21 research outputs found


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    This experimental research with a one group pretest-posttest design aims to determine the ability of students' understanding of concepts to reach KKM, the average increase before and after applying the model and the magnitude of the increase in students' conceptual understanding. Based on the results of interviews, observations and preliminary studies on fifth grade students, it appears that the ability to understand thematic concepts, especially science content, is still low. The population in this study were 27 students of class V SD Negeri 1 Bategede. . Data collection techniques with interviews, observation, documentation, tests and preliminary studies using interview guide instruments, observation sheets, documentation, and test questions. Data analysis techniques used the normality test, one sample t test, paired sample t test, and the N-Gain test. The results of the one sample t test obtained obtained the value of tcount (7.389) > ttable (2.0518) then Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted, that is, students obtained grades above KKM, there was an increase before and after the application of the EMSA-assisted discovery learning model with a significant value of 0.000 <0 .05 and the magnitude of the increase in students' understanding of concepts based on the results of the pretest-posttest is 0.5970 with moderate criteria (effective). It was concluded that there was an influence and an increase in the EMSA-based discovery learning model on the students' conceptual understanding abilities in class V science content


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    This experimental research with a one group pretest-posttest design aims to determine the ability of students' understanding of concepts to reach KKM, the average increase before and after applying the model and the magnitude of the increase in students' conceptual understanding. Based on the results of interviews, observations and preliminary studies on fifth grade students, it appears that the ability to understand thematic concepts, especially science content, is still low. The population in this study were 27 students of class V SD Negeri 1 Bategede. . Data collection techniques with interviews, observation, documentation, tests and preliminary studies using interview guide instruments, observation sheets, documentation, and test questions. Data analysis techniques used the normality test, one sample t test, paired sample t test, and the N-Gain test. The results of the one sample t test obtained obtained the value of tcount (7.389) > ttable (2.0518) then Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted, that is, students obtained grades above KKM, there was an increase before and after the application of the EMSA-assisted discovery learning model with a significant value of 0.000 <0 .05 and the magnitude of the increase in students' understanding of concepts based on the results of the pretest-posttest is 0.5970 with moderate criteria (effective). It was concluded that there was an influence and an increase in the EMSA-based discovery learning model on the students' conceptual understanding abilities in class V science content

    Penerapan dan Dampak Bernyanyi di Kelas pada Anak Usia Dini di TK IT Nurul Ilmi

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    Penerapan bernyanyi di kelas dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mendorong perkembangan anak secara holistik, dengan mempertimbangkan faktor bahasa, sosial, dan lainnya. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah kualitatif lapangan dengan jenis analisis deskriptif. Metodologi pengumpulan data yaitu dengan melakukan observasi terhadap 14 siswa di TK It Nurul Ilmi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data fokus pada reduksi data, pengolahan data, dan visualisasi data. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membantu pemahaman dan hasil kegiatan bernyanyi di kelas yang berkaitan dengan tumbuh kembang siswa di TK It Nurul Ilmi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Penyelenggaraan program bernyanyi di kelas memberikan dampak positif terhadap berbagai aspek perkembangan anak, antara lain kemampuan berbahasa, kompetensi sosial, dan kreativitas. Anak-anak membantu peningkatan aktif, ekspresi diri, dan keterlibatan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Hal ini memberikan peluang untuk mengintegrasikan nyanyi sebagai metode mengajar anak yang efektif dan menyenangkan. Implikasi dari penelitian ini antara lain disarankan kepada guru untuk lebih banyak memasukkan kegiatan bernyanyi ke dalam kurikulum sebagai strategi peningkatan kemampuan belajar siswa di TK IT Nurul Ilmi

    Production Process Improvement Design to Eliminate Waste in 428H Chain Products Using Lean Manufacturing at PT ABC

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    PT ABC is a manufacturing company that produces several types of chains in large quantities, and one type of chain that is the main focus of this research is the 428H chain. The obstacle faced in producing the 428H Chain is not achieving the production target from June to July, and September to November 2021. The research focuses on minimizing manufacturing lead time using lean manufacturing by eliminating waste in the 428H Chain production process. Waste elimination is done by providing suggestions for improvements based on the identified waste types. The study begins with the calculation of the time sample, then MLT, PCE, the use of the Waste Assessment Model, and mapping current value stream mapping. The initial MLT was 832.95 minutes and PCE was 63.37%. WAM produces the highest percentage of waste in the type of defect, then motion, inventory, waiting, overproduction, motion, and process. The proposed improvements are in the form of designing SOP Operators on Pressing machines, adding Small Incline Belt Conveyor tools, designing SOPs for Activities in the WIP Area, and adding Manual Hand Stacker tools. The provision of improvement proposals resulted in MLT decreasing 12% to 733.2174 minutes and PCE increasing 8.6% to 71.98%, and the production target was achieved with total production per month increasing by 12%, from 21,783 to 24,746 units per month

