153 research outputs found

    Exporting homogeneous transition metal catalysts to biological habitats

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    Transition-metal catalyzed reactions are being increasingly used in biological contexts and even in living cells and organisms. Most of the processes so far developed rely on the ability of metal complexes to bind and activate unsaturated systems in a bioorthogonal way. The reactions are often tracked by fluorescence microscopy, by using reaction probes that emit light only after the reactionThis work has received financial support from Spanish grant PID2019-108624RB-I00 and Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación fellowship (IJC2018-036705-I to A.S.), the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria (ED431C-2021/25 and Centro Singular de Investigación de Galicia accreditation2019-2022, ED431G 2019/03), the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and the European Research Council (Advanced Grant No. 340055)S

    Conceptos, discursos, prácticas sociales : Campos y fuentes de legitimidades, seres humanos, sonoridades, trabajo social, salud mental

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    En la presente composición, realizamos análisis y reflexiones sobre las relaciones entre conceptos, discursos y prácticas sociales dentro del marco de Campos y Fuentes de Legitimidades, en función de revisar y repensar componentes de la organización y del ejercicio profesional del Trabajo Social en un hospital psiquiátrico. Los Campos y Fuentes de Legitimidades, en tanto matrices de pensamiento posibilitan avanzar en el conocimiento de los seres humanos. Demandan el encuentro con los saberes y aprendizajes previos que se conectan con experiencias y vivencias significativas de sus historias, nutriendo pensamientos discursos e ideas que fundamentan y entraman prácticas sociales subjetivizantes. En el transcurrir de la obra, procuramos inventariar palabras, conceptos y fuentes que operan como bases de ciertas prácticas sociales en el ámbito de un hospital psiquiátrico. De este modo, pretendemos analizar y reflexionar esos estándares lingüísticos en el marco de dichas prácticas referidas al derecho humano a la salud y ensayo propuestas que intenten armonizar realidades y recursos legítimos. Las melodías que intentamos crear se nutren de diferentes producciones escritas de residentes del campo de la salud mental. A través de estos ateneos, podemos dar cuenta tanto de realidades subjetivas e institucionales como de entramados familiares y comunitarios, que habitualmente son silenciados. Los conceptos son notas, silencios, alteraciones (expresiones de pensamientos) que se inscriben en repertorios (discursos). Cuentan con claves, movimientos, lógicas, idas y vueltas que dan sustento a melodías (prácticas sociales/intervenciones/acciones) expresándose en diferentes conciertos y des-conciertos (realidades que vivenciamos cotidianamente). La teoría y la práctica de la música enriquecen esta producción conformando marcos que posibilitan diferentes análisis y contextualizaciones.In this work we will analyze and reflect upon relationships and concepts, discourses and social practices within the framework of Legitimacy Fields and Sources in order to review components of the organization and professional practice of Social Work in a psychiatric hospital. Legitimacy Fields and Sources, as a thought matrix, enable us to advance in the knowledge of human beings. They call for establishing relationships with former knowledge and learning instances that relate to significant experiences in their own life stories, nurturing discourses and ideas which sustain and interweave subjectivizing social practices. During the development of this work, we intend to compile an inventory of words, notions and sources operating as bases to certain social practices in the psychiatric hospital field. In this way, we intend to analize and reflect on those linguistic standards within above mentioned practices related to the human right to health and we also offer suggestions attempting to reconcile different realities and legitimate resources. The melodies we intend to create are nurtured by different mental health field residents written productions. By using these resources, we are able to evaluate subjective and institutional realities, and family and community relationships which are usually ignored. Concepts are like musical notes, with silences, alterations (thought expresions) which are part of various repertoires (discourse). They also have keys, logic, movements following harmonic and discordant rhythms (realities we daily experience). The theory and practice of music enrich this production building frameworks that provide additional angles for various evaluations and contextualizations.Facultad de Trabajo Socia

    Conceptos, discursos, prácticas sociales : Campos y fuentes de legitimidades, seres humanos, sonoridades, trabajo social, salud mental

