
Research and development in marine fisheries extension in Tamil Nadu


improvement In the standard of living of fishing households and fishing labor households and optimal utilisation of fishery resources for employment, production and export are the Important goals of marine fisheries extension service. Despite ttie increasing attention of the Government to fisheries extension work, majority of fisherfolk are caught In a vicious cycle of poverty and indebtness. The paper analyses the present strategies of fisheries extension service In Tamil Nadu, Identifies the pitfalls and lists suggestions for Improving the efficiency of fisheries extension work In the state. The extension teaching methods used for Individual contact, group contact and mass contact, the sul)Ject-matter fields covered In extension teaching with their relative Importance. The characteristics and extension personnel, research support provided, coordination among the various agencies Involved and participation of the clientele and their organisations are analysed and discussed. The analysis helped identifying the major Impediments to success of extension efforts. The analysis provided a tasks for evolving future extension strategies focussed on marine fisheries development. It provides suggestions in term of personnel requirement, effective extension methods, thrust areas among different subject matter- fields, co-ordination among organisations concerned with marine fisheries and extension research support. The recommendations will be of use to the organisations concerned with fisheries extension In their approach to tone up the service of fisheries extension

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