79 research outputs found

    Atlantiphoxus wajapi n. gen., n. sp. (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Phoxocephalidae), un nuevo anfípodo de aguas profundas del Atlántico sudoccidental

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    A new genus and species of the family Phoxocephalidae is here described with material collected during the Mini Biological Trawl Project at 224 and 500 m depth off Brazil’s southeastern coast in the states of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Atlantiphoxus wajapi n. gen., n. sp. can be grouped in the subfamily Phoxocephalinae and seems to be morphologically close to Fuegiphoxus Barnard and Barnard, 1980 and Parharpinia Stebbing, 1899. However it can be easily distinguished within the phoxocephalids by the following characters: deep pereonites with small coxae; rostrum unconstricted; eyes absent; man­dible molar not triturative, but as a small hump with 3 multicuspidate stout setae; pereopods 3-4 with stout dactylus; pereopod 5 basis strongly tapering distally; pereopod 7 basis anterodistal corner with a row of long plumose setae; dactylus elongate. Epimeral plate 3 posteroventral margin strongly produced.Aquí se describe un nuevo género y especie de la familia Phoxocephalidae con material recolectado durante el Proyecto Mini Biological Trawl, frente a la costa sureste de Brasil en los estados de Río de Janeiro y São Paulo, a 224 y 500 metros de profundidad. Atlantiphoxus wajapi n. gen., n. sp. puede agruparse en la subfamilia Phoxocephalinae y parece estar morfológicamente cerca de Fuegiphoxus Barnard and Barnard, 1980 y Parharpinia Stebbing, 1899. Sin embargo, puede distinguirse fácilmente dentro de los foxocefálidos por los siguientes caracteres: pereonitos profundos con pequeñas coxas; rostro sin constricción; ojos ausentes; mandíbulas con molar no triturador, sino como una pequeña joroba com 3 setas largas multicuspidadas; pereiópodos 3-4 con fuerte dactilo; pereiópodo 5, base fuertemente afilada distalmente; pereiópodo 7, ángulo anterodistal de base con una fila de setas plumosas largas; dactilo alargado. Placa epimeral 3, margen posteroventral fuertemente producida

    New and additional records of Metharpinia Schellenberg, 1931 and Microphoxus Barnard, 1960 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Phoxocephalidae) from Brazilian waters

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    New records of the species Metharpinia dentiurosoma Alonso de Pina, 2003, M. grandirama Alonso de Pina, 2003, M. iado Alonso de Pina, 2003, Microphoxus cornutus (Schellenberg, 1931) and Mi. uroserratus Bustamante, 2002 are reported for Brazilian waters. A discussion about the Metharpinia-Microphoxus complex is presented based on literature review and new observations of sampled species. Emended diagnoses are presented for the recorded species of Metharpinia and identification keys to world species of Metharpinia and Microphoxus are provided

    Primeiro registro de Eurythenes obesus (Chevreux, 1905) (Amphipoda, Lysianassoidea, Eurytheneidae) para as águas brasileiras

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    Currently, 14 lysianassoid species are known from the Brazilian waters. Material collected from the Campos Basin, off Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, during the “Campos Basin Deep-Sea Environmental Project” coordinated by CENPES/PETROBRAS were analyzed. The samples were collected using a semi- balloon door trawl at 1300 and 1608 m depth, aboard of the N/R Astro Garoupa. Eurythenes obesus (Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea: Eurytheneidae) was found in these samples and is herein redescribed. The species is widely distributed around the world, but there are no previous records of this species from Brazilian waters.Atualmente são conhecidas 14 espécies de lysianassoides para as águas brasileiras. Foi analisado material coletado na Bacia de Campos, ao largo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, como resultado do projeto “Caracterização Ambiental de Águas Profundas da Bacia de Campos” coordenado pelo CENPES/PETROBRAS. As amostras foram coletadas por arrasto usando uma rede de porta do tipo Semi-Balloon a 1300 e 1608m de profundidade, abordo do N/R Astro Garoupa. Eurythenes obesus (Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea: Eurytheneidae) foi encontrada nessas amostras e é aqui redescrita. Muito embora essa espécie tenha distribuição mundial, não há registros anteriores para as águas brasileiras

    A new species of Quadrimaera Krapp-Schickel & Ruffo, 2000 (Amphipoda: Senticaudata: Maeridae) from the east coast of Florida, USA

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    A new species of marine amphipod of the genus Quadrimaera is described from material collected from Crandon Park, Key Biscayne, Miami, Florida, USA, associated to Penicillus spp. about 0.5 m water depth. The differences with the closer species are also presented

    The World Amphipoda Database: history and progress

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    We provide an overview of the World Amphipoda Database (WAD), a global species database that is part of the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS). Launched in 2013, the database contains entries for over 10,500 accepted species names. Edited currently by 31 amphipod taxonomists, following WoRMS priorities, the WAD has at least one editor per major group. All accepted species are checked by the editors, as is the authorship available for all of the names. The higher classification is documented for every species and a type species is recorded for every genus name. This constitutes five of the 13 priorities for completion, set by WoRMS. In 2015, five LifeWatch grants were allocated for WAD activities. These included a general training workshop in 2016, together with data input for the superfamily Lysianassoidea and for a number of non-marine groups. Philanthropy grants in 2019 and 2021 covered more important gaps across the whole group. Further work remains to complete the linking of unaccepted names, original descriptions, and environmental information. Once these tasks are completed, the database will be considered complete for 8 of the 13 priorities, and efforts will continue to input new taxa annually and focus on the remaining priorities, particularly the input of type localities. We give an overview of the current status of the order Amphipoda, providing counts of the number of genera and species within each family belonging to the six suborders currently recognized