2,008 research outputs found

    Citizens’ attitudes and perceptions towards genetically modified food in Chile: Special emphasis in CRISPR technology

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    To date, there has been an increase in genome modification biotechnologies that improve production and food security but the process has not been accompanied by the delivery of information about them intended for citizens. This is essential considering that to achieve better health, food security and sustainability these biotechnologies need to be incorporated into production systems. This study aimed to explore perceptions and attitudes of Chilean citizens towards the use of genome modifications with an emphasis on transgenes and genome editing (CRISPR). An electronic questionnaire was applied, and afterwards the results were analysed through descriptive statistics, GLM, Spearman’s correlation and Wilcoxon Signed Rank test. A total of 702 questionnaires were analysed. High awareness of concepts such as transgenic and cloning was reported with CRISPR being the least known term. Most respondents perceived negative effects on health regarding the consumption of genetically modified products, with women having a significantly more negative attitude. Still, a high willingness to use CRISPR for improving animal and human health was reported. When comparing vegetable and animal products that underwent CRISPR or transgenes, the willingness to consume these products was higher for vegetables. The results show that changes in perception can be achieved after providing the definition of CRISPR and transgenic, therefore, consumer education seems to be essential. Science communication focused on making information about genome modification biotechnologies available to citizens could promote more positive attitudes and perceptions and facilitate their future implementation in the country

    Honda, territorio de memoria viva : generación de nuevas dinámicas urbanas a partir de sus elementos patrimoniales

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    El trabajo de grado desarrollado se centra en el estudio de la ciudad de Honda, ubicada en el departamento del Tolima, Colombia. Para esto se decide abordar la investigación desde dos campos de la arquitectura, el urbanismo y el patrimonio, entendiendo a este último como una herramienta para el desarrollo y planificación de la ciudad a una escala urbana. En primera instancia se parte por recopilar toda la información histórica de la ciudad, observando cómo fue el crecimiento de la mancha urbana, pasando desde la época de la conquista hasta el periodo de la república y la actualidad. Adicionalmente se definieron y analizaron los hechos puntuales o “fracturas”, que transformaron positiva o negativamente el tejido urbano de Honda, además estos cambios se analizan desde la escala regional, entendiendo que las dinámicas del territorio tenían una incidencia directa con la evolución del antiguo puerto. Posteriormente, y observando la situación actual en la que se encuentra la ciudad, se procede a emplear el método de investigación de fenómenos urbanos, que permite entender y definir cuáles son las transformaciones que se dieron y se dan actualmente en el territorio. De esta forma se definieron las diferentes problemáticas a escala urbana, que para este estudio fueron: el fenómeno de las islas urbanas, los problemas de relación de lo natural y lo cultural en los bordes, y, la tensión entre vacío y vitalidad urbana. Luego de este análisis, se determina que la zona que requiere mayor intervención es el eje entre el puente de Quebrada seca y el antiguo puerto de Arranca-Plumas. Entre los problemas que se evidencian está la perdida de la memoria histórica, deterioro de los inmuebles patrimoniales y desarticulación con la red de dinámicas urbanas y demás. Finalmente se procede a realizar un análisis del sector empleando la misma metodología de los fenómenos urbanos, adicionalmente se realiza una valoración del sector desde lo urbano, estético, histórico y estado de conservación, para así determinar cómo se tiene que intervenir el lugar y bajo qué criterios de diseño, para poder generar ese fin último que se planteó al comienzo de generar un desarrollo urbano a partir de elementos patrimoniales e históricos.The degree work developed focuses on the study of the city of Honda, located in the department of Tolima, Colombia. For this, it is decided to approach the research from two fields of architecture, urbanism and heritage, understanding the latter as a tool for the development and planning of the city at an urban scale. In the first instance it starts by collecting all the historical information of the city, observing how the growth of the urban sprawl was, going from the time of the conquest to the period of the republic and the present. Additionally, specific events or "fractures" were defined and analyzed, which transformed the urban fabric of Honda positively or negatively, and these changes are analyzed from the regional level, understanding that the dynamics of the territory had a direct impact on the evolution of the old port. . Subsequently, and observing the current situation in which the city is located, we proceed to use the method of urban phenomena research, which allows us to understand and define which are the transformations that occurred and are currently occurring in the territory. In this way the different problems were defined at the urban scale, which for this study were: the phenomenon of urban islands, the problems of the relationship of the natural and the cultural at the edges, and the tension between urban vitality and emptiness. After this analysis, it is determined that the area that requires the greatest intervention is the axis between the dry Quebrada bridge and the old port of Arranca-Plumas. Among the problems that are evident is the loss of historical memory, deterioration of the heritage buildings and disarticulation with the network of urban dynamics and others. Finally, an analysis of the sector using the same methodology of urban phenomena is carried out. In addition, an assessment of the sector is made from the urban, aesthetic, historical and state of conservation, in order to determine how the site has to be intervened and under what circumstances. design criteria, to be able to generate that last goal that was raised at the beginning of generating an urban development from patrimonial and historical elements.Arquitecto (a)Pregrad

