1,630 research outputs found

    Authentic leadership, happiness at work and affective commitment: An empirical study in Cape Verde

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    Purpose This study aims to investigate the relationship between perceptions of authentic leadership (AL) and affective commitment (AC) both directly and indirectly through the mediating effect of happiness at work. Design/methodology/approach Empirical research has analyzed the data from a questionnaire administered to a sample of five hundred forty-three employees belonging to various public and private organizations in Cape Verde. Structural Equation Modeling was used to test the model. Findings It was found that the perceptions of AL explain employees’ happiness at work. Perceptions of AL also predict AC both directly and through the mediating effect of happiness at work. Practical implications The findings suggest that AL predicts happiness at work, which in turn, explain employees` emotional bond to the organization. These results provide evidence that the quality of working environment created by leaders plays an important role in the extent to which employees develop better emotional bond at work. So, the organizations, particularly in Cape Verde should focus on training leaders with authentic characteristics. Originality/value In addition to verifying the direct relationship between AL and AC, this study introduced the mediating effect of the happiness at work, providing a model that depicts the chain effect between AL, AC and happiness, integrating these concepts in a single study.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Training health professionals in patient-centered communication during magnetic resonance imaging to reduce patients’ perceived anxiety

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    Objective: We examined how a patient-centered communication training program for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) affected health professional (HP) practice and patients’ perceived anxiety (PA). Methods: We implemented an intervention program. Six of the 17 eligible HPs completed the study. The proportion of observed desired behaviors (PODBs), including MRI procedure explanation (MRI-PE), communication, and MRI checking procedures was measured using an observation grid. We tested 182 patients (85 pre-, 58 post-, and 39 at follow-up) for PA pre- and post-MRI. Results: The Bayesian ANOVA effect size suggested moderate evidence of improvement in HP PODBs, preto post-intervention. Use of MRI-PE declined between post-intervention and follow-up (6 months later). Observed changes in PA, pre- to post-MRI, could be related to time constraints and perceived pressure to explain the exam in detail once institutional routines are reestablished. Conclusion: In MRI units, time constraints condition the performance of HPs who address patients’ PA. Practice implications: “Real workplace” interventions that promote better patient-centered communication and provide each patient with a comprehensive explanation of MRI procedures also appear to improve HP PODBs

    L’évolution des dépenses publiques en France : loi de Wagner, cycle électoral et contrainte européenne de subsidiarité

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    La loi de Wagner avance l’idée de gouvernements dépensiers s’adaptant à la demande sociale ; les dépenses publiques suivent l’évolution du PIB et ne rencontrent pas de freins en période de récession. La vérification empirique du lien positif entre dépenses et PIB dans le cas de la France n’est pas validée. Les gouvernements successifs ont reconduit depuis plus d’un quart de siècle des dépenses passées, indépendamment de l’idéologie partisane avancée, et n’ont donc pas eu des logiques de redistribution mais plutôt d’allocation optimale des ressources au sens de la réduction globale des coûts de production avec comme objectif la compétitivité internationale. Les logiques de regroupement d’actionnariat éclaté et les privatisations ont concouru à cette option supply side et les cycles électoraux d’alternance politique n’ont pas marqué des différences significatives de comportements entre gouvernements de gauche et gouvernements de droite. De même, l’adhésion à l’Union européenne n’a pas de manière nette à court terme empêché des fluctuations de la dépense, non observées dans un raisonnement de long terme, mais la révolution dans l’émission de la dette, la constitution de noyaux durs, le refus du financement monétaire des déficits… constituent la lecture adéquate du lien peu robuste des dépenses publiques par rapport au PIB en France et laissent à penser, avec la loi de Wagner, que les gouvernements de la France n’ont pas eu comme préoccupation la défense d’un revenu moyen.Adolph Wagner advances the idea that public expenditure follow the evolution of GDP. This long-run relationship, qualified as low, is not verified here in the case of France. Therefore, we include other variables and particularly political facts like electoral cycles and budgetary constraints imposed by the European Union, to explain the dynamic of public expenditure in France. The successive French governments followed for more than one quarter century the trend of last expenditure independently of their ideology and thus did not have goals of redistribution, but rather of optimal allowance of the resources, according to an international competitiveness objective. The electoral cycles did not mark significant differences between the conservative governments and the left ones. The revolution in the emission of the debt, the constitution of hard cores with privatization, the refusal of the monetary financing of the deficit contributed to this option supply side

    Mensuração das propriedades de investimento: determinantes da escolha entre o modelo do custo e o do justo valor

