85 research outputs found

    Importancia del bisfenol A, una toxina urémica de origen exógeno, en el paciente en hemodiálisis

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    The Kidney Disease and Diabetes Research Group (IIS-FJD) is funded by the following agencies: Health Research Fund (PI14/00386; PIE13/00051 and PI16/01298), the Spanish Society of Nephrology (SENEFRO) and Fundación Renal Íñiigo Álvarez de Toledo (FRIAT)

    Vegetable-Based Diets for Chronic Kidney Disease? It Is Time to Reconsider

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    Traditional dietary recommendations to renal patients limited the intake of fruits and vegetables because of their high potassium content. However, this paradigm is rapidly changing due to the multiple benefits derived from a fundamentally vegetarian diet such as, improvement in gut dysbiosis, reducing the number of pathobionts and protein-fermenting species leading to a decreased production of the most harmful uremic toxins, while the high fiber content of these diets enhances intestinal motility and short-chain fatty acid production. Metabolic acidosis in chronic kidney disease (CKD) is aggravated by the high consumption of meat and refined cereals, increasing the dietary acid load, while the intake of fruit and vegetables is able to neutralize the acidosis and its deleterious consequences. Phosphorus absorption and bioavailability is also lower in a vegetarian diet, reducing hyperphosphatemia, a known cause of cardiovascular mortality in CKD. The richness of multiple plants in magnesium and vitamin K avoids their deficiency, which is common in these patients. These beneficial effects, together with the reduction of inflammation and oxidative stress observed with these diets, may explain the reduction in renal patients' complications and mortality, and may slow CKD progression. Finally, although hyperkalemia is the main concern of these diets, the use of adequate cooking techniques can minimize the amount absorbed

    Implementación de modelos para la estabilización de taludes con hierba Vetiver

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    El presente trabajo se basa en la estabilización de taludes de suelo arenoso mediante el uso de la planta Vetiver, que brinda una mejora del Factor de Seguridad (F S) por la creación de un nuevo estrato conformado por un sistema suelo raíz en la que incrementa la resistencia al corte por el mecanismo de falla de Coulomb Para ello, se realizaron comparaciones plasmadas en el programa Plaxis 2 D entre los F S de tres taludes con distintos parámetros obtenidos en diversas investigaciones Asimismo, se evidencian aumentos del F S con respecto a los mismos taludes sin presencia de Vetiver

    Lipotoxicity and Diabetic Nephropathy: Novel Mechanistic Insights and Therapeutic Opportunities

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    Lipotoxicity is characterized by the ectopic accumulation of lipids in organs different from adipose tissue. Lipotoxicity is mainly associated with dysfunctional signaling and insulin resistance response in non-adipose tissue such as myocardium, pancreas, skeletal muscle, liver, and kidney. Serum lipid abnormalities and renal ectopic lipid accumulation have been associated with the development of kidney diseases, in particular diabetic nephropathy. Chronic hyperinsulinemia, often seen in type 2 diabetes, plays a crucial role in blood and liver lipid metabolism abnormalities, thus resulting in increased non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA). Excessive lipid accumulation alters cellular homeostasis and activates lipogenic and glycogenic cell-signaling pathways. Recent evidences indicate that both quantity and quality of lipids are involved in renal damage associated to lipotoxicity by activating inflammation, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and cell-death. The pathological effects of lipotoxicity have been observed in renal cells, thus promoting podocyte injury, tubular damage, mesangial proliferation, endothelial activation, and formation of macrophage-derived foam cells. Therefore, this review examines the recent preclinical and clinical research about the potentially harmful effects of lipids in the kidney, metabolic markers associated with these mechanisms, major signaling pathways affected, the causes of excessive lipid accumulation, and the types of lipids involved, as well as offers a comprehensive update of therapeutic strategies targeting lipotoxicity

    Duodenopancreatectomía cefálica de urgencia tras una ingesta masiva de cáusticos

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    La ingesta de sustancias cáusticas es una emergencia que sigue observándose en adultos, principalmente con intención autolítica. Se recomienda un manejo agresivo de estos pacientes, ya que en caso de presentarse hemorragia o sospecha de necrosis y perforación, sólo la cirugía precoz con resección de todas las estructuras lesionadas puede salvar sus vidas. Cuando la..

