18 research outputs found

    Zehn Jahre RFID-Einsatz in der Bibliothek der Medizinischen FakultÀt Mannheim

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    Die Bibliothek der Medizinischen FakultĂ€t Mannheim der UniversitĂ€t Heidelberg blickt auf zehn Jahre Erfahrung mit RFID zurĂŒck. Im Jahr 2006 gehörte sie zu den Pionieren der Geschichte von RFID in Bibliotheken und war die erste deutsche Bibliothek, die RFID-Komponenten gekoppelt an das Bibliothekssystem SISIS-SunRise einsetzte

    The Directive on Antitrust Damages Actions and the European Leniency Program

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    Die EuropĂ€ische Kronzeugenregelung ist eines der wichtigsten Instrumente des EuropĂ€ischen Wettbewerbsrechts. Kartellmitgliedern werden Anreize geboten, damit sie illegale, fĂŒr den Wettbewerb schĂ€dliche, geheime Absprachen gegenĂŒber der EuropĂ€ischen Kommission offenlegen. Ausschlaggebend fĂŒr die Teilnahme am Kronzeugenprogramm ist fĂŒr Kartelle unter anderem, ob ein in Aussicht stehender vollstĂ€ndiger oder teilweiser Erlass der Geldbuße das Risiko von zivilrechtlichen SchadensersatzansprĂŒchen ĂŒberwiegt. Seitens der EuropĂ€ischen Kommission mĂŒssen Anreize zur Teilnahme am Kronzeugenprogramm, aber auch eine wirksame Rechtsdurchsetzung fĂŒr GeschĂ€digte implementiert werden. Mit der Kartellschadensersatzrichtlinie soll eine harmonisierte, effektive Durchsetzung von SchadensersatzansprĂŒchen gewĂ€hrleistet werden. Dieser Beitrag kommt zu dem Schluss, dass die StĂ€rkung der Durchsetzung zivilrechtlicher AnsprĂŒche nicht konsequent umgesetzt werden konnte, da eine gewisse Diskrepanz zwischen dem Schutzzweck der Richtlinie und der Erhaltung des EuropĂ€ischen Kronzeugenprogramms besteht.The European Leniency Program constitutes an important part of the anti-cartel enforcement and thus of the protection of sound competition. By offering incentives to cartel members, illegal detrimental agreements can be detected and penalized in order to stop infringement of the internal market. Companies willing to participate in the European Leniency Program however have to evaluate whether the offered incentives, i.e. full or partial immunity from fines, outweighs the possible risk resulting from private enforcement. With the Directive on Antitrust Damages Actions, the harmonized, effective enforcement of antitrust damage claims shall be ensured. The possibility of private enforcement constitutes a major threat to leniency applicants. It is the European Commissions’ task and challenge to design an anti-cartel enforcement providing sufficient incentives for whistleblowers, while concurrently strengthening individuals suffering from cartels. The results show the dilemma and contradiction between the protection of the individual by strengthening the private enforcement and the need for an appealing leniency program

    Medizinbibliotheken in Deutschland als UnterstĂŒtzerinnen Evidenzbasierter Medizin: Situation und Entwicklung

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    Dieser Artikel gibt einen Überblick ĂŒber den Stand deutscher Medizinbibliotheken und ausgewĂ€hlte Entwicklungen der Serviceleistungen, mit denen diese die Evidenzbasierte Medizin in Forschung, Ausbildung und klinischer Praxis unterstĂŒtzen. Resultate einer Online-Umfrage und Aspekte des Zugangs zu medizinischer Evidenz werden mit Bezug zum deutschen Gesundheitswesen diskutiert. Ein wesentliches Hindernis fĂŒr Fortschritt ist eine Trennung zwischen den Institutionen der Gesundheitsversorgung und der Wissenschaft. Neue Bibliotheksdienste, insbesondere auch solche im Feld der Evidenzbasierten Medizin, werden zunehmend in Anspruch genommen. --- Health sciences libraries in Germany as supporters of evidence-based medicine: current situation and new directions This article gives an overview of the state of medical libraries in Germany and selected developments of their services supporting evidence-based medicine in research, education and clinical practice. Findings from an online survey and issues of access to health information are discussed with reference to the German health care system. A major barrier to progress stems from the separation that exists between institutions of health care practice and research. New library services provided by many German health sciences libraries, especially those supporting evidence-based medicine, are experiencing increasing take-up

    Medizinbibliotheken in Deutschland: Situation und Entwicklung

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    Dieser Artikel gibt einen Überblick ĂŒber den Stand deutscher Medizinbibliotheken und ausgewĂ€hlte Entwicklungen der Serviceleistungen, mit denen diese Forschung, Ausbildung und klinische Praxis unterstĂŒtzen. Resultate einer Online-Umfrage und Aspekte des Zugangs zu Information werden mit Bezug zum deutschen Gesundheitswesen diskutiert. Ein wesentliches Hindernis fĂŒr Fortschritt ist eine Trennung zwischen den Institutionen der Gesundheitsversorgung und der Wissenschaft. Neue Bibliotheksdienste werden zunehmend in Anspruch genommen

