170 research outputs found

    Individual Transferable Grounds in a Community Managed Artisanal Fishery

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    Environmental Economics and Policy, Production Economics,


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    Northwest Mexican coastal waters have large seasonal temperature variations, high salinity, and are subject to intense solar radiation. Shrimp farms in this region have been using two annual production strategies; six- to eight-month cycle with one complete harvest and several partial harvests, or two, three- to four-month cycles with complete harvests. The preferred strategy depends on two uncertain variables; shrimp growth, which varies across the region, and market price, which varies across the season. A bioeconomic model was used to compare the economic yield of the two cycling strategies for three zones across the region, under three alternative average annual temperatures states. Simple decision theory criteria are used to show that the two-cycle strategy dominates the one-cycle strategy in the Bahia de La Paz zone. Results for central and northern Sonora are conditional on temperature.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    A Multi-Criteria Non-Linear Optimization Model for the Control and Management of a Tropical Fishery

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    One of the principal problems when dealing with fishery resource management is to estimate strategies that satisfy biological, economic and social objectives simultaneously. As a contribution to solving this problem in the Yucatan Shelf Octopus (Octopus may a) fishery, a multi-criteria non-linear optimization procedure was applied to a dynamic bioeconomic model of the fishery. The procedure coped simultaneously with non linearities and system stochasticity. The min-max optimization, iteratively minimized the difference between the manager's objectives and model output values for the bioeconomic variables in a Pareto-optimal way. Results showed that it was possible to achieve explicit managerial objectives under different scenarios, such as those that simulate the normal 1988 fishing season, the impact of natural phenomena (hurricane Gilbert) and the reaction to such phenomena. Implications of the results are discussed.fishery management, management objectives, multi-criteria nonlinear optimization, tropical fishery, octopus, yucatan, optimal control, Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Teaching innovation factors during a process of collaborative consultation and cooperative learning

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    La innovación docente se considera un elemento necesario en cuanto que su objetivo principal es la mejora de los procesos educativos, pero también supone una complejidad llena de aspectos facilitadores y restrictores. En este sentido, el asesoramiento colaborativo es entendido como un proceso de apoyo al desarrollo organizativo de la escuela y al desarrollo docente para diseñar, implementar y evaluar procesos de innovación vinculados a la mejora de los aprendizajes del alumnado. Por estas razones, el objetivo principal de esta investigación es describir cómo los factores de innovación del profesorado inciden a lo largo de una propuesta de asesoramiento colaborativo y aprendizaje cooperativo, para lo cual se recurrió a un estudio de caso con diversas fuentes y técnicas de recogida de datos (entrevistas, cuestionarios, observación, grupos de discusión y análisis documental). Los resultados evidenciaron la diferenciación de estrategias y habilidades asesoras en función de tres factores de innovación docente: participación institucional, apertura psicopedagógica y planificación didáctica. También se puso de manifiesto esa diferenciación según los objetivos a alcanzar en cada una de las fases del modelo de asesoramiento utilizadoTeaching innovation is considered a necessary factor insofar as its main aim is the improvement of educational processes, but also it involves a complexity full of facilitating and restrictive elements. In this way, collaborative consultation is understood as a support process to the school organizational development and to the teacher development for designing, implementing and evaluate processes of innovation that are linked to the improvement of students’ learning. For these reasons, the main aim of this research is to describe how teachers’ innovation factors affect during a proposal of collaborative consultation and cooperative learning, using a case study with various informants and techniques of data collection (interviews, questionnaires, observation, discussion groups and documental analysis). The results showed the differentiation of advisory strategies and skills based on three factors of teaching innovation: institutional participation, psychopedagogic openness and didactic planning. In addition, this differentiation was also revealed according to the aims to be achieved in each of the phases of the collaborative consultatio

    Collaborative advice and cooperative learning: Implications for professional and personal development

