275 research outputs found

    Procesamiento de S. Milosevic

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    Traballo fin de grao (UDC.DER). Dereito. Curso 2014/201

    O romancillo da cea do cordeiro, texto galego do século XVII

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    O esplendor do barroco galego, que deu obras cimeiras nos campos da arquitectura e da escultura, non tivo correlato na literatura nin na produción escrita en xeral. Por iso, na historia da lingua e a cultura galegas o período comprendido polos séculos xvi, xvii e xviii foi nomeado, de maneira ben plástica, Séculos Escuros, en contraposición explícita co Século de Ouro español e co Século das Luces europeo. A práctica desaparición da escrita en galego volve importantes, por excepcionais, todas as composicións, impresas ou manuscritas, producidas nesta lingua durante eses séculos. Tal é o caso do poema anónimo que ten por primeiro verso «Vira gallegiña», chamado por nós «Romancillo da cea do cordeiro». Nesta contribución ofrecemos a edición, contextualización e caracterización desta nova peza non moi extensa, composta probablemente contra fi nais do século xvii e descoñecida ata agor

    Ecoturismo certificado y disposición a pagar: el caso del Caribe de Costa Rica

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    [Resumen] La consolidación de políticas de sostenibilidad turística en eco-destinos promueve un aumento de la calidad y demanda turística sostenible. Las certificaciones de sostenibilidad turística, como la CST de Costa Rica, son la máxima representación de la iniciativa orientada a la consecución de estos objetivos, y actúan en el campo de la señalización en el mercado turístico. Pretenden, de tal modo, una reducción de la asimetría informativa inherente a él y, en consecuencia, un efecto positivo no sólo en la calidad turística del destino sino en los procesos de toma de decisión El presente estudio pretende exponer, de modo analítico, el efecto de las certificaciones de sostenibilidad turística en la decisión del potencial eco-turista y su disposición a pagar. Todo ello contextualizado y desarrollado en la región Caribe de Costa Rica como eco-destino representativo. Los resultados admiten los potenciales beneficios de las certificaciones turísticas como herramienta hacia el aumento de la calidad y la demanda sostenible, y exponen una mayor disposición a pagar en este contexto[Abstract] Consolidation of touristic sustainable policies in eco-destinations fosters an increase in quality and touristic sustainable demand. Touristic sustainable certifications, as CST in Costa Rica, are the highest representation of the initiative focused on the achievement of these objectives, and perform as signals in the touristic market. They intend, thereby, a reduction of its inherent asymmetric information and, in consequence, a positive effect not just on touristic quality but also on the decision-making processes. The current research claims to expose, in an analytic way, the effect of sustainable tourism certifications on the potential eco-tourist’s decision and their willingness to pay. All this, contextualized in the Caribbean region of Costa Rica as a representative eco-destination. Results expose the potential benefits which certifications could provide as tools focused towards the achievement of higher quality standards and sustainable demand, as well as a higher willingness to pay in this context.Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.SOC). Planificación e xestión de destinos e novos produtos turísticos

    The intensity of male-male interactions declines in highland songbird populations

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00265-015-1961-6Elevation gradients are associated with sharp environmental clines that play a crucial role in the phenotypic diversification of animal populations. In a variety of organisms, the reproductive output of females declines with elevation in parallel to the drop in environmental productivity and shortening of the breeding season. Little evidence is available on male traits associated with reproductive activities, such as territorial defence and signalling, which may decline because of the low economic defendability of resources and the selective advantage of investing in parental rather than mating (e.g. signalling, chasing intruders) effort in such conditions. Along a broad elevational gradient, we investigated variation in the intensity of territorial defence and sexual signalling in males of the water pipit Anthus spinoletta exposed to song playbacks simulating the territorial intrusion of a conspecific. We found that birds from the lower limits of the species distribution approached song stimuli more closely than those from the upper limits. Moreover, physically challenging songs (broad frequency bandwidths and fast trills) elicited a closer approach, and low elevation birds uttered songs ending with the broadest bandwidths. Other responses to the intrusion, such as the number of songs uttered or the latency to approach, exhibited seasonal or spatial variation irrespective of elevation. This study illustrates the decline of some trait associated with aggressive territorial behaviours during male-male conflicts along elevation, and points to the allocation in sexual signalling and motor constraints to signal production, as potential mechanisms underlying itThe research was supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project CGL2011-2817 to PL, FPI grant BES-2012-053472 to G

