90 research outputs found

    Drenaje biliar interno versus anticuerpos anti-factor de necrosis tumoral -alfa sobre las alteraciones de la inmunidad celular en la ictericia obstructiva experimental

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    Falta palabras claveObjetivos: Evaluar el efecto del drenaje biliar interno y los anticuerpos antiTNF-a en las alteraciones de la inmunidad celular, citoquinas y endotoxemia en la ictericia obstructiva experimental; Evaluar las alteraciones de la inmunidad celular en la IO experimental determinando en sangre periférica la respuesta proliferativa a mitógenos linfocitarios, la capacidad fagocítica y oxidativa de neutrófilos y macrófagos y las proporciones entre las diversas subpoblaciones leucocitarias y su grado de activación; Evaluar el estado de las citoquinas y endotoxemia en animales con ligadura de la vía biliar; Comparar el efecto del drenaje biliar interno y de los anticuerpos antiTNF-a en las alteraciones anteriormente descritas. Metodología experimental: Ratas Wistar macho adultas (200-290 g), en jaulas individuales y con libre acceso a pienso standard y agua, y cuyo manejo se hará conforme a los protocolos de la Guía de cuidados y uso de animales de laboratorio del National Institute of Health ( publicación nº86-23, revisado en 1985 ). Las ratas se repartirán al azar en series de 6 animales, uno por cada grupo de trabajo, repitiendo las series hasta incluir 5 animales en cada grupo. Previamente a la cirugía, la anestesia se realizará mediante inyección intraperitoneal de Ketamina (8 mg / 100 g) y Midazolán (0’4 mg / 100 g). Los procedimientos se llevarán a cabo en condiciones de esterilidad y sobre una mesa termorregulada con fuente de luz propia. Ligadura del conducto biliar (LCB): Los animales se colocarán en decúbito supino más Pillet. La vía de abordaje será por laparotomía media desde xifoides al pubis. Según la técnica standard de IO en ratas modificada 14, realizando una tracción suave del duodeno se expone el conducto biliar común, que es disecado y ligado mediante doble ligadura con seda de 3/0. El cierre de la pared abdominal se hará en dos planos con sutura continua de seda de 3/0. Plan de trabajo: Antes de realizar cualquier procedimiento se recogerá el peso de los animales y se realizará rasurado del abdomen y limpieza del mismo con alcohol yodado. El tiempo medio empleado en la LCB es de 15 minutos y en el drenaje biliar 35. En los grupos control se emplearán tiempos similares, realizando laparotomía media y movilización sin ligadura del conducto biliar común en el de operación simulada. Grupos de trabajo: Tras 14 días de ictericia obstructiva se aplicarán los siguientes tratamientos: Grupo 1: Drenaje biliar; Grupo 2: Administración de anticuerpos antiTNF-a; Grupo 3: Drenaje biliar y anticuerpos antiTNF-a. Estos animales se sacrificarán a los 7 días de aplicar dichos tratamientos. Controles: Grupo 4: L.C.B. y sacrificio a los 14 días; Grupo 5: L.C.B. y sacrificio a los 21 días; Grupo 6: Operación simulada y sacrificio a los 21 días. Recogida de muestras y sacrificio de los animales: Realizando una nueva laparotomía media, se tomará muestra de bilis para su estudio microbiológico, mediante punción del conducto biliar dilatado. La sangre se obtendrá por punción del apex cardiaco vía transdiafragmática. Determinaciones: Subpoblaciones leucocitarias y grado de activación.Se incubará sangre completa con parejas de anticuerpos monoclonales marcados con diferentes fluorocromos con las especificidades: CD3/I-A, CD8/CD4, PanB/I-A, CD11/Mieloides y NK/I-A. Los resultados se leerán por citometría de flujo ( FACScan, Becton Dickinson ); Respuesta a mitógenos.Se aislarán y separarán los linfocitos por gradiente de centrifugación. Se cultivarán los leucocitos durante 48 h con o sin estimulación con Fitohemaglutina . Se añadirá Bromodesoxiuridina y se enfrentarán los linfocitos a DNA-asaI y Ac anti-Bromodesoxiuridina marcado con fluorocromo. La proliferación linfocitaria se estimará midiendo la Bromodesoxiuridina incorporada mediante citómetro de flujo; Capacidad fagocítica.Se incubará sangre completa con Tufsina marcada con fluorocromo. Mediante citómetro de flujo se medirá la fluoresccencia captada por neutrófilos y macrófagos; Capacidad oxidativa. Incubando sangre completa con 1,2,3 Dihidrorodamina y cuantificación por citometría de flujo de la Rodamina; Factor de necrosis tumoral-alfa ( TNF-a ) , endotoxinas y bilirrubina circulantes en plasma se determinarán por enzimoinmunoensayo mediante kits comerciales; Estudio microbiológico de la bilis

