716 research outputs found

    Mortgage Loans on Farm Real Estate in Sample Areas in South Dakota

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    This is a continuation of a study made by Gabriel Lundy, Department of Agricultural Economics, South Dakota State College, on Mortgage Loans on Farm Real Estate in areas consisting of three townships in each of Haakon, Hyde, Clark, Brookings, and Turner counties. The previous studies cover the period 1910-1930. The present study gives the main emphasis on the five year period, 1931 to 1935, pieturing the comparative information from the five sample areas studied. For the purpose of giving a historical sketch, a number of tables have been included which give the conditions in each of the sample areas for the periods of previously studied. The purpose of this study in the sample areas of Haakon, Hyde, Clark, Brookings, and Turner counties is to present a comparative picture of the mortgage situation based on information obtained from samples for 1931 to 1935

    Revascularization of an Excisional Wound in Gingiva and Oral Mucosa. A Scanning Electron Microscopic Study Using Corrosion Casts in Rats

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    The purpose of this study was to examine microvascular regeneration associated with gingival wound healing. A full-thickness piece of gingiva and oral mucosa was excised along the palatal aspect of the right maxillary first and second molars in 20 young Wistar rats. The contralateral side served as unoperated control. After 2, 4, 7, 10 or 20 days of healing, microvascular corrosion casts were produced and examined by scanning electron microscopy. At 2 days, vessels surrounding the wound were dilated and impressions representing sites of leukocyte margination were prominent in the walls of venules. Capillary buds were emerging from venules and capillaries. At 4 days, the vessel buds had lengthened and connected in pairs to produce capillary loops. At 7 days, new vessels extended deeply into the wound space, mainly from the medial side, in a palisade-like pattern. At 10 days, the denuded bone surface was still not completely revascularized and Volkman\u27s canals opening to the wound area were empty. At 20 days, the bone surface was covered by large, irregular vessels which originated mainly from the palatal mucosa. The periodontal ligament was less important in the tissue re-pair process, while the bony vasculature contributed little or not at all to revascularization of the healing gingiva and palatal mucosa

    Learning histology – dental and medical students' study strategies

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    PurposeHistology, the science of cells and tissues at the microscopic level, is an integral component of most dental and medical curricula and is often taught using both traditional and novel computer‐based didactic approaches. The purpose of this study was to analyse the strategies used by dental and medical students when studying this very visual and challenging subject.MethodsData were collected from 75 dental and 143 medical students, who had almost identical histology learning resources at their disposal.ResultsWhen compared with their medical counterparts, dental students view histology as a more difficult subject and as less relevant for their future career. Whereas dental students, who are required to attend class unlike medical students, made more use of in‐classroom learning opportunities, they did not take as much advantage of out‐of‐classroom resources. In addition, dental students reported a significantly higher tendency than medical students to work together, rather than to study alone.DiscussionSmall differences in the dental versus the medical learning environment associate with several observed differences in learning strategies that are adopted by dental and medical students.ConclusionsThese differences should be considered when teaching the subject of histology to dental or to medical students.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111121/1/eje12104.pd

    Vinn-vinn for kraft og miljÞ. Vannkraft og vassdragsforvaltning - bÄde vedre miljÞ og mer vannkraft?

