33 research outputs found

    An ablation model for debris-covered ice: the case study of Venerocolo Glacier (Italian Alps)

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    We developed a simple model to estimate ice ablation under a debris cover. The ablation process is modelled using energy and mass conservation equations for debris and ice and heat conduction, driven by input of either i) debris surface temperature or ii) radiation fluxes, and solved through a finite difference scheme computing the conductive heat flux within the supra-glacial debris layer. For model calibration, input and validation, we used approximately bi-weekly surveys of ice ablation rate, debris cover temperature, air temperature and solar incoming and upwelling radiation during for Summer 2007. We calibrated the model for debris thermal conductivity using a subset of ablation data and then we validated it using another subset. Comparisons between calculated and measured values showed a good agreement (RMSE = 0.04 m w.e., r = 0.79), thus suggesting a good performance of the model in predicting ice ablation. Thermal conductivity was found to be the most critical parameter in the proposed model, and it was estimated by debris temperature and thickness, with value changing along the investigated ablation season. The proposed model may be used to quantify buried ice ablation given a reasonable assessment of thermal conductivity

    Modelling shortwave and longwave downward radiation and air temperature driving ablation at the Forni Glacier (Stelvio National Park, Italy)

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    We focus here on modelling the meteorological parameters most influencing snow/ice melting over an alpine glacier. Specifically, we consider shortwave and longwave downward radiation, and air temperature. We set up and test a methodology for their accurate distribution at the glacier surface, which can be applied whenever: i) supraglacial meteoro-logical measurements are available or ii) weather data are acquired from a station quite close to the glacier. As a suitable site to test our approach we selected the Forni Glacier, in the Italian Alps, where an Automatic Weather Station (AWS) has been running since autumn 2005 thus giving a robust dataset for developing a field based modeling approach. First, we modelled and distributed the incoming solar radiation by taking into account actual atmospheric conditions, glacier topography and shading. Then, we modelled the incoming longwave radiation considering cloud-cover and air temperature. Third, we investigated a local lapse rate to depict the yearly variability of the vertical air temperature gradient, to assess the actual thermal conditions at different elevations. Finally, we compared the modeled values against data collected on the field. The results display that during the glacier ablation period (i.e.: May-September): i) our approach provides a good depiction of both point incoming solar and infrared radiation fluxes, ii) the spatial distribution of the incoming solar radiation we developed is satisfactory, iii) our tests suggest that the incoming longwave fluxes can be considered constant over the whole glacier ablation area thus neglecting its spatial distribution, and iv) the application of a local lapse rate provides a good distribution of air temperature at the glacier surface

    A user-friendly tool to increase awareness about impacts of human daily life activities on carbon footprint

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    In recent decades, climate change has demanded more and more attention. Consumers have the power to influence the carbon footprint of goods and services through their purchasing decisions, but to do this they need to learn more. To address this need, it is necessary to develop online questionnaires able to make people aware of which activities have a greater environmental impact in their daily lives. Focusing on this goal, we formulated two tools for quantifying an individual’s carbon footprint over a year. The innovativeness of these tools lies in being user-friendly and providing online open access to compilers, as well as using specific emission factors for the reference context. Specifically, we focused on the main emission sources: gas and electricity consumption, mobility, food, and waste. During these last years, the tools have been proposed to Italian students at different levels of education and to employees of Italian and international companies. The responses from 3260 users revealed an average annual direct carbon footprint per capita of about 5600 kg CO2-eq, which, integrated with the estimate of indirect emissions, provides an estimate in good agreement with the value provided by the Italian National Inventory of greenhouse gases. With the developed tools, people are able to observe which sectors have the greatest impact and consequently are stimulated to emit less by adopting more sustainable behaviors

    High-Resolution Monthly Precipitation Fields (1913–2015) over a Complex Mountain Area Centred on the Forni Valley (Central Italian Alps)

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    Mountain environments are extremely influenced by climate change but are also often affected by the lack of long and high-quality meteorological data, especially in glaciated areas, which limits the ability to investigate the acting processes at local scale. For this reason, we checked a method to reconstruct high-resolution spatial distribution and temporal evolution of precipitation. The study area is centred on the Forni Glacier area (Central Italian Alps), where an automatic weather station is present since 2005. We set up a model based on monthly homogenised precipitation series and we spatialised climatologies and anomalies on a 30-arc-second-resolution DEM, using Local Weighted Linear Regression (LWLR) and Regression Kriging (RK) of precipitation versus elevation, in order to test the most suitable approach for this complex terrain area. The comparison shows that LWLR has a better reconstruction ability for winter while RK slightly prevails during summer. The results of precipitation spatialisation were compared with station observations and with data collected at the weather station on Forni Glacier, which were not used to calibrate the model. A very good agreement between observed and modelled precipitation records was pointed out for most station sites. The agreement is lower, but encouraging, for Forni Glacier station data

    Variations of Lys Glacier (Monte Rosa Massif, Italy) from the Little Ice Age to the Present from Historical and Remote Sensing Datasets

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    Alpine glaciers respond to climate imbalance by adjusting their mass and length. In turn, these changes modify the glacial and periglacial environment, leading to increased supraglacial debris cover, the development of glacial lakes and glacier fragmentation. In this research, we investigated the evolution of Lys Glacier (Monte Rosa Group), by studying length, area and volume changes, and evolution of its supraglacial debris cover and proglacial lakes by means of historical sources and high-resolution aerial and satellite orthophotos. Lys Glacier retreated almost continuously, by nearly 2 km, from its maximum Little Ice Age position. More recently, the glacier lost 11.91% of its area between 1975 and 2014 and underwent fragmentation in 2009. Over the same period, glacier fragmentation and tongue stagnation affected the formation and rapid growth of a series of ice-contact lakes and led to a non-linear debris cover evolution. The glacier was also subjected to strong volume losses, with more than 135 m thinning on the ablation tongue from 1991 to 2014. Analysis of the meteorological records (1927–present) from the closest weather station reveals a considerable increase in average annual temperatures by more than 1°C from the mean of 1971–1989 to the mean of 1990–2017

    Snow data intercomparison on remote and glacierized high elevation areas (Forni Glacier, Italy)

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    Abstract. We present and compare 11 years of snow data (snowfall, snow depth and snow water equivalent (SWE)) measured by an Automatic Weather Station and by some field campaigns on the Forni Glacier. The data have been acquired by means of (i) a Campbell SR50 sonic ranger from October 2005 (snow depth data), (ii) manual snow pits from January 2006 (snow depth and SWE data), (iii) a Sommer USH8 sonic ranger from May 2014 (snow depth data), (iv) a Park Mechanical SS-6048 snow pillow from May 2014 (SWE data), (v) a manual snow weighting tube (Enel-Valtecne©) from May 2014 (snow depth and SWE data). The aim of the analyses is to assess the mean value of fresh snow density and the most appropriate method to evaluate SWE for this measuring site. The results indicate that the daily SR50 sonic ranger measures allow a rather good estimation of the SWE, and the provided snow pit data are available for defining the site mean value of fresh snow density. For the Forni Glacier measuring site, this value turned out to be 140 kg m−3. The SWE derived from sonic ranger data is rather sensitive to this value: a change in fresh snow density of 20 kg m−3 causes a mean variation in SWE of ±0.093 m w.e. for each hydrological year, ranging from ±0.050 m w.e. to ±0.115 m w.e