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    La innovación en la escuela pasa necesariamente por los cambios organizativos, el desarrollo docente y la mejora de los aprendizajes del alumnado. Pero esto no es una tarea sencilla para los centros educativos, ya que en muchas ocasiones necesitan de apoyo externo que ayude al cambio orientado a la mejora. Por ello, algunas instituciones cuentan con asesoramiento orientado a generar autonomía en las escuelas para seguir procesos de mejora. Con el objetivo de analizar dichas prácticas, se presenta el estudio de un centro educativo que utiliza el aprendizaje cooperativo como respuesta a las necesidades de sus alumnos, y que cuenta con asesoramiento desde una perspectiva de colaboración. Tras recoger e interpretar evidencias mediante la observación, cuestionarios y entrevistas a docentes y asesor, los resultados iniciales destacan fundamentalmente el desarrollo del profesorado, tanto a nivel profesional como personal, lo que es de mucho interés también desde una perspectiva de asesoramientoInnovation at school needs obligatorily organizational changes, teaching development and improvement of students’ learning. But this idea is not an easy task for educational centers, being that in many cases they need external support that helps to the change oriented towards improvement. For this reason, some institutions have advice that produces autonomy in school with the aim to follow improvement processes. In this case, with the aim to analyze such practices, it is the study of a school that uses cooperative learning as response to their students’ needs, and this has needed a process of advice from a collaborative perspective. After gathering and interpreting evidences through observation, questionnaires and interviews to teachers and the advice, the initial results highlight basically the teachers’ development, both professionally and personally. Accurately, from the participants’ point of view, all of them have been very important for the advisory rol