    The relationship between internationalization and innovation : a micor view

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    [Abstract] The aim of this Final Degree Project is to contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between internationalization and innovation strategies at the firm- level. For that purpose, first an individual examination is conducted on each of these two phenomena, in which is not only addressed what they are, but it is also emphasized the most relevant theoretical foundations that explain them, their types, and possible ways to measure them. Subsequently, a depth analysis is performed about the relationship between them. The analysis consists on a review of the empirical literature on each of the three possible directions in which the relationship can take place: 1) the impact of innovation on internationalization, 2) the impact of internationalization on innovation, and finally, 3) the interrelationship or reciprocal relationship between both. The findings show, in general, the existence of a clear relationship between internationalization and business innovation.[Resumen] El objetivo de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado es contribuir a una mejor comprensión de la relación existente entre las estrategias de internacionalización e innovación a nivel empresarial. Para ello, en primer lugar se lleva a cabo un estudio individual de cada uno de estos dos fenómenos, en el que no solamente se aborda en qué consisten, sino también se incide sobre los fundamentos teóricos más relevantes que los explican, sobre sus tipologías, y sobre las posibles formas para medirlos. Posteriormente se realiza un análisis en profundidad sobre la relación entre ambos. El análisis consiste en una revisión de la literatura existente sobre cada una de las tres posibles direcciones en que la relación puede tener lugar: 1) el impacto de la innovación en la internacionalización, 2) el impacto de la internacionalización en la innovación, y por último, 3) la mutua relación entre ambas. Las conclusiones permiten sostener, en general, la existencia de una evidente relación entre la internacionalización y la innovación empresarial.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ECO). ADE. Curso 2014/201

    Predictors of Prevention Failure in College Students Participating in Two Indicated Depression Prevention Programs

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    The purpose of this study was to identify subgroups of university students with the highest likelihood of remaining at elevated levels of depressive symptoms six months following the receipt of a depressive prevention intervention on the basis of known risk factors and participation in one of two depression prevention programs. Data from a randomized controlled trial evaluating depression prevention among 133 college students with elevated depressive symptoms were analyzed. Participants were randomized to a cognitive-behavioral or relaxation training group preventive intervention. Classification tree analysis showed that older age was the strongest risk factor for persistently elevated depression. Additional risk factors were: (1) for younger students, fewer daily pleasant activities; (2) for those with higher level of pleasant activities, higher level of stressful events; and (3) for those with higher level of stressful events, lower assertiveness. Results offer directions for prevention foci, identify specific subgroups of college students to target for depression prevention efforts, and suggest that research aim to help older, non-traditional students or graduating students manage the transition from college to the work forceThese studies were supported by grant PGIDT05PXIA21101PR from the Directorate General for Research and Development (Counsellery of Innovation, Industry and Trade) of the Xunta de Galicia (Spain)S

    Refugees Welcome? Online Hate Speech and Sentiments in Twitter in Spain during the Reception of the Boat Aquarius

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    High-profile events can trigger expressions of hate speech online, which in turn modifies attitudes and offline behavior towards stigmatized groups. This paper addresses the first path of this process using manual and computational methods to analyze the stream of Twitter messages in Spanish around the boat Aquarius (n = 24,254) before and after the announcement of the Spanish government to welcome the boat in June 2018, a milestone for asylum seekers acceptance in the EU and an event that was highly covered by media. It was observed that most of the messages were related to a few topics and had a generally positive sentiment, although a significant part of messages expressed rejection or hate—often supported by stereotypes and lies—towards refugees and migrants and towards politicians. These expressions grew after the announcement of hosting the boat, although the general sentiment of the messages became more positive. We discuss the theoretical, practical, and methodological implications of the study, and acknowledge limitations referred to the examined timeframe and to the preliminary condition of the conclusions

    Hydrodynamic and absorption studies of carbon dioxide absorption in aqueous amide solutions using a bubble column contactor

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    The present work analyses the carbon dioxide absorption process in aqueou alkylpyrrolidones solutions, from the point of view of hydrodynamic studies as well as mass transfer, using a bubble column contactor. An analysis of the influence of solute concentration and gas flow-rate is complemented by the study of the effect caused by the alkyl group on the hydrodynamics and mass transfer. The presence of this kind of substance produces a decrease in mass transfer rate, but on the basis of interfacial area and mass transfer coefficient values, ethyl-2-pyrrolidine (EP) shows suitable characteristics to replace methyl-2- pyrrolidine (MP) in gas separation processes due to its lower safety problemsThe authors thank the Consellería de Economía e Industria of Galicia regional government (Xunta de Galicia) for funding the research through the research project 10MDS265021PR. Diego Gómez Díaz gratefully acknowledges the Ministerio de Innovación y Ciencia of Spain for the support under a “Ramón y Cajal” positionS