15 research outputs found

    Nuorten hyvinvoinnin erot

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    Laboratório de mudança: método para compreensão da crise entre universidade pública e sociedade

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    The purpose of this article is to analyze if a method of developmental intervention helps the professionals of the activities in interinstitutional crises to form a historical understanding of the problems faced and to create solutions for them. We present a method called Change Laboratory (CL), inspired by the Theory of Historical-Cultural Activity (THCA). It is illustrated with an empirical case of intervention where the historical genesis and the contradictions that led to the crisis in the collaborative relationship between a public university and an educational health center were identified, between 2013 and 2015. Data obtained from records made during the intervention as well as interviews and comments from the participants were used for the study. As a result, the participants analyzed their activities historically and designed the future collaboration activity aimed at a solution to the crisis, within the scope of possible academicpedagogical relations linked to the Brazilian National Health System (SUS). The analysis suggests contradictions in the objects of health care and education activities that may be at the heart of the problematic relationship among institutions that need to develop activities collaboratively. The CL as a methodology of developmental intervention integrates diagnosis, learning, the participants’ protagonism and the creation of solutions as part of the same process.O objetivo deste artigo é analisar se um método de intervenção formativa contribui para que os profissionais de atividades colaborativas formem uma compreensão histórica dos problemas enfrentados em crises interinstitucionais e criem soluções para essas situações. Apresentamos o método Laboratório de Mudança (LM), inspirado na Teoria da Atividade Histórico-Cultural (TAHC). Ele é ilustrado com um caso empírico de intervenção na qual foi identificada a gênese histórica e as contradições que levaram à crise entre uma universidade pública e um centro de saúde escola. Para o estudo foram utilizados dados obtidos a partir de registros efetuados ao longo da intervenção, entre 2013 e 2015, assim como entrevistas e comentários dos participantes. Como resultado, eles analisaram historicamente suas atividades e desenharam novos cenários de colaboração futura, visando uma solução para a crise, no âmbito de possíveis relações acadêmico-pedagógicas vinculadas ao Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). A análise sugere a existência de contradições nos objetos das atividades de assistência à saúde e educação que podem estar no cerne da relação problemática entre outras instituições semelhantes que precisam desenvolver atividades colaborativamente. O LM, enquanto metodologia de intervenção formativa, integra diagnóstico, aprendizagem, protagonismo dos participantes e criação de soluções como parte de um mesmo processo

    Rikat ja vihannekset - kokemuksia OVI-tiloilta

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    Mikä esikasviksi porkkanalle, sipulille, kaalille?

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    Atomic Layer Deposited TiO2 on a Foam-Formed Cellulose Fibre Network - Effect on Hydrophobicity and Physical Properties

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    Climate change and plastic pollution challenge us to develop alternatives for fossil-based plastics, and cellulose-based materials are excellent candidates for this. Foam forming technology for cellulose fibre products increases process efficiency, widens the raw materials base, and enables low-density structures from fibres. Low-density cellulose-based materials can be used,for example,for packaging, insulation, and construction materials. However, to achieve optimal performance, the resistance against moisture and mechanical compression ought to be enhanced. In this research, the effect of atomic layer deposited (ALD) titanium dioxideon four foam-formed cellulose-based structureswas studied. The hydrophobicity of these materials was analyzed with water contact angle measurements. Moisture content and mechanical properties were tested at high humidity (50% RH and 90% RH) by analyzing moistureuptakeand compression strength. Furthermore, the morphology and microstructures were evaluated with scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEMandTEM). ALD treatment changedthe hydrophilic materials to hydrophobic with 5 cycles of TiO2forall four substrates. The effect on moisture content was milder but was observed strongest with unrefined and partly refined samples at 50% RH. A clear trend between moisture content and mechanical strength was detected sincethe compression strength increased with decreasing moisture content

    Atomic Layer Deposited TiO2 on a Foam-Formed Cellulose Fibre Network - Effect on Hydrophobicity and Physical Properties

