14 research outputs found

    Morotugal - Bilingual Typeface: Bridging Portugal and Morocco

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    This research attempts to show considerations related to typeface design, specifically for printed materials used to showcase the cultral connections between Morocco and Portugal. Morotugal hybrid typeface will mostly appeal graphically and visually amusing toward a specific target, which are Portuguese and Moroccan dialects speakers. Albeit Portugal being only few miles away from Morocco, it seems that the relationship between the two countries are not often talked about. This is where this research comes in handy. A common typeface is thus needed to describe and showcase not only the diplomatic relations but also the cultural similarity and common words between these nations. This thesis sheds light on methodological techniques while harmonizing and exploring bilingual typefaces. It also investigates different attempts to improve experimentation and blend and homogenize Arabic (Maghribi Mabsut Style) and Latin alphabets, alongside a survey that was conducted to collect large amounts of data to better understand my target audience. The purpose is to explore different legible approaches and create a unified visible typographic identity. Ultimately, the goal is to create a distinct typeface that will showcase and create a visual identity for the bilateralism between Morocco and Portugal, focusing specifically on the common words used in both countries

    Applying Brainstorming in Online Speaking Class at MAN 1 Banyumas (A Descriptive Study on 11th Grade Student of MAN 1 Banyumas in the Academic Year of 2021/2022)

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    Penerapan metode tertentu dalam kelas online speaking yang menyenangkan dan cocok untuk siswa sangat diperlukan. Metode brainstorming adalah salah satu solusinya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan brainstorming yang diterapkan di kelas online speaking, mengidentifikasi masalah yang dihadapi guru dan siswa di kelas online speaking, dan menemukan solusi untuk mengatasi masalah yang muncul di kelas online speaking. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif. Data penelitian ini berupa hasil wawancara dengan siswa dan guru, daftar observasi, dan daftar dokumentasi. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat tiga kelas yang dijadikan sampel, yaitu XI IPS 1, XI IPA 2, dan XI Agama. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa penerapan brainstorming dalam online speaking diadaptasi dari RPP yang telah disusun sebelum pertemuan. Kesulitan yang dialami guru adalah dengan bahan ajar dan kebutuhan untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan epidemi. Waktu yang tidak mencukupi menyebabkan masalah lain. Koneksi internet yang buruk juga menjadi masalah yang ditemukan para siswa. Internet mereka akan sering melambat dan mengganggu studi mereka. Solusi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah menemukan pendekatan yang berbeda untuk mengajar siswa adalah jawaban atas tantangan yang muncul dalam program berbicara online. Faktor lain, seperti notifikasi smartphone atau suara keras, dapat dengan cepat merusak fokus siswa

    Theoretical study of the radiative properties of the A1Π-X1Σ+ system of the GeO molecule.

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    International audienceAbsolute oscillator strengths and related radiative properties of the A1Π-X1Σ+ transition of the GeO molecule have been determined from accurate ab initio MRCI calculations. The reported results include the electronic transition moment variation, absolute transition probabilities, absolute and relative vibronic oscillator strengths and radiative lifetimes of the lowest vibrational levels of the excited electronic state. The few experimental data are critically discussed in the light of the present work. Comparison of GeO with CO and SiO show the close similarity of the transition mechanism in the three molecules

    Calcul ab-initio du spectre vibronique de GeSi. Etats de valence de GeSi+^+

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    On the basis of ab-initio calculations of valence state energies and transition moments, it is shown that the ground state of the GeSi molecule, as yet unobserved in the gas phase, is a triplet state and that its absorption electronic spectrum (Rydberg excluded) consists of three charge transfer triplet-triplet systems which appear in the near ultraviolet. In emission, apart from these three systems and their singlet-singlet counterparts, an electronic transition between singlet states should be observed in the infrared. Additional calculations on GeSi+^+ predict a 4Σ−^4\Sigma^- ground state for this ion.En s'appuyant sur des calculs ab-initio des énergies des états de valence et des moments de transition, on montre que l'état fondamental de la molécule GeSi, encore inobservée en phase gazeuse, est un état triplet et que son spectre électronique d'absorption (hors-Rydberg) doit être formé de trois systèmes triplet-triplet de transfert de charge situés dans le proche ultraviolet. En émission, outre ces trois systèmes, on doit pouvoir observer une transition électronique entre singulets dans l'infrarouge. Des calculs supplémentaires sur GeSi+^+ permettent de prévoir un état 4Σ−^4\Sigma^- comme état fondamental de cet ion

    A helium P-Cygni profile in RR Lyrae stars?

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    Context. Until 2006, helium emission lines had never been observed in RR Lyrae stars. For the first time, a pre-maximum helium emission in 11 RRab stars was observed during rising light (around the pulsation phase 0.92) and the reappearance of helium emission near maximum light (phase 0.0) in one RRab star: RV Oct. This post-maximum emission has been only observed in the He I λ5875.66 (D3) line. Its intensity is very weak, and its profile mimics a P-Cygni profile with the emission peak centered at the laboratory wavelength. The physical explanation for this unexpected line profile has not been proposed yet. Aims. Using new observations of RR Lyr, we investigate the physical origin of the presence of a P-Cygni profile in the He I λ5875.66 (D3) line. Methods. High-resolution spectra of RR Lyr, collected with a spectrograph eShel/C14 at the Oukaïmeden Observatory (Morocco) in 2013, were analyzed to understand the origin of the observed P-Cygni profile at D3. Results. When the shock intensity is moderate, helium emission cannot be produced in the shock wake, and consequently, the two consecutive helium emissions (pre- and post-maximum light emissions) are not observed. This is the most frequent case. When the shock intensity becomes high enough, a pre-maximum He I emission first occurs, which can be followed by the appearance of a P-Cygni profile if the shock intensity is still strong in the high atmosphere. The observation of a P-Cygni profile means that the shock wave is already detached from the photosphere. It is shown that the shock strongly first decelerates between the pulsation phases 0.90 and 1.04 from 130 km s-1 to 60 km s-1, probably before accelerating again to 80 km s-1  near phase 1.30. Conclusions. The presence of the P-Cygni profile seems to be a natural consequence of the large extension of the expanding atmosphere, which is induced by strong (radiative) shock waves propagating toward the high atmosphere. This kind of P-Cygni profile has already been observed in the Hα line of some RR Lyrae stars and long-period Cepheids