63 research outputs found
So, You Want to Use Next Generation Sequencing In Marine Systems? Insight from the Pan Pacific Advanced Studies Institute
The emerging field of next-generation sequencing (NGS) is rapidly expanding capabilities for cutting edge genomic research, with applications that can help meet marine conservation challenges of food security, biodiversity loss, and climate change. Navigating the use of these tools, however, is complex at best. Furthermore, applications of marine genomic questions are limited in developing nations where both marine biodiversity and threats to marine biodiversity are most concentrated. This is particularly true in Southeast Asia. The first Pan-Pacific Advanced Studies Institute (PacASI) entitled Genomic Applications to Marine Science and Resource Management in Southeast Asia was held in July 2012 in Dumaguete, Philippines, with the intent to draw together leading scientists from both sides of the Pacific Ocean to understand the potential of NGS in helping address the aforementioned challenges. Here we synthesize discussions held during the PacASI to provide perspectives and guidance to help scientists new to NGS choose among the variety of available advanced genomic methodologies specifically for marine science questions
So, You Want to Use Next-Generation Sequencing in Marine Systems? Insight from the Pan-Pacific Advanced Studies Institute
The emerging field of next-generation sequencing (NGS) is rapidly expanding capabilities for cutting edge genomic research, with applications that can help meet marine conservation challenges of food security, biodiversity loss, and climate change. Navigating the use of these tools, however, is complex at best. Furthermore, applications of marine genomic questions are limited in developing nations where both marine biodiversity and threats to marine biodiversity are most concentrated. This is particularly true in Southeast Asia. The first Pan-Pacific Advanced Studies Institute (PacASI) entitled “Genomic Applications to Marine Science and Resource Management in Southeast Asia” was held in July 2012 in Dumaguete, Philippines, with the intent to draw together leading scientists from both sides of the Pacific Ocean to understand the potential of NGS in helping address the aforementioned challenges. Here we synthesize discussions held during the PacASI to provide perspectives and guidance to help scientists new to NGS choose among the variety of available advanced genomic methodologies specifically for marine science questions
Development of Genomic Resources for Pacific Herring through Targeted Transcriptome Pyrosequencing
Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) support commercially and culturally important fisheries but have experienced significant additional pressure from a variety of anthropogenic and environmental sources. In order to provide genomic resources to facilitate organismal and population level research, high-throughput pyrosequencing (Roche 454) was carried out on transcriptome libraries from liver and testes samples taken in Prince William Sound, the Bering Sea, and the Gulf of Alaska. Over 40,000 contigs were identified with an average length of 728 bp. We describe an annotated transcriptome as well as a workflow for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discovery and validation. A subset of 96 candidate SNPs chosen from 10,933 potential SNPs, were tested using a combination of Sanger sequencing and high-resolution melt-curve analysis. Five SNPs supported between-ocean-basin differentiation, while one SNP associated with immune function provided high differentiation between Prince William Sound and Kodiak Island within the Gulf of Alaska. These genomic resources provide a basis for environmental physiology studies and opportunities for marker development and subsequent population structure analysis
Single nucleotide polymorphisms unravel hierarchical divergence and signatures of selection among Alaskan sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) populations
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Disentangling the roles of geography and ecology driving population divergence and distinguishing adaptive from neutral evolution at the molecular level have been common goals among evolutionary and conservation biologists. Using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) multilocus genotypes for 31 sockeye salmon (<it>Oncorhynchus nerka</it>) populations from the Kvichak River, Alaska, we assessed the relative roles of geography (discrete boundaries or continuous distance) and ecology (spawning habitat and timing) driving genetic divergence in this species at varying spatial scales within the drainage. We also evaluated two outlier detection methods to characterize candidate SNPs responding to environmental selection, emphasizing which mechanism(s) may maintain the genetic variation of outlier loci.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For the entire drainage, Mantel tests suggested a greater role of geographic distance on population divergence than differences in spawn timing when each variable was correlated with pairwise genetic distances. Clustering and hierarchical analyses of molecular variance indicated that the largest genetic differentiation occurred between populations from distinct lakes or subdrainages. Within one population-rich lake, however, Mantel tests suggested a greater role of spawn timing than geographic distance on population divergence when each variable was correlated with pairwise genetic distances. Variable spawn timing among populations was linked to specific spawning habitats as revealed by principal coordinate analyses. We additionally identified two outlier SNPs located in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II that appeared robust to violations of demographic assumptions from an initial pool of eight candidates for selection.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>First, our results suggest that geography and ecology have influenced genetic divergence between Alaskan sockeye salmon populations in a hierarchical manner depending on the spatial scale. Second, we found consistent evidence for diversifying selection in two loci located in the MHC class II by means of outlier detection methods; yet, alternative scenarios for the evolution of these loci were also evaluated. Both conclusions argue that historical contingency and contemporary adaptation have likely driven differentiation between Kvichak River sockeye salmon populations, as revealed by a suite of SNPs. Our findings highlight the need for conservation of complex population structure, because it provides resilience in the face of environmental change, both natural and anthropogenic.</p
Alternative patterns of sex chromosome differentiation in Aedes aegypti (L).