    The taste of colours

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    A multitude of crossmodal correspondences have now been documented between taste (gustation) and visual features (such as hue). In the present study, new analytical methods are used to investigate taste-colour correspondences in a more fine-grained manner while also investigating potential underlying mechanisms. In Experiment 1, image processing analysis is used to evaluate whether searching online for visual images associated with specific taste words (e.g., bitter, sweet) generates outcomes with colour proportions similar to those that have been documented in the literature on taste–colour correspondences. Colour–taste matching tasks incorporating a much wider colour space than tested in previous studies, were assessed in Experiments 2 and 3. Experiments 3 and 4 assessed the extent to which the statistical regularities of the environment, as captured by food object categories, might help to explain the aforementioned correspondences and to what extent the correspondences are present in online content associated with specific tastes, respectively. Experiment 5 evaluated the role of statistical regularities in underpinning colour-taste correspondences related to the stage of ripening of fruit. Overall, the findings revealed consistent associations between specific colours and tastes, in a more nuanced manner than demonstrated in previous studies, while at the same time also showing that both food object categories and the stage of fruit ripening significantly influenced colour and taste perceptions. This, in turn, suggests that people might base these correspondences on both the foods present in their environments, as well as the natural changes that they undergo as they ripen. The results are discussed in light of the different accounts that have been suggested to explain colour-taste correspondences

    Aspectos ambientales generados por las prácticas ganaderas en la comunidad de sabaluyoc

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    En la comunidad de Sabaluyoc, existe una práctica ganadera considerable, y al estar ubicada dentro de la reserva de biosfera del Manu, es susceptible a tener un desequilibrio ambiental, por lo tanto, es necesario conocer en qué medidas impactan estas actividades y los aspectos ambientales que se generan para tomar medidas tempranas para evitar el deterioro del ecosistema frágil de la reserva. Por lo tanto, se planteó como objetivo de la investigación, caracterizar los aspectos ambientales por las prácticas ganaderas. Mediante una investigación de tipo descriptivo que consistió en el análisis de los aspectos ambientales a través del reconocimiento histórico de características ambientales de la comunidad de Sabaluyoc e identificación de las prácticas ganaderas, teniendo como resultado mapas de las características históricas a partir del año 2000 al 2020 donde se observa los diferentes cambios de la dinámica de la cobertura vegetal, suelo y agua. Sobresaliendo la pérdida de la cobertura vegetal como un impacto significativo a considerar. La matriz de los aspectos ambientales y la matriz P-E-R indicó que entre los aspectos ambientales identificados se destacan: cambio de dinámica del suelo, contaminación de los recursos hídricos, pérdida de biodiversidad, alteración del paisaje, entre otros. Los aspectos ambientales más importantes generados por la ganadería en la comunidad de Sabaluyoc son, la deforestación, contaminación de suelo, agua y aire, esto implica que un avance en la contaminación de los recursos no renovables, como el agua, suelo, aire y los bosques traería consigo alteraciones importantes que no solo disminuyen la biodiversidad, además que la ganadería emite gases de efecto invernadero en gran cantidad, la ganadería en la comunidad de Sabaluyoc no es una actividad que vaya a disminuir al contrario en los últimos se incrementó

    Context-Bound Workshops: Revealing el learners' understandings of their communities at a language institute

