10 research outputs found


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    The development of a very rapid business today does not escape the rapid technological development as well, this causes marketers to be smart in utilizing technology and continue to innovate on products and marketing strategies. Change the marketing techniques that were traditional to digital. One of the techniques used is the Viral Marketing technique, marketers try to increase trust in the digital age so that consumers make purchases. This study aims to determine whether Viral Marketing and customer trust have an effect simultaneously or directly on the decision to purchase an application-based online shop at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Sumatera Utara. This type of research is associative research with non probability sampling sampling techniques. The data collection technique used is by distributing questionnaires to students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Sumatra Utara, who conducted 135 application-based online applications. Analysis of the data used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the respondents' responses to Viral Marketing and the customer trust that the application-based online store was trying to generate were very good, as many as 51.9% of the purchase decisions were driven by these two factors.Keywords: Viral Marketing, customer trust, purchase decisio


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    The advancement of current technological requires each sector to follow market developments especially in the tourism industry. Local tourism objects have emerged to the surface and are demanded to be able to adjust their services to the desires and needs of visitors who are expected to be able to increase visitor satisfaction and a positive image of a tourist attraction and attract potential new tourists to visit. The purpose of this study was to look at the effect of individual characteristics and destination image on word of mouth through visitor satisfaction at the Pemandian Alam Gantang Rani Sembahe in Sibolangit sub-district. This type of research is associative with quantitative methods. The population of the study was visitors who used the services of the Pemandian Alam Gantang Rani in the designated research time. However, by using a predetermined formula, a total sample of 100 respondents was obtained. The sampling technique used in this study is nonprobability sampling with accidental sampling type. Data collection techniques used questionnaires and interviews. The results of the first sub structure test in this study shows that individual characteristics have a positive and significant effect on visitor satisfaction. Destination image has a positive and significant effect on visitor satisfaction. The results of the second sub-structure test show that individual characteristics have no positive and significant influence on word of mouth. Destination image has a positive and significant effect on word of mouth. Visitor satisfaction has a positive and significant impact on word of mouth. Furthermore, visitor satisfaction is able to mediate between individual characteristic variables with word of mouth. The last hypothesis shows that the visitor satisfaction variable is not able to mediate between destination image variables and word of mouth. Based on the results of this study, the Pemandian Alam Gantang Rani Sembahe has the potential to be the preeminent tourist attraction in the Sibolangit Region because it is able to follow trends and continue to innovate in accordance with the development of the situation. JEL: L80; L83; L89  Article visualizations

    Antecedents of destination brand experience

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    Purpose: The tourism sector is the leading sector for Indonesia's foreign exchange earnings. The Indonesian government has established six National Tourism Strategy Areas, including Lake Toba, North Sumatra. Development in the Lake Toba tourist area has been carried out, but it does not automatically bring tourists to visit the Lake Toba Tourism Area. The researcher intended to know the factors of the tourist brand experience in Lake Toba. Therefore, this study aims to confirm the factors obtained from a literature study. Research methodology: The research methodology used is a qualitative study, namely Focus Group Discussion. Participants in the Focus Group Discussion are Government Representatives, Tour Guides, Travel Agencies, and domestic tourists' representatives. Results: The study results should add to the Tourist Self-expression as a new precursor to the destination brand experience. Limitation: The study did not involve hospitality and other relevant governments to gain a broader perspective. Contribution: The results of this study hope to contribute to references for tourism marketing. Keywords: Brand experience, Destination branding, Tourism marketing, Lake Tob

    The Influence of Brand Image, Product Quality and Price on Samsung Smartphone Product Purchase Decisions (Case Study on Employees of PT Angkasa Pura Aviasi Kualanamu International Airport)

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    Brand image, product quality and price get a positive impression from the majority of respondents and get a significance value of 0.000, 0.001 and 0.000 respectively. From the brand image variable, it can be seen that the majority of respondents agree that Samsung smartphones have a good reputation and are innovative, thereby increasing employee confidence. The product quality variable states that Samsung smartphones are considered to have good performance and are attractive and in accordance with what is needed by employees. The price variable states that Samsung smartphones have affordable prices and are in accordance with the quality of the products needed by employees. The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze whether brand image, product quality and price have an influence on purchasing decisions for Samsung smartphone products. The respondents used were employees from PT Angkasa Pura Aviasi Kualanamu International Airport. This study uses a quantitative approach and uses multiple linear regression analysis. The total population at PT Angkasa Putra Aviasi Kualanamu International Airport is 544 employees. Where the population in this research are employees at PT Angkasa Pura Aviasi Kualanamu International Airport who have used Samsung smartphones whose number is not identified so that the sample used in this study was 108 employees in the company. The results of this study indicate that brand image, product quality and price have a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions for Samsung smartphone products

    The Influence of Information Quality, Facilities, and Alumni on the Decision to Choose a WBI Polytechnic Campus Through Brand Image as an Intervening Variable