    Production Process Improvement Design to Eliminate Waste in 428H Chain Products Using Lean Manufacturing at PT ABC

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    PT ABC is a manufacturing company that produces several types of chains in large quantities, and one type of chain that is the main focus of this research is the 428H chain. The obstacle faced in producing the 428H Chain is not achieving the production target from June to July, and September to November 2021. The research focuses on minimizing manufacturing lead time using lean manufacturing by eliminating waste in the 428H Chain production process. Waste elimination is done by providing suggestions for improvements based on the identified waste types. The study begins with the calculation of the time sample, then MLT, PCE, the use of the Waste Assessment Model, and mapping current value stream mapping. The initial MLT was 832.95 minutes and PCE was 63.37%. WAM produces the highest percentage of waste in the type of defect, then motion, inventory, waiting, overproduction, motion, and process. The proposed improvements are in the form of designing SOP Operators on Pressing machines, adding Small Incline Belt Conveyor tools, designing SOPs for Activities in the WIP Area, and adding Manual Hand Stacker tools. The provision of improvement proposals resulted in MLT decreasing 12% to 733.2174 minutes and PCE increasing 8.6% to 71.98%, and the production target was achieved with total production per month increasing by 12%, from 21,783 to 24,746 units per month

    Upaya Peningkatan Minat Literasi Siswa melalui Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Tuntas Baca di SMP Swasta IRA Medan

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    Literacy is a crucial foundation in students' lives. This literacy is not confined to a classroom. These skills can also be acquired from outside the classroom. One is extracurricular activities. The purpose of this study is to know efforts to increase literacy interest in students. The study involves qualitative methods. Studies have shown a slow increase in after-school activities by completed extracurricular reading at SMP Swasta IRA. However, the changes have not been able to improve literacy interest well. There are still many students who have not yet recognized the importance of literacy. In this regard, teachers should give more encouragement to overcome them

    Infographics as a Tool to Facilitate English Learning Activities: Student’s Perceptions

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    The research focuses on the impact of infographics as a tool for English learning trough student’s perceptions. The purpose of this research is to identify the positive impact of using infographics for students' learning and teaching activities in the classroom and also the appropriate learning media by educators. The researchers used qualitative research methods in analyzing the data that was collected. The instrument of the research was a questionnaire that consists of questions and statements that must be filled in by the elected respondents. The questionnaire was targeted to students of Universitas Tidar, especially the student of the English Education Department study program in the second and fourth semesters. There were many as 41 participants as a sample in this study. The results of this study show that based on the students' experience of knowing and using infographics in the learning activity, most of them agree that the use of infographics as learning media has a very positive impact. Infographics are also the suitable medium to improve students' quality in understanding the material and their interest in learning

    Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka: Kendala dan Penanganannya dalam Pembelajaran di Sekolah

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    The independent curriculum is a curriculum that has various learning topics and is more flexible for teachers and students. In fact, the government gives full authority and responsibility to all schools to create a curriculum that suits their needs and culture. The purpose of this research is to find and explain the obstacles faced by teachers in implementing the independent curriculum. Thus, research schools can determine the appropriate method to overcome this obstacle. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The data collected is based on interviews and literature reviews from journals that discuss the independent curriculum. The results of the study show that teachers face a number of challenges in implementing an independent curriculum. Some of these challenges include the government not socializing the independent curriculum, preparing teachers to switch to an independent curriculum, and the availability of educational resources available to teachers, which are still focused on textbooks and handbooks

    Women’s Resilience and Vulnerability in Facing COVID-19 in DKI Jakarta and East Java

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    Indonesia ranks 23rd as the most COVID-19 confirmed cases in the world. DKI Jakarta and East Java provinces have the highest cases in Indonesia. However, data on the transmission of COVID-19 in both provinces were not further analyzed regarding vulnerability between genders. This research attempted to compare the differences in the gender distribution of COVID-19 cases by analyzing data from COVID-19 DKI Jakarta and East Java Task Force Information Center and various biological, medical, and socio-cultural studies to understand risk of women being exposed to COVID-19. The results of this research revealed that both provinces had a higher number of confirmed patients under surveillance (PDP), people under surveillance (ODP), and death cases in men than that of women. In DKI Jakarta, the number of recovered cases in men was higher than that of women, but in East Java it was not significantly different. Based on literature reviews, women were more resilience in manifestations of COVID-19 severity than that of men due to differences in ACE2 gene distribution and expression, hormones regulations, immune responses, comorbidities, and ages. However, data from socio-cultural literature reviews in both provinces showed women were vulnerable to be exposed to COVID-19 since many women performed as health workers, office workers, market traders, public transportation users, and did religious activities. Besides, women were vulnerable due to mental health condition, such as depression, anxiety, and special medical condition (e.g. being exposed to or infected with COVID-19 during pregnancy)