    Sindbis virus polyarthritis outbreak signalled by virus prevalence in the mosquito vectors

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    Polyarthritis and rash caused by Sindbis virus (SINV), was first recognised in northern Europe about 50 years ago and is known as Ockelbo disease in Sweden and Pogosta disease in Finland. This mosquito-borne virus occurs mainly in tropical and sub-tropical countries, and in northern Europe it is suggested to cause regularly reoccurring outbreaks. Here a seven-year cycle of SINV outbreaks has been referred to in scientific papers, although the hypothesis is based solely on reported human cases. In the search for a more objective outbreak signal, we evaluated mosquito abundance and SINV prevalence in vector mosquitoes from an endemic area in central Sweden. Vector mosquitoes collected in the River DalÀlven floodplains during the years before, during, and after the hypothesised 2002 outbreak year were assayed for virus on cell culture. Obtained isolates were partially sequenced, and the nucleotide sequences analysed using Bayesian maximum clade credibility and median joining network analysis. Only one SINV strain was recovered in 2001, and 4 strains in 2003, while 15 strains were recovered in 2002 with significantly increased infection rates in both the enzootic and the bridge-vectors. In 2002, the Maximum Likelihood Estimated infection rates were 10.0/1000 in the enzootic vectors Culex torrentium/pipiens, and 0.62/1000 in the bridge-vector Aedes cinereus, compared to 4.9/1000 and 0.0/1000 in 2001 and 0.0/1000 and 0.32/1000 in 2003 Sequence analysis showed that all isolates belonged to the SINV genotype I (SINV-I). The genetic analysis revealed local maintenance of four SINV-I clades in the River DalÀlven floodplains over the years. Our findings suggest that increased SINV-I prevalence in vector mosquitoes constitutes the most valuable outbreak marker for further scrutinising the hypothesized seven-year cycle of SINV-I outbreaks and the mechanisms behind

    Integration von Schulungsveranstaltungen der Bibliothek ins Curriculum - am Beispiel der FakultĂ€t fĂŒr Klinische Medizin Mannheim der UniversitĂ€t Heidelberg

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    In the winter semester 2004/05 the Faculty for Clinical Medicine Mannheim of Heidelberg University implemented the new Querschnittsschein "Epidemiology, medical biometrics and medical informatics" and integrated the first library instructional classes into its medical curriculum. In order to meet the new requirements the medical library established an instructional team that designed tailor-made courses for the student target group and put into practice the experiences gathered both in workshops (such as the continuing education course "Teaching Library" offered by the BIB in May 2004) and from the relevant literature. With a maximum participation of library staff almost all of the first clinical semster medical students finished three different instructional modules of the beginners and intermediate skill levels. Resonance to these courses was ascertained by evaluation forms completed by the participants immediately after the classes. The feedback was predominantly positive, and the members of the instructional team unanimously regarded the experiences made as new and inspiring. As a further development of the orientation and instruction classes integrated in the curriculum the medical library intends to participate in the navigation system LOTSE of the UniversitĂ€ts- und Landesbibliothek MĂŒnster starting in the academic year 2005/06. Moreover, by then, one of the aforementioned classes is planned to be offered on the e-Learning platform ATHENA of Heidelberg University

    Medizinbibliotheken – Konstant im Wandel. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft fĂŒr Medizinisches Bibliothekswesen (AGMB) e.V. vom 16. bis 18. September 2013 in Berlin

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    [english] The Annual Meeting 2013 of the German MLA (AGMB e.V.) took place from September 16 to 18 at the CharitĂ© – UniversitĂ€tsmedizin Berlin. The conference was hosted by the Medical Library of the CharitĂ©.The main topics dealt with included evidence-based medicine and the role of librarians in the transfer of knowledge from research into practice, library services to support researchers in the publishing process, open access publishing, the role of libraries in research data management, pioneering models for the supply of digital natives with e-learning materials, as well as the requirements and tools of quality management in academic libraries. Work groups, meeting points and short presentations provided the participants with additional opportunities to gather information on current topics and to exchange their experiences. The programme was completed by a panel discussion on e-books, a workshop on systematic literature searching, an exhibition featuring the participating companies’ products and services, product reviews, a poster session and the prize giving event of the 2013 AGMB competition “LeuchttĂŒrme in Medizinbibliotheken”

    Health sciences libraries in Germany: new directions

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    This feature is part of a series about medical library services in various countries. It gives an overview of the state of and selected current developments of medical library services to support research, education and clinical practice in Germany. Findings from an online survey and issues of access to health information are discussed in relation to the German health care system

    Beratung – Vom Info-HĂ€ppchen zum Spezial-MenĂŒ: Lösungen der MedMA-Bib

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    In academic libraries, advice and professional support are important parts of everyday working life. In order to meet the changing, often very complex information needs of our heterogeneous target groups and to take advantage of new opportunities for the dissemination of information, the library of the Medical Faculty Mannheim (MedMA-Bib) has adapted and expanded its consultation services in recent years