    ¿Qué tácticas de violencia sexual predicen el abandono de la relación? El papel de la dependencia hacia la pareja

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    This research was supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education to the first author (Ref. FPU14-02905) and the funding provided by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness (Ref.PSI2017-84703-R; Ref. PSI-2017-83966-R -MINECO/AEI/FEDER/UE).Intimate partner sexual violence has countless consequences for women suffering it. This research analyse the effect of the type of sexual coercion tactic and partner dependence on both the attribution of responsibility and the probability of leaving a relationship. In Study 1, six scenarios for different sexual tactics were presented (coaxing, coercion, and aggression) to 5 experts in order to select those with better evidence of content validity regarding the construct evaluated. In Study 2, the three selected scenarios were presented to 304 Spanish participants from the general population, analysing the effect of the type of tactic and dependence on attributed responsibility and the probability of leaving a relationship. Results showed that in the sexual aggression scenario, participants assigned the highest responsibility to the aggressor and showed the strongest likelihood of leaving the relationship. Further, results revealed that in the coaxing scenario, dependence had an indirect effect on the probability of leaving the relationship through a lower responsibility attributed to the aggressor. As a conclusion, this study emphasises the importance of the sexual tactic used by aggressors in individuals’ perception about sexual coercion, contributing to increasing the visibility of this unacceptable action, especially in its more subtle and normalised form.La violencia sexual en las relaciones de pareja tiene innumerables consecuencias para las mujeres que la sufren. Esta investigación analiza el efecto del tipo de táctica de coerción sexual y la dependencia de la pareja en la atribución de responsabilidad y la probabilidad de dejar la relación. En el Estudio 1 se presentaron seis escenarios sobre diferentes tácticas sexuales (persuasión, coerción y agresión) a 5 expertos con la finalidad de seleccionar a aquellos que mostraran una mayor validez de contenido con respecto al constructo evaluado. En el Estudio 2, 304 participantes leyeron los tres escenarios seleccionados y se analizó el efecto del tipo de táctica y la dependencia en la responsabilidad atribuida y en la probabilidad de dejar la relación. Los resultados mostraron que los participantes responsabilizaban más al agresor y dejarían con más probabilidad la relación en la condición de agresión sexual que en la condición de coerción sexual o persuasión sexual. Además, los resultados revelan que en el escenario más sutil (persuasión) la dependencia tiene un efecto indirecto sobre probabilidad de dejar la relación a través de una menor responsabilidad atribuida al agresor. Como conclusión, esta investigación enfatiza la importancia que tiene la táctica sexual utilizada por el agresor en la percepción de la coerción sexual, contribuyendo a aumentar la visibilidad de este acto inaceptable, especialmente en su forma más sutil y normalizada.Spanish Government FPU14-02905Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness PSI-2017-83966-R PSI2017-84703-

    Patterns of Sedentary Time and Quality of Life in Women With Fibromyalgia: Cross-Sectional Study From the al-Ándalus Project