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    Las prácticas de enseñanza de lenguas, más allá de las perspectivas instruccionales y lingüísticas, han sido un desafío que enfrentan los maestros, con el propósito de acompañar el proceso de formación de seres humanos críticos y reflexivos que trabajen por sus realidades. Este reporte de pasantía tuvo un doble propósito: Por un lado, intentó fortalecer la comunicación de los aprendientes de inglés a través de talleres basados en los contextos. Estos talleres fueron diseñados e implementados siguiendo enfoques de aprendizaje comunitario y basado en problemas en conexión con los pilares pedagógicos de un instituto de idiomas ubicado en Bogotá, Colombia. Por otro lado, tuvo la intención de revelar la comprensión de los aprendientes sobre sus comunidades con base en los textos creados por ellos y las notas de campo complementadas con audio grabaciones. Vale la pena señalar que brindar espacios para que los aprendientes sitúen sus conocimientos y expresen libremente sus pensamientos, transforma sus perspectivas hacia la segunda lengua. De esta manera, desafiamos la visión tradicional de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en un instituto de idiomas.Language teaching practices beyond the instructional and linguistic perspectives are challenges that teachers face with the purpose of accompanying the holistic process of social beings with the capacities to critically reflect on their realities and work for them. This internship report had a two-fold purpose: On the one hand, it attempted to strengthen EL learners' communication through context-bound workshops. These workshops were designed and developed following community and problem- based learning approaches in connection with the pedagogical pillars framing the language institute located in Bogotá, Colombia. On the other hand, it intended to reveal learners’ understandings of their communities, based on the text created by them, and fieldnotes complemented with audio recordings. It is worth noting that providing spaces for learners to situate their knowledges and freely express their thoughts transforms their perspectives towards the second language. This challenges the traditional vision of teaching and learning at the language institute

    Boundaries and Contours of Author´s Rights Limitations and Exceptions in Colombia Compared with U.S. Law Fair Use Exception

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    Trabajo de investigación en el cual se hace un análisis jurisprudencial y legal de las normas que regulan los derechos de autor en Colombia en comparación con el sistema de Copyright en Estados Unidos, particularmente sobre la figura del Fair Use en el sistema anglosajón y las limitaciones a los derechos de autor en Colombia.Research project that analyses and compares the jurisprudence and laws of the Autor’s rights in Colombia and the Copyright system in USA, particularly on the subject of the Fair Use doctrine in Anglo-Saxon law and the limitations and exceptions of the Author´s rights in Colombia.Abogado (a)Pregrad

    Un nuevo enfoque de señales y sistemas dinámicos

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    This document based on the concept of Dynamic Systems presents a compilation of singular signals and their applications for Control and Identification. The following paper moves away from the usual presentation of the topic -strictly mathematical- to bring it closer to the Systems Dynamics approach, which implies showing the signals importance in the development of operational character with the direct and inverse Laplace transform and the transfer functions calculation, as well as in the solution of models established by Ordinary Differential Equations with constant coefficients, particularly in first and second order Dynamic Systems stimuli-response that appear in Identification processes.Este documento a partir del concepto de Sistemas Dinámicos presenta una recopilación de las señales singulares y sus aplicaciones para el Control e Identificación. El presente artículo se aleja de la presentación usual del tema –estrictamente matemático- para acercarlo al enfoque de la Dinámica de Sistemas que implica mostrar la importancia de las señales en el desarrollo de carácter operativo con la transformada de Laplace directa e inversa y el cálculo de funciones de transferencia, así como en la solución de modelos establecidos por Ecuaciones Diferenciales Ordinarias con coeficientes constantes, particularmente en estímulo-respuesta de Sistemas Dinámicos de primer y segundo orden que aparecen en procesos de Identificación

    Ag+ release and corrosion behavior of zirconium carbonitride coatings with silver nanoparticles for biomedical devices

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    Zirconium carbonitride coatings with silver nanoparticles were produced by DC unbalanced dual magnetron sputtering system, using two targets, Zr and Zr/Ag in an Ar, C2H2 and N2 atmosphere. Stainless steel 316L and silicon (100) substrates were used for electrochemical and structural characterization, respectively. Silver was found to be well distributed throughout the coatings, maintaining the films' composition in depth, while its diffusion to the electrolyte decreases as immersion time increases, stopping its release after 7 to 8 days of immersion. Electrochemical characterization revealed very stable films that have improved base material, without any diminished corrosion resistance due to the silver content.The authors are grateful to 3B's Research Group in Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics for the ICP measurements and Prof. Isabel Leonor, PhD for her assistance. This research is partially sponsored by FEDER funds through the program COMPETE-Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade and by Portuguese national funds through FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, under the project ANTIMICROBCOAT-PTDC/CTM/102853/2008. This work has also been supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion of Spain through the Consolider-Ingenio 2010 program (CSD2008-00023) and through the project RyC2007-0026