2,102 research outputs found

    Training fisherwomen in fish processing

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    A project on training fisherwomen for their participation in rural development, sponsored by Ford Foundation (U.S.A), has been started by the Centre for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies, T.N AU.,at the Fisheries College, Tuticorin. The project alms to select a few literate rural women with leadership qualities for Imparting to them a training In the organisational and managerial aspects of a viable fish processing enterprise. It also alms to assist the trained fisherwomen in organising and operating cottage industries by continued technical backing and thus making the production units demonstration centres for the benefit of other women In the region. The preliminary survey helped in identifying 5 candidates from each of the 3 selected villages. The pre-survey revealed the respondents' choice of subject-areas to undergo training and their enthusiasm to learn techniques for the preparation of fish products like fish pickle and MasI Meen. It also revealed their desire to be exposed to new products like fish wafers, fish oil, fish meal, shark fin-rays etc. The pre- and post evaluations of the training programme helped In I) identifying training needs In the fields of marketing and financial management; II) Identifying some low-cost technological substitutes for some of the commercial products (eg: 'Gadi' for vineger); ill) identifying the products or techniques appreciated by the trainees and the products or techniques that received lukewarm response with reasons for such a response: Iv) Identifying the level of managerial efficiency gained by the trainees and the kind of support required for each Individual to start cottage industries. The programme Is being followed up by Interpersonal contacts and the co-ordinate efforts of the development departments

    Geothermal heat pump system operational data: high frequency monitoring of a large university building

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    This data was collected as part of a PhD project to analyze the performance of a large-scale non-domestic heat pump installation. The building in question was the Hugh Aston building at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. High frequency data have been collected during the initial three years of operation of the system. This data has been collated to allow seasonal performance factors to be derived and also detailed analysis of heat pump, circulating pump and control system operation. The data set includes minutely ground loop and heating/cooling loop fluid temperatures and flow rates. The data set has been used to validate models and design procedures for vertical borehole ground heat exchanger arrays

    Human Ventricular Action Potential Duration Restitution

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    A TSPO ligand is protective in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis.

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    Local production of neurosteroids such as progesterone and allopregnanolone confers neuroprotection in central nervous system (CNS) inflammatory diseases. The mitochondrial translocator protein (TSPO) performs a rate-limiting step in the conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone and its steroid derivatives. Previous studies have shown that TSPO is upregulated in microglia and astroglia during neural inflammation, and radiolabelled TSPO ligands such as PK11195 have been used to image and localize injury in the CNS. Recent studies have shown that modulating TSPO activity with pharmacological ligands such as etifoxine can initiate the production of neurosteroids locally in the injured CNS. In this study, we examined the effects of etifoxine, a clinically available anxiolytic drug, in the development and progression of mouse experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an experimental model for multiple sclerosis (MS). Our results showed that etifoxine attenuated EAE severity when administered before the development of clinical signs and also improved symptomatic recovery when administered at the peak of the disease. In both cases, recovery was correlated with diminished inflammatory pathology in the lumbar spinal cord. Modulation of TSPO activity by etifoxine led to less peripheral immune cell infiltration of the spinal cord, and increased oligodendroglial regeneration after inflammatory demyelination in EAE. Our results suggest that a TSPO ligand, e.g. etifoxine, could be a potential new therapeutic option for MS with benefits that could be comparable to the administration of systemic steroids but potentially avoiding the detrimental side effects of long-term direct use of steroids

    Larvicidal action of Nux-vomica (Strychnus nux-vomica L.) against Diamond back moth (Plutella xylostella L.)

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    The present investigation reports on larvicidal efficacy of plant extracts of Nux-vomica, Strychnus nux-vomica against Diamond back moth (DBM). In this investigation shade dried and powdered nux-vomica plant sam-ples (leaves, root bark, stem bark, seed and fruit rind) were extracted with organic solvents ethanol, methanol, ace-tone, hexane and chloroform and also formulated as Emulsifiable Concentrates (EC) using surfactant and solvents. This formulated plant extracts were tested against third instar larvae of DBM for larvicidal efficacy using leaf disc bioassay method under laboratory condition. Among the five solvent extracts tested, hexane extracts of root bark 11.11 EC @ 2 % showed highest larval mortality of 76.66 % followed by seed 14.25 EC, leaf 16.66 EC, stem bark 12.50 EC and fruit rind 12.50 EC extracts exhibited maximum mortality @ 2 % concentration recording 66.66, 63.33, 56.66 and 40.00 per cent mortality respectively. Positive and negative control such as respective solvent and water showed 10.00 and 3.33 % larval mortality respectively. The results of these experiment clearly indicate that nux-vomica plant possess promising larvicidal action against diamond back moth