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    Background: Sedentary time (ST) has been associated with detrimental health outcomes in fibromyalgia. Previous evidence in the general population has shown that not only is the total amount of ST harmful but the pattern of accumulation of sedentary behaviors is also relevant to health, with prolonged unbroken periods (ie, bouts) being particularly harmful. Objective: To examine the association of the patterns of ST with health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in women with fibromyalgia and to test whether these associations are independent of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA). Methods: A total of 407 women (mean 51.4 years of age [SD 7.6]) with fibromyalgia participated. ST and MVPA were measured with triaxial accelerometry. The percentage of ST accumulated in bouts and the frequency of sedentary bouts of different lengths (>= 10 min, >= 20 min, >= 30 min, and >= 60 min) were obtained. Four groups combining total ST and sedentary bout duration (>= 30 min) were created. We assessed HRQoL using the 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). Results: A greater percentage of ST spent in all bout lengths was associated with worsened physical function, bodily pain, vitality, social function, and physical component summary (PCS) (all P= 30 min and >= 60 min), physical role (>= 60 min), bodily pain (>= 60 min), and vitality (>= 20 min, >= 30 min, and >= 60 min) (all P<.05). Overall, for different domains of HRQoL, these associations were independent of MVPA for higher bout lengths. Patients with high total ST and high sedentary bout duration had significantly worsened physical function (mean difference 8.73 units, 95% CI 2.31-15.15; independent of MVPA), social function (mean difference 10.51 units, 95% CI 2.59-18.44; not independent of MVPA), and PCS (mean difference 2.71 units, 95% CI 0.36-5.06; not independent of MVPA) than those with low ST and low sedentary bout duration. Conclusions: Greater ST in prolonged periods of any length and a higher frequency of ST bouts, especially in longer bout durations, are associated with worsened HRQoL in women with fibromyalgia. These associations were generally independent of MVPA

    The Detrimental Effect of Sexual Objectification on Targets’ and Perpetrators’ Sexual Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Sexual Coercion

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    Sexual objectification is a variable to consider for understanding the sexual violence that takes place into intimate context. The set of studies presented here aims to connect sexual objectification phenomena with sexual coercion and explore the consequences that both have on sexual satisfaction. Two studies examined the association between sexual objectification and sexual satisfaction for both views: female target (Study 1) and male perpetrator (Study 2) perspectives. The results of the first study (n = 138 heterosexual women) demonstrated that perceiving partner objectification (but not reporting general sexual objectification victimization) is indirectly linked to a lower sexual satisfaction because of lower rejection and higher sexual coercion rates. The second study (n = 136 heterosexual men) showed the indirect effect of partner objectification and general sexual objectification perpetration on sexual satisfaction after sexual coercion perpetration. Results of both studies demonstrated the negative consequences that sexual objectification has on sexual satisfaction for both male perpetrators and female targets.This research was made possible, thanks to the financing provided by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness for the R&D project “New forms of Gender Violence: Risks and protective factors for psychosocial wellbeing [PSI2017-84703-R (MINECO/AEI/FEDER/UE)].

    Atribución de responsabilidad ante la violencia sexual: Efecto del tipo de táctica, el género y el sexismo benévolo

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    La violencia sexual es un problema actual sobre el que se necesita estudio empírico, pues afecta a más del 30 % de las mujeres en sus relaciones con los hombres. El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido comprobar el modo en el que el tipo de táctica utilizada para conseguir sexo, el género y el sexismo benévolo influyen en la responsabilidad que se le atribuye al agresor. Utilizando una muestra de 305 participantes, se presenta un escenario sexual en el contexto de una relación de pareja, en el que se manipula el tipo de táctica utilizada para tener sexo (neutra, persuasión o coerción sexual). Los resultados indican que las personas responsabilizan más al agresor cuando la táctica utilizada es persuasión o coerción sexual, que cuando se utilizan tácticas no violentas (neutra). Además, se comprueba que los hombres con alto sexismo benévolo culpan menos al agresor solamente cuando éste utiliza tácticas más sutiles de violencia sexual (persuasión sexual), mientras que este efecto no ocurre en las mujeres. Estos resultados permiten proporcionar un marco teórico sobre el que incidir para establecer los límites de los comportamientos que se consideran aceptables o no en una relación, contribuyendo a su detección y rechazo, así como para considerar su influencia en la toma de decisión del ámbito jurídico en los casos de violencia de género.Sexual violence is a current problem that requires empirical study, since it affects more than 30 % of women in their relationships with men. The aim of the research has been to verify the way in which the type of tactics used to obtain sex, along with gender and benevolent sexism can have an impact on the responsibility attributed to the aggressor. Using a sample of 305 participants, a sexual scenario is presented in a relationship context where the type of tactic used to have sex (neutral, sexual coaxing, or sexual coercion) is manipulated. The results indicate that people attribute more responsibility to the aggressor when the tactic used is sexual coaxing or sexual coercion than when using non-violent (neutral) tactics. In addition, men with high benevolent sexism blame the aggressor less, but only when the subtlest tactics of sexual violence (sexual coaxing) are used, whereas this effect does not occur in women. These results provide a theoretical framework for establishing the limits of the behaviours that are considered acceptable (or not) in a relationship, contributing to their detection and having implications for legal decision-making in cases of gender violence.Esta investigación fue financiada por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España, con el proyecto "Análisis psicosocial del acoso sexual: nuevas formas y nuevos contextos" (Ref. PSI2014-59200-R), así como por el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de España, con una beca de doctorado (FPU12/02905) para la primera autora de este artícul