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    Com o fenómeno da globalização da economia surgiu a necessidade de aproximar os sistemas contabilísticos a nível mundial de forma a garantir a comparabilidade das demonstrações financeiras. Neste contexto, este estudo procura conhecer as práticas de valorização seguidas pelas empresas portuguesas relativamente à mensuração das propriedades de investimento. Mais concretamente, procurar identificar os determinantes da escolha entre o custo e o justo valor. Assim, e tomando por base uma amostra de 114 empresas sediadas e/ou legalmente registadas em Portugal, no período de 2012, procurou-se (i) identificar nas demonstrações financeiras dessas entidades ativos não correntes classificados como propriedades de investimento, (ii) identificar aquelas em que tais ativos se encontram valorizados ao justo valor e (iii) testar empiricamente os fatores explicativos que podem influenciar a decisão da opção entre o custo e o justo valor. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que a maioria das empresas, cerca de 55%, adota o critério do custo histórico na valorização das propriedades de investimento e a estimação do modelo logit sugere que fatores como o plano de bónus, o setor financeiro e a maior proporção de administradores independentes no quadro de administração influenciam positivamente a opção pelo justo valor e que a dimensão, o endividamento, a estrutura acionista e o tipo de auditor não se revelaram fatores explicativos na escolha do modelo de mensuraçao das propriedades de investimento.Con el fenómeno de la globalización económica surgió la necesidad de adecuar los sistemas de contabilidad en todo el mundo con el fin de garantizar la comparabilidad de los estados financieros. En este contexto este estudio busca comprender las prácticas de valoración seguidos por las empresas portuguesas con respecto a la medición de las propiedades de inversión, buscando identificar los factores determinantes de la elección entre el costo y el valor razonable. Por lo tanto, a partir de una muestra de 114 empresas con sede y / o legalmente registradas en Portugal, durante el año 2012, hemos tratado de (i) identificar en los estados financieros dee estas entidades los activos clasificados como propiedades de inversión, (ii) identificar aquellas en las que tales activos se valoran por su valor razonable, y (iii) probar empíricamente quais son los factores explicativos que pueden influir en la elección entre el costo y el valor razonable. Los resultados revelaron que la mayoría de las empresas, alrededor del 55%, adopta el criterio del coste histórico en la valoración de las inversiones inmobiliarias y la estimación del modelo logit sugiere que factores tales como el plan de bonos, el sector financiero y la menor proporción de directores independientes en el órgano de gestión influyen positivamente en la opción por el valor razonable. A la vez, el tamaño, la deuda, la estructura del cuerpo accionario y el tipo de auditor no se revelan factores explicativos en la elección del método de medición de las propiedades de inversión.The phenomenon of economic globalization created a need for harmonization of the accounting systems around the world in order to ensure the comparability of financial statements. In this context, this study seeks to understand the practices followed by Portuguese company’s valuation concerning the evaluation of investment properties. Specifically seek to identify the determinants of the choice between cost and fair value. Based on a sample of 114 companies registered in Portugal, in 2012, we sought to (i) identify the financial statements of these entities investment properties, (ii) identify those in which such assets are measured at fair value, and (iii) test empirically the explanatory factors that may influence the decision of choosing between cost and fair value. The results revealed that most companies, about 55%, adopt the criterion of historical cost in the valuation of investment properties. The estimation of logit model suggests factors such as the bonus plan, the financial sector and the lowest proportion of independent directors on the board positively influence the fair value option. The size of the companies, their level of debt, the shareholder structure and the type of auditor is not revealed explanatory factors in choosing method of measurement of investment properties

    A pilot project at the Paper Money Museum, Porto (Portugal)

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    This paper will outline models and strategies in education and partnerships with neighbouring schools developed by the Paper Money Museum during the past year. The museum is well-known for its inclusive approach to different audiences and is currently trying to develop educational school programmes which involve the building of different relationships with schools and community advocates as well as the development of ongoing research about not only representations and outlooks but also about the outcomes of such projects. The analysis and discussion of data produced by this research and its relation to the building of new education models for this museum constitutes the core theme of this pape

    The object matter of museums: designing otherwise

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    O debate teórico e ético contemporâneo em torno dos museus está profundamente enredado no mundo e é construído a partir de um envolvimento intra-ativo com ele. Como consequência, o museu tende a abordar o emergente e o urgente através de práticas situadas que analisam e respondem coletivamente às circunstâncias do mundo. Ao fazê-lo, o museu contemporâneo procura criar condições para o envolvimento dos visitantes, permitindo que as suas vozes não mediadas sejam ouvidas. Este texto pretende explorar o espaço crítico entre a aparente vitalidade decolonial do museu e a forma como as práticas difrativas podem ser concebidas num contexto pós-crítico e pós-representacional, argumentando que as abordagens baseadas em processos artísticos e de design de fabulação especulativa (como a Cultura do Design) são úteis para pensar e agir nestes espaços de experiência. De forma pragmática, destaca três modos de envolvimento especulativo (moderado) do design com o presente e o futuro para ajudar os museus a libertarem-se da sua cegueira ontológica e a concretizarem o seu potencial crítico e transformador.The contemporary theoretical and ethical debate on museums is deeply entangled in the world and built from an intra-active engagement with it. As a consequence, the museum tends to address the emergent and the urgent through situated practices that collectively analyse and respond to circumstances in the world. In doing so, the contemporary museum seeks to create conditions for visitor engagement by empowering their unmediated voices to be heard. This text aims to explore the critical space between the apparent decolonial vitality of the museum and how diffractive practices may be designed in a postcritical and postrepresentational context, arguing that approaches based on artistic and design processes of speculative fabulation (as Design Culture) are helpful for thinking and acting in these spaces of experience. Pragmatically, it highlights three modes of speculative (moderated) design engagement with the present and the future to help museums to break out of their ontological blindness and fulfil their critical and transformative potential