17 research outputs found

    Development of Air Cargo Transport at Regional Airport

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    Sport Performance Structure in Female Pole Vault from the Point of View of Physical Activity Kinematic Parameters

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    This research is oriented at explanation of sport performance by angle, speed, time and space char-acteristics of centre of gravity, positions of body, extremities and pole during approach, take-off and jump realization in female pole vault. Kinematic parameters were gained by two-dimension analyser Consport Motion Analysis System (CMAS). There are involved 19 female pole vault jumpers with sport performance 408.1–490.5 cm (average result 431.2 cm). From the point of biomechanical movement activity analyse we consider as a more objective performance criterion (dependent variable) maximal centre of gravity height that were reached at valid attempts by female pole vault jumpers. By two-dimension (2-D) analyse of group of female pole vault jumpers there were revealed 76 independent variables that entered into process of multiple correlation and regression analysis. On 1st sport structure performance factor level we isolated two complex parameters absolute grip and standing over by which we can explain dependent variable maximal centre of gravity height on 100%. With stated proceeding we could separate seven factors on 2nd level. Three of the parameters horizontal speed of centre of gravity at moment of take-off end, centre of gravity height at moment of take-off end and operating angle during take-off are bound with explanation of absolute grip variable. Four others parameters vertical speed of centre of gravity at the end of pull with turn, centre of gravity height at moment of end of lifting, time duration of take-off and climb angle explain standing over. 14 more factors are found on 3rd sport structure performance level. Thus we succeeded in this process to reduce number of decisive variables with their mutual relationships and hierarchy. Transparent and simplified model of female pole vault sport performance structure enables to coaches and jumpers improve technical training.This research is oriented at explaining angle, speed, time and space characteristics, centre of gravity, positions of body, extremities and the pole during approach, take-off and jump realisation in female pole vault. Kinematic parameters were gained by two-dimension analyser Consport Motion Analysis System (CMAS). 19 female pole vault jumpers were involved with sport performance 408.1–490.5 cm (average result 431.2 cm). From the point of biomechanical movement activity analyse, we considered as a more objective performance criterion (dependent variable) maximal centre of gravity height that was reached in valid attempts by female pole vault jumpers. By two-dimension (2-D) analyse of the group of female pole vault jumpers it revealed 76 independent variables that entered into the process of multiple correlation and regression analysis. On the 1st sport structure performance factor level, we isolated two complex parameters, absolute grip and standing over by which we can explain the dependent variable of maximal centre of gravity height at 100%. With stated procedure we could separate seven factors on the 2nd level. Three of the parameters, horizontal speed and centre of gravity at moment of take-off end, centre of gravity height at moment of take-off end and operating angle during take-off are bound with the explanation of absolute grip variable. Four other parameters vertical speed of centre of gravity at the end of pull with turn, centre of gravity height at the end moment of lifting, time duration of take-off and climb angle explain standing over. 14 more factors are found on 3rd sport structure performance level. Therefore, we succeeded in this process to reduce number of decisive variables with their mutual relationships and hierarchy. Transparent and simplified model of female pole vault sport performance structure enables coaches and jumpers to improve technical training

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology

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    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Sport and Quality of Life 2019 gatheres submissions of participants of the conference. Every submission is the result of positive evaluation by reviewers from the corresponding field. Conference is divided into sections – Analysis of human movement; Sport training, nutrition and regeneration; Sport and social sciences; Active ageing and sarcopenia; Strength and conditioning training; section for PhD students

    Vývoj přenosného systému pro neobtěžující monitoring pocení

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    Portable system for monitoring of excreted fluid through the skin during human activity has been developed and fabricated. The system consists of sensing element that is mounted close to the open skin surface and transmits information about relative humidity levels and temperature through wireless communication to coordinator unit and acquisition point which is equipped by analyzing software performing the calculation of excreted fluid through the skin surface. A special software utility is designed for data storage and user control of the main measured and stored parameters. Obtained information collected in time helps to determine the volume of fluid outgoing from the body by sweating. Basic communication with PC is realized by COM port, virtual port or Bluetooth COM port emulator. The volunteers' tests demonstrated perspective for using the system for athletes, active lifestyle people and elderly people.V rámci projektu byl vytvořen systém pro detekci množštví potu odváděného pokožkou sledovaného člověka během jeho aktivity. Systém je tvořen senzory relativní vlhkosti a teploty v okolí kůže a v okolním prostředí. Získaná data jsou předávána koordinátoru bezdrátové sítě a posléze sběrné jednotce, která data předává do online databáze. Komunikace se sběrnou jednotkou (např. PC) je realizována pomocí COM portu, virtuálního portu, nebo emulaci portu přes Bluetooth. Z naměřených dat je dopočítán celkový výdej vody při pocení. Získané informace pomohou stanovit metabolismus vody v lidském organismu. Systém byl testován na dobrovolnících z řad sportovců, důchodců a aktivních lidí

    Senzorová platforma pro neinvazivní monitorování aktivity a dehydratace organizmu