BACKGROUND: Some populations of West African Aedes aegypti, the dengue and zika vector, are reproductively incompatible; our earlier study showed that divergence and rearrangements of genes on chromosome 1, which bears the sex locus (M), may be involved. We also previously described a proposed cryptic subspecies SenAae (PK10, Senegal) that had many more high inter-sex FST genes on chromosome 1 than did Ae.aegypti aegypti (Aaa, Pai Lom, Thailand). The current work more thoroughly explores the significance of those findings. RESULTS: Intersex standardized variance (FST) of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was characterized from genomic exome capture libraries of both sexes in representative natural populations of Aaa and SenAae. Our goal was to identify SNPs that varied in frequency between males and females, and most were expected to occur on chromosome 1. Use of the assembled AaegL4 reference alleviated the previous problem of unmapped genes. Because the M locus gene nix was not captured and not present in AaegL4, the male-determining locus, per se, was not explored. Sex-associated genes were those with FST values ≥ 0.100 and/or with increased expected heterozygosity (H exp , one-sided T-test, p < 0.05) in males. There were 85 genes common to both collections with high inter-sex FST values; all genes but one were located on chromosome 1. Aaa showed the expected cluster of high inter-sex FST genes proximal to the M locus, whereas SenAae had inter-sex FST genes along the length of chromosome 1. In addition, the Aaa M-locus proximal region showed increased H exp levels in males, whereas SenAae did not. In SenAae, chromosomal rearrangements and subsequent suppressed recombination may have accelerated X-Y differentiation. CONCLUSIONS: The evidence presented here is consistent with differential evolution of proto-Y chromosomes in Aaa and SenAae
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Development of a Standardized DNA Database for Chinook Salmon
An international multi-laboratory project was conducted to develop a standardized DNA database for Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). This project was in response to the needs of the Chinook Technical Committee of the Pacific Salmon Commission to identify stock composition of Chinook salmon caught in fisheries during their oceanic migrations. Nine genetics laboratories identified 13 microsatellite loci that could be reproducibly assayed in each of the laboratories. To test that the loci were reproducible among laboratories, blind tests were conducted to verify scoring consistency for the nearly 500 total alleles. Once standardized, a dataset of over 16,000 Chinook salmon representing 110 putative populations was constructed ranging throughout the area of interest of the Pacific Salmon Commission from Southeast Alaska to the Sacramento River in California. The dataset differentiates the major known genetic lineages of Chinook salmon and provides a tool for genetic stock identification of samples collected from mixed fisheries. A diverse group of scientists representing the disciplines of fishery management, genetics, fishery administration, population dynamics, and sampling theory are now developing recommendations for the integration of these genetic data into ocean salmon management.Original Abstract: Se realizo un proyecto internacional con la participation de diversos laboratorios con la finalidad de desarrollar una base de datos estandarizada de DNA para el salmon rey (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Dicho proyecto surgi6 como respuesta a las necesidades del Comite Tecnico Chinook de la Comision del Salmon del Pacifico para identificar la composition poblacional del salmon rey que es capturado por la pesqueria durante su migration. Un total de nueve laboratorios de analisis geneticos identificaron y reprodujeron cada uno 13 loci microsatelites. Con el objeto de probar que dichos loci fueran reproducibles entre laboratorios, se condujeron pruebas anonimas para verificar la consistencia de casi 500 alelos. Una vez estandarizada, se construyo una base de datos construida con information proveniente de mas de 16,000 salmones que representan 110 poblaciones putativas distribuidas a lo largo del area de interes de la Comision del Salm6n del Pacifico, del sureste de Alaska hasta el Rio Sacramento, California. La base de datos sirve tanto para identificar gene'ticamente los distintos stocks de salmon rey a partir de muestras combinadas provenientes de la pesqueria como para diferenciar el linaje genetico conocido mas importante de esta especie. En la actualidad, un importante grupo de cientificos especializados en disciplinas como el manejo y administracion de pesquerias, genetica, dinamica poblacional y teoria del muestreo estan desarrollando recomendaciones para que esta base de datos geneticos se incorpore en el manejo del salmon
RNA-Seq Identifies SNP Markers for Growth Traits in Rainbow Trout
Fast growth is an important and highly desired trait, which affects the profitability of food animal production, with feed costs accounting for the largest proportion of production costs. Traditional phenotype-based selection is typically used to select for growth traits; however, genetic improvement is slow over generations. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) explain 90% of the genetic differences between individuals; therefore, they are most suitable for genetic evaluation and strategies that employ molecular genetics for selective breeding. SNPs found within or near a coding sequence are of particular interest because they are more likely to alter the biological function of a protein. We aimed to use SNPs to identify markers and genes associated with genetic variation in growth. RNA-Seq whole-transcriptome analysis of pooled cDNA samples from a population of rainbow trout selected for improved growth versus unselected genetic cohorts (10 fish from 1 full-sib family each) identified SNP markers associated with growth-rate. The allelic imbalances (the ratio between the allele frequencies of the fast growing sample and that of the slow growing sample) were considered at scores >5.0 as an amplification and <0.2 as loss of heterozygosity. A subset of SNPs (n = 54) were validated and evaluated for association with growth traits in 778 individuals of a three-generation parent/offspring panel representing 40 families. Twenty-two SNP markers and one mitochondrial haplotype were significantly associated with growth traits. Polymorphism of 48 of the markers was confirmed in other commercially important aquaculture stocks. Many markers were clustered into genes of metabolic energy production pathways and are suitable candidates for genetic selection. The study demonstrates that RNA-Seq at low sequence coverage of divergent populations is a fast and effective means of identifying SNPs, with allelic imbalances between phenotypes. This technique is suitable for marker development in non-model species lacking complete and well-annotated genome reference sequences
The National Early Warning Score and its subcomponents recorded within ±24 hours of emergency medical admission are poor predictors of hospital-acquired acute kidney injury
YesBackground: Hospital-acquired Acute Kidney Injury (H-AKI) is a common cause of avoidable morbidity and mortality.