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    En la presente composición, realizamos análisis y reflexiones sobre las relaciones entre conceptos, discursos y prácticas sociales dentro del marco de Campos y Fuentes de Legitimidades, en función de revisar y repensar componentes de la organización y del ejercicio profesional del Trabajo Social en un hospital psiquiátrico. Los Campos y Fuentes de Legitimidades, en tanto matrices de pensamiento posibilitan avanzar en el conocimiento de los seres humanos. Demandan el encuentro con los saberes y aprendizajes previos que se conectan con experiencias y vivencias significativas de sus historias, nutriendo pensamientos discursos e ideas que fundamentan y entraman prácticas sociales subjetivizantes. En el transcurrir de la obra, procuramos inventariar palabras, conceptos y fuentes que operan como bases de ciertas prácticas sociales en el ámbito de un hospital psiquiátrico. De este modo, pretendemos analizar y reflexionar esos estándares lingüísticos en el marco de dichas prácticas referidas al derecho humano a la salud y ensayo propuestas que intenten armonizar realidades y recursos legítimos. Las melodías que intentamos crear se nutren de diferentes producciones escritas de residentes del campo de la salud mental. A través de estos ateneos, podemos dar cuenta tanto de realidades subjetivas e institucionales como de entramados familiares y comunitarios, que habitualmente son silenciados. Los conceptos son notas, silencios, alteraciones (expresiones de pensamientos) que se inscriben en repertorios (discursos). Cuentan con claves, movimientos, lógicas, idas y vueltas que dan sustento a melodías (prácticas sociales/intervenciones/acciones) expresándose en diferentes conciertos y des-conciertos (realidades que vivenciamos cotidianamente). La teoría y la práctica de la música enriquecen esta producción conformando marcos que posibilitan diferentes análisis y contextualizaciones.In this work we will analyze and reflect upon relationships and concepts, discourses and social practices within the framework of Legitimacy Fields and Sources in order to review components of the organization and professional practice of Social Work in a psychiatric hospital. Legitimacy Fields and Sources, as a thought matrix, enable us to advance in the knowledge of human beings. They call for establishing relationships with former knowledge and learning instances that relate to significant experiences in their own life stories, nurturing discourses and ideas which sustain and interweave subjectivizing social practices. During the development of this work, we intend to compile an inventory of words, notions and sources operating as bases to certain social practices in the psychiatric hospital field. In this way, we intend to analize and reflect on those linguistic standards within above mentioned practices related to the human right to health and we also offer suggestions attempting to reconcile different realities and legitimate resources. The melodies we intend to create are nurtured by different mental health field residents written productions. By using these resources, we are able to evaluate subjective and institutional realities, and family and community relationships which are usually ignored. Concepts are like musical notes, with silences, alterations (thought expresions) which are part of various repertoires (discourse). They also have keys, logic, movements following harmonic and discordant rhythms (realities we daily experience). The theory and practice of music enrich this production building frameworks that provide additional angles for various evaluations and contextualizations.Facultad de Trabajo Socia

    Rhodium-Catalyzed (5+1) Annulations Between 2-Alkenylphenols and Allenes: A Practical Entry to 2,2-Disubstituted 2H-Chromenes

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    NOTICE: This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Casanova, N., Seoane, A., Mascarelas, J. L., Gulías, M. (2015), Rhodium-Catalyzed (5+1) Annulations Between 2-Alkenylphenols and Allenes: A Practical Entry to 2,2-Disubstituted 2H-Chromenes. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 54: 2374-2377 [doi: 10.1002/anie.201410350]. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for self-archiving.Readily available alkenylphenols react with allenes under rhodium catalysis to provide valuable 2,2-disubstituted 2H-chromenes. The whole process, which involves the cleavage of one C-H bond of the alkenyl moiety and the participation of the allene as a one-carbon cycloaddition partner, can be considered a simple, versatile, and atom-economical (5+1) heteroannulation. The reaction tolerates a broad range of substituents both in the alkenylphenol and in the allene, and most probably proceeds through a mechanism involving a rhodium-catalyzed C-C coupling followed by two sequential pericyclic processes.This work was supported by the Spanish MINECO (grant: SAF2013-41943-R), the ERDF, the European Research Council (Advanced Grant No. 340055), and the Xunta de Galicia (grants: GRC2013-041, EM2013/036 and a Parga Pondal contract to M.G.). We also thank the orfeo-cinqa networkS

    [S]-linear and convex structures in function families

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    In this paper, the notion of [S]-lineability (originally coined by Vladimir I. Gurariy) is introduced and developed in a general abstract setting. This new notion is, then, applied to specific situations, as for instance, classes of differentiable nowhere monotone functions as well as families of vectors having dense orbit with respect to an operator. Large convex structures are also shown to exist inside the family of topologically mixing continuous selfmaps of a real compact interval.Plan Andaluz de Investigación de la Junta de AndalucíaMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). EspañaGeneralitat Valencian
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