115 research outputs found

    Clarifying misconceptions of extinction risk assessment with the IUCN Red List

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.The identification of species at risk of extinction is a central goal of conservation. As the use of data compiled for IUCN Red List assessments expands, a number of misconceptions regarding the purpose, application and use of the IUCN Red List categories and criteria have arisen. We outline five such classes of misconception; the most consequential drive proposals for adapted versions of the criteria, rendering assessments among species incomparable. A key challenge for the future will be to recognize the point where understanding has developed so markedly that it is time for the next generation of the Red List criteria. We do not believe we are there yet but, recognizing the need for scrutiny and continued development of Red Listing, conclude by suggesting areas where additional research could be valuable in improving the understanding of extinction risk among species

    Prevention of age-related macular degeneration

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the leading causes of blindness in the developed world. Although effective treatment modalities such as anti-VEGF treatment have been developed for neovascular AMD, there is still no effective treatment for geographical atrophy, and therefore the most cost-effective management of AMD is to start with prevention. This review looks at current evidence on preventive measures targeted at AMD. Modalities reviewed include (1) nutritional supplements such as the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) formula, lutein and zeaxanthin, omega-3 fatty acid, and berry extracts, (2) lifestyle modifications, including smoking and body-mass-index, and (3) filtering sunlight, i.e. sunglasses and blue-blocking intraocular lenses. In summary, the only proven effective preventive measures are stopping smoking and the AREDS formula

    The significance of the complement system for the pathogenesis of age-related macular degeneration — current evidence and translation into clinical application

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    BACKGROUND: Dysregulation of the complement system has been shown to play a major role in the pathogenesis of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). METHODS: The current evidence from human studies derives from immunohistochemical and proteomic studies in donor eyes, genetic association studies, and studies of blood complement protein levels. These lines of evidence are corroborated by in vitro and animal studies. RESULTS: In AMD donor eyes, detection of complement proteins in drusen suggested local inflammatory processes involving the complement system. Moreover, higher levels of complement proteins in the Bruch's membrane/choroid complex could be detected in AMD donor eyes compared to controls. A large number of independent genetic studies have consistently confirmed the association of AMD with risk or protective variants in genes coding for complement proteins, including complement factor H (CFH), CFH-related proteins 1 and 3, factor B/C2, C3 and factor I. Another set of independent studies detected increased levels of complement activation products in plasma of AMD patients, suggesting that AMD may be a systemic disease and the macula a vulnerable anatomic site of minimal resistance to complement activation. Genotype-phenotype correlations, including the impact of genetic variants on disease progression, gene-environment and pharmacogenetic interactions, have been investigated. There is evidence that complement gene variants may be associated with the progression from early to late forms of AMD, whereas they do not appear to play a significant role when late atrophic AMD has already developed. There are indications for an interaction between genetic variants and supplementation and dietary factors. Also, there is some evidence that variants in the CFH gene influence treatment effects in patients with neovascular AMD. CONCLUSIONS: Such data suggest that the complement system may have a significant role for developing new prophylactic and therapeutic interventions in AMD. In fact, several compounds acting on the complement pathway are currently in clinical trials. Therapeutics that modulate the complement system need to balance inhibition with preservation of sufficient functional activity in order to maintain adequate immune responses and tissue homeostasis. Specifically, targeting the dysfunction appears more adequate than a global suppression of complement activation in chronic diseases such as AMD

    Genetic polymorphism of the iron-regulatory protein-1 and -2 genes in age-related macular degeneration

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    Iron can be involved in the pathogenesis of AMD through the oxidative stress because it may catalyze the Haber–Weiss and Fenton reactions converting hydrogen peroxide to free radicals, which can induce cellular damage. We hypothesized that genetic polymorphism in genes related to iron metabolism may predispose individuals to the development of AMD and therefore we checked for an association between the g.32373708 G>A polymorphism (rs867469) of the IRP1 gene and the g.49520870 G>A (rs17483548) polymorphism of the IRP2 gene and AMD risk as well as the modulation of this association by some environmental and life-style factors. Genotypes were determined in DNA from blood of 269 AMD patients and 116 controls by the allele-specific oligonucleotide-restriction fragment length polymorphism and the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. An association between AMD, dry and wet forms of AMD and the G/G genotype of the g.32373708 G>A-IRP1 polymorphism was found (OR 3.40, 4.15, and 2.75). On the other hand, the G/A genotype reduced the risk of AMD as well as its dry or wet form (OR 0.23, 0.21, 0.26). Moreover, the G allele of the g.49520870 G>A-IRP2 polymorphism increased the risk of the dry form of the disease (OR 1.51) and the A/A genotype and the A allele decreased such risk (OR 0.43 and 0.66). Our data suggest that the g.32373708 G>A-IRP1 and g.49520870 G>A-IRP2 polymorphisms may be associated with increased risk for AMD