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    Årsliste 2008Prosjektets mĂ„l er Ă„ bidra til at vannkraft som energibĂŠrer forvaltes bedre og mer balansert enn tilfellet er i dag nĂ„r fremtidig norsk kraftproduksjon vurderes og vannressursforvaltningen operasjonaliseres. Virkemidler for Ă„ oppnĂ„ mĂ„let er systematiske faglige utredninger av problemstillinger og vektlegging av formidling av resultater i artikler i fagtidsskrifter, innlegg i media og foredrag. Rapporten drĂžfter generelt og ved hjelp av konkrete eksempler muligheter ved prosjektendringer/utvidelser av eksisterende vannkraftverk pĂ„ en slik mĂ„te at endringer bedrer bĂ„de vassdragsmiljĂž og Ăžker/opprettholder vannkraftproduksjonen. Behandlingen av problemstillingene er dels gjort pĂ„ generelt grunnlag og dels gjennom bruk av 8 konkrete eksempler. 5 utvalgte utfordringer og muligheter er drĂžftet: 1) EUs rammedirektiv for vann og norsk forvaltningspraksis, 2) Helhetlig vannressursforvaltning vs konsesjonsbehandling av enkeltsaker, 3) BĂ„de verneinteresser og vannkraft i verna vassdrag?, 4) Ressursutnyttelse. Ett stort vs flere smĂ„ kraftverk? og 5) Redusert miljĂžkvalitet i en vannforekomst vs bedring i en annen? De 8 prosjekteksemplene som illustrerer konkrete vinn–vinn muligheter for kraft og miljĂž belyser samtidig en eller flere av de utvalgte utfordringer og muligheter. De 8 prosjektene er (navn, fylke og energiselskap/regulant) 1) Surna, MĂžre og Romsdal, Statkraft 2) Aura, MĂžre og Romsdal, Statkraft 3) Kjennsvatn, Nordland, Statkraft 4) Helleland, Rogaland, Dalane Energi 5) MoisĂ„ni, Rogaland, Dalane Energi 6) Bygdin, Oppland, Glommen og Laagen Brugseierforening 7) Aurland, Sogn og Fjordane, ECO-vannkraft og 8) NumedalslĂ„gen, Buskerud og Vestfold, flere regulanter/energiselskaper. Prosjektinformasjon foreligger for 7 prosjekter som innsatte brosjyrer i lomme bakerst i rapporten (unntatt NumedalslĂ„gen). I vedlegg foreligger utfyllende prosjektinformasjon for 4 av prosjektene. Det er ikke gitt klare konklusjoner eller anbefalinger fra drĂžftingene pĂ„ de 5 utvalgte utfordringene/mulighetene. Problemstillingen lĂžftes frem og problematiseres og det legges til rette for Ă„ gĂ„ videre med utvalgte problemstillinger. Eksemplene viser konkrete muligheter som kan bearbeides videre av de aktuelle energiselskaper. Vi hĂ„per ogsĂ„ andre selskaper vil finne nyttig informasjon og impulser til Ă„ finne flere vinn-vinn muligheter.Olje- og energidepartemente

    Health-related quality of life across all stages of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease

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    Background. A limited number of studies have assessed health related quality of life (HRQoL) in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). Results to date have been conflicting and studies have generally focused on patients with later stages of the disease. This study aimed to assess HRQoL in ADPKD across all stages of the disease, from patients with early chronic kidney disease (CKD) to patients with end-stage renal disease. Methods. A study involving cross-sectional patient-reported outcomes and retrospective clinical data was undertaken April December 2014 in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Patients were enrolled into four mutually exclusive stages of the disease: CKD stages 1-3; CKD stages 4-5; transplant recipients; and dialysis patients. Results. Overall HRQoL was generally highest in patients with CKD stages 1-3, followed by transplant recipients, patients with CKD stages 4-5 and patients on dialysis. Progressive disease predominately had an impact on physical health, whereas mental health showed less variation between stages of the disease. A substantial loss in quality of life was observed as patients progressed to CKD stages 4-5. Conclusions. Later stages of ADPKD are associated with reduced physical health. The value of early treatment interventions that can delay progression of the disease should be considered.Peer reviewe

    MiljĂžrammer for fornybar energi. MiljĂžrettede rammeplaner og lover av betydning for utvikling av prosjekter for fornybar energi

