10 research outputs found

    Over-expression of alpha-synuclein in human neural progenitors leads to specific changes in fate and differentiation

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    Missense mutations and extra copies of the α-Synuclein gene result in Parkinson disease (PD). Human stem and progenitor cells can be expanded from embryonic tissues and provide a source of non-transformed neural cells to explore the effects of these pathogenic mutations specifically in human nervous tissue. We over-expressed the wild type, A53T and A30P forms of α-synuclein in expanded populations of progenitors derived from the human fetal cortex. The protein localized in the nucleus and around microvesicles. Only the A53T form was acutely toxic, suggesting a unique vulnerability of these progenitors to this mutation. Interestingly, constitutive over-expression of wild-type α-synuclein progressively impaired the innate ability of progenitors to switch toward gliogenesis at later passages. To explore the effect of α-synuclein on neuronal subtypes selectively affected in PD, such as dopaminergic neurons, α-synuclein and its mutations were also over-expressed in terminally differentiating neuroectodermal cultures derived from human embryonic stem cells (hESC). Alpha-synuclein induced acute cytotoxicity and reduced the number of neurons expressing either tyrosine hydroxylase or gamma-aminobutyric acid over time. Consistent with the selective vulnerability of ventral midbrain dopaminergic neurons, α-synuclein cytotoxicity appeared most pronounced following FGF8/SHH specification and was decreased by inhibition of dopamine synthesis. Together, these data show that α-synuclein over-expressed in human neural embryonic cells results in patterns of degeneration that in some cases match features of Parkinson Disease. Thus, neural cells derived from hESC provide a useful model system to understand the development of α-synuclein-related pathologies and allow therapeutic drug screenin

    The Role of TOX in the Development of Innate Lymphoid Cells

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    TOX, an evolutionarily conserved member of the HMG-box family of proteins, is essential for the development of various cells of both the innate and adaptive immune system. TOX is required for the development of CD4+ T lineage cells in the thymus, including natural killer T and T regulatory cells, as well as development of natural killer cells and fetal lymphoid tissue inducer cells, the latter required for lymph node organogenesis. Recently, we have identified a broader role for TOX in the innate immune system, demonstrating that this nuclear protein is required for generation of bone marrow progenitors that have potential to give rise to all innate lymphoid cells. Innate lymphoid cells, classified according to transcription factor expression and cytokine secretion profiles, derive from common lymphoid progenitors in the bone marrow and require Notch signals for their development. We discuss here the role of TOX in specifying CLP toward an innate lymphoid cell fate and hypothesize a possible role for TOX in regulating Notch gene targets during innate lymphoid cell development

    The Role of TOX in the Development of Innate Lymphoid Cells

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    Sense and Immunity: Context-Dependent Neuro-Immune Interplay

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    The sensory nervous and immune systems, historically considered autonomous, actually work in concert to promote host defense and tissue homeostasis. These systems interact with each other through a common language of cell surface G protein-coupled receptors and receptor tyrosine kinases as well as cytokines, growth factors, and neuropeptides. While this bidirectional communication is adaptive in many settings, helping protect from danger, it can also become maladaptive and contribute to disease pathophysiology. The fundamental logic of how, where, and when sensory neurons and immune cells contribute to either health or disease remains, however, unclear. Our lab and others’ have begun to explore how this neuro-immune reciprocal dialog contributes to physiological and pathological immune responses and sensory disorders. The cumulative results collected so far indicate that there is an important role for nociceptors (noxious stimulus detecting sensory neurons) in driving immune responses, but that this is highly context dependent. To illustrate this concept, we present our findings in a model of airway inflammation, in which nociceptors seem to have major involvement in type 2 but not type 1 adaptive immunity

    Mechanistic Differences in Neuropathic Pain Modalities Revealed by Correlating Behavior with Global Expression Profiling

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    SUMMARY Chronic neuropathic pain is a major morbidity of neural injury, yet its mechanisms are incompletely understood. Hypersensitivity to previously non-noxious stimuli (allodynia) is a common symptom. Here, we demonstrate that the onset of cold hypersensitivity precedes tactile allodynia in a model of partial nerve injury, and this temporal divergence was associated with major differences in global gene expression in innervating dorsal root ganglia. Transcripts whose expression change correlates with the onset of cold allodynia were nociceptor related, whereas those correlating with tactile hypersensitivity were immune cell centric. Ablation of TrpV1 lineage nociceptors resulted in mice that did not acquire cold allodynia but developed normal tactile hypersensitivity, whereas depletion of macrophages or T cells reduced neuropathic tactile allodynia but not cold hypersensitivity. We conclude that neuropathic pain incorporates reactive processes of sensory neurons and immune cells, each leading to distinct forms of hypersensitivity, potentially allowing drug development targeted to each pain type