    Results of the management of upper gastrointestinal bleeding from gastroesophageal varices

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    Introducción: el tratamiento de la hemorragia digestiva alta por rotura de varices esofágicas y/o gástricas en pacientes con cirrosis hepática debe estar dirigido al control inicial de la hemorragia sin alterar más una función hepática ya deteriorada , y a la prevención de la recidiva hemorrágica precoz. Métodos endoscópicos, farmacológicos y quirúrgicos forman el conjunto de alternativas terapéuticas. Material y métodos: estudio prospectivo de los resultados obtenidos tras el seguimiento de 90 episodios hemorrágicos de un total de 54 pacientes, 35 hombres y 19 mujeres, con una edad media de 58 años (32-77), sobre los que se aplicó un protocolo terapéutico de la hemorragia aguda secundaria a la hipertensión portal, durante un periodo de 22 meses. La clasificación según Child-Pugh al ingreso fue 57% Child A, 34% Child B y 9% Child C. Resultados: la estancia media hospitalaria fue de 9 días (2-50). De los 90 episodios hemorrágicos, se registraron 15 recidivas hemorrágicas precoces (16,7%). Murieron 12 pacientes (mortalidad del 22,2% por pacientes y del 13,4% por episodios hemorrágicos). Se realizaron 12 intervenciones de urgencias por persistencia de la hemorragia. El 41% de los pacientes reingresaron por recidiva de la hemorragia al menos una vez durante el periodo de seguimiento. Conclusiones: el tratamiento de la hemorragia digestiva alta por varices esófago-gástricas con cirrosis hepática, requiere un conjunto de diferentes tratamientos para obtener la máxima eficacia en el episodio hemorrágico agudo y poder abarcar todas las posibles repercusiones a posteriori; dicho tratamiento debería ser realizado en un centro hospitalario que disponga de material y personal especializado en esta patología. En nuestra experiencia, la cirugía de urgencias, como tratamiento de rescate de la hemorragia persistente o recidivante a corto plazo, sólo tendría lugar en algunos pacientes con una buena función hepática dada su alta morbi/mortalida

    Hyperlipidemia-associated renal damage decreases Klotho expression in kidneys from ApoE knockout mice

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    Background: Klotho is a renal protein with anti-aging properties that is downregulated in conditions related to kidney injury. Hyperlipidemia accelerates the progression of renal damage, but the mechanisms of the deleterious effects of hyperlipidemia remain unclear. Methods: We evaluated whether hyperlipidemia modulates Klotho expression in kidneys from C57BL/6 and hyperlipidemic apolipoprotein E knockout (ApoE KO) mice fed with a normal chow diet (ND) or a Western-type high cholesterol-fat diet (HC) for 5 to 10 weeks, respectively. Results: In ApoE KO mice, the HC diet increased serum and renal cholesterol levels, kidney injury severity, kidney macrophage infiltration and inflammatory chemokine expression. A significant reduction in Klotho mRNA and protein expression was observed in kidneys from hypercholesteromic ApoE KO mice fed a HC diet as compared with controls, both at 5 and 10 weeks. In order to study the mechanism involved in Klotho down-regulation, murine tubular epithelial cells were treated with ox-LDL. Oxidized-LDL were effectively uptaken by tubular cells and decreased both Klotho mRNA and protein expression in a time- and dose-dependent manner in these cells. Finally, NF-κB and ERK inhibitors prevented ox-LDL-induced Klotho downregulation. Conclusion: Our results suggest that hyperlipidemia-associated kidney injury decreases renal expression of Klotho. Therefore, Klotho could be a key element explaining the relationship between hyperlipidemia and aging with renal disease.This work has been supported by grants from FIS (Programa Miguel Servet: CP10/00479) to JAM and ISCIII (Programa de Estabilizacio´n) and PI10/00234 to LMBC. Fundacio´n Conchita Ra´bago to CS and ARN. Ministry of Science (SAF2012/38830) and Sociedad Espan˜ola de Nefrologia to CGG. ISCIII and FEDER funds PS09/00447, Sociedad Espan˜ola de Nefrologia, ISCIII-RETIC REDinREN/RD06/0016, Comunidad de Madrid/CIFRA/S2010/BMD-2378 to AO, and ISCIII-Redes RECAVA (RD06/0014/0035) REDINREN (RD12/0021/), European Network (HEALTH F2-2008-200647), Euro Salud EUS2005-03565, cvREMOD, Fundacion Lilly, FRIAT and ISCIII fund PI10/00072 to JE. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Evaluación de las técnicas de vegetación como método para la estabilización de taludes

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    El presente trabajo se enfoca en el uso de la vegetación como método alternativo para la estabilización de taludes Para esto, es importante tener un criterio acerca de la selección de especies vegetales y el método de plantación a utilizar en una zona Asimismo, se comparan 3 tipos de plantas Vetiver, Pinus Radiata D y Eucalyptus globulus tomando como referencia dos investigaciones realizadas a taludes basados en los factores de seguridad La V etiver muestra los mejores resultados con respecto al F S y se observa un incremento diferencial de la cohesión a los 2 años de plantación acompañado del crecimiento del ángulo de fricción