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    FÞlgende miljÞrettede rammeplaner/lover er vurdert: Samlet Plan, Verneplan for vassdrag, vannforvaltningsplaner etter vanndirektivet, Nasjonal plan for laksevassdrag/laksefjorder, Naturmangfoldloven, INON-omrÄder- (inngrepsfrie omrÄder), fylkesvise planer for smÄkraftverk, fylkesvise planer for vindkraft, Plan- og bygningsloven, fylkeskommunale og kommunale klima- og energiplaner. Vurderingene omfatter: generell beskrivelse, - hensikt og mÄl, formell forankring i lovverk og forvaltning, aktivitet, omfang og planprosess, forholdet til konsesjonsbehandling/vilkÄrsrevisjon og forholdet til realisering av ny fornybar energi. Planer/lover/aktiviteter er inndelt i tre grupper: sektorspesifikke, sektornÞytrale og verneorienterte som alle vurderes i forhold til hverandre og til konsesjonsbehandling. Viktig for rammeplaners betydning er innretning og kvalitet, godt kunnskapsgrunnlag, og jevnlig revisjon og oppdatering. Konsesjonssystemet er dominerende og vil fortsatt vÊre det nÄr beslutninger skal fattes om energianlegg. Konsesjoner vil samlet sett gi bedre beslutninger med bedre rammebetingelser i form av en vedtatt energi- og klimapolitikk, bedre retningslinjer og fÞringer for avveininger og videreutvikling av faglige rammeplaner.Energi Norge AS, Energiakademie

    Real-world costs of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease in the Nordics

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    Background: There is limited real-world data on the economic burden of patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). The objective of this study was to estimate the annual direct and indirect costs of patients with ADPKD by severity of the disease: chronic kidney disease (CKD) stages 1-3; CKD stages 4-5; transplant recipients; and maintenance dialysis patients. Methods: A retrospective study of ADPKD patients was undertaken April-December 2014 in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Data on medical resource utilisation were extracted from medical charts and patients were asked to complete a self-administered questionnaire. Results: A total of 266 patients were contacted, 243 (91%) of whom provided consent to participate in the study. Results showed that the economic burden of ADPKD was substantial at all levels of the disease. Lost wages due to reduced productivity were large in absolute terms across all disease strata. Mean total annual costs were highest in dialysis patients, driven by maintenance dialysis care, while the use of immunosuppressants was the main cost component for transplant care. Costs were twice as high in patients with CKD stages 4-5 compared to CKD stages 1-3. Conclusions: Costs associated with ADPKD are significant and the progression of the disease is associated with an increased frequency and intensity of medical resource utilisation. Interventions that can slow the progression of the disease have the potential to lead to substantial reductions in costs for the treatment of ADPKD.Peer reviewe

    FutureBuilt Zero - A simplified dynamic LCA method with requirements for low carbon emissions from buildings

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    FutureBuilt is a voluntary program for ambitious low-carbon construction projects. To incentivize measures that lead to the lowest climate change impact from all aspects of buildings and according to national Paris agreement pledges, FutureBuilt Zero introduces an ambition level and a novel calculation methodology for net climate change impacts over the life of a building. The ambition level is tightened over time to help Norway achieve its climate goals. A comprehensive simplified calculation method is introduced, which considers how the timing of emissions during the building life affects the contribution to global warming. Both direct and indirect emissions throughout the lifetime are included; energy use in operation and at the construction site, material production and transport of materials to the construction site, and waste management (incineration). In addition, the climate-positive effects of biogenic carbon uptake, carbonation of cement, potential for future reusability, and exported energy are included. This paper presents the criteria, describes the method and the scientific basis as well as the principles and logic behind the choices made.publishedVersio

    Towards procedural level generation for rehabilitation

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    This paper introduces the concept of procedural content generation for physical rehabilitation. In this initial study a ski-slalom game is developed on the Wii platform that procedurally places the gates of the game according to player performance. A preliminary game evaluation study is conducted on patients with injured legs and showcases the efficiency of the procedural gate generation mechanism tailoring the game difficulty to match rehabilitation goals. The study also validates certain usability aspects of the patients.peer-reviewe
