300 research outputs found

    Continuous improvement integrating technological tools to assertively accelerate decision-making of logistics. Case implemented in a construction materials supplier company

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    Considering that many of the logistics infrastructure designs around the world are often sup-ported by studies with various computational tools, but most of these solutions are using in isolation and little understandably. Therefore, it is proposed, to develop this research based on a Logistics Reference Model, which will allow, visualize, manage and analyze the different processes and logistical scenarios of the system, with in aim to execute the best cost-benefit strategy in a company dedicated to the distribution of construction materials. By implementing this methodology, the management of the company studied was able to make the best decision for the structuring of its processes in the area of picking and dispatch. The results showed a 50% re-duction in inventory review time, equal an increase in reliability 7% that leaves the company in around location close to 85.68%; a decrease in cycle time in each order between 20% and 40% which positively impacted the customer service level. In addition, a decrease in lead times for the receipt of materials to suppliers was achieved between 15% and 30%, and a decrease in the number of warehouses, went having from 5 independent to maintain one single distribution center

    Eficiencia de la aplicacion de una adaptacion del programa Flip-N, para la estimulacion del lexico en preescolares con Tel Expresivo

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    73 p.El trastorno específico del lenguaje (TEL) puede manifestarse clínicamente afectando uno o varios aspectos del lenguaje, entiéndase aspecto fonológico, semántico, morfosintáctico y pragmático. Al mismo tiempo se puede ver afectado en los niños con TEL el discurso narrativo, por lo que se postula la intervención de este como una forma de estimular los aspectos del lenguaje. Para efectos del presente estudio toman especial relevancia los siguientes aspectos: léxico, sintaxis y complejidad discursiva. Para la intervención de éstos se utilizó el FLIP-n, el cual consiste en un Programa de Intervención Funcional del Lenguaje basado en la estimulación del discurso narrativo especialmente en la gramática de las oraciones. El propósito de este trabajo fue estudiar la eficiencia de la aplicación del programa FLIP-n, adaptado a muestras de treinta preescolares cuyas edades se encuentran entre los 4 a 4 años 11 meses, diagnosticados con TEL Expresivo. Se comparó el desempeño lingüístico a nivel léxico de forma intergrupal de un grupo de niños con TEL Expresivo usando el programa FLIP con un grupo de niños control con igual diagnóstico, a los cuales se les realizará terapia fonoaudiológica grupal no estandarizada. Los resultados demuestran que, el programa Flip-n no es eficiente para la estimulación del lenguaje a nivel lexico, ya que los hallazgos obtenidos no son significativos, contraponiéndose a la hipótesis planteada

    On the feedback from super stellar clusters. I. The structure of giant HII regions and HII galaxies

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    We review the structural properties of giant extragalactic HII regions and HII galaxies based on 2D hydrodynamic calculations, and propose an evolutionary sequence that accounts for their observed detailed structure. The model assumes a massive and young stellar cluster surrounded by a large collection of clouds. These are thus exposed to the most important star-formation feedback mechanisms: photoionization and the cluster wind. The models show how the two feedback mechanisms compete in the disruption of clouds and lead to two different hydrodynamic solutions: The storage of clouds into a long lasting ragged shell that inhibits the expansion of the thermalized wind, and the steady filtering of the shocked wind gas through channels carved within the cloud stratum. Both solutions are claimed to be concurrently at work in giant HII regions and HII galaxies, causing their detailed inner structure. This includes multiple large-scale shells, filled with an X-ray emitting gas, that evolve to finally merge with each other, giving the appearance of shells within shells. The models also show how the inner filamentary structure of the giant superbubbles is largely enhanced with matter ablated from clouds and how cloud ablation proceeds within the original cloud stratum. The calculations point at the initial contrast density between the cloud and the intercloud media as the factor that defines which of the two feedback mechanisms becomes dominant throughout the evolution. Animated version of the models can be found at http://www.iaa.csic.es/\~{}eperez/ssc/ssc.html.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in the ApJ. Animated version of the models can be found at http://www.iaa.csic.es/\~{}eperez/ssc/ssc.htm

    The electronic structure of zircon-type orthovanadates: Effects of high-pressure and cation substitution

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    The electronic structure of four ternary-metal oxides containing isolated vanadate ions is studied. Zircon-type YVO4, YbVO4, LuVO4, and NdVO4 are investigated by high-pressure optical-absorption measurements up to 20 GPa. First-principles calculations based on density-functional theory were also performed to analyze the electronic band structure as a function of pressure. The electronic structure near the Fermi level originates largely from molecular orbitals of the vanadate ion, but cation substitution influence these electronic states. The studied ortovanadates, with the exception of NdVO4, undergo a zircon-scheelite structural phase transition that causes a collapse of the band-gap energy. The pressure coefficient dEg/dP show positive values for the zircon phase and negative values for the scheelite phase. NdVO4 undergoes a zircon-monazite-scheelite structural sequence with two associated band-gap collapses.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures, 2 Tables, 52 reference

    Bovine decellularized amniotic membrane: Extracellular matrix as scaffold for mammalian skin