    Sarcopenia assessed by 4-step EWGSOP2 in elderly hemodialysis patients: Feasibility and limitations

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    In 2019, EWGSOP2 proposed 4 steps to diagnose and assess sarcopenia. We aimed to quantify the prevalence of sarcopenia according to the EWGSOP2 diagnostic algorithm and to assess its applicability in elderly patients on hemodialysis. Methods, Prospective study of 60 outpatients on chronic hemodialysis aged 75- to 95-years, sarcopenia was assessed according to the 4-step EWGSOP2: Find: Strength, Assistance walking, Rise from a chair, Climb stairs, and Falls (SARC-F); Assess: grip strength by dynamometry (GSD) and sit to stand to sit 5 (STS5); Confirm: appendicular skeletal muscle mass (ASM) by bioimpedance; Severity: gait speed (GS), Timed-Up and Go (TUG), and Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB). Results, The sequential four steps resulted in a prevalence of confirmed or severe sarcopenia of 20%. Most (97%) patients fulfilled at least one criterion for probable sarcopenia. The sensitivity of SARC-F for confirmed sarcopenia was low (46%). Skipping the SARC-F step increased the prevalence of confirmed and severe sarcopenia to 40% and 37%, respectively. However, 78% of all patients had evidence of dynapenia consistent with severe sarcopenia. Muscle mass (ASM) was normal in 60% of patients, while only 25% had normal muscle strength values (GSD). Conclusions According to the 4-step EWGSOP2, the prevalence of confirmed or severe sarcopenia was low in elderly hemodialysis patients. The diagnosis of confirmed sarcopenia underestimated the prevalence of dynapenia consistent with severe sarcopenia. Future studies should address whether a 2-step EWGSOP2 assessment (Assess-Severity) is simpler to apply and may provide better prognostic information than 4-step EWGSOP2 in elderly persons on hemodialysisThis research received no external funding. EGP, SM and AO research groups are funded by Ministerio de Economia, Industria y competitividad: FIS/Fondos FEDER (PI16/01298, PI17/00257, PI18/01386, PI19/00588, PI19/00815, PI20/00487, PI21/01430, ERA-PerMed-JTC2018 (KIDNEY ATTACK AC18/00064 and PERSTIGAN AC18/00071, ISCIII-RETIC REDinREN RD016/0009), and Sociedad Española de Nefrología, Comunidad de Madrid en Biomedicina B2017/BMD-3686 CIFRA2-CM. All authors want to thank Fundación Renal Íñigo Álvarez de Toledo (FRIAT) for it support to renal research in Spain. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscrip

    Pathogenic pathways and therapeutic approaches targeting inflammation in diabetic nephropathy

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    Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is associated with an increased morbidity and mortality, resulting in elevated cost for public health systems. DN is the main cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and its incidence increases the number of patients that develop the end-stage renal disease (ESRD). There are growing epidemiological and preclinical evidence about the close relationship between inflammatory response and the occurrence and progression of DN. Several antiinflammatory strategies targeting specific inflammatory mediators (cell adhesion molecules, chemokines and cytokines) and intracellular signaling pathways have shown beneficial effects in experimental models of DN, decreasing proteinuria and renal lesions. A number of inflammatory molecules have been shown useful to identify diabetic patients at high risk of developing renal complications. In this review, we focus on the key role of inflammation in the genesis and progression of DN, with a special interest in effector molecules and activated intracellular pathways leading to renal damage, as well as a comprehensive update of new therapeutic strategies targeting inflammation to prevent and/or retard renal injury.The authors work has been supported by grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII, FIS-FEDER PI17/00130, PI17/01495, PI19/00588, ERA-PerMed-JTC2018-PERSTIGAN AC18/00071), Spanish Biomedical Research Centre in Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Disorders (CIBERDEM) and Cardiovascular (CIBERCV), Fondecyt Project (No. 1160465), Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RTI2018-098788-B-100, DTS17/00203, DTS19/00093, RYC-2017-22369), and Spanish Societies of Cardiology (SEC), Nephrology (SEN) and Atherosclerosis (SEA). The “PFIS” and “Sara Borrell” training program of the ISCIII supported the salary of MGH (FI18/00310), SR-M (CD19/00021) and CH-B (CP16/00017). Córdoba University supported the salary of C.G.C