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    Climate change and plastic pollution challenge us to develop alternatives for fossil-based plastics, and cellulose-based materials are excellent candidates for this. Foam forming technology for cellulose fibre products increases process efficiency, widens the raw materials base, and enables low-density structures from fibres. Low-density cellulose-based materials can be used,for example,for packaging, insulation, and construction materials. However, to achieve optimal performance, the resistance against moisture and mechanical compression ought to be enhanced. In this research, the effect of atomic layer deposited (ALD) titanium dioxideon four foam-formed cellulose-based structureswas studied. The hydrophobicity of these materials was analyzed with water contact angle measurements. Moisture content and mechanical properties were tested at high humidity (50% RH and 90% RH) by analyzing moistureuptakeand compression strength. Furthermore, the morphology and microstructures were evaluated with scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEMandTEM). ALD treatment changedthe hydrophilic materials to hydrophobic with 5 cycles of TiO2forall four substrates. The effect on moisture content was milder but was observed strongest with unrefined and partly refined samples at 50% RH. A clear trend between moisture content and mechanical strength was detected sincethe compression strength increased with decreasing moisture content

    Viljelyn, neuvonnan ja tutkimuksen keskellä

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    Osallistuva luomuvihannestilojen kehittäminen (OVI) oli Maatalouden tutkimuskeskuksen Ekologisen tuotannon ja Helsingin yliopiston Kasvintuotantotieteen laitoksen yhteishanke vuosina 1995-1998. Hanke toimi yhteistyössä viidentoista luonnonmukaista vihannestuotantoa harjoittavan viljelijän tai viljelijäpariskunnan kanssa. Lisäksi yhteistyössä oli mukana laaja joukko luomuneuvojia, tutkijoita ja muita asiantuntijoita. Hankkeen kolme keskeistä tavoitetta olivat: 1. viljelijäyrittäjän tavoitteenasetteluun ja osallistumiseen perustuvan tutkimusotteen ja menetelmien kehittäminen ja arviointi, 2. suomalaisen luomuvihannesalan keskeisten kehittämis- ja tutkimustarpeiden kartoitus sekä 3. luomuvihannesyrittäjien kaipaaman tiedon ja teknologian tuottaminen, ja siten luomuvihannesten tuotannon lisääminen. Näiden tavoitteiden mukaisesti tämä raportti ensiksi kuvaa ja arvioi hankkeen toteutumista, sen lähestymistapaa ja siinä käytettäviä menetelmiä. Toiseksi analysoidaan hankkeen aikana eri tavoin ja eri aikoina kerättyjä luomuvihannesalan kehittämistarpeita. Kehittämisaiheiden laajuuden vuoksi hankkeessa keskityttiin alan tuotannollisiin aiheisiin. Kolmanneksi raportissa esitellään niitä yhteistyön muotoja, ja ns. tytärhankkeita, joilla OVI-hanke tuotti ja välitti luomuvihannesviljelyyn liittyvää tietoa ja teknologiaa. Osallistavuus on käsittääksemme tärkeää kaikessa kehittämiseen tähtäävässä toiminnassa. Osallistuva yhteistyö viljelijöiden, eri alojen tutkijoiden ja neuvojien kanssa sopi erittäin hyvin yhteen hankkeelle asetettujen tavoitteiden kanssa. Hankkeessa kokeilluilla menetelmillä on käyttöä koulutuksen ja neuvonnan ohella myös tutkimuksessa. Osallistuvan lähestymistavan mukaisesti OVI-hankkeessa kehittämistarpeiden määrittämisessä olivat mukana viljelijöiden ohella neuvojat ja tutkijat. Tämä edesauttoi monipuolisen ja perustellun näkemyksen muodostamista luonnonmukaisen vihannesviljelyn kehittämisen tarpeista. Hankkeen aikana luomuvihannesviljely oli kehittymässä monipuolisen luomutilan osasta omaksi erikoistuotannokseen. Viljelyteknisistä kysymyksistä pahkahomeen (Sclerotinia sp) riskin välttämistä tulisi tutkia yhdessä vihannesviljelyjärjestelmien ravinne- ja rikkakasvikysymysten kanssa. Tämä edellyttää yhteistyötä tieteenrajojen yli. Viljelytekniikoiden kehittämisessä tulisi erityisesti kiinnittää huomiota niiden viemään työaikaan ja soveltuvuuteen vihannesviljelyn työrytmiin. OVI-hankkeen satotulosten mukaan luonnonmukaisessa tuotannossa on mahdollista päästä samansuuruisiin vihannessatoihin kuin tavanomaisessa tuotannossa. Vaihtelu sadoissa oli kuitenkin erittäin suuri. Koska tietotaito on merkittävä resurssi luonnonmukaisessa vihannesviljelyssä, koulutus ja neuvonta ovat tärkeällä sijalla alan kehittämisessä. OVI-hankkeen myötä käynnistetyt tytärhankkeet koskivat tuotteiden laatua, kompostien