137 research outputs found

    Адаптація Законодавства Про Судоустрій І Статус Суддів До Європейських Стандартів На Основі Аналізу Застосування Практики ЄСПЛ

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    Article deals with the analysis of the process of legal adaptation of legislation on judicial system and status of judges to the European standards according to the relevant reformation processes that currently take place in Ukraine. The paper mainly focuses on the practice of the ECHR as one of the main sources of European standards of justice. The key decisions of the ECHR, which deal with problems of the judiciary in Ukraine and the need for its reform are analyzed by the author. The author concludes that future European integration of Ukraine should include the perception and application of the judicial system of the case law of the ECHR, as well as the improvement of the practice of implementation and execution of decisions of the ECHR in order to establish Ukraine as a law state with a high level of protection of human rights and freedoms, and the formation of a qualitatively different understanding and application of law. So far, the judiciary system is facing a «permanent reformation», which results in frequent legislative updates, numerous conceptual, legal and organizational changes, declaring the need to bring the area of justice into line with international, European standards.Стаття присвячена висвітленню процесу адаптації законодавства про су­доустрій та статус суддів до європейських стандартів за результатами аналізу відповідних реформаційних процесів, які мають місце на сучасному етапі у да­ній сфері. Основна увага приділяється саме практиці ЄСПЛ як одному із ос­новних джерел європейських стандартів судочинства. Аналізуються ключові рішення ЄСПЛ, які торкаються проблем функціонування судової гілки влади в Україні та необхідності її реформування

    The national emission trading scheme in Ukraine as a mitigation tool to combat climate change

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    The climate change has been identified as one of the major threats the human kind faced over the last decades. For a while, a number of developed countries have combined the efforts of state and private sector, developing the additional mechanisms and instruments for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Although Ukraine is actively using the mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the national economy still faces a lack of initiatives to attract private sector into the programs aiming at GHG emission reductions. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1318

    The Return of Burlesque: Comic Forms in Contemporary Ukrainian Literature, 1985–2010

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    Burlesque as a literary device can serve for satirical purpose, but its main function is revealed in the provocation of carnivalesque ambivalence. Unlike satire, where an author remains serious, carnival laughter captures everyone, including its provocateur. This is exuberant laughter that affirms the joyful fact of very human existence. The use of burlesque in Ukrainian literature does not refer to a certain epoch, but forms a continuous and powerful tradition. In the middle of the 1980s, with the liberalization of Ukrainian society, literature steadily turned away from a purely utilitarian role, and burlesque returned, as a device of free and unrepressed laughter. The “Bu-Ba-Bu” literary group, Yuri Vynnychuk, Les Poderviansky, Mukhailo Brynykh most actively elaborate burlesque in their writings, either in a carnival context, or as a device of satire. Thus, the burlesque tradition is quite visible and influential in contemporary Ukrainian literature

    Burlesque And Satire In The Works Of Bohdan Zholdak

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    The article analyses modes of humor in the prose of Bohdan Zholdak, who is quite recognizable author in Ukrainian literature in the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century. The broader literary context comprehended in the article demonstrates a wide application of different comic forms in the said period. B. Zholdak is seen as the successor of Ukrainian humoristic tradition that has been developing since the latest three centuries. The article proposes the hypothesis that burlesque and humor dominate in colonial / postcolonial literature, while metropolis develops a satirical tradition. In his prose B. Zholdak moves form humor and sporadic burlesque of his early stories towards satire in his late cinematic short novel “Ukry”. This transformation testifies to the overcoming of the colonial complex by the author

    Чи можлива / доцільна історія української сатиричної літератури?

