110 research outputs found

    Mapping illegal dumping using a high resolution remote sensing image case study: Sowet township in South Africa

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    A research report submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science (Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing) at the School of Geography, Archaeology & Environmental Studies. Johannesburg, 2017.Although a vast number of illegal dumping investigations have been conducted in the City of Johannesburg by City of Johannesburg Municipality, Government, Corporates as well as NGOs previously, there has been a limited attempt to integrate available datasets from the different methods of illegal dumping monitoring (satellite, spatial data collection and ground-based observations) and GIS modelling. Most South African municipal administrations have had to acknowledge their incapability to cope with the difficulty of illegal dumping monitoring. Illegal dumping challenges often emanate from the incapacity of municipality administrations to meet the required assemblage and removal of wastes. Vacant or unoccupied land is the target of illegal dumping in most areas. This study compares modelled, satellite and collected data using GIS methods to determine the most accurate estimate of detecting illegal dumping. A comparison between Random Forest (RF) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) in mapping illegal dumping and to quantity the significance of Worldview-2 band in detecting and mapping illegal dumping was pursued. Two results were generated: multispectral imagery sorting production using machine-learning RF and SVM algorithms in a comparable land and definition of the significance of unrelated WorldView bands on sorting production. Precision of the derivative thematic maps was evaluated by calculating mix-up milieus of the classifiers’ land use/ land cover maps with separate autonomous justification data sets. A complete classification accurateness of 84.07 % with a kappa value of 0.8116, and 85.16% with a kappa value of 0.8238 was attained using RF and SVM, respectively. An assessment of diverse WorldView-2 bands using the two classifiers indicated that the blend of the red-edge band had a vital consequence on the overall classification accurateness in mapping of illegal dumping. Keywords: Illegal dumping, remote sensing, monitoring, vegetation, spatial datasets, image processing, image classification.LG201

    Group Differences in Motivation and Achievement Outcomes Within a First-Year Seminar

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    This intervention study explored potential motivation, achievement, and gender differences among students within an existing first-year program (n = 388). This intervention program (FYE 101) was chosen because it has a diverse population and a large number of underserved students, it fosters content that is grounded in motivational research, and it has had a positive impact on increased student GPA and fall-to-fall persistence. Prior research showed that FYE 101 was effective in mitigating academic outcomes for students within the course when compared to students who did not participate, however, we do not know if it would be equally effective for all students within the course. The purpose of this study was to determine if the existing intervention was equally effective in mitigating potential differences among varying groups of underserved students within the FYE 101 course. Unfortunately, there are a disproportionate number of students entering college who will actually complete their degree, nearly half of these students come from underrepresented backgrounds (Martinez, Sher, Krull, & Wood, 2009; Musoba, Collazo, & Placide, 2013; Shapiro et al., 2017; U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2007). We also know that attrition rates are high for iv students during their first year, where nearly one in four students will leave college (Snyder, Dillow, & Hoffman, 2009; U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2004). Fortunately, one intervention designed to support incoming students is a first-year experience course, which has been effective at mobilizing students to be diligent stewards of their college experience. Furthermore, these courses have been shown to positively influence student engagement, academic achievement, and completion rates (Goodman & Pascarella, 2006; Tinto, 2006-2007). Another area that mediates student success is achievement motivation. Curricula that are grounded in motivational theories contribute to student academic success and motivation research shows that students’ perceptions and beliefs about learning influence their effort, engagement, approach to learning, and persistence (Schunk, Pintrich, & Meece, 2008). Unfortunately, research on the efficacy of motivation constructs and their benefit to specific underserved students is lacking, specifically as it relates to students enrolled in first-year experience intervention programs. Currently at this Rocky Mountain University (N = 13,000), there is an effective and comprehensive FYE program (FYE 101) that focuses on intellectual, personal, and professional development, more specifically, it has constructs grounded in goal and motivation theories. This Rocky Mountain University has a diverse student population with nearly 40% of students being of ethnic minority and 40% being first-generation. FYE 101 is offered as a three-credit course that is structured over the duration of the semester. This course targets incoming freshman who have the option to self-select into the program their first semester. The smaller class sizes (25 or few students) allow instructors to foster a student-centered, autonomy-supportive learning environment. FYE 101 is a comprehensive and robust course that aims to help students improve their academic experience by focusing on essential skills needed to be successful in college. As expected, many of the results from this study did not align with prior research. There is consistent research on the disparities among underserved students, however it is predominately limited to the context of overall performance in college and not of specific students participating in an intervention such as a first-year experience course. Therefore, finding little differences among students suggests that the FYE 101 course is effective at mitigating potential differences and disparities. Findings from this study revealed no significant differences for underserved students in terms of motivation or self-regulation, suggesting the intervention is beneficial in mitigating negative motivational outcomes. However, there were a few significant differences in first-generation and conditionally-admitted status in terms of academic achievement. This suggests the intervention may not be able to fully mitigate the outcomes for these students. The course might still be helping these students to some degree but this cannot be concluded from the data. Findings from this study did reveal a few significant gender differences in terms motivation but overall, did not find any gender differences for self-regulation. In addition, the findings showed no significant gender differences in terms of academic achievement. This suggests that overall, the intervention is beneficial in mitigating negative motivational and achievement outcomes for both males and females. The results from this study align with generational research and the need to explore interventions to further support first-generation and conditionally- admitted students who are enrolling at greater rates than ever before. It is important to note that previous research with first-generation and conditionally-admitted students is not in the context of an intervention such as a first-year experience program but their overall performance in college. Historically, data show a disparity for first-generation students and achievement, and while interventions have been effective in narrowing this achievement gap, nonetheless it still exists. First-year programs attempt to support these students, however, the concerns associated with academic achievement might expand beyond the content covered in FYE courses. To better serve and retain this fast-growing population, it is noteworthy to consider tailoring classes and curriculum that address some of the salient impediments they face

    Analisis Pengaruh Brand Satisfaction, Brand Trust, Perceived Qualiity Terhadap Brand Love, Serta Implikasinya Terhadap Word Of Mouth Studi Pada Komunitas Motor Besar Honda CBR 250RR – Tangerang

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    Di Indonesia, kendaraan roda dua telah menjadi alat transportasi favorit. Populasi pertumbuhan roda dua semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Akan tetapi, jenis motor sport 250cc yang dijual di Indonesia tengah mengalami penurunan penjualan. Penurunan penjualan tersebut diduga terjadi karena kurangnya komunikasi yang informatif antara komunitas motor sport 250cc pada konsumen lainnya (word of mouth). Word of mouth diperlukan perusahaan karena dapat mendorong terjadinya pembelian, sehingga akan meningkatkan penjualan motor sport 250cc tersebut. Untuk mencapai hal itu, perusahaan melakukan berbagai usaha agar dapat menciptakan komunikasi baik antara komunitas dan konsumen, yaitu dengan cara menjaga kepuasan (brand satisfaction) dan kepercayaan (brand trust) komunitasnya. Oleh sebab itu, untuk memulai penelitian ini, terlebih dahulu dilakukan studi pada penelitian sebelumnya yang serupa sebagai tolak ukur untuk menetapkan variabel dan model yang akan digunakan. Berdasarkan tahap tersebut, ditentukan bahwa penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah word of mouth komunitas Honda CBR 250RR dipengaruhi oleh brand satisfaction, brand trust, perceived quality dan brand love. Model penelitian dibangun oleh empat hipotesis yang akan diuji menggunakan Structural Equation Model dengan kriteria sampel yaitu pria dan wanita berusia 18 – 45 tahun yang memiliki Honda CBR 250RR dan mengikuti komunitas motor besar. Hasil analisis penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa brand satisfaction, brand trust dan perceived quality memiliki pengatuh positif terhadap brand love. Selain itu juga, ditemukan pengaruh positif antara brand love terhadap word of mouth. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah dari keempat hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini, telah sesuai dengan hasil temuan penelitian sebelumnya. Berdasarkan kesimpulan tersebut, maka dapat disarankan bahwa Honda CBR 250RR harus lebih memperhatikan segi brand satisfaction, brand trust, perceived quality untuk dapat meningkatkan word of mouth melalui brand love

    Kegiatan Seni Tari Siswa Di SD Negeri 02 Jenawi Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    This research is describing the implementation of traditional dance extraculicular in SD Negeri 02 Jenawi. This research starts from February and ended in May 2018. The type of this research is qualitative descriptive with phenomenology research design. The datas were collected by interview, observation and documentation. The datas were validation tested with source triangulation. Data analysis includes data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results of the research were: 1) Planning of extracurricular activities of dance art through meetings and listed in RAPBS, while dance lesson planning has not yet been written document in the form of RPP (Learning Implementation Plan), 2) Organizing traditional dance extracurricular has no special committee. 3) Implementation of extracurricular activities is held once a week. Implementation of dance extracurricular includes initial activities, core activities, and final activities, 6) Evaluation has been done at the end of the semester and during the learning process, but has not used a systematic assessment. Assessment is done by observing directly and not using written guidelines

    Pelaksanaan Sita Marital dalam Perkara Perceraian di Pengadilan Agama Kelas 1B Kabupaten Blora

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    This study aims to determine the Marital Seizure Implementation procedure is a sharing of shared assets between husband and wife who will divorce during the divorce process is still ongoing, Marital Sita lawsuits can be submitted in marriage, and there are 3 types of assets, namely joint assets, property, and acquisition assets. Joint assets are property acquired during the marriage, however, the existence of shared assets in the marriage does not rule out the possibility of the property of each husband or wife. Marital confiscation is part of the guarantee seizure, so the reason for asking for Marital Confiscation is the same as the reason for requesting a Seizure Guarantee, including a reasonable argument and for example in a divorce claim, the Defendant is considered to be embezzling the goods so that the Plaintiff will harm Requests for Marital Seizure can be submitted in a lawsuit that can also be separated from the subject matter. According to Law No. 3 of 2006 concerning the Religious Courts, the Marital Seizure Application can only be submitted if there is a divorce claim, however, KHI has another opinion in KHI that the Marital Seizure Application can be submitted by husband and wife without divorce claims. Its purpose is to protect joint assets from the actions of one party that is detrimental, such as drunkenness, gambling, wastefulness, and so on. The application for Marital Seizure will still be submitted without deciding on the Marriage Association, but the joint assets can be guaranteed

    How Skin Color Discrepancy In Women Of Color Relates To Perceived Racism, Colorism, And Skin Bleaching Frequency

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    Women of color in the United States are impacted by both racism and colorism, forces that sometimes translate into dissatisfaction with their skin tone and the dangerous practice of skin bleaching. This study developed a measure of skin color dissatisfaction called the Skin Color Discrepancy (SCD), a metric assessing the distance between natural and ideal skin tones, meant to be sensitive and inclusive of darker skin tones. To test the construct validity of the SCD, it was compared to Skin Color Questionnaire (STQ) and Skin Color Satisfaction Scale (SCSS), with each regressed onto perceived racism, perceived colorism, and frequency of skin bleaching behaviors in separate multiple regressions. Contrary to expectations, the SCSS measure was a superior predictor of all the related constructs, suggesting that perception of skin tone dissatisfaction outperforms a measure of distance between natural and ideal skin tones. However, participants found the SCD’s color palette more representative–and thus more inclusive–of their natural skin tone than the STQ scale’s palette. The present findings suggest that the SCSS is a useful measure of skin color dissatisfaction and that the SCD may serve as a useful metric of distance from natural to ideal skin tone

    Pengaruh Penerapan Tarif Pajak Progresif Dan Sanksi Pajak Terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Pemilik Kendaraan Bermotor Studi Kasus Di Samsat Cikokol Kota Tangerang

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan tarif pajak progresif dan sanksi pajak terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak kendaraan bermotor studi kasus di samsat Cikokol kota Tangerang. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada Wajib Pajak Kendaraan yang terdaftar di Samsat Cikokol Kota Tangerang. Populasi yang menjadi objek penelitian adalah semua wajib pajak kendaraan yang terdaftar di Samsat Cikokol Kota Tangerang hingga periode November 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis regresi linier berganda. wajib pajak kendaraan bermotor. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pengaruh penerapan tarif pajak progresif tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak kendaraan bermotor, dan sanksi pajak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak kendaraan bermotor

    Umami ingredient from shiitake (Lentinula edodes) by-products as a flavor enhancer in low-salt beef burgers: Effects on physicochemical and technological properties

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    The impact of salt reduction and addition of Umami Ingredient, obtained from shiitake stipes, on the physicochemical and technological properties of beef burgers was evaluated. Seven treatments were performed: one control (regular salt content) and six low-salt formulations with different levels of salt and Umami Ingredient. Cooked burgers with salt reduction and Umami Ingredient addition showed a slight increase in lightness and yellowness, but no effect was found for redness, pH, and water activity. There was no decrease in cooking loss and diameter reduction in any of the formulations and only samples with 70% salt reduction were significantly less hard and chewy in comparison to the control. An increase in the free amino acids proline and phenylalanine was observed in treatments with Umami Ingredient. In general, the treatments did not affect amino acid profiles compared to the control and the most abundant amino acids were those related to the umami taste (glutamic and aspartic acids). The volatile profile of beef burgers showed a slight increase in compounds also found in the Umami Ingredient, mainly 3-methylbutanal, (S)-(+)-1,2-Propanediol and dimethyl sulfide. Based on physicochemical and technological parameters, the Umami Ingredient can be considered a promising natural flavor enhancer for low-salt beef burgers.Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development | Ref. 423513/2018-4Axencia Galega de Innovación | Ref. IN607A2019/01Fundación de Investigación de São Paulo (FAPESP) | Ref. 2019/24507 -3Fundación de Investigación de São Paulo (FAPESP) | Ref. 2019/02280-7CYTED | Ref. 119RT056


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    Este estudo objetivou determinar a composição química de plantas, a fim de desenvolver uma dieta alternativa para galinhas poedeiras. Amostras de folhas de ora-pro-nobis, leucena, moringa, mandioca, amendoim forrageiro e feijão guandu; grãos de feijão guandu e caruru; e sementes de leucena foram avaliadas quanto à umidade, matéria seca, matéria orgânica e inorgânica, lipídeo, proteína bruta, fibra bruta e extrativos não nitrogenados. As sementes de leucena se destacaram quanto ao teor de proteína, a folha de ora-pro-nobis em termos de cinza, a folha de feijão guandu e de moringa em relação ao teor de lipídeos e o caruru em termos de fibra bruta. Esses resultados são importantes para subsidiar futuras aplicações dessas plantas na formulação de rações alternativas, contribuindo para a produção de aves em sistemas agroecológicos