    Rights-based management in Latin American fisheries

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    This study reports on a diversity of cases of rights-based benthic and finfish fisheries from Latin America. For benthic fisheries, Part I of this technical paper documents managementexperiences including: (i) limited entry or moratoria combined with a total allowable catch(TAC) in the Galapagos Islands sea cucumber fishery, and in the sea urchin and Juliana clam fisheries of Chile; (ii) catch shares in the diving fisheries for scallops from San José Gulf (Argentina) and for the loco snail in Chile (a system now defunct), and the Patagonian scallop industrial fishery (Argentina); (iii) Territorial use privileges based on sea bed tracts in Chilean territorial use rights in fisheries (TURFs, 'AMERBs'), concessions from central Baja California (Mexico), 'predios' of sustainable use in Mexico, and concessions for seaweed extraction in Argentine Patagonia; (iv) individual use privileges over fishing 'campos' in spiny lobster concessions of Punta Allen (Mexico), 'marcas' in the Juan Fernández lobster fishery, and 'parcelas' in Chilean algal harvests; and (v) territorial communal rights (traditional and indigenous users) in the Seri Indian fishery of Mexico, Brazilian Reserva Extrativistas, and the piangua fishery of Colombia's Afro-American communities. For finfish fisheries, Part II presents rights-based management study cases for: (i) individual vessel quota (IVQ) management of the anchovy (Engraulis ringens) fishery of Peru; (ii) individual stakeholder quota management of the hake (Merluccius gayi gayi) fishery of Chile; (iii) community territorial use rights in the Gulf weakfish (Cynoscion othonopterus) fishery of the Gulf of California, Mexico; and (iv) individual effort quotas (IEQs) for artisanal communities in the multispecies fishery at Coiba National Park, Panama. Each case specifies the main attributes of the access rights (in a broad sense, including privileges), whether formal or informal: (i) how the rights are conferred and upheld; (ii) exclusivity of participation in the fishery; (iii) duration of the rights conferred; (iv) security or quality of the title conferred by the rights; (v) transferability, divisibility and flexibility in the use of the rights; and (vi) actual rights enforceability and corresponding compliance with use rights limitations. The study also reports on aspects of the harvest strategies in place, including: (i) fishing methods and gear; (ii) when fishing is authorized to take place; (iii) harvest controls; and (iv) monitoring.For fisheries targeting benthic organisms, main findings for the major categories ofprivileges or rights were:- Limited entry. A moratorium on the number of participants (boats and/or fishers),possibly combined with a TAC, often has been the first reaction to symptoms ofoverfishing. Moratoria are, in principle, a short-term instrument that should evolve intoformal limited-entry systems with specified entry/exit rules, a form of 'non-quantitativeaccess rights'. In practice, closed registries tend to become frozen, which results in aninformal market for the privileges of registered but inactive fishers and a distortion offishing effort statistics.- Catch shares. Catch shares have fared better in situations where there are fewparticipants, whether the shares are granted to individual coastal gatherers, small-scaleboat-owners or industrial vessels. In limited-entry systems (with or without catch shares)where the fishing units are small boats (typical of commercial diving), whether accessprivileges are vested on individual fishers or boats has significant implications formanagement. The dynamics (entry, mobility, ageing, attrition and exit) of fishers and boatsare very different. Fishers are generally more transient than boats, and often move acrossjurisdictional boundaries. Systems based on catch shares granted to individual fishers havefailed when the number of participants is large, mostly because inflated or outdatedregistries and poor enforcement have frustrated effective implementation.- Territorial use privileges typically consist of concessions to fishers organizations,such as Mexican cooperatives and Chilean 'sindicatos', for the use of specific resources intracts of seabed (TURFs). Differences in design have significant management implications.In the case of Chilean AMERBs, the tracts are relatively small, leaving variable extensionsof background areas where fishing for key target species is nominally banned, butregulations are unenforceable. The result has been severe depletion of valuable resources(e.g. loco snails) in background areas and an illegal market for small, sublegal shellfish.Mexican cooperatives from central Baja California, instead, have concessions overextended tracts contiguous with each other, so that there is no unclaimed backgroundterritory. This system has been very successful on most accounts. Overall, TURFs havefared better in cases with a long history of collective territorial appropriation, informal in itsbeginnings, than in systems introduced de novo by design. Moreover, they have been moreeffective in cases where the tracts are close to fishing communities, particularly in ruralareas, which facilitates vigilance and deterrence of intruders.- Individual privileges for access to fishing spots, a particular form of TURF, are as arule regulated by some form of customary marine tenure. These systems are typicallyassociated with interception gear, such as traps or attraction devices. Informal individualprivileges are usually tradable under a variety of arrangements (monetary or else) and canbe inherited. The 'parcela' system of algal harvesting from Chile is based on resourceswith a high turnover rate, and privileges may be temporary and re-assigned through alottery. Informal customary marine tenure systems are the result of a protracted process ofadaptive adjustment. Formalization of customary systems poses significant risks because, inthe absence of effective feedback, formality can be a straightjacket for systems whoseresilience is conditioned on their adaptiveness.- Territorial communal rights granted to traditional and indigenous users aredifferent from all of the preceding because access rights to fishing are usually only part of abroader package. Restitution of rights is always accompanied by significant devolution ofmanagement authority. This results in two-tier governance systems, in which somedecisions are made at the national level (e.g. 'bounding' the community), while rules forthe access to resources or benefits by individual members are decided within thecommunity. Issues of legitimacy raised by the definition of 'community' can be verycomplex. Moreover, the granting of exclusive communal rights may be in conflict withnational legislation.The main attributes of the rights-based systems in place for the finfish fisheries reported inthis study are the following.For the IVQ system in the anchovy (Engraulis ringens) fishery of Peru, exclusive rights aregranted for ten years with a contract warrant to industrial vessels targeting anchovy for indirect human consumption outside the five-mile limit allocated to artisanal vessels. There is no transferability of rights independent of the vessel unit, and divisibility is allowed to substitute capacity of individual vessels removed from fishing. For the individual stakeholder fishing quota of the common hake (Merluccius gayi gayi) fishery in Chile, the current fishery law in operation allocates 5 miles from the coast for exclusive use of the artisanal fishing. In addition, the common hake fishery is declared in full operation and a limited-entry scheme is in place for both industrial and artisanal. A maximum catch limit per stakeholder MCLS is also in place. By law, a TAC must be defined annually to assign 35 percent for the artisanal sector and 65 percent for the industrial one. Rights are renewable on a yearly basis, and the State guarantees the right to a fraction of the total TAC, subject to biomass accessibility. Rights are non-transferable and non-divisible. With the community territorial use rights of the Gulf weakfish (Cynoscion othonopterus) of the Gulf of California, Mexico, exclusive territorial fishing rights with limited entry are granted for two years to a coastal community with limited entry. Security is provided by fishing title rights for the period covered by the fishing licence. In this Mexican fishery, rights are non-transferable and non-divisible. For the multispecies fishery at Coiba NationalPark, Panama, exclusive fishing rights are granted, through IEQs, to fishers of 47 small-scale boats. Rights are granted for one year with the possibility of renewability. These rights are secure rights as long as there is full compliance with regulations of the Coiba National Park. Transferability or divisibility of these rights is not allowed.The study also explores and discusses the following questions: How can the property rightssystems illustrated in the case studies improve the incentives for stewardship, conservation and sustained profitability? What sorts of distributional implications are there in each of the rights-based finfish fisheries reported? What sorts of operational requirements do the different types of property rights documented demand in terms of research, enforcement, administration and actual fishing operations?The diversity of rights-based management schemes reported for benthic and finfish fisheriesin Latin America seems to respond to: (i) local fishery contexts; (ii) institutional, resource and ecosystem dynamics; and (iii) governance capacities in place. At this stage of establishing rights-based schemes in Latin America, a commonality found in virtually all study cases is the non-transferability of formal privileges. It seems to reflect the concerns for potential concentration of fishing rights in a few hands were transferability introduced. In many of the cases discussed, non-divisibility of rights is also specified. In contrast, informal access privileges are effectively transferable and divisible in some customary tenure systems where sea bed resources are targeted. Enforcement and compliance continues to be a challenge for many of the cases reported, particularly in artisanal fisheries. Community self-policing in fisheries with a limited number of participants seems to facilitate compliance with regulations and granted rights. Because of the relatively short time span in which the reported formal right-based systems have been in place, the sustainability performance of most of them cannot yet be properly assessed. The main exceptions are spiny lobster fisheries from Mexico (Baja California and Quintana Roo) and Chile (Juan Fernández Islands), in which sustainability has been achieved through a long history of informal access arrangements preceding (or coexisting with) more recently established formal privileges.Fil: Orensanz, Jose Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Seijo, Juan Carlos. Universidad de Merida; Méxic