    Waste Heat Recovery from Metal Casting and Scrap Preheating Using Recovered Heat

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    AbstractIn metal casting, after solidification of the molten metal in the mold cavity, the knocked out casting has heat energy stored it and is wasted into atmosphere as the casting cools down in the shop floor. If this heat energy can be absorbed by the raw materials by a suitable arrangement, it will reduce energy consumption during melting, resulting in savings in economy and environment. This paper discusses an innovative approach to implement such a methodology. In a basic set up, when this preheating was achieved, the scrap was found to take 2.83% less energy than it would take to melt without this preheating set up. This technique has been improvised by keeping aluminum powder in between the scrap and the hot casting to have better heat recovery, resulting in an increase of heat recovery to the tune of 5.7%. When this savings are applied to global castings produced, which run into millions, the total energy and emissions saved amounts to a substantial figure. The calculations indicate energy savings as high as 419 GWh, which translates roughly to Rs 377 crores a year for Indian foundries in one year


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    Introduction: Cycas circinalis .L and Ionidium suffruticosum. Ging are the two herbs used in Siddha system of medicine (Indian Medicine) for years together to improve the fertility of male. Objective: The aphrodisiac activities of the two herbs Cycas circinalis .L and Ionidium suffruticosum. Ging were tested on male albino rats and compared the effect with normal and positive control male albino rats. Materials and Methods: The present study involves 4 groups, each group has 6 healthy sexually active male albino rats. The Cycas circinalis and Ionidium suffruticosum extract (200mg/kg body weight) were administered orally to 2 experimental group of albino rats and its sexual performance was compared to the normal albino rats (given normal saline) and positive control albino rats (given Sildenafil citrate 4.5mg/kg body weight). The aphrodisiac activities of rats due to the effect of the herb were observed by various parameters such as mount frequency, mount latency, intromission frequency, intromission latency, ejaculation latency, post ejaculatory Interval and total sexual behavior. The data's were analyzed using one way ANOVA and found to be statistically significant. Results: The herbs showed significant positive results in improving various parameters involved in maintaining maleness. The study proves that Cycas circinalis and Ionidium suffruticosum both have aphrodisiac activity and Ionidium suffruticosum was proved to be more effective and almost has the similar effect of Sildenafil citrate. Conclusion The herbal extracts possessing aphrodisiac activity will be of great use for males suffering from sexual disorders like impotence. KEYWORDS: Ionidium suffruticosum, Cycas circinalis, Aphrodisiac activity, Mount frequency, Mount latency, Intromission frequency, Intromission latency, Ejaculation latency, Post ejaculatory interval, Total sexual behavior

    Research and development in marine fisheries extension in Tamil Nadu

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    improvement In the standard of living of fishing households and fishing labor households and optimal utilisation of fishery resources for employment, production and export are the Important goals of marine fisheries extension service. Despite ttie increasing attention of the Government to fisheries extension work, majority of fisherfolk are caught In a vicious cycle of poverty and indebtness. The paper analyses the present strategies of fisheries extension service In Tamil Nadu, Identifies the pitfalls and lists suggestions for Improving the efficiency of fisheries extension work In the state. The extension teaching methods used for Individual contact, group contact and mass contact, the sul)Ject-matter fields covered In extension teaching with their relative Importance. The characteristics and extension personnel, research support provided, coordination among the various agencies Involved and participation of the clientele and their organisations are analysed and discussed. The analysis helped identifying the major Impediments to success of extension efforts. The analysis provided a tasks for evolving future extension strategies focussed on marine fisheries development. It provides suggestions in term of personnel requirement, effective extension methods, thrust areas among different subject matter- fields, co-ordination among organisations concerned with marine fisheries and extension research support. The recommendations will be of use to the organisations concerned with fisheries extension In their approach to tone up the service of fisheries extension
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