841 research outputs found

    Inertial and dimensional effects on the instability of a thin film

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    We consider here the effects of inertia on the instability of a flat liquid film under the effects of capillary and intermolecular forces (van der Waals interaction). Firstly, we perform the linear stability analysis within the long wave approximation, which shows that the inclusion of inertia does not produce new regions of instability other than the one previously known from the usual lubrication case. The wavelength, λm\lambda_m, corresponding to he maximum growth, ωm\omega_m, and the critical (marginal) wavelength do not change at all. The most affected feature of the instability under an increase of the Laplace number is the noticeable decrease of the growth rates of the unstable modes. In order to put in evidence the effects of the bidimensional aspects of the flow (neglected in the long wave approximation), we also calculate the dispersion relation of the instability from the linearized version of the complete Navier-Stokes (N-S) equation. Unlike the long wave approximation, the bidimensional model shows that λm\lambda_m can vary significantly with inertia when the aspect ratio of the film is not sufficiently small. We also perform numerical simulations of the nonlinear N-S equations and analyze to which extent the linear predictions can be applied depending on both the amount of inertia involved and the aspect ratio of the film

    Large variation in the boundary-condition slippage for a rarefied gas flowing between two surfaces

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    We study the slippage of a gas along mobile rigid walls in the sphere-plane confined geometry and find that it varies considerably with pressure. The classical no-slip boundary condition valid at ambient pressure changes continuously to an almost perfect slip condition in a primary vacuum. Our study emphasizes the key role played by the mean free-path of the gas molecules on the interaction between a confined fluid and solid surfaces and further demonstrates that the macroscopic hydrodynamics approach can be used with confidence even in a primary vacuum environment where it is intuitively expected to fail

    Casimir force measurements in Au-Au and Au-Si cavities at low temperature

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    We report on measurements of the Casimir force in a sphere-plane geometry using a cryogenic force microscope to move the force probe in situ over different materials. We show how the electrostatic environment of the interacting surfaces plays an important role in weak force measurements and can overcome the Casimir force at large distance. After minimizing these parasitic forces, we measure the Casimir force between a gold-coated sphere and either a gold-coated or a heavily doped silicon surface in the 100-400 nm distance range. We compare the experimental data with theoretical predictions and discuss the consequence of a systematic error in the scanner calibration on the agreement between experiment and theory. The relative force over the two surfaces compares favorably with theory at short distance, showing that this Casimir force experiment is sensitive to the dielectric properties of the interacting surfaces.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Relative contributions of solid skeleton visco-plasticity and water viscosity to the poro-mechanics behavior of callovo-oxfordian claystone

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    The Callovo-Oxfordian claystone is a saturated porous medium. Its transfer properties, including its low permeability [16] make it an interesting candidate for underground radioactive waste disposal. The drained tests performed on the claystone, collected by ANDRA1 from samples at 500 meters depth [16, 9], exhibits a damageable visco-elasto-plastic behavior. This viscous behavior includes both the viscosity of the skeleton and the water. In existing models [5, 6, 11, 1], the creep phenomena are attributed either to the water permeability, to the skeleton visco-plasticity or sometimes both [13]. In a first step, a simplified analysis is proposed to understand the contribution of each phenomenon with respect to the consolidation time. This study indicates that the apparent characteristic time is the sum of those related to the skeleton and water permeability. To handle both non-linear and viscous phenomena, the damage law [15], coupled with the basic creep model [14] is used to characterize the solid skeleton of the claystone. The fluid behavior is integrated with the poro-mechanical model [7] implemented in the finite element code CAST3M [4]. The proposed model (visco-elastic damageable skeleton + saturating fluid) is used to simulate an excavation from the ANDRA underground laboratory (located in Bure–France). This application allows the understanding of how both viscous phenomena combine at each step of the calculation. Just after the excavation, water overpressure decreases near the gallery approaching zero due to the damage and then increases the permeability. The viscosity is then controlled by the solid skeleton creep rates. Later, the redistribution of hydraulic pressure is of more importance and permeability again plays a major role

    Half-integer Shapiro steps at the 0-pi crossover of a ferromagnetic Josephson junction

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    We investigate the current-phase relation of S/F/S junctions near the crossover between the 0 and the pi ground states. We use Nb/CuNi/Nb junctions where this crossover is driven both by thickness and temperature. For a certain thickness a non-zero minimum of critical current is observed at the crossover temperature. We analyze this residual supercurrent by applying a high frequency excitation and observe the formation of half-integer Shapiro steps. We attribute these fractional steps to a doubling of the Josephson frequency due to a sin(2*phi) current-phase relation. This phase dependence is explained by the splitting of the energy levels in the ferromagnetic exchange field.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Inhomogeneous superconductivity induced in a weak ferromagnet

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    Under certain conditions, the order parameter induced by a superconductor (S) in a ferromagnet (F) can be inhomogeneous and oscillating, which results e.g. in the so-called pi-coupling in S/F/S junctions. In principle, the inhomogeneous state can be induced at T_c as function of the F-layer thickness d_F in S/F bilayers and multilayers, which should result in a dip-like characteristic of T_c(d_F). We show the results of measurements on the S/F system Nb/Cu_{1-x}Ni_x, for Ni-concentrations in the range x = 0.5-0.7, where such effects might be expected. We find that the critical thickness for the occurrence of superconductivity is still relatively high, even for these weak ferromagnets. The resulting dip then is intrinsically shallow and difficult to observe, which explains the lack of a clear signature in the T_c(d_F) data.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. To be publishedin Physica C (proceedings of the Second Euroconference on Vortex Matter in Superconductors, Crete, 2001

    Non-identifiability of the Rayleigh damping material model in magnetic resonance elastography

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    Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) is an emerging imaging modality for quantifying soft tissue elasticity deduced from displacement measurements within the tissue obtained by phase sensitive Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) techniques. MRE has potential to detect a range of pathologies, diseases and cancer formations, especially tumors. The mechanical model commonly used in MRE is linear viscoelasticity (VE). An alternative Rayleigh damping (RD) model for soft tissue attenuation is used with a subspace-based nonlinear inversion (SNLI) algorithm to reconstruct viscoelastic properties, energy attenuation mechanisms and concomitant damping behavior of the tissue-simulating phantoms. This research performs a thorough evaluation of the RD model in MRE focusing on unique identification of RD parameters, μIμI and ρIρI. Results show the non-identifiability of the RD model at a single input frequency based on a structural analysis with a series of supporting experimental phantom results. The estimated real shear modulus values (μRμR) were substantially correct in characterising various material types and correlated well with the expected stiffness contrast of the physical phantoms. However, estimated RD parameters displayed consistent poor reconstruction accuracy leading to unpredictable trends in parameter behaviour. To overcome this issue, two alternative approaches were developed: (1) simultaneous multi-frequency inversion; and (2) parametric-based reconstruction. Overall, the RD model estimates the real shear shear modulus (μRμR) well, but identifying damping parameters (μIμI and ρIρI) is not possible without an alternative approach

    Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of the superconducting proximity effect in a diluted ferromagnetic alloy

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    We studied the proximity effect between a superconductor (Nb) and a diluted ferromagnetic alloy (CuNi) in a bilayer geometry. We measured the local density of states on top of the ferromagnetic layer, which thickness varies on each sample, with a very low temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscope. The measured spectra display a very high homogeneity. The analysis of the experimental data shows the need to take into account an additional scattering mechanism. By including in the Usadel equations the effect of the spin relaxation in the ferromagnetic alloy, we obtain a good description of the experimental data.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure