71 research outputs found

    A New Lead Chemical for Strigolactone Biosynthesis Inhibitors

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    Several triazole-containing chemicals have previously been shown to act as efficient inhibitors of cytochrome P450 monooxygenases. To discover a strigolactone biosynthesis inhibitor, we screened a chemical library of triazole derivatives to find chemicals that induce tiller bud outgrowth of rice seedlings. We discovered a triazole-type chemical, TIS13 [2,2-dimethyl-7-phenoxy-4-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)heptan-3-ol], which induced outgrowth of second tiller buds of wild-type seedlings, as observed for non-treated strigolactone-deficient d10 mutant seedlings. TIS13 treatment reduced strigolactone levels in both roots and root exudates in a concentration-dependent manner. Co-application of GR24, a synthetic strigolactone, with TIS13 canceled the TIS13-induced tiller bud outgrowth. Taken together, these results indicate that TIS13 inhibits strigolactone biosynthesis in rice seedlings. We propose that TIS13 is a new lead compound for the development of specific strigolactone biosynthesis inhibitors

    Phosphorylation of GFAP is associated with injury in the neonatal pig hypoxic-ischemic brain

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    Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is an intermediate filament protein expressed in the astrocyte cytoskeleton that plays an important role in the structure and function of the cell. GFAP can be phosphorylated at six serine (Ser) or threonine (Thr) residues but little is known about the role of GFAP phosphorylation in physiological and pathophysiological states. We have generated antibodies against two phosphorylated GFAP (pGFAP) proteins: p8GFAP, where GFAP is phosphorylated at Ser-8 and p13GFAP, where GFAP is phosphorylated at Ser-13. We examined p8GFAP and p13GFAP expression in the control neonatal pig brain and at 24 and 72 h after an hypoxic-ischemic (HI) insult. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated pGFAP expression in astrocytes with an atypical cytoskeletal morphology, even in control brains. Semi-quantitative western blotting revealed that p8GFAP expression was significantly increased at 24 h post-insult in HI animals with seizures in frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital cortices. At 72 h post-insult, p8GFAP and p13GFAP expression were significantly increased in HI animals with seizures in brain regions that are vulnerable to cellular damage (cortex and basal ganglia), but no changes were observed in brain regions that are relatively spared following an HI insult (brain stem and cerebellum). Increased pGFAP expression was associated with poor neurological outcomes such as abnormal encephalography and neurobehaviour, and increased histological brain damage. Phosphorylation of GFAP may play an important role in astrocyte remodelling during development and disease and could potentially contribute to the plasticity of the central nervous system

    Widespread modulation of gene expression by copy number variation in skeletal muscle

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    Copy number variation (CNV) is a frequently observed deviation from the diploid state due to duplication or deletion of genomic regions. Although intensively analyzed for association with diseases and production traits, the specific mechanisms and extent by which such variations affect the phenotype are incompletely understood. We present an integrative study on CNV and genome-wide gene expression in Brazilian Bos indicus cattle. We analyzed CNVs inferred from SNP-chip data for effects on gene expression measured with RNA-seq in skeletal muscle samples of 183 steers. Local effects, where expression changes coincided with CNVs in the respective genes, were restricted to immune genes. Distal effects were attributable to several high-impact CNVs that modulated remote expression in an orchestrated and intertwined fashion. These CNVs were located in the vicinity of major skeletal muscle pathway regulators and associated genes were enriched for proteolysis, autophagy, and muscle structure development. From association analysis between CNVs and several meat quality and production traits, we found CNV-associated expression effects to also manifest at the phenotype level. Based on genome sequences of the population founders, we further demonstrate that CNVs with impact on expression and phenotype are passed on from one generation to another

    RAD21 Cooperates with Pluripotency Transcription Factors in the Maintenance of Embryonic Stem Cell Identity

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    For self-renewal, embryonic stem cells (ESCs) require the expression of specific transcription factors accompanied by a particular chromosome organization to maintain a balance between pluripotency and the capacity for rapid differentiation. However, how transcriptional regulation is linked to chromosome organization in ESCs is not well understood. Here we show that the cohesin component RAD21 exhibits a functional role in maintaining ESC identity through association with the pluripotency transcriptional network. ChIP-seq analyses of RAD21 reveal an ESC specific cohesin binding pattern that is characterized by CTCF independent co-localization of cohesin with pluripotency related transcription factors Oct4, Nanog, Sox2, Esrrb and Klf4. Upon ESC differentiation, most of these binding sites disappear and instead new CTCF independent RAD21 binding sites emerge, which are enriched for binding sites of transcription factors implicated in early differentiation. Furthermore, knock-down of RAD21 causes expression changes that are similar to expression changes after Nanog depletion, demonstrating the functional relevance of the RAD21 - pluripotency transcriptional network association. Finally, we show that Nanog physically interacts with the cohesin or cohesin interacting proteins STAG1 and WAPL further substantiating this association. Based on these findings we propose that a dynamic placement of cohesin by pluripotency transcription factors contributes to a chromosome organization supporting the ESC expression program