266 research outputs found

    Evidence Supporting Open-Loop Control During Early Vergence

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    Disparity vergence eye movements were analyzed to determine if the early component of this response operates under open-loop, or preprogrammed, control. The analysis compares ratios of peak velocity to response amplitude (i.e., main sequence ratios) for the isolated early component and for the entire disparity vergence response. The stimuli were limited a 4 deg step changes in vergence so that any differences in movement dynamics (i.e., peak velocities) were due only to internal noise. Nine binocularly normal subjects were studied. A significant correlation between peak velocity and amplitude was observed during the early portion of the movement (p < 0.002), but not for the overall vergence response. Results support the widely held, but unproven assumption that the early component of symmetrical vergence is guided by open-loop, or preprogrammed, control processes while the overall response is influenced by internal and/or external feedback

    Dynamics of the disparity vergence fusion sustain component

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    The stereotypical vergence response to a step stimulus consists of two dynamic components: a high velocity fusion initiating component followed by a slower component that may mediate sustained fusion.&nbsp; The initial component has been well-studied and is thought to be controlled by an open-loop mechanism. Less is known about the slow, or fusion sustaining component except that it must be feedback controlled to achieve the positional precision of sustained fusion.&nbsp; Given the delays in disparity vergence control, a feedback control system is likely to exhibit oscillatory behavior. &nbsp;Vergence responses to 4 deg step changes in target position were recorded in eight subjects. The slow component of each response was isolated manually using interactive graphics and the frequency spectrum determined.&nbsp; The frequency spectra of all isolated slow vergence movements showed a large low frequency peak between 1.0 and 2.0 Hz and one or more higher frequency components.&nbsp; The higher frequency components were found to be harmonics of the low frequency oscillation.&nbsp; A feedback model of the slow component was developed consisting of a time delay, an integral/derivative controller and an oculomotor plant based on Robinson’s model. &nbsp;Model simulations showed that a direction dependent asymmetry in the derivative element was primarily responsible for the higher frequency harmonic components. Simulations also showed that the base frequencies are primarily dependent on the time delay in the feedback control system. The fact that oscillatory behavior was found in all subjects provides strong support that the slow, fusion sustaining component is mediated by a feedback system

    Some issues when using Fourier analysis for the extraction of modal parameters

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    It is sometimes necessary to determine the manner in which structures deteriorate with respect to time; for instance when quantifying a material's ability to withstand sustained dynamic loads. In such cases, it is well established that loss of structural integrity is reflected by variations in modal characteristics such as stiffness. This paper addresses some practical limitations of Fourier analysis with respect to temporal resolution and the uncertainties associated with extracting variations in modal parameters. The statistical analysis of numerous numerical experiments shows how techniques, such as data overlapping and zero-padding, can be used to improve the sensitivity of modal parameter extraction

    Assessment of Dual-Mode and Switched-Channel Models with Experimental Vergence Responses

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    Controversy exists in the literature regarding the basic neural control structure that mediates convergence responses. This study constructed and simulated two models, the switched-channel feedback model and the dual-mode model consisting of preprogrammed with feedback control. Models were constructed and compared to experimental data. The stimuli consisted of 2 deg and 4 deg vergence steps. Both closed- and open-loop settings were utilized. After parameter adjustment, both models could accurately simulate step responses from subjects having a range of response dynamics. The model with a preprogrammed element required less parameter modification when stimulus amplitude changed. Both models could accurately simulate some attributes of vergence; however, neither model could represent the modifications commonly observed within the transient portion of the vergence response

    Error Correction in Vergence Eye Movements: Evidence Supporting Hering’s Law

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    In pure symmetrical vergence eye movements, a fusion initiating component quickly brings the eyes close to the desired position. A small error usually remains after this response which must be corrected to attain the small final vergence error (i.e., fixation disparity). Error correction will usually involve both version and version movements so possible mechanisms include: small saccades, smooth pursuit, symmetrical vergence, or some combination. Alternatively, an asymmetrical vergence or uniocular slow eye movement could be used to achieve the highly precise final position. Saccade-free late fusion sustaining components during the steady state to a symmetrical vergence step stimulus are analyzed using independent component analysis. Results suggest that fine correction is most likely the product of closely coordinated version and vergence components

