1,666 research outputs found

    Popular critiques of consultancy and a politics of management learning?

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    In this short article, I argue that popular business discourse on the role of management consultancy in the promotion and translation of management ideas is often critical, informed by more or less implicit ethical and political concerns with employee security, equity, openness and the transparency and legitimacy of responsibility. These concerns are, in part, ‘sayable’ because their object is seen as a scapegoat for management. Nevertheless, combined with the popular form of their expression, they can support and legitimize critical studies of management learning, a discipline which otherwise has become overly concerned with processual and situational phenomena at the expense of broader political dynamics and of the content and consequences of management and management knowledg

    ‘They Called Them Communists Then … What D'You Call ‘Em Now? … Insurgents?’. Narratives of British Military Expatriates in the Context of the New Imperialism

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    This paper addresses the question of the extent to which the colonial past provides material for contemporary actors' understanding of difference. The research from which the paper is drawn involved interview and ethnographic work in three largely white working-class estates in an English provincial city. For this paper we focus on ten life-history interviews with older participants who had spent some time abroad in the British military. Our analysis adopts a postcolonial framework because research participants' current constructions of an amorphous 'Other' (labelled variously as black people, immigrants, foreigners, asylum-seekers or Muslims) reveal strong continuities with discourses deployed by the same individuals to narrate their past experiences of living and working as either military expatriates or spouses during British colonial rule. Theoretically, the paper engages with the work of Frantz Fanon and Edward Said. In keeping with a postcolonial approach, we work against essentialised notions of identity based on 'race' or class. Although we establish continuity between white working-class military emigration in the past and contemporary racialised discourses, we argue that the latter are not class-specific, being as much the creations of the middle-class media and political elite

    The most creative organization in the world? The BBC, 'creativity' and managerial style

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    The managerial styles of two BBC directors-general, John Birt and Greg Dyke, have often been contrasted but not so far analysed from the perspective of their different views of 'creative management'. This article first addresses the orthodox reading of 'Birtism'; second, it locates Dyke's 'creative' turn in the wider context of fashionable neo-management theory and UK government creative industries policy; third, it details Dyke's drive to change the BBC's culture; and finally, it concludes with some reflections on the uncertainties inherent in managing a creative organisation

    The structural invisibility of outsiders: the role of migrant labour in the meat-processing industry

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    This article examines the role of migrant workers in meat-processing factories in the UK. Drawing on materials from mixed methods research in a number of case study towns across Wales, we explore the structural and spatial processes that position migrant workers as outsiders. While state policy and immigration controls are often presented as a way of protecting migrant workers from work-based exploitation and ensuring jobs for British workers, our research highlights that the situation ‘on the ground’ is more complex. We argue that ‘self-exploitation’ among the migrant workforce is linked to the strategies of employers and the organisation of work, and that hyper-flexible work patterns have reinforced the spatial and social invisibilities of migrant workers in this sector. While this creates problems for migrant workers, we conclude that it is beneficial to supermarkets looking to supply consumers with the regular supply of cheap food to which they have become accustomed

    Biographical Narratives of Encounter: The Significance of Mobility and Emplacement in Shaping Attitudes towards Difference

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    This paper is located within work in urban studies about the significance of contact with difference as a means for reducing prejudice and achieving social change. Recent approaches, influenced by theories of affect, have emphasised non-conscious everyday negotiations of difference in the city. In this paper it is argued that such approaches lose sight of the significance of the subject: of the reflective judgements of ‘others’ made by individuals; of our ability to make decisions around the control of our feelings and identifications; and of the significance of personal pasts and collective histories in shaping the ways we perceive and react to encounters. Rather, this paper uses a biographical approach focusing on interviewees’ narratives of encounter. Through its attention to processes of mobility and emplacement, it contributes to debates about when contact with difference matters by highlighting the importance of everyday social normativities in the production of moral dispositions

    The ethical challenge of Touraine's 'living together'

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    In Can We Live Together? Alain Touraine combines a consummate analysis of crucial social tensions in contemporary societies with a strong normative appeal for a new emancipatory 'Subject' capable of overcoming the twin threats of atomisation or authoritarianism. He calls for a move from 'politics to ethics' and then from ethics back to politics to enable the new Subject to make a reality out of the goals of democracy and solidarity. However, he has little to say about the nature of such an ethics. This article argues that this lacuna could usefully be filled by adopting a form of radical humanism found in the work of Erich Fromm. It defies convention in the social sciences by operating from an explicit view of the 'is' and the 'ought' of common human nature, specifying reason, love and productive work as the qualities to be realised if we are to move closer to human solidarity. Although there remain significant philosophical and political differences between the two positions, particularly on the role to be played by 'the nation', their juxtaposition opens new lines of inquiry in the field of cosmopolitan ethics

    Prospective evaluation of a primary care referral pathway for patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: We aimed to develop and evaluate a pathway for management of patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) using blood tests to stratify patients in primary care to improve detection of cases of advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis, and avoid unnecessary referrals to secondary care. METHODS: This was a prospective longitudinal cohort study with before-and-after analysis and comparison to unexposed controls. We used a two-step algorithm combining the use of FIB-4 followed by the ELF test if required RESULTS: In total, 3,012 patients were analysed. Use of the pathway detected 5 times more cases of advanced fibrosis (Kleiner F3) and cirrhosis (OR=5.18; 95%CI=2.97 to 9.04; p<0.0001). Unnecessary referrals from primary care to secondary care fell by 81% (OR=0.193; 95%CI 0.111 to 0.337; p<0.0001). Three times more cases of cirrhosis were diagnosed (OR=3.14; 95%CI=1.57 to 24; p=0.00011). Although it was used for only 48% of referrals, significant benefits were observed across all referrals from the practices exposed to the pathway. Unnecessary referrals fell by 77% (OR=0.23; 95% CI=0.658 to 0.082; p=0.006) with a 4-fold improvement in detection of cases of advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis (OR=4.32; 95% CI=1.52 to 12.25; p=0.006). Compared to referrals made before introduction of the pathway, unnecessary referrals fell from 79/83 referrals (95.2%) to 107/152 (70.4%) representing an 88% reduction in unnecessary referrals when the pathway was followed (OR=0.12; 95%CI=0.042 to 0.349; p<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: The use of non-invasive blood tests for liver fibrosis to stratify patients with NAFLD improves the detection of cases of advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis and reduces unnecessary referrals to secondary care of patients with lesser degrees of liver fibrosis. This strategy improves resource use and benefits patients. LAY SUMMARY: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease effects up to 30% of the population but only a minority of cases develop liver disease. Our study has shown that established blood tests can be used in primary care to stratify patients with fatty liver disease to reduce unnecessary referrals by 80% and improve the detection of cases of advanced fibrosis 5 fold and cirrhosis 3 fold

    Beyond capitalism and liberal democracy: on the relevance of GDH Cole’s sociological critique and alternative

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    This article argues for a return to the social thought of the often ignored early 20th-century English thinker GDH Cole. The authors contend that Cole combined a sociological critique of capitalism and liberal democracy with a well-developed alternative in his work on guild socialism bearing particular relevance to advanced capitalist societies. Both of these, with their focus on the limitations on ‘free communal service’ in associations and the inability of capitalism to yield emancipation in either production or consumption, are relevant to social theorists looking to understand, critique and contribute to the subversion of neoliberalism. Therefore, the authors suggest that Cole’s associational sociology, and the invitation it provides to think of formations beyond capitalism and liberal democracy, is a timely and valuable resource which should be returned to