    Emergence of new types of Theileria orientalis in Australian cattle and possible cause of theileriosis outbreaks

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    Theileria parasites cause a benign infection of cattle in parts of Australia where they are endemic, but have, in recent years, been suspected of being responsible for a number of outbreaks of disease in cattle near the coast of New South Wales. The objective of this study was to identify and characterize the species of Theileria in cattle on six farms in New South Wales where disease outbreaks have occurred, and compare with Theileria from three disease-free farms in Queensland that is endemic for Theileria. Special reference was made to sub-typing of T. orientalis by type-specific PCR and sequencing of the small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene, and sequence analysis of the gene encoding a polymorphic merozoite/piroplasm surface protein (MPSP) that may be under immune selection. Nucleotide sequencing of SSU rRNA and MPSP genes revealed the presence of four Theileria genotypes: T. orientalis (buffeli), T. orientalis (ikeda), T. orientalis (chitose) and T. orientalis type 4 (MPSP) or type C (SSU rRNA). The majority of animals showed mixed infections while a few showed single infection. When MPSP nucleotide sequences were translated into amino acids, base transition did not change amino acid composition of the protein product, suggesting possible silent polymorphism. The occurrence of ikeda and type 4 (type C) previously not reported to occur and silent mutation is thought to have enhanced parasite evasion of the host immune response causing the outbreak

    Podoconiosis, trachomatous trichiasis and cataract in northern Ethiopia: a comparative cross-sectional study

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    Background: Rural populations in low-income countries commonly suffer from the co-morbidity of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Podoconiosis, trachomatous trichiasis (both NTDs) and cataract are common causes of morbidity among subsistence farmers in the highlands of northern Ethiopia. We explored whether podoconiosis was associated with cataract or trachomatous trichiasis (TT) among this population. Methods: A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted in East Gojam region, Amhara, Ethiopia in May 2016 . Data were collected from patients previously identified as having podoconiosis and from matched healthy neighbourhood controls. Information on socio- demographic factors, clinical factors and past medical history were collected by an interview-administered questionnaire. Clinical examination involved grading of podoconiosis by examination of both legs, measurement of visual acuity, direct ophthalmoscopy of dilated pupils to grade cataract, and eyelid and corneal examination to grade trachoma. Multiple logistic regression was conducted to estimate independent association and correlates of podoconiosis, TT and cataract. Findings: A total of 700 participants were included in this study; 350 podoconiosis patients and 350 healthy neighbourhood controls. The prevalence of TT was higher among podoconiosis patients than controls (65 (18.6%) vs 43 (12.3%)) with an adjusted odds ratio (OR) 1.55 (95% Confidence Interval (CI) 1.12 - 2.11), p=0.05. There was no significant difference in 3 prevalence of cataract between the two populations with an adjusted OR 0.83 (95% CI 0.55-1.38), p=0.37. Mean best visual acuity was 0.59 (SD +/- 0.06) in podoconiosis cases compared to 0.44 (SD +/- 0.04) in controls, p=< 0.001. The proportion of patients classified as blind was higher in podoconiosis cases compared with healthy controls; 5.6% vs 2.0%; adjusted OR 2.63 (1.08-6.39), P = 0.03. Conclusions Individuals with podoconiosis have a higher burden of TT and worse visual acuity than their matched healthy neighbourhood controls. Further research into the environmental and biological reasons for this co-morbidity is required. A shared approach to managing these two NTDs within the same population could be beneficial

    An association between polymorphism of the heme oxygenase-1 and -2 genes and age-related macular degeneration