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    Decellularized membranes (DM) were obtained from bovine amniotic membranes (BAM) using four different decellularization protocols, based on physical, chemical, and mechanical treatment. The new material was used as a biological scaffold for in vitro skin cell culture. The DM were characterized using hematoxylin-eosin assay, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The in vitro cytotoxicity of DM was evaluated using MTT. The efficacy of decellularization process was assessed throughDNAquantification and electrophoresis. All the used protocols showed a high effectiveness in terms of elimination of native cells, confirmed by DNA extraction and quantification, electrophoresis, and SEM, although protocol IV removes the cellular contents and preserve the native extracellular matrix (ECM) architecture which it can be considered as the most effective in terms of decellularization. FTIR-ATR and DSC on the other hand, revealed the effects of decellularization on the biochemical composition of the matrices. There was no cytotoxicity and the biological matrices obtained were a source of collagen for recellularization. The matrices of protocols I, II, and III were degraded at day 21 of cell culture, forming a gel. The biocompatibility in vitro was demonstrated; hence these matrices may be deemed as potential scaffold for epithelial tissue regeneration

    Estrategias pedagógicas para el fortalecimiento de la cultura y la tradición en el resguardo indígena de Cota

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    La presente investigación se llevó a cabo en el resguardo indígena del municipio de Cota, donde nace el proyecto investigativo Estrategias pedagógicas para el fortalecimiento de la cultura y la tradición en el resguardo indígena de cota, ya que este fue el espacio que le interesó a las investigadoras. Por la riqueza cultural que ofrece el territorio, de igual manera durante el proceso de indagación se interpretaron 6 categorías de análisis que permitieron un mejor desarrollo de los objetivos propuestos inicialmente y dando así viabilidad y creencia en el proyecto de investigació

    Estrategias pedagógicas para el fortalecimiento de la cultura y la tradición en el resguardo indígena de Cota

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    La presente investigación se llevó a cabo en el resguardo indígena del municipio de Cota, donde nace el proyecto investigativo Estrategias pedagógicas para el fortalecimiento de la cultura y la tradición en el resguardo indígena de cota, ya que este fue el espacio que le interesó a las investigadoras. Por la riqueza cultural que ofrece el territorio, de igual manera durante el proceso de indagación se interpretaron 6 categorías de análisis que permitieron un mejor desarrollo de los objetivos propuestos inicialmente y dando así viabilidad y creencia en el proyecto de investigació

    A combined high-pressure experimental and theoretical study of the electronic band-structure of scheelite-type AWO4 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba, Pb) compounds

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    The optical-absorption edge of single crystals of CaWO4, SrWO4, BaWO4, and PbWO4 has been measured under high pressure up to ~20 GPa at room temperature. From the measurements we have obtained the evolution of the band-gap energy with pressure. We found a low-pressure range (up to 7-10 GPa) where alkaline-earth tungstates present a very small Eg pressure dependence (-2.1 < dEg/dP < 8.9 meV/GPa). In contrast, in the same pressure range, PbWO4 has a pressure coefficient of -62 meV/GPa. The high-pressure range is characterized in the four compounds by an abrupt decrease of Eg followed by changes in dEg/dP. The band-gap collapse is larger than 1.2 eV in BaWO4. We also calculated the electronic-band structures and their pressure evolution. Calculations allow us to interpret experiments considering the different electronic configuration of divalent metals. Changes in the pressure evolution of Eg are correlated with the occurrence of pressure-induced phase transitions. The band structures for the low- and high-pressure phases are also reported. No metallization of any of the compounds is detected in experiments nor is predicted by calculations.Comment: 26 pages, 1 table, 6 figure

    Carbohydrate utilization by the gut microbiome determines host health responsiveness to whole grain type and processing methods

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    Little is known about how interactions among grain processing, grain type, and carbohydrate utilization (CU) by the microbiome influence the health benefits of whole grains. Therefore, two whole grains – brown rice and whole wheat – and two processing methods – boiling (porridge) and extrusion – were studied for their effects on host metabolic outcomes in mice harboring human microbiomes previously shown in vitro to have high or low CU. Mice carrying either microbiome experienced increases in body weight and glycemia when consuming Western diets supplemented with extruded grains versus porridge. However, mice with the high but not low CU microbiome also gained more weight and fat over time and were less glucose tolerant when consuming extruded grain diets. In high CU microbiome mice, the exacerbated negative health outcomes associated with extrusion were related to altered abundances of Lachnospiraceae and Ruminococcaceae as well as elevated sugar degradation and colonic acetate production. The amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) associated with extruded and porridge diets in this in vivo study were not the same as those identified in our prior in vitro study; however, the predicted functions were highly correlated. In conclusion, mice harboring both high and low CU microbiomes responded to the whole grain diets similarly, except the high CU microbiome mice exhibited exacerbated effects due to excessive acetate production, indicating that CU by the microbiome is linked to host metabolic health outcomes. Our work demonstrates that a greater understanding of food processing effects on the microbiome is necessary for developing foods that promote rather than diminish host health