    Desarrollo y validación de la versión española de la Spouse-Specific Dependency Scale (SSDS)

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    Existe evidencia acerca de la asociación entre la dependencia específica de la pareja y las relaciones violentas dentro de la pareja. Para evaluar este tipo de dependencia la prueba de evaluación de referencia es la Spouse-Specific Dependency Scale (SSDS) . El trabajo instrumental incluye dos estudios independientes. El objetivo del primero fue presentar los datos psicométricos preliminares de la versión española de la SSDS . En éste han participado 230 adultos y una vez expuesto el proceso de construcción de los ítems y previos análisis de validez de contenido de éstos, se procedió a efectuar un análisis estadístico de los ítems, una exploración de la estructura dimensional de la prueba y un estudio de la fiabilidad del instrumento. El objetivo del segundo estudio, a través de una muestra de 600 participantes de la población general, fue analizar con procedimientos confirmatorios la estructura interna de la escala. Además, se obtuvieron evidencias de validez externa de dicha escala. Se finaliza el trabajo discutiendo sobre la relevancia del instrumento adaptado y sus posibles apli- caciones.here is evidence supporting the relation between partner-specific dependency and violent relationships in couples. The scale used as a reference to assess this kind of dependency is the Spouse-Specific Dependency Scale (SSDS). The instru- mental project includes two independent studies. The aim of the first study was to present the first psychometric data for the Spanish version of the SSDS. This study involved 230 adult participants. After constructing the items and testing their content validity, we carried out a statistical analysis of the items, a study of the dimensional structure of the test and a reliability study of the instrument. The second study, on a sample of 600 participants, aimed to determine the internal structure of scale through confirmatory factor analysis. Moreover, external evidence for validity was obtained. We conclude the study by proposing future research, as well as discussing the need and importance of assessing partner-specific dependency.Este trabajo ha sido posible gracias a la financiación concedida por la Junta de Andalucía al proyecto de excelencia “Violencia de género: análisis psicosocial de sus causas y estrategias para su reducción” (Ref. P06-HUM-01437), al proyecto de I+D SEJ2007-65816/PSIC del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, y al proyecto I+D+I 064/07 del Instituto de la Mujer

    GiGAn: evolutionary mutation testing for C++ object-oriented systems

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    The reduction of the expenses of mutation testing should be based on well-studied cost reduction techniques to avoid biased results. Evolutionary Mutation Testing (EMT) aims at generating a reduced set of mutants by means of an evolutionary algorithm, which searches for potentially equivalent and difficult to kill mutants to help improve the test suite. However, there is little evidence of its applicability to other contexts beyond WS-BPEL compositions. This study explores its performance when applied to C++ object-oriented programs thanks to a newly developed system, GiGAn. The conducted experiments reveal that EMT shows stable behavior in all the case studies, where the best results are obtained when a low percentage of the mutants is generated. They also support previous studies of EMT when compared to random mutant selection, reinforcing its use for the goal of improving the fault detection capability of the test suite