peittämistä, tuholaisseurantaa, pahkahometta, tilojen ravinnetaseita sekä luonnonmukaisen vihannesviljelyn kehittymistä.Participatory development of organic vegetable farms (OVI) was a joint project of the Agricultural Research Centre/Ecological production and the Department of Plant Production, University of Helsinki, in 1995-1998. The project was run together with 15 farmers or farming couples growing organic vegetables. A large number of organic advisors, researchers and other experts were also involved. The project had three key aims: 1. To develop and evaluate the approach and methods based on the farmer's goal setting and participation, 2. to chart the main needs for research and development in Finnish organic vegetable farming and 3. to produce the information and technology needed by organic vegetable growers, and thus to promote organic vegetable production. This report first describes and evaluates the project, its approach and the methods used. Second, it analyses the developmental needs perceived in different ways and at different times. Because of the large variety of such needs, the project concentrated on production issues. Third, it examines the forms of cooperation, or affiliated projects, through which the OVI project produced and delivered the information and technology needed for organic vegetable farming. We view participation as a basic requirement in all activity targeted at development. Participatory cooperation among farmers, researchers from different disciplines and extension workers was therefore well suited to the aims of the project. The methods applied will be useful in education, extension work and research. As envisaged by the participatory approach, farmers as well as extension worker s and researchers joined forces in determining the developmental needs. This helped to provide a comprehensive and well grounded view of these needs in organic vegetable production. At the time of the project, organic vegetable farming was changing from being a component of mixed organic farming to a specialized form of production. In terms of cultivation, avoiding the risk of Sclerotinia sp. should be studied together with nutrient and weed issues in vegetable farming systems. This calls for cross-disciplinary cooperation. Special attention should be paid to assessing the working hour requirements of cultivation techniques and to the applicability of the techniques to seasonal peaks in vegetable production. The yields obtained by the project show that organic vegetable production can produce yields equal to those of conventional production. However, the variation in yields was great. Because know-how is an important resource in organic vegetable farming, education and extension work play a key role in development in the sector. The OVI affiliated projects dealt with product quality, covering of composts, monitoring of insect pests, the occurrence of Sclerotinia sp., farm nutrient balances, and further development of organic vegetable farming.vokMyynti MTT tietopalveluyksikk

    Differences in root morphological features and shoot P accumulation at different soil P levels

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    The morphology and architecture of roots affect plant nutrient uptake. The objective of this study was to investigate how soil initial phosphorus (P) fertility level (Fair P 6.2 mg l-1 soil, Good P 17.5 mg l-1 soil) and annual P application (20 kg ha-1) affected root morphology, P content of silage grass and concomitantly its nutritive value. Soil P levels were created in a 40-year fertilisation experiment (1973-2013). In a field trial (Kotkaniemi experimental farm) shoot and root samples were taken at the beginning of the growing season of 2018, at the time of the 1st and 3rd harvests and twice after 1st and 3rd harvests. Roots were washed, photographed and root area, mean root length, and diameter were analysed with ImageJ program. Root and shoot nutrient contents were analysed with ICP-OES. P application increased root area during the 1st harvest but it decreased at 3rd harvest. Soil fertility P and P fertilisation had a positive effect on root dry weight. Root area was negatively correlated with increasing shoot P content, which indicates that increase in root area compensated P uptake when less P was available. However, increased P foraging capacity was insufficient to elevate grass P content to an adequate level.Peer reviewe