    A study on the use of the methodology of processes like strategy of the faculty's formation in connection with the improvement of the coexistence

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    El presente artículo hace referencia a las principales conclusiones obtenidas en el desarrollo de un proyecto de investigación y asesoramiento realizado a lo largo de cuatro años en centros educativos de la Comunidad de Madrid (España), tres de primaria y uno de educación secundaria, situados todos ellos en contextos sociales desfavorecidos, y que tuvo como contenido central el asesoramiento y formación en resolución de conflictos de convivencia. Una de las novedades de esta aportación es que las conclusiones y propuestas que se realizan se centran exclusivamente en la metodología de asesoramiento utilizada - Modelo de proceso-, y cuentan con la autenticidad que confiere el que éstas han sido contrastadas con la práctica en los centros y en las aulas, utilizando una perspectiva de investigación cualitativa.This article exposes the main conclusions from a four year project of counselling and research in four schools in the Community of Madrid on conflict resolution strategies to improve "convivencia". Three primary and one secondary school all located in deprived areas participated in the counselling and training process. The main idea iof the counselling methodology has been developed through the "process methodology" with its phases and unique activities. All the proposals have been contrasted with the daily practice at the schools and classrooms. The assesment is based on a qualitative method.Grupo FORCE (HUM-386). Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar de la Universidad de Granada

    The improvement of living together in a Secondary School in the Community of Madrid

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    El presente artículo hace referencia a las principales conclusiones obtenidas a partir del estudio de un caso relativo a un centro de Educación Secundaria de la Comunidad de Madrid (España). El interés del caso radica en que el centro ha destacado por promover la mejora de la convivencia. Esta iniciativa se enmarcó en un proyecto más amplio de investigación sobre la innovación educativa en España, dirigido por Carlos Marcelo (2008), y financiado por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, a través del Centro de Investigación y Documentación Educativa. Una de las novedades de esta aportación es que las conclusiones se centran en el cruce entre dos elementos de interés: la mejora de la convivencia y la reflexión sobre aquellos principales factores potenciadores e inhibidores de la innovación en este centro educativo. La metodología seguida es la del estudio de caso ya que es una metodología que se adecua al objetivo de la investigación y nos permite un acercamiento más en profundidad a la realidad. El caso fue seleccionado por su acreditada trayectoria en el marco de la mejora de la convivencia escolar. Son diversas las conclusiones que se aportan referidas a los procesos institucionales de la mejora de la convivencia, siendo una de las más relevantes el que se pone de manifiesto la relación indisoluble entre buen clima de convivencia y la mejora del alumnado.This article refers to the main conclusions from a secondary school research case in the Community of Madrid (Spain). The school has had an outstanding development in the improvement of school well being or “convivencia” .This initiative took place within a broader research on school innovation sponsored by the Ministry of Education of Spain through de CIDE. One of the main results is the crossing of aspects related to school innovation both as promoters and inhibitors and well being at school. The study of a case study has been the main methodology of the research project as it maintains the main aim of the research and allows us a closer contact with the reality of the school. There are different results regarding to the institutionalized processes in the implementation of a better life at school, having as a central issue the close link between improvement of school well being at school and of social relations within the students.Grupo de Investigación FORCE (Formación Centrada en la Escuela) Universidad de Granad