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    A non-invasive solution for monitoring of the activity and dehydration of organisms is proposed in the work. For this purpose, a wireless standalone chemical sensor platform using two separate measurement techniques has been developed. The first approach for activity monitoring is based on humidity measurement. Our solution uses new humidity sensor based on a nanostructured TiO2 surface for sweat rate monitoring. The second technique is based on monitoring of potassium concentration in urine. High level of potassium concentration denotes clear occurrence of dehydration. Furthermore, a Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) was developed for this sensor platform to manage data transfer among devices and the internet. The WBAN coordinator controls the sensor devices and collects and stores the measured data. The collected data is particular to individuals and can be shared with physicians, emergency systems or athletes' coaches. Long-time monitoring of activity and potassium concentration in urine can help maintain the appropriate water intake of elderly people or athletes and to send warning signals in the case of near dehydration. The created sensor system was calibrated and tested in laboratory and real conditions as well. The measurement results are discussed.Práce se zabývá realizací možného řešení systému pro automatickou detekci aktivity a dehydratace osob. Pro tyto účely byla vyvinuta bezdrátová senzorová platforma kombinující dva samostatné principy měření. První princip je založen na měření vlhkosti pokožky a okolí, z čehož lze dopočítat množství vyloučeného potu. Pro měření vlhkosti pokožky je využito nově vyvinutého senzoru vlhkosti na bázi nanostrukturované vrstvy TiO2. Druhá technika je založena na sledování koncentrace draslíku v moči. Ta je přímo závislá na míře zyvodnění organismu. Mimo samotné senzory byla vytvořena univerzální bezdrátová platforma pro integraci senzorů na těle, přenos dat mezi nimi a pro možnost připojení na internetovou databázi. Data mohou být tímto způsobem sdílena mezi uživatelem, lékařem, záchranným systémem, nebo například sportovním poradcem online. Vytvořený systém byl kalibrován v laboratorních i reálných podmínkách. Výsledky měření jsou v článku blíže diskutovány

    The Structural and Functional Basis of Catalysis Mediated by NAD(P)H:acceptor Oxidoreductase (FerB) of <i>Paracoccus denitrificans</i>

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    <div><p>FerB from <i>Paracoccus denitrificans</i> is a soluble cytoplasmic flavoprotein that accepts redox equivalents from NADH or NADPH and transfers them to various acceptors such as quinones, ferric complexes and chromate. The crystal structure and small-angle X-ray scattering measurements in solution reported here reveal a head-to-tail dimer with two flavin mononucleotide groups bound at the opposite sides of the subunit interface. The dimers tend to self-associate to a tetrameric form at higher protein concentrations. Amino acid residues important for the binding of FMN and NADH and for the catalytic activity are identified and verified by site-directed mutagenesis. In particular, we show that Glu77 anchors a conserved water molecule in close proximity to the O2 of FMN, with the probable role of facilitating flavin reduction. Hydride transfer is shown to occur from the 4-<i>pro</i>-<i>S</i> position of NADH to the solvent-accessible <i>si</i> side of the flavin ring. When using deuterated NADH, this process exhibits a kinetic isotope effect of about 6 just as does the NADH-dependent quinone reductase activity of FerB; the first, reductive half-reaction of flavin cofactor is thus rate-limiting. Replacing the bulky Arg95 in the vicinity of the active site with alanine substantially enhances the activity towards external flavins that obeys the standard bi-bi ping-pong reaction mechanism. The new evidence for a cryptic flavin reductase activity of FerB justifies the previous inclusion of this enzyme in the protein family of NADPH-dependent FMN reductases.</p></div

    Kinetic parameters and standard redox potentials of FerBHis<sub>6</sub> for the wild-type and mutant variants.

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    <p>The apparent Michaelis constant (<i>K<sub>m</sub></i>) for NADH and the catalytic constant (<i>k</i><sub>cat</sub>) were obtained by the initial velocity kinetic analysis at a constant UQ-0 concentration of 0.1 mM. The standard two-electron redox potential (<i>E° ´</i>) was determined spectrophotometrically by equilibrating the protein with a redox dye. The first-order rate constant for flavin cofactor reduction (<i>k<sub>obs</sub></i>) was measured upon rapid mixing the enzyme with 5 mM NADH at 10 °C under anoxic conditions. Experimental details on these measurements are given under Experimental Procedures section.</p

    Overall structure of FerBHis<sub>6</sub> from <i>P. denitrificans</i>.

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    <p>The two protein subunits are shown in yellow and green ribbon representation and two bound FMN cofactors as stick models. The secondary structural elements (five α-helices, three 3<sub>10</sub> helices, five β-sheets and five loops) are designated α, η, β and L and numbered as they appear along the polypeptide chain.</p

    Initial-velocity kinetics of the NADH:FMN oxidoreductase reaction catalyzed by FerBHis<sub>6</sub>-R95A.

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    <p>Measurements were performed at 30 °C with 61 nM enzyme in 25 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.4). Reciprocal initial velocity is plotted against the reciprocals of NADH concentration at a series of fixed concentrations of FMN equal to 10 (squares), 20 (triangles), 50 (circles) and 100 (rhombs) μM.</p