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    Wilmar Bisnis Indonesia Polytechnic (WBI) is an educational institution committed to becoming the best and ideal educational institution for Indonesia's young generation to be ready to compete in the increasingly competitive business world in the industrial era 4.0. One of the factors that can make prospective students decide to choose to study at the WBI Polytechnic includes the Quality of Information, Facilities, Alumni, and Brand Image. This study aims to determine the effect of the quality of information, facilities, and alumni on the decision to choose a WBI Polytechnic Campus through Brand Image as an Intervening Variable. The population in this study were active students in the 2019, 2020 and 2021 batches, totaling 396 students and the sample with the criteria for class 2021 students totaling 123 students. Data collection methods were carried out by means of interviews, questionnaires, and documentation studies. Methods and techniques of analysis of multiple regression using path analysis (path analysis). The results of the research on the direct effect on the first substructure state that simultaneously and partially, Information Quality, Facilities, and Alumni have a positive and significant effect on Brand Image. The results of the research on the direct effect on the second substructure state that simultaneously and partially, Information Quality, Facilities, Alumni, and Brand Image have a positive and significant effect on Voting Decisions. The results of the indirect effect study stated that Information Quality, Facilities, and Alumni had a positive and significant effect on Voting Decisions through Brand Image as an intervening variable

    Investigating the Determinants of Students' Trust in Budi Utomo Binjai Vocational, Indonesia

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    Educational institutions are organizations that are very important in increasing the competence of people in a country. The products offered by a school are services in the form of learning and guidance that can improve the abilities of its students. Furthermore, to determine the level of school credibility is also very much determined by the level of student satisfaction and trust in the school. This study seeks to examine the effect of service quality aspects on student trust and examine the mediating role of the satisfaction variable on the effect of service quality aspects on student trust. This study uses an explanatory approach with quantitative data types. Determination of samples in this study using the technique of purposive sampling which resulted in 204 students being research respondents. The analysis technique used in this study is SEM with Smart PLS. The results of this study found that Empathy, Responsiveness, Reliability, Assurance and Physical Appearance did not have a significant effect on students' trust. Based on the results of the mediation test it was found that student satisfaction was able to mediate the influence of Empathy, Reliability, Assurance and Physical Appearance on student trust

    Numerical Alpha Archive Training System in Accordance with the Archival Code for High School Teachers in Medan City

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    Poor management of archives has the potential to cause loss and damage to records or documents. And cause difficulty finding back important archives such as securities. Not a few administrative staff and officials need a lot of time to find back the archived files. Poor archival storage and management are common in companies, including schools. Mulia Medan Private Vocational School, one of which is still not doing the archiving system correctly, where the storage system is not in accordance with the archival rules. Unfortunately, it is difficult for teachers to get the latest archival training, even since 13 years ago when schools were owned by regional autonomy, the gap between regional teachers' competencies and those at the center was farther. Regions are difficult to get the latest competency training in their fields. Then the lack of local government budget funds, schools and also related individuals becomes even more complex problems. Therefore the need for the latest archival training according to the rules has been very urgent especially for vocational teachers in the city of Medan, to prepare graduates who are ready to work. Administrative staff also need to gain competency in the archiving of alphanumeric systems in accordance with the rules of archiving and standards. For this purpose, teachers and administrative staff need to be given training and mentoring, and the results can be seen as a significant improvement in the ability and skills in organizing records after participating in training. The alphanumeric archive storage system is very helpful for schools in arranging archives according to RI rules. For this reason, adequate facilities and infrastructure are needed in schools, so that the support of school principals in the application of proper and proper records management is urgently needed so that teachers and administrative staff can realize them immediately at school

    The effect of characteristics of celebrity endorser on intention to buy hotel room through destination images (study on celebrity endorser followers on instagram)

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    In the development of technology provides many changes in communication patterns. One of the mass communication that is widely affected by technology in mass media with the emergence of new media. The existence of new media includes information technology and communication technology that complement each other through internet media, one way is to use social media. Social media that is widely used are blogs, Instagram and Youtube. Given that the use of celebrities in advertising campaigns often incurs high costs, advertisers hope that these qualitative benefits can turn into a positive economic impact. Nowadays many companies use celebrity or Celebgram as an endorser that usually costs less than advertising with exclusive contracts. This study aims to see how the characteristic influence of celebrity endorsers on the hotel buying interest in Indonesia through the destination image. The result shows that the characteristic of celebrity endorsers and destination image has a positive and significant impact on intention to buy

    Implementation of entrepreneurial marketing in improving sustainability performance of SME in pandemic age: case study on start up in Medan

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has changed all processes in every part of human life, including the industrial sector. The biggest impact was felt mainly in the economic and trade sectors. It is known that more than 60% of Indonesia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is supported by the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector. The problem occurs when the adaptability of SME actors in changing the concept with entrepreneurial marketing. Entrepreneurship is the process of creating value by bringing together a unique package of resources to take advantage of opportunities. The process requires an entrepreneurial event and entrepreneurial agents. An event is a new idea or venture while an agent is a person or group which means carrying out the business and being responsible for the results (Morris & Lewis, 2010). Based on the results of this study, it is known that entrepreneurial marketing has a positive but not significant effect on sustainability performance. Based on factor analysis, it is known that there are 5 factors formed, Pro-Active and Innovative, Business Performance, Competence Respectively, Complacent, dan Anxiety. The possibility of implementing entrepreneurial marketing in SMEs in Medan is still common