79 research outputs found

    Estimation of inherent governor dead-band and regulation using unscented Kalman filter

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    The inclusion of the governor droop and dead-band in dynamic models helps to reproduce the measured frequency response accurately and is a key aspect of model validation. Often, accurate and detailed turbine-governor information are not available for various units in an area control centre. The uncertainty in the droop also arise from the nonlinearity due to the governor valves. The droop and deadband are required to tune the secondary frequency bias factors, and to determine the primary frequency reserve. Earlier research on droop estimation did not adequately take into account the effect of dead-band and other nonlinearities. In this paper, unscented Kalman filter is used in conjunction with continuously available measurements to estimate the governor droop and the dead-band width. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated through simulation

    Adequacy of Lyapunov Control of Power Systems Considering Modelling Details and Control Indices

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    Estimation of inherent governor dead-band and regulation using unscented Kalman filter

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    The inclusion of the governor droop and dead-band in dynamic models helps to reproduce the measured frequency response accurately and is a key aspect of model validation. Often, accurate and detailed turbine-governor information are not available for various units in an area control centre. The uncertainty in the droop also arise from the nonlinearity due to the governor valves. The droop and deadband are required to tune the secondary frequency bias factors, and to determine the primary frequency reserve. Earlier research on droop estimation did not adequately take into account the effect of dead-band and other nonlinearities. In this paper, unscented Kalman filter is used in conjunction with continuously available measurements to estimate the governor droop and the dead-band width. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated through simulation

    Fast online identification of power system dynamic behaviour

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    This paper discusses the methodology for fast prediction of power system dynamic behavior. A combination of features that can be obtained from PMU data is proposed, that can improve the prediction time while keeping high accuracy of prediction. Several combinations of features including generator rotor angles, kinetic energy, acceleration and energy margin are used to train and test decision trees for the online identification of unstable generator groups. The predictor importance for trained decision trees is also calculated to highlight in more detail the effect of using different predictors

    Feasibility study of applicability of recurrence quantification analysis for clustering of power system dynamic responses

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    A methodology based on Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) for the clustering of generator dynamic behavior is presented. RQA is a nonlinear data analysis method, which is used in this paper to extract features from measured generator rotor angle responses that can be used to cluster generators in groups with similar oscillatory behavior. The possibility of extracting features relevant to damping and frequency of oscillations present in power systems is studied. The k-Means clustering algorithm is further used to cluster the generator responses in groups exhibiting well or poorly damped oscillations, based on the extracted features from RQA. The effectiveness of RQA is investigated using simulated responses from a modified version of the IEEE 68 bus network, including renewable energy resources

    Instantaneous 3D EEG Signal Analysis Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition and the Hilbert–Huang Transform Applied to Depth of Anaesthesia

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    Depth of anaesthesia (DoA) is an important measure for assessing the degree to which the central nervous system of a patient is depressed by a general anaesthetic agent, depending on the potency and concentration with which anaesthesia is administered during surgery. We can monitor the DoA by observing the patient’s electroencephalography (EEG) signals during the surgical procedure. Typically high frequency EEG signals indicates the patient is conscious, while low frequency signals mean the patient is in a general anaesthetic state. If the anaesthetist is able to observe the instantaneous frequency changes of the patient’s EEG signals during surgery this can help to better regulate and monitor DoA, reducing surgical and post-operative risks. This paper describes an approach towards the development of a 3D real-time visualization application which can show the instantaneous frequency and instantaneous amplitude of EEG simultaneously by using empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and the Hilbert–Huang transform (HHT). HHT uses the EMD method to decompose a signal into so-called intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). The Hilbert spectral analysis method is then used to obtain instantaneous frequency data. The HHT provides a new method of analyzing non-stationary and nonlinear time series data. We investigate this approach by analyzing EEG data collected from patients undergoing surgical procedures. The results show that the EEG differences between three distinct surgical stages computed by using sample entropy (SampEn) are consistent with the expected differences between these stages based on the bispectral index (BIS), which has been shown to be quantifiable measure of the effect of anaesthetics on the central nervous system. Also, the proposed filtering approach is more effective compared to the standard filtering method in filtering out signal noise resulting in more consistent results than those provided by the BIS. The proposed approach is therefore able to distinguish between key operational stages related to DoA, which is consistent with the clinical observations. SampEn can also be viewed as a useful index for evaluating and monitoring the DoA of a patient when used in combination with this approach

    Residential end-uses disaggregation and demand response evaluation using integral transforms

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    [EN] Demand response is a basic tool used to develop modern power systems and electricity markets. Residential and commercial segments account for 40%-50% of the overall electricity demand. These segments need to overcome major obstacles before they can be included in a demand response portfolio. The objective of this paper is to tackle some of the technical barriers and explain how the potential of enabling technology (smart meters) can be harnessed, to evaluate the potential of customers for demand response (end-uses and their behaviors) and, moreover, to validate customers' effective response to market prices or system events by means of non-intrusive methods. A tool based on the Hilbert transform is improved herein to identify and characterize the most suitable loads for the aforesaid purpose, whereby important characteristics such as cycling frequency, power level and pulse width are identified. The proposed methodology allows the filtering of aggregated load according to the amplitudes of elemental loads, independently of the frequency of their behaviors that could be altered by internal or external inputs such as weather or demand response. In this way, the assessment and verification of customer response can be improved by solving the problem of load aggregation with the help of integral transforms.This work has been supported by Spanish Government (Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad) and EU FEDER fund (No. ENE2013-48574-C2-2-P&1-P, No. ENE2015-70032-REDT).Gabaldón Marín, A.; Molina, R.; Marin-Parra, A.; Valero, S.; Álvarez, C. (2017). Residential end-uses disaggregation and demand response evaluation using integral transforms. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy. 5(1):91-104. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40565-016-0258-8S9110451Chardon A, Almén O, Lewis PE (2009) Demand response: a decisive breakthrough for Europe. 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