474 research outputs found

    Anàlisi dels aspectes socials de la caça a Mallorca: distribució territorial, anàlisi per edats i gèneres, tipologies de llicències i comparatives

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    [cat] L’activitat cinegètica constitueix un dels principals moviments que vertebren el medi rural de les Illes Balears. A partir de la informació facilitada pel Servei de Caça del Consell de Mallorca s’avalua el ressò social del col·lectiu venatori, indicador bàsic per determinar qüestions relaciones amb el potencial de gestió dels espais cinegètics o per avaluar l’impacte econòmic de l’activitat, entre d’altres. S'analitza la distribució, l'edat, el gènere i les modalitats que practiquen les persones titulars de llicències de caça a Mallorca. En un marc socioeconòmic hipertrofitzat pel sector terciari i territorialment limitat, s'observa com la caça persisteix amb força a la majoria de municipis amb emergència de les pràctiques tradicionals i el turisme cinegètic. La manca de relleu generacional, els efectes de la crisi econòmica i la introgressió d’usos urbans són alguns dels factors limitants. Així mateix, la variable gènere marca diferències essencials entre la caça i altres activitats de lleure atesa l’escassa presència de la dona.[eng] The hunting activity is one of the main movements that structure the rural environment of the Balearic Islands. From the information provided by the Hunting Service of the Mallorcan Council the following are assessed among others: the social impact of the hunting collective, basic indicator to determine potential issues related to the management of hunting areas or to evaluate the economic impact of the activity. It analyzes the distribution, age, gender and types of people who practice hunting license holders of Mallorca. A geographically limited framework with a socioeconomical environment based on the tertiary sector, shows how hunting strongly persists in most municipalities with emergence of practices traditional hunting and cynegetic tourism. The lack of generational change, the effects of the economic crisis and the introgression of urban uses are some of the limiting factors. Also, gender marks an essential difference between hunting and other recreational activities given the limited presence of women

    Magnetocaloric Effect Caused by Paramagnetic Austenite–Ferromagnetic Martensite Phase Transformation

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    In the present work, the magnetization of Ni50Mn17.5Ga25Cu7.5 alloy undergoing the first-order phase transition from paramagnetic austenite to ferromagnetic martensite was measured to evaluate the magnetic-field-induced entropy change (MFIEC) and refrigerant capacity (RC) of the alloy. A standard method (SM) of evaluation of MFIEC is based on thermodynamic Maxwell relation. In view of the criticism of SM expressed by some scientists, the alternative method (AM), which is based on thermodynamic relationships for free energy, was proposed recently for the determination of MFIEC. We developed this method and computed MFIEC in two ways—by AM and SM. The values of MFIEC obtained for Ni50Mn17.5Ga25Cu7.5 alloy by these methods appeared to be large but very different from each other. Moreover, AM reveals the possibility of both normal and inverse magnetocaloric effects in the adjoining temperature ranges, while SM results only in the normal magnetocaloric effect.This research was funded by AEI/FEDER, UE (projects MAT2014-56116-C04-01-R and MAT2012- 37923-C02-01), NASU (project 0117U000433), MESU (project 0117U004340) and SFFR (President’s of Ukraine grant F75/156-2018)

    Encoding the scaling of the cosmological variables with the Euler Beta function

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    We study the scaling exponents for the expanding isotropic flat cosmological models. The dimension of space, the equation of state of the cosmic fluid and the scaling exponent for a physical variable are related by the Euler Beta function that controls the singular behavior of the global integrals. We encounter dual cosmological scenarios using the properties of the Beta function. For the entropy density integral we reproduce the Fischler-Susskind holographic bound.Comment: Latex2e, 11 pages, 1 figure; reference added; minor changes commenting the nature of the holographic principle and the particle/event horizo

    Monogenic Diabetes Modeling: In Vitro Pancreatic Differentiation From Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Gains Momentum.

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    The occurrence of diabetes mellitus is characterized by pancreatic β cell loss and chronic hyperglycemia. While Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are the most common types, rarer forms involve mutations affecting a single gene. This characteristic has made monogenic diabetes an interesting disease group to model in vitro using human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs). By altering the genotype of the original hPSCs or by deriving human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) from patients with monogenic diabetes, changes in the outcome of the in vitro differentiation protocol can be analyzed in detail to infer the regulatory mechanisms affected by the disease-associated genes. This approach has been so far applied to a diversity of genes/diseases and uncovered new mechanisms. The focus of the present review is to discuss the latest findings obtained by modeling monogenic diabetes using hPSC-derived pancreatic cells generated in vitro. We will specifically focus on the interpretation of these studies, the advantages and limitations of the models used, and the future perspectives for improvement

    A comparative study on renewable and traditional electricity: The influence of the European Union framework and the impact of COVID-19