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    The article underlines the possibility of Ukrainian satirical literature history. In general, literature uses different comic forms, such as burlesque, satire, humor, or irony. But we can speak about a particularly satirical work of literature, if an author elaborates mocking as the main purpose of a text. Besides, any comic form that develops in a work of literature makes clear the connection of writing with cultural and national identities, and this way the history of satire would be simultaneously the history of a community values in a certain epoch. The author of the article also stresses the particular role of burlesque, as a comic form that differs from satire, but exists in unison to it. Burlesque provokes a carnival festive laughter, which is pointed in all directions, while satire is precisely directed onto its particular object. According to M. Bakhtin theory of folk festive culture, an author of a burlesque piece does not remain outside of his laughter, while a satirist mocks, but remains serious himself. On the other hand, if burlesque unfolds as a stylistic lowering, it could lead to satire and often becomes a tool for it. Ukrainian literature encloses visible tradition of burlesque in parallel to the satirical one. Finally, it is concluded that Ukrainian history of burlesque and satirical literature is possible as integrated comic forms inside the model of national literature. Рассматриваются причины целесообразности написания истории украинской сатирической литературы: использование комизма в литературе указывает на её связь с культурной и национальной идентичностью, таким образом, история сатиры будет одновременно историей ценностей определённого сообщества в конкретную историческую эпоху. Указано на особую роль бурлеска как формы комического, которая отличается от сатиры, но созвучна с ней. Бурлеск является карнавальным, всесторонне направленным смехом, а сатира имеет чёткую направленность на конкретный объект. В то же время, бурлеск часто перерастает в сатиру, становится её средством. Украинская литература, наряду с сатирической, содержит отчётливую традицию бурлеска. Следовательно, существует возможность написания истории украинской бурлексно-сатирической литературы как интегральной модели в национальной традиции. Наголошено причини, що роблять доцільним написання історії української сатиричної літератури: сміхова література унаочнює зв’язок письменства з культурною та національною ідентичністю, тобто історія сатири буде також історією цінностей певної спільноти в конкретну історичну епоху. Вказано також на особливу роль бурлеску як форми комічного, котра відмінна від сатири, проте суголосна з нею. Бурлеск є карнавальним сміхом, спрямованим навсібіч, тоді як сатира має чітке спрямування на окремий об’єкт. Однак бурлеск часто переростає в сатиру, стає її засобом. Українська література, поруч із сатиричною, містить видиму традицію бурлеску. Зроблено висновок про можливість історії української бурлескно-сатиричної літератури як інтегральної моделі комічного в національному письменстві.

    Apollonius Circles

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    U ovome radu proučavati ćemo Apolonijeve kružnice. Na početku ćemo proći kroz osnove konstruktivne geometrije i metodu inverzije kako bi mogli konstruirati neke od slučajeva Apolonijevog problema. Zatim ćemo se upoznati s Apolonijevim skupom. Proći ćemo kroz neka svojstva koja vrijede za četiri kružnice koje se diraju te vidjeti kako saznati broj kružnica u Apolonijevom skupu. Zatim ćemo se upoznati s Apolonijevom grupom i vidjeti analogon hipoteze o blizancima za Apolonijev skup. Na kraju ćemo navesti neke primjene Apolonijevog problema u drugim područjima.In this paper we study Apollonian circles. At the beginnig, we touched the basics of constructions in geometry and inversion method so that we could construct some cases of the Apollonian problem. Then, we meet the Apollonian packing. We go through some characteristics that are valid for four circles that are touching each other and see how to find out the number of circles in an Apollonian packing. Then we meet then the Apollonian group and see the analog of the hypothesis about twins for the Apollonian packing. Finally, we adduce some applications of the Apollonian problem in other areas

    Burlesque And Satire In The Works Of Bohdan Zholdak

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    The article analyses modes of humor in the prose of Bohdan Zholdak, who is quite recognizable author in Ukrainian literature in the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century. The broader literary context comprehended in the article demonstrates a wide application of different comic forms in the said period. B. Zholdak is seen as the successor of Ukrainian humoristic tradition that has been developing since the latest three centuries. The article proposes the hypothesis that burlesque and humor dominate in colonial / postcolonial literature, while metropolis develops a satirical tradition. In his prose B. Zholdak moves form humor and sporadic burlesque of his early stories towards satire in his late cinematic short novel “Ukry”. This transformation testifies to the overcoming of the colonial complex by the author