Aim: To determine if the patients’ vital signs data as defined by a National Early Warning Score (NEWS), can predict H-AKI following emergency admission to hospital.
Methods: Analyses of emergency admissions to York hospital over 24-months with NEWS data. We report the area under the curve (AUC) for logistic regression models that used the index NEWS (model A0), plus age and sex (A1), plus subcomponents of NEWS (A2) and two-way interactions (A3). Likewise for maximum NEWS (models B0,B1,B2,B3).
Results: 4.05% (1361/33608) of emergency admissions had H-AKI. Models using the index NEWS had the lower AUCs (0.59 to 0.68) than models using the maximum NEWS AUCs (0.75 to 0.77). The maximum NEWS model (B3) was more sensitivity than the index NEWS model (A0) (67.60% vs 19.84%) but identified twice as many cases as being at risk of H-AKI (9581 vs 4099) at a NEWS of 5.
Conclusions: The index NEWS is a poor predictor of H-AKI. The maximum NEWS is a better predictor but seems unfeasible because it is only knowable in retrospect and is associated with a substantial increase in workload albeit with improved sensitivity.The Health Foundatio
Data from: Fine-scale sampling reveals distinct isolation by distance patterns in chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) populations occupying a glacially dynamic environment
Populations with spatially restricted gene flow are characterized by genetic differentiation that may be positively correlated with the geographic distance separating populations, a pattern known as isolation by distance (IBD). Here we examined the fine-scale genetic structure of 66 chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) populations spawning in Alaska waterways and explored patterns of IBD using 90 nuclear and 3 mitochondrial single nucleotide polymorphisms. Estimating population structure of chum salmon in Alaska is of increasing concern because of fluctuating census sizes and the uncertain effects of harvest on specific populations. We hypothesized that IBD would be present because chum salmon spawn in coastal rivers that are distributed along a linear array and gene flow is spatially restricted due to homing. Evidence of very weak IBD was found throughout the region (R2 = 0.06, p < 0.0001) but the strength of the IBD relationship varied greatly over different spatial scales and geographic regions. Decomposed pairwise regression analyses identified nine outlier populations to regional IBD patterns, suggesting that geographic distance is not the only factor influencing genetic differentiation in the region. Instead, population structure appears to be heavily influenced by glacial history of the region and the presence of a glacial refugium on Kodiak Island
Data from: Secondary contact and changes in coastal hydrology influence the nonequilibrium population structure of a salmonid (Oncorhynchus keta)
Numerous empirical studies have reported lack of migration–drift equilibrium in wild populations. Determining the causes of nonequilibrium population structure is challenging because different evolutionary processes acting at a variety of spatiotemporal scales can produce similar patterns. Studies of contemporary populations in northern latitudes suggest that nonequilibrium population structure is probably caused by recent colonization of the region after the last Pleistocene ice age ended ~13 000 years ago. The chum salmon's (Oncorhynchus keta) range was fragmented by dramatic environmental changes during the Pleistocene. We investigated the population structure of chum salmon on the North Alaska Peninsula (NAP) and, using both empirical data and simulations, evaluated the effects of colonization timing and founder population heterogeneity on patterns of genetic differentiation. We screened 161 single nucleotide polymorphisms and found evidence of nonequilibrium population structure when the slope of the isolation-by-distance relationship was examined at incremental spatial scales. In addition, simulations suggested that this pattern closely matched models of recent colonization of the NAP by secondary contact. Our results agree with geological and archaeological data indicating that the NAP was a dynamic landscape that may have been more recently colonized than during the last deglaciation because of dramatic changes in coastal hydrology over the last several thousand years
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