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    By means of the event study approach, we analyse the effect of COVID-19 on listed European renewable and traditional electricity companies, inside and outside the European Union, for the pandemic announcement and lockdowns. We find that the pandemic negatively affected both subsectors of electricity production, but the negative effect was more intense for renewable electricity companies, since they represent a riskier investment. Moreover, this negative effect was larger for European electricity companies than for companies from countries that do not belong to the European Union. Our results show the riskier profile of the clean energy industry together with the importance of a stable and supportive regulatory framework to develop and consolidate renewable energy. Our findings have important implications for policymakers. In addition to the intrinsic risks associated with renewable energy, this type of investment poses policy and regulatory risks, which they should take into account when evaluating future energy policies. Policymakers must be aware of the importance of these specific risks, and seek to respond to investors' expectations about long-term, stable regulations

    Radiopurity of Micromegas readout planes

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    Micromesh Gas Amplification Structures (Micromegas) are being used in an increasing number of Particle Physics applications since their conception fourteen years ago. More recently, they are being used or considered as readout of Time Projection Chambers (TPCs) in the field of Rare Event searches (dealing with dark matter, axions or double beta decay). In these experiments, the radiopurity of the detector components and surrounding materials is measured and finely controlled in order to keep the experimental background as low as possible. In the present paper, the first measurement of the radiopurity of Micromegas planes obtained by high purity germanium spectrometry in the low background facilities of the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (LSC) is presented. The obtained results prove that Micromegas readouts of the microbulk type are currently manufactured with radiopurity levels below 30 microBq/cm2 for Th and U chains and ~60 microBq/cm2 for 40K, already comparable to the cleanest detector components of the most stringent low background experiments at present. Taking into account that the studied readouts were manufactured without any specific control of the radiopurity, it should be possible to improve these levels after dedicated development.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Exploring a simple sector of the Einstein-Maxwell landscape

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    We explore the four dimensional Einstein-Maxwell landscape as a toy model in which we can formulate a sphere compactification stabilized by an electromagnetic field. Replacing the compactification sphere by J spheres, we obtain a simple sector of the (2J+2)-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell landscape. In this toy model, we analyze some properties which are very difficult to uncover in the string theory landscape, including: complete moduli stabilization, stability conditions, and state counting. We also show how to construct anthropic states in this model. A detailed comparison between the main features of this landscape and the Bousso-Polchinski landscape is given. We finally speculate on the impact of these phenomena in the string theory landscape.Comment: 69 pages, 16 figures, some references adde

    Spectroscopy and large scale wave functions

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    We discuss the relevance of long wavelength excitations for the low energy spectrum of QCD, and try to develop an efficient method for solving the Schrodinger equation, and for extracting the glueball masses and long wavelength functions of the ground and excited states. Some technical problems appearing in the calculations of SU(3) gauge theory are discussed

    Gaseous time projection chambers for rare event detection: Results from the T-REX project. II. Dark matter

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    As part of the T-REX project, a number of R&D and prototyping activities have been carried out during the last years to explore the applicability of Micromegas-read gaseous TPCs in rare event searches like double beta decay (DBD), axion research and low-mass WIMP searches. While in the companion paper we focus on DBD, in this paper we focus on the results regarding the search for dark matter candidates, both axions and WIMPs. Small ultra-low background Micromegas detectors are used to image the x-ray signal expected in axion helioscopes like CAST at CERN. Background levels as low as 0.8×1060.8\times 10^{-6} c keV1^{-1}cm2^{-2}s1^{-1} have already been achieved in CAST while values down to 107\sim10^{-7} c keV1^{-1}cm2^{-2}s1^{-1} have been obtained in a test bench placed underground in the Laboratorio Subterr\'aneo de Canfranc. Prospects to consolidate and further reduce these values down to 108\sim10^{-8} c keV1^{-1}cm2^{-2}s1^{-1}will be described. Such detectors, placed at the focal point of x-ray telescopes in the future IAXO experiment, would allow for 105^5 better signal-to-noise ratio than CAST, and search for solar axions with gaγg_{a\gamma} down to few 1012^{12} GeV1^{-1}, well into unexplored axion parameter space. In addition, a scaled-up version of these TPCs, properly shielded and placed underground, can be competitive in the search for low-mass WIMPs. The TREX-DM prototype, with \sim0.300 kg of Ar at 10 bar, or alternatively \sim0.160 kg of Ne at 10 bar, and energy threshold well below 1 keV, has been built to test this concept. We will describe the main technical solutions developed, as well as the results from the commissioning phase on surface. The anticipated sensitivity of this technique might reach 1044\sim10^{-44} cm2^2 for low mass (<10<10 GeV) WIMPs, well beyond current experimental limits in this mass range.Comment: Published in JCAP. New version with erratum incorporated (new figure 14