    Vergence fusion sustaining oscillations

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    Introduction:&nbsp; Previous studies have shown that the slow, or fusion sustaining, component of disparity vergence contains oscillatory behavior.&nbsp; Given the delays in disparity vergence control, a feedback control system would be expected to exhibit oscillations following the initial transient period.&nbsp; This study extends the examination of this behavior to a wider range of frequencies and a larger number of subjects.&nbsp; Methods:&nbsp; Disparity vergence responses to symmetrical 4.0 deg step changes in target position were recorded in 15 subjects. Approximately three seconds of the late component of each response were isolated using interactive graphics and the frequency spectrum calculated.&nbsp; Peaks in these spectra associated with oscillatory behavior were identified and examined.&nbsp; Results: All subjects exhibited oscillatory behavior with primary frequencies ranging between 0.45 and 0.6 Hz; much lower than those identified in the earlier study.&nbsp; All responses showed significant higher frequency components. &nbsp;These higher frequency components were related in both frequency and amplitude with the primary frequency indicating that they are harmonics probably generated by nonlinearities in the neural control processes. A correlation was found across subjects between the amplitude of the primary frequency and the maximum velocity of the fusion initialing component probably due the gain of shared neural pathways. Conclusion:&nbsp; Low frequency oscillatory behavior was found in all subjects adding support that the slow, or fusion sustaining, component is mediated by a feedback control. Data have clinical implications in that dysfunction in feedback control may manifest as additional vergence error which may be reflected in the frequency spectrum

    Correction of Saccade-Induced Midline Errors in Responses to Pure Disparity Vergence Stimuli.

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    Purely symmetrical vergence stimuli aligned along the midline (cyclopean axis) require only a pure vergence response. Yet, in most responses saccades are observed and these saccades must either produce an error in the desired midline response or correct an error produced by asymmetry in the vergence response. A previous study (Semmlow, et al. 2008) has shown that the first saccade to appear in a response to a pure vergence stimulus usually increased the deviation from the midline, although all subjects (N = 12) had some responses where the initial saccade corrected a vergence induced midline error. This study focuses on those responses where the initial saccade produces an increased midline deviation and the resultant compensation that ultimately brings the eyes to the correct binocular position. This correction is accomplished by a higher level compensatory mechanism that uses offsetting asymmetrical vergence and/or corrective saccades. While responses consist of a mixture of the two compensatory mechanisms, the dominant mechanism is subject-dependent. Since fixation errors are quite small (minutes of arc), some feedback controlled physiological process involving smooth eye movements, and possibly saccades, must move the eyes to reduce binocular error to fixation disparity levels

    Quantifying interactions between accommodation and vergence in a binocularly normal population

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    AbstractStimulation of the accommodation system results in a response in the vergence system via accommodative vergence cross-link interactions, and stimulation of the vergence system results in an accommodation response via vergence accommodation cross-link interactions. Cross-link interactions are necessary in order to ensure simultaneous responses in the accommodation and vergence systems. The crosslink interactions are represented most comprehensively by the response AC/A (accommodative vergence) and CA/C (vergence accommodation) ratios, although the stimulus AC/A ratio is measured clinically, and the stimulus CA/C ratio is seldom measured in clinical practice. The present study aims to quantify both stimulus and response AC/A and CA/C ratios in a binocularly normal population, and determine the relationship between them. 25 Subjects (mean±SD age 21.0±1.9years) were recruited from the university population. A significant linear relationship was found between the stimulus and response ratios, for both AC/A (r2=0.96, p<0.001) and CA/C ratios (r2=0.40, p<0.05). Good agreement was found between the stimulus and response AC/A ratios (95% CI −0.06 to 0.24MA/D). Stimulus and response CA/C ratios are linearly related. Stimulus CA/C ratios were higher than response ratios at low values, and lower than response ratios at high values (95% CI −0.46 to 0.42D/MA). Agreement between stimulus and response CA/C ratios is poorer than that found for AC/A ratios due to increased variability in vergence responses when viewing the Gaussian blurred target. This study has shown that more work is needed to refine the methodology of CA/C ratio measurement

    Model validation for a noninvasive arterial stenosis detection problem

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    Copyright @ 2013 American Institute of Mathematical SciencesA current thrust in medical research is the development of a non-invasive method for detection, localization, and characterization of an arterial stenosis (a blockage or partial blockage in an artery). A method has been proposed to detect shear waves in the chest cavity which have been generated by disturbances in the blood flow resulting from a stenosis. In order to develop this methodology further, we use both one-dimensional pressure and shear wave experimental data from novel acoustic phantoms to validate corresponding viscoelastic mathematical models, which were developed in a concept paper [8] and refined herein. We estimate model parameters which give a good fit (in a sense to be precisely defined) to the experimental data, and use asymptotic error theory to provide confidence intervals for parameter estimates. Finally, since a robust error model is necessary for accurate parameter estimates and confidence analysis, we include a comparison of absolute and relative models for measurement error.The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the Deopartment of Education and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)