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    Iron may be implicated in the generation of oxidative stress by the catalyzing the Haber–Weiss or Fenton reaction. On the other hand, oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathogenesis of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), encoded by the HMOX1 gene and heme oxygenase-2 (HO-2), encoded by the HMOX2 gene are important markers of iron-related oxidative stress and its consequences. Therefore, variability of the HMOX1 and HMOX2 genes might be implicated in the pathogenesis of AMD through the modulation of the cellular reaction to oxidative stress. In the present work, we investigated the association between AMD and a G → C transversion at the 19 position in the HMOX1 gene (the 19G>C-HMOX1 polymorphism, rs2071747) and a A → G transition at the −42 + 1444 position in the HMOX2 gene (the −42 + 1444A>G-HMOX2 polymorphism, rs2270363) and its modulation by some environmental factors. 279 patients with AMD and 105 controls were recruited in this study and the polymorphisms were typed by restriction fragment length polymorphism and allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR). We observed an association between the occurrence of dry AMD and the G/A genotype of the −42 + 1444A>G-HMOX2 polymorphism (odds ratio (OR) 2.72), whereas the G/G genotype reduced the risk of dry AMD (OR 0.41). The G/C genotype and the C allele of the 19 G>C-HMOX1 polymorphism and the G/G genotype and the G allele of the −42 + 1444A>G-HMOX2 polymorphism were associated with progression of AMD from dry to wet form (OR 4.83, 5.20, 2.55, 1.69, respectively). On the other hand, the G/G genotype and the G allele of the 19 G>C-HMOX1 polymorphism and the A/G genotype and the A allele of the −42 + 1444A>G-HMOX2 polymorphism protected against AMD progression (OR 0.19, 0.19, 0.34, 0.59, respectively). Therefore, the 19G>C-HMOX1 and the −42 + 1444A>G-HMOX2 polymorphisms may be associated with the occurrence and progression of AMD

    From Africa to Europe and back: refugia and range shifts cause high genetic differentiation in the Marbled White butterfly Melanargia galathea

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The glacial-interglacial oscillations caused severe range modifications of biota. Thermophilic species became extinct in the North and survived in southern retreats, e.g. the Mediterranean Basin. These repeated extinction and (re)colonisation events led to long-term isolation and intermixing of populations and thus resulted in strong genetic imprints in many European species therefore being composed of several genetic lineages. To better understand these cycles of repeated expansion and retraction, we selected the Marbled White butterfly <it>Melanargia galathea</it>. Fourty-one populations scattered over Europe and the Maghreb and one population of the sibling taxon <it>M. lachesis </it>were analysed using allozyme electrophoresis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We obtained seven distinct lineages applying neighbour joining and STRUCTURE analyses: (i) Morocco, (ii) Tunisia, (iii) Sicily, (iv) Italy and southern France, (v) eastern Balkans extending to Central Europe, (vi) western Balkans with western Carpathian Basin as well as (vii) south-western Alps. The hierarchy of these splits is well matching the chronology of glacial and interglacial cycles since the Günz ice age starting with an initial split between the <it>galathea </it>group in North Africa and the <it>lachesis </it>group in Iberia. These genetic structures were compared with past distribution patterns during the last glacial stage calculated with distribution models.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Both methods suggest climatically suitable areas in the Maghreb and the southern European peninsulas with distinct refugia during the last glacial period and underpin strong range expansions to the North during the Postglacial. However, the allozyme patterns reveal biogeographical structures not detected by distribution modelling as two distinct refugia in the Maghreb, two or more distinct refugia at the Balkans and a close link between the eastern Maghreb and Sicily. Furthermore, the genetically highly diverse western Maghreb might have acted as source or speciation centre of this taxon, while the eastern, genetically impoverished Maghreb population might result from a relatively recent recolonisation from Europe via Sicily.</p

    Patterns of Loss and Regeneration of Tropical Dry Forest in Madagascar: The Social Institutional Context

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    Loss of tropical forests and changes in land-use/land-cover are of growing concern worldwide. Although knowledge exists about the institutional context in which tropical forest loss is embedded, little is known about the role of social institutions in influencing regeneration of tropical forests. In the present study we used Landsat images from southern Madagascar from three different years (1984, 1993 and 2000) and covering 5500 km(2), and made a time-series analysis of three distinct large-scale patterns: 1) loss of forest cover, 2) increased forest cover, and 3) stable forest cover. Institutional characteristics underlying these three patterns were analyzed, testing the hypothesis that forest cover change is a function of strength and enforcement of local social institutions. The results showed a minor decrease of 7% total forest cover in the study area during the whole period 1984–2000, but an overall net increase of 4% during the period 1993–2000. The highest loss of forest cover occurred in a low human population density area with long distances to markets, while a stable forest cover occurred in the area with highest population density and good market access. Analyses of institutions revealed that loss of forest cover occurred mainly in areas characterized by insecure property rights, while areas with well-defined property rights showed either regenerating or stable forest cover. The results thus corroborate our hypothesis. The large-scale spontaneous regeneration dominated by native endemic species appears to be a result of a combination of changes in precipitation, migration and decreased human population and livestock grazing pressure, but under conditions of maintained and well-defined property rights. Our study emphasizes the large capacity of a semi-arid system to spontaneously regenerate, triggered by decreased pressures, but where existing social institutions mitigate other drivers of deforestation and alternative land-use