    Spanish Adaptation of the Illinois Sexual Harassment Myth Acceptance

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    Sexual harassment is among the most serious forms of gender violence, and what all violent acts have in common are the many myths associated with them. Three studies were conducted to adapt a Spanish version of the Illinois Sexual Harassment Myth Acceptance (ISHMA) scale, which assesses myths about sexual harassment. The first study aimed to, for the first time, present psychometric data on the Spanish version of the ISHMA. The participants were 339 college students. After adapting the items and measuring their content validity, we examined the test’s dimensional structure, statistically analyzed the items, and determined the instrument’s reliability (α = .91 for the total scale and between .77 and .84 for the different dimensions). Study 2 involved 326 adult participants from the general population and its objective was to evaluate the scale’s dimensional structure through confirmatory factor analysis (χ2 143 = 244.860, p < .001; GFI = .952; CFI = .958; RMSEA = .034 [.026 – .041]). The third study was conducted in order to measure convergent validity in both students and adults from the general population. Differences by gender were found in all dimensions being the females’ means higher than males (Cohen´s d between .38 and .62). Our findings suggest the Spanish version of the ISHMA is a useful instrument to study myths about sexual harassment.Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia for the R&D project ‘Sexist ideology and power inequality in the development and maintenance of Sexual Harassment’ (Ref. PSI2011–29720)Project of Excellence of the Junta de Andalucía ‘Psychosocial analysis of legitimacy and prejudice in the maintenance of asymmetrical social relationships’ (Ref. SEJ-6225)Grant from the FPU (AP2009–2940) Program of the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte given to the second author

    Predictive Biomarkers to Chemoradiation in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer

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    There has been a high local recurrence rate in rectal cancer. Besides improvements in surgical techniques, both neoadjuvant short-course radiotherapy and long-course chemoradiation improve oncological results. Approximately 40–60% of rectal cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiation achieve some degree of pathologic response. However, there is no effective method of predicting which patients will respond to neoadjuvant treatment. Recent studies have evaluated the potential of genetic biomarkers to predict outcome in locally advanced rectal adenocarcinoma treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiation. The articles produced by the PubMed search were reviewed for those specifically addressing a genetic profile’s ability to predict response to neoadjuvant treatment in rectal cancer. Although tissue gene microarray profiling has led to promising data in cancer, to date, none of the identified signatures or molecular markers in locally advanced rectal cancer has been successfully validated as a diagnostic or prognostic tool applicable to routine clinical practice

    Fibromyalgia has a larger impact on physical health than on psychological health, yet both are markedly affected: The al-Ándalus project

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    We acknowledge Elsevier and the Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism for publishing our scientific article: Segura-Jiménez, V., Álvarez-Gallardo, I. C., Carbonell-Baeza, A., Aparicio, V. A., Ortega, F. B., Casimiro, A. J., & Delgado-Fernández, M. (2015). Fibromyalgia has a larger impact on physical health than on psychological health, yet both are markedly affected: The al-Ándalus project. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 44(5), 563-570. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.SEMARTHRIT.2014.09.010Objectives: To characterize a representative sample of fibromyalgia women based on a set of relevant factors known to be related to this disease. To distinguish specific factors of the disease from other symptoms that might also exist in non-fibromyalgia women. To test whether fibromyalgia affects more severely physical or psychological outcomes. Methods: A total of 459 fibromyalgia women vs. 214 non-fibromyalgia (control) women from southern Spain (Andalusia) took part in this cross-sectional study. Several instruments were used to assess tenderness, impact of fibromyalgia, fatigue, health-related quality of life, mental health and cognitive performance. Results: Overall, fibromyalgia women showed a worse status in pain, fatigue, health-related quality of life, depression and anxiety than controls (P<0.01). In general, the observed associations presented very large effect sizes (Cohen’s d from ~1 to ~5.5). No differences between fibromyalgia and controls were observed in cognitive and memory performance, except for delayed recall, but the observed effect size was low (~0.25). The effect size observed for the global physical component (~3.3) was larger than that for the global psychological component (~1.3), all P<0.001. Conclusions: Our results reinforce the understanding of fibromyalgia as a polysymptomatic distress condition with pain as its main symptom. Our findings support that fibromyalgia seems to have a greater impact on physical than on psychological outcomes, though both are largely affected