a) fragilidade na materialização da autonomia diante do imperativo biomédico contemporâneo de prevenir riscos probabilísticos; e b) movimentos emancipatórios geradores de estratégias concretas e simbólicas para o enfrentamento da desconstrução da prática médica, historicamente produzida através do lastro obediência. Discursos brasileiros apontaram os protocolos produtivistas, impostos por gestões, como instrumento de preservação de menoridades. Médicos de família italianos sinalizaram um maior reconhecimento de sujeitos-cidadão de direitos na condução do cuidado. A pesquisa revelou a necessidade de a APS brasileira dialogar com teorias das ciências humanas e investir em mecanismos de impulsão ao exercício ético para rever o sentido que vem ocupando a adoção da bipolítica de prevenção ao risco na continência da saúde concreta do tempo presente

    Primary health care utilization by immigrants as compared to the native population: a multilevel analysis of a large clinical database in Catalonia

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    Background: Immigration is a relevant public health issue and there is a great deal of controversy surrounding its impact on health services utilization. Objective: To determine diff erences between immigrants and non-immigrants in the utilization of primary health care services in Catalonia, Spain. Methods: Population based, cross-sectional, multicentre study. We used the information from 16 primary health care centres in an area near Barcelona, Spain. We conducted a multilevel analysis for the year 2008 to compare primary health care services utilization between all immigrants aged 15 or more and a sample of non-immigrants, paired by age and sex. Results: Overall, immigrants living in Spain used health services more than non-immigrants (Incidence Risk Ratio (IRR) 1.16 (95% Confi dence Interval (CI): 1.15 – 1.16) and (IRR 1, 26, 95% CI: 1.25 – 1.28) for consultations with GPs and referrals to specialized care, respectively. People coming from the Maghreb and the rest of Africa requested the most consultations involving a GP and nurses (IRR 1.34, 95% CI: 1.33 – 1.36 and IRR 1.06, 95% CI: 1.03 – 1.44, respectively). They were more frequently referred to specialized care (IRR 1.44, 95% CI: 1.41 – 1.46) when compared to Spaniards. Immigrants from Asia had the lowest numbers of consultations with a GP and referrals (IRR 0.76, 95% CI: 0.66 – 0.88 and IRR 0.76, 95% CI: 0.61 – 0.95, respectively. Conclusion: On average , immigrants living in Catalonia used the health services more than non-immigrants. Immigrants from the Maghreb and other African countries showed the highest and those from Asia the lowest, number of consultations and referrals to specialized care

    Servicios de salud e inmigración en Andalucía (España): una mirada desde dentro

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    El objetivo de este artículo es conocer la visión, tanto de los usuarios como de los profesionales, sobre determinados aspectos de la gestión del Sistema Nacional Español de Salud (SNS), especialmente, en la atención a la diversidad. Para ello, se analiza el modelo de acceso al sistema, los recursos empleados en la atención y la demanda sanitaria que realizan los inmigrados asentados en Andalucía (España). Los datos se han obtenido a partir de la realización de 15 entrevistas semiestructuradas a inmigrantes y otras 7 a profesionales del sistema andaluz de salud. Además, el trabajo de campo está complementado por una observación directa, durante un año, del uso de los servicios públicos de salud. Los resultados muestran, primero, que a pesar de que los inmigrantes tienen un acceso universal a la atención sanitaria, deben sortear una serie de barreras administrativas, lingüísticas y culturales que impiden un uso totalmente satisfactorio. Límites que son eludidos, en la mayoría de las ocasiones, a través de las redes sociales. Segundo, los recursos utilizados no se han adaptado a las necesidades específicas de la población inmigrada, como son la acumulación del bien salud, valoración subjetiva sobre bien salud y las agresiones o deterioros que sufre el bien salud. Y, tercero, el uso que hacen los inmigrados del sistema de salud no difiere del realizado por los autóctonos tanto en la frecuencia, como en la patología.The aim of this paper is to understand the view of both users and professionals on certain aspects of the management of the Spanish National Health System, especially with regard to dealing with diversity. In order to do so, the model of access to health care is analyzed, as well as the resources employed in health care and the sanitary demand made by immigrants in Andalusia (Spain).The data were collected through the performance of 15 semi-structured interviews with immigrants and 7 with professionals from the Andalusian health system. In addition, the field work is complemented by direct observation of the use of the public health services for one year. The results show, first, that although immigrants have universal access to health care, they must overcome a series of administrative, linguistic and cultural barriers, which prevent a totally satisfactory use. These limits are avoided, in most cases, through social networks. Second, the resources used have not been adapted to the specific needs of the immigrant population, such as the accumulation of good health, subjective assessment of good health and the aggressions or damage suffered by good health. And third, the use made by immigrants of the health system does not differ from that performed by the locals regarding both frequency and pathologies

    Educação intercultural, gênero e movimentos sociais no Brasil

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    Como vêm se construindo no Brasil processos sociais de garantia de igualdade de direitos e de direito à diferença nas relações étnicas, de gênero, geracionais, assim como nos campos da ecologia e do associativismo? Esta tensão entre igualdade e diferença, unidade e pluralidade se constitui na problemática central em torno da qual se configura o desenvolvimento das redes de cooperação científica e social, potencializado pelo Projeto Rizoma. Este projeto, constituído no âmbito do Plano Sul de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação (financiado pelo CNPq e Funcitec em 2001-2003), foi mobilizado polissemicamente por quatro Núcleos de Pesquisa. Mediante suas atividades, que culminaram na organização de um seminário internacional, o Projeto Rizoma focaliza o caráter multidimensional e complexo da interação entre sujeitos de identidades culturais diferentes. Busca desenvolver concepções e propostas que favoreçam o enfrentamento dos conflitos sociais, na direção de superação das estratégias socioculturais geradoras de discriminação, de exclusão ou de sujeição que vêm se manifestando no mundo globalizado, nas relações entre nações, entre etnias, entre classes sociais, entre gerações, entre religiões, entre movimentos sociais e, de modo particular, nas relações interculturais e de gênero. As pesquisas e os debates desenvolvidos evidenciam novas perspectivas epistemológicas que permitem o entendimento do hibridismo e da ambivalência, ou seja, dos contextos intersticiais que constituem os campos identitários, subjetivos e coletivos, nas relações e nos processos interculturais

    Allergy Narratives in Italy: ‘Naturalness’ in the Social Construction of Medical Pluralism

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    Based on an ethnographic study conducted in both biomedical and CAM settings in north Italy, I explore how people and practitioners make sense of allergy and how patients utilize plural healing options. Despite a wide range of medical modalities, people categorize and use medicine according to whether they are ‘natural’ or ‘not-natural’, thus dissolving any potential confusion between diverse therapies. I analyse how the concept of naturalness relates to allergy and medical pluralism. Nature is perceived as opposed to pollution, the first associated with a reassuring and idealized past and the latter to a modernity riddled with uncertainties. Participants associated a diverse set of meanings with nature, permitting them the syncretism of different medical modalities. Medical pluralism in the study area is an uneven platform for discussion and experimentation, the outcome